Thought for the Day - Page 13

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey everyone, I hope you had a great twinkly weekend. Mine was full of fun surprises. Mostly good ones. : - )

Well, I've finally achieved my goal. According to my counselor, I'm quoting here. "you are a member of the quirky, eccentric, Mensa Group." Which made me LOL! I never aspired to become a member of Mensa. In my humble opinion, I think it's a bunch of hooiee, and every one of us, is unique and has something special to contribute to this world. : - )
But I'm happy to know I'm considered "quirky and eccentric". LOL!

I'm gathering, you all are out in the garden, and getting your yards ready for the traditional Memorial Day weekend BBQ. Me too. Taking me forever, as my helper got real work for this week. : - )
I'm happy for him, because he earns more $$ and I can get one of the other kids to help. I guess the open house policy with my boys friends is paying off.
Not to mention ES is turning 22 this weekend and will want those friends to come over and Party! (I confiscate keys or make sure they have a sober Designated Driver, otherwise I come through in the middle of the night and give all the sleepers on the floor and furniture, blankets. It gets cold before morning.

Okay those were some of my thoughts, and I'm feeling lonely here.
I really miss Shermie, where are you? : - (
Where is everyone?

Okay, I don't mind talking to myself so this shouldn't be much different. LOL!

My quote for the day.
"Friends are the most important part of your life.
Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter,
but most importantly, treasure the memories."
~Dave Brenner~

So my friends, know in your hearts, that I treasure You!
Walk In Beauty~

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Quirky and eccentric people often talk to themselves......

I have been lurking, not avoiding. Had been feeling a little skunky from around pre-Easter till last week, but have to thank drugs and I ame feeling better! YAY!! I have had a young man (corner guy) working here and he has been a gem. He says he 'loves to work' and gets here at 7AM, works till 6, takes 15 min for lunch. He is a self starter and keeps going, not stopping. Wish I had SW's summer boys, they sound cheaper, anyway, but it is just wonderful to be getting all the weeds (and I do mean ALL). He has also planted some plants (after I made 'baskets' for the roots) and divided and replanted some perennials, trimmed trees and put in chicken wire and concrete at the base of our common fence with a neighbor where the dogs (particularly a new one we have) have dug out 4 times in 8 days! Should finish up tomorrow, told him it would only likely be a 1/2 day as I cannot throw more money into this. I want to adopt him. He has been here 7 years from Guatamala and has not seen his family since then. He married a girl from Mexico and they have 2 children. VERY little English and his dialect is different than those from Mexico, so I am being challenged.

I am glad your mom is doing better, SW. And WHERE is Shermie? Don't think I have heard from or about her since before the round up.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I'm still here, just AWOL a bit. Things are once again hectic with grandbaby #2 coming in July, it's a boy, grandbaby #3 is due in November, it's a girl!
I've been busy in the iris garden too. You all missed the blooms, they were fantastic!
Hugs to everyone!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, this isn't exactly a thought-for-the-day, but it made me chuckle, so I thought I'd share it. My cat may never forgive me for laughing.

Little Tim was in the garden filling in a hole when his neighbour peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely asked, "What are you up to there, Tim?" "My goldfish died," replied Tim tearfully, without looking up, "and I've just buried him." The neighbour was concerned, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?" Tim patted down the last heap of earth then replied, "That's because he's inside your cat."

Have a great day!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Tee, hee!! LOL!! Good one, Angie!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.....It's about learning to dance in the rain". Vivian Green

If it would rain I would dance in it.

My squash and tomatoes are doing very good, just praying I get some good crops this year. I think I need more growing space or plant things that don't take up much room.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Pegi - you could always go vertical. I kept this photo I saw of someone's garden that even grew melon vertically! Stockings support them (I started using them as ties for tomatoes last year), but I have heard of even using bras to support big squash, lol. Growing the old style cuke and beans and not the newer bush varieties helps too. In the container forum last year, I saw clever methods, like a pole that held pots a varying levels, or pots hung on fences or one very clever idea of using rows of rain gutters mounted on a fence or garage wall to grow lettuces, spinach and other shallow needs plants.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I guess I'm going to try vertical, have some tall stakes I'll just stick in the ground and let the vines go where they may. I've saved some of those mesh bags that onions, etc. come in, they may come in handy now. Neighbor gave me a lot of naked lady bulbs and have to get them planted. Now DH thinks having a lot of naked ladies in back would be nice. LOL

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry I haven't been around the last few days. My EB#2 and his family came out for a visit from Utah. They've been a huge help with Momma. She is allowing my SIL to clean up her kitchen, and take care of a few other chores.
While I really enjoy their company, I was surprised to hear from them on Saturday night about 8:00, because I thought that they'd postponed their visit. One of their kids got sick and you know how that usually goes through the whole family. In their rush to get their 4 kids and all their stuff packed up, they neglected to let us know they were coming! When they called they were in Barstow. Accckk!
Especially since that night was my ES's 22nd party, and all of his buddies were here and since they are old enough they were drinking, too. I won't let them drive home if they've been drinking so I didn't have much bed space here. They ended up sleeping their first night (got in at 11:30 due to the strong headwinds), on Mom's front porch. Which was okay until we got that slight drizzle rain about 4:30-5:00 am. I was up and dragging in furniture. Sigh . . .
Such weird weather this year.
Yesterday, was my youngest nephew's It was fun, but I sure did get tired quick. It was a good day.
Got to go!

"No one is completely useless. They can always serve as a bad example."

Hugs to all~

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Good to hear from you SW. I haven't been around much lately either.
Hello everyone!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow, sounds like you had a houseful! Nothing like unexpected guests, when you already have a whole crew crashed in your house. :)

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yup, but I've enjoyed most of their visit. : - )
Just like a barrel of monkey's never a dull moment. LOL!
I got to get the boys ready for the Annual Toad Hunt.

La Quinta, CA(Zone 9b)

I've been missing the whole lot of you and glad to be back online. My sunflowers are about a foot tall and my butterfly bush is Growing well too. The heat is starting to crank up here in the desert so I'm hoping all my newer plants live. I will start taking pics over the weekend.

Look forward to catching up- have a great evening !

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi Idblond, glad to see you back posting. Looking forward to pics of your plants.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Glad to hear from you! Yes, I am afraid real summer weather is about to get us, but sure appreciated the unusally comfortable spring!

SW is having several problems both physical to her and situational at home and with her mom. She had a hard fall a couple weeks ago and that has affected her eyesight, reading and typing on the computer are out for awhile. If she has shared her phone number with any of you, a call would be appreciated, I am sure.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Thank you Lynda for the info on Jules. I'll give her a call.
Hope everyone is doing well. Summer is here!

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Man o man is it!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear SW is out of touch for a while! She's kind of the heart of this thread (no offense to the rest of the regular contributors!). If anyone talks to her, give her my regards!

Just got back from an almost 3 week driving trip covering 6 states and at least that many national and state parks and forests. Whew, am I exhausted! I planned to just take a couple of lazy days to recover, but 3 days after we got home, I am still just wiped out. The weeds are totally out of control in my garden, and I have no energy to go tackle them. Why do I need a vacation to recover from my vacation? LOL Good thing I am home for the summer (school's out for the summer!) or I'd be in trouble!


(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Sorry to hear that Jules took a bad fall. Yep, she does seem to be the heart of this thread, having two gardening round ups at her place puts her at the top of my list. Me thinks she works too hard! Not saying I didn't enjoy the others I've gone to because they really were enjoyable.

Enjoyed our spring, but not looking forward to our summer.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Bookerc1 - I am about to venture out on one of those driving trips. DH bought a used car in FL or all places (online). Cherry 2000 cadillac. I guess FL is the place to get low mileage, well maintained nice cars. Where seniors go before they die is what I believe he said. Anyway I am flying there on the 4th and so far am driving it back alone. DD has no desire to drive that long (neither do I, actually) and hates the idea of being in a cadillac. Heck, I am still to young for one of those, ha-ha. DH totalled our Taurus 3 weeks ago (hence the new car) and between his problem eyes (hence the accident) and pain pills for all his pain, there is no point in him going. Guess who that leaves?! Will visit family in Dallas area, maybe some DG friends? Will try to see some new stuff, as I have never been to MS, AL or LA on that route. However, considering temps and humidity, they maybe should be drive through states!!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow, be safe! That is a long drive all alone. Do you ever listen to audio books? I love them on long drives. They keep me alert better than music, and really help pass the time. Our library has some, and Cracker Barrel restaurant also has a selection that you "rent" at one Cracker Barrell, and can return at any other in the chain. Hope the A/C is in good working order! LOL

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey All,
I am glad QG, told you all that I've been having a hard time with the vision thing. Tis true, about my Mom. She had a major stroke while at the Dr.s office for her heart appt. We're still waiting to hear when they are going to do that heart surgery.
You know family is wonderful. I got to hand it to my Sis, and SIL#1 (she is married to EB#2, but was my first SIL). Between them, they
have made this whole ordeal better. Sis translated and talks to the Dr.s, and then tells us what that really means. SIL#1 has been awesome about getting Mom into a good Rehab place, right here in town. While I can't always visit her everyday, I can and do call her.
Best news there is I know she is in good hands, it's a really nice and caring place. All my sibs have been helpful and supportive. Now if only they'd do the heart surgeries so she can really start to recover.
Lord, forgive me for being grateful that I don't have to pick her up again.
You all, were too kind in your comments about me, and I will take them in the spirit they were intended. (You got me tearing up and blushing!) Okay, enough gushy stuff.
Finally got my new glasses. Yea! I can sort of see again. : - )
I had them get me trifocals, which are transition lenses, so no lines, and they are photo sensitive. I even like the flower shaped bling on the ear pieces of the glasses. : - )
Thing is it takes time to get used to them. But the good news is that I still have great peripheral vision even while wearing them. My aim is coming back. LOL!
I've missed all of you too. I hope that QG has a safe journey and will be praying for her.
BookerC, I need a vacation just from packing! I hope you can get your weeds under control soon. Mine are very happy right now.
Good to see you posting again, IDBlond, but you did have to rush with your planting, so I wasn't expecting to hear from you right away. This year have you been having cooler than normal weather? We have.
Sami, darling, it's always good to hear from you. What did you end up doing with your bowling ball mosaic? : - )
Weegy, I'm sorry, I must have missed your call. My phone keeps falling apart, which is most annoying. I'm hoping that you are spending lots of time with our lovely young Emma. : - )
I got a wonderful Surprise yesterday. : - ) A plant that I'd gotten from CA Sue? (Donna?) (It's a bad thing when you can't remember the name, but hey, I know the date! LOL!), at the first RU we hosted was still alive! I was so happy to see that I hadn't killed it. It was hiding under some other plants and well shaded, but then again I have things blooming out of season all over the place. Weird weather this year for sure.
My summer kid is getting our rental ready to rent out again, so I don't have his help with the yard work right now, and am Blessing who ever came up with automatic watering timer systems.
Was actually reading a book today when I came across this quote that I just had to share with you all.
BTW, I came across others, but just couldn't see well enough to share 'em.

"The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
~Albert Einstein~

Don't know if I'll be able to post every day for a while. My vision still goes wonky with being on the computer too long.
Have so much to catch up on though. The baby burrowing owl, the gopher snake, Bubba, ES's Anime' Convention, Pow Wow, and the
4th of July coming up, so much to talk about and catch up on.
But for now, let's just say, I haven't been bored. LOL~
I really missed you all.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

While I was on vacation, we stayed two nights at a little place called Chico Hot Springs in Montana. I was thrilled to find they had a garden and greenhouse behind the lodge, to supply the restaurant with fresh seasonal produce, and welcomed guests to go wander through and enjoy. They had little signs posted throughout with gardening quotes, and thinking of this thread, I took pictures of most of them! :)

Here's the first:

"To move freely, you must be deeply rooted." Bella Lewitsky

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I like that one, Angie. : - )

"The best part of life is when your family becomes
your friends and your friends become your family."

Oh, weegy! I am sorry I missed the news about GB#2, are you sure it's a boy yet? What's the due date? Are there names picked out?
I love babies, and you are so Blessed, weegy dear. : - ) I am surprised you have any time at all to go on-line. LOL!
Be well everyone. I seem to have caught a fever of some sort. No doubt at DH's class reunion. The restaurant they chose was toxic, and really cold. Even DH was affected.
I am going to take my meds and a nap.
Dress won't be done for the Pow Wow this weekend, but there will be other Pow Wow's.
Mom's surgery (I think?) is scheduled for July 6th. Sis's
Keep us in your prayers.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

SW, so sorry to hear about your mom's stroke! I'm glad they've scheduled her surgery. Heart issues aren't something you want to leave unmanaged for longer than absolutely necessary!

Love your quote!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yup Angie, it's been driving all of us kids nuts, trying to get it scheduled, but that's another story, and I'm really having a hard time staying awake. Here's another before I pass out. LOL!

"If you never lose then you can never appreciate the victories."
~Laura Twitchell~

Thanks for caring, and please keep them positive thoughts coming our way. I know they help. : - )

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

We sure missed you while you were offline. The whole thread went quiet. I hope you get some rest, and have a chance to recover yourself! That virus doesn't sound good!

Another great quote, by the way. I tried to teach my boys something similar, as they bemoaned their losses in baseball and soccer. Winning wouldn't mean nearly as much to them if they'd never experienced losing. Seems that is a lost philosophy these days. What kind of self-esteem will they build when everyone receives the same reward, regardless of whether they've earned it?

Keeping the prayers and positive thoughts headed your way, SW. Be well!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Angie,
I was able to make it in for my mani-pedicure. If I am able to go to Pow Wow this weekend, it would be good to have them talons trimmed. : - )
I tried to teach my boys that the only way you learn is by making mistakes. They weren't into organized sports. (Thank goodness!)
They were too busy running the hills, swimming, swinging, going on toad and lizard hunts. Even a few nights of star gazing and looking for meteors. Then they discovered the computer, and built their caves around it. Sigh.
Well here is another one for you.

"The power of the human will to compete and
the drive to excel beyond the body's normal capabilities
is most beautifully demonstrated in the arena of sport."
~Aimee Mullins~

IMHO, dancing is not just an art form, but also a sport.
In my case it also has spiritual aspects, too.

I don't know if I gave you this one before, but it is a goldie! : - )

"To find joy in work is
to discover the fountain of youth."
~Pearl S. Buck~

Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July Holiday.

PS~photo of me at the San Luis Rey Pow Wow with my friend Ronnie. I'm the short one with the long hair. LOL! : - )

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Santa Barbara, CA(Zone 10a)

I've enjoyed lurking and reading the all the thoughts you have shared.

I would like to add a thought that I've always liked.

George Eliot wrote this one. . . . "It is never too late to become what you might have been."

Have a great 4th.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Welcome to this thread Bby. I like George Eliot (wasn't she a woman author?) And that quote is a goody! One to try to improve on every day. : - )
I must be getting used to my new glasses. When I clicked on the thumbnail of Ronnie and me, 'cause it looked like our heads were chopped off, (which Queen kept saying that in "Alice of Wonderland"?)
and I noticed that my eyes are closed, too. I always seem to know and blink for posed photos. LOL!
Except with that brown pelican last year. : 0 )
Quick update on my Mom, and my own condition, because this is the only time I'm going to have for the next few days. Mom goes in on Wed. July 6th (sis's, for her heart surgery. EB#1 will be with her at the hospital. I have 3 Dr. appt's that day myself, and will go hang out with my brother when I get done with the second one. Keep us in your prayers. It's all in the Creator's hands now.

I found this quote in the Harris' Farmer's Almanac, 2010 edition.
"Keep in mind that even if you are on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there."

Hoping everyone had a great Independence Day. Ours was hot, but we did go to the Pow Wow at Pechanga on Saturday. Photos haven't been downloaded yet. Ran into a lot of friends and had a good day, and enjoyed their fireworks. : - )
What'd you all do?

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Love the picture of you, even with your eyes closed. I have a knack for doing that, too! Will keep you and your family in prayer as you deal with all these health issues!

Here is my thought for the day, another from the gardens at Chico Hot Springs in Montana:

Live each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. ~Henry David Thoreau

Santa Barbara, CA(Zone 10a)

Keeping you and your mother in our thoughts and prayers Singing Wolf. We hope everything goes well.

Yes, George Eliot is a pseudonym for Mary Anne Evans. What an interesting life. . . .

It is warm and humid on the central coast. Guess it is all that moisture coming up from the gulf of Mexico. It even has the dogs down and out. We spent a quiet fourth. Watched the capitol's celebration on TV. Hubby wasn't up to doing anything this year. He has been having problems with his breathing and this weather doesn't help much.

Take care everyone.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I'm praying for you and your family Jules. Hope all goes well.
Let us know how all of your appointments went too.

"If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" don't know who said it, but I do.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Hope your mom's surgery, and all of your doctor appointments, went well today, Jules! Keeping you guys in prayer. I know you'll update us when you get a chance to check in next, but in the meantime, sending healing thoughts your way!

OK, time for another "Thought for the Day" from that greenhouse in Montana:

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." Kahlil Gibran

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you one and all. : - )
Okay, first the update on Mom. Her surgery has been postponed to July 13th due to someone not ordering the stent she needs for the surgery. : - (
EB#1 insisted on bringing her home until then. She has to have someone with her that can lift her at all times. My boys are not happy.
EB#1 blew up his engine (will he ever learn to check fluids?) on the trip up here. YS is sitting with his Gma, while EB#1 talks to the bank about getting a loan.
My Rheumatologist wants me to gain back the 10 lbs. I lost the last few weeks of being a yo yo. I totally forgot to ask her the questions I meant to about my thyroid panel test, because she moved my appt. time. Rats! She also would rather have me taking vicodin, but I won't, that stuff is terrible for IBS. So I think she gave up on me and told me to come back in 2 months and let her know if I need refills. She was in a rush to get to all the patients so she wouldn't miss some last minute meeting.
Why is it that you have to pay the DR. if you don't give them 24 hours notice, but they don't even say they are sorry when they rearrange your whole day by giving you less that 24 hours notice when they change your appt? It's not fair, and it added to my stress. If it happens again I guess I'll be looking for a new Rheumatologist. I waited longer than she actually spent talking to me. Heck, most chiropractors spend more time than she spent with me yesterday.
I'm really disappointed.
The counseling went fine. Except for having to climb the stairs because some one without a handicapped placard, parked in the only handicapped spot on that level. Grrr!
We almost had a thunderstorm, and I saw a lot of lightning up towards Cucamonga, and the San Gorgonio Mts.
My Chiropractor gave me a good tune up. : - )
Then I came home a took a much needed nap.

BookerC, you are much too kind. I am wearing my old Tear Dress in that photo. I believe Ronnie is Apache, which is why she gets to wear the cooler short sleeves. : - )
Still have to download the photos I took and had taken over the weekend.
Love that Thoreau quote. : - )
Barbsbackyard, thanks for letting me know who the person is behind the pseudonym. : - ) I'm going to see if I can find a biography on her at the library.
I've always enjoyed Kahlil Gibran's writings, but that quote is a grand one. People forget sometimes we are a part of Creation not apart from it.
Hope your DH feels better soon, too! : - )
Weegy, I can't remember who said that about luck either. Maybe Mae West? I hope you didn't mean that you've been having bad luck lately?
This is all I got for you today.

"My life is a soap opera, and just as soon as I find out who is writing the script I'm suing."


Ontario, CA(Zone 8b)

I like that quote SingingWolf. Definitely need to find out who is writing this thing! =)

It drives me crazy, too, that we have to pay to cancel last minute, but there are no consequences for the doctor moving appointments around. Sometimes I get so irritated when they call to have me come in at a different time, I just cancel right there. It's hard enough to just make it to the doctor's offices without having the scheduling all messed up.

I hear you about the vicodin and IBS. My old pain doc had me on pain meds for a long time, and they tore up my digestive system. I won't touch any pain meds now unless I have to go to the ER for a severe migraine or something. I really wish that doctors would better think through the consequences of the medications they prescribe.

This heat is kicking my butt. I'm ready for fall. =)


No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Sharon and Weegy - thought of you guys when we were at and around Ontario Mills the other day.

Barbsbackyard - welcome, don't believe I have seen you on any other forums before. I used to live in SB and would love to live there again, but who can afford to go back? Love the moderate climate there. Your 'hot and humid' is not likely like ours, lol. What part of the city do you live in? Our family lived near 154 and Foothill, across from La Colina Jr Hi, then as a young adult lived in the Isla Vista area near UCSB. I went to San Marcos HS and one of my good friends lives across Hollister from SMHS now. I am way overdue for a respite (er, visit) there. Have considered going back for Fiesta one of these years.

SW - Sounds like a couple jugs of De Jongs chocolate milk are called for for you!! Sounds like you are coming to the same conclusion about your Rheumatologist as DH did (and she could afford a few extra pounds herself!). Anymore I am more surprised when we DON'T have to wait a long time in a doctor's waiting room. I keep the Reader's Digest in my purse to always assure I have reading material. Amazingly some waiting rooms have nothing to read. Hope you and mom are doing better.

We continue to drive all over (put 1000 miles on our 'new to us' car in 10 days) for doctor and other appts in 3 counties as I chauffeur DH around while his sight is still off. He drove on his own yesterday to Temecula to a car service place and next thing you know he drove to look at property in Fallbrook. Scary thought of him driving in unknown territory, likely in hills and such. I sent a text to a sister a couple days ago about being stressed about spending long days as a chauffeur while being criticized about my driving. Funny sis wrote back "tell Stevie Wonder to get in, buckle up and shut up"!

Ontario, CA(Zone 8b)

Aw, quiltygirl, you were in our neck of the woods! =) Wow, I cannot believe you guys put so many miles on the car in so little time! You really are driving all over the place for these appts!

SingingWolf - Did your mom go in for surgery? Hope that all has gone well with that!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you and your funny Sis, for the best laugh I've had in weeks. : - )
DH always drives because he constantly criticizes my ultra-cautious driving. Except when he drinks. I've told him that the next time he criticizes me when I'm driving, I will have a piece of duct tape stuck to the back of his headrest and will apply it to his mouth. Honestly, it's hard enough without him stressing me out.
Some DeJong's is definitely called for. : - )
Call me when you aren't being a chauffeur, okay?
RE: Dr.s I did tell them that it was the 2nd time in a row that I had to reschedule for her last minute business meetings, and I need more than 24 hours to wrap my brain around things. She(the Dr.) is awfully skinny her own self, and taller than me too. You think I should start telling her to eat? LOL!
The thing about Dr.s is they don't want you to get better, they just want to treat your symptoms, as if there were no cures. Now I know that isn't true about all Dr.s but it seems to me (IMHO), that these days most Dr.s are pimps for the pharmaceutical companies. I think I'd be in better health if I hadn't followed their advice and just stuck to homeopathic remedies.
About migraines. They are awful, and I've had more than my fair share. I found a chiropractor who can make them go away. It's painful for about five minutes for both of us. He has to put pressure in a certain place where my neck and head connect, and when he's done I go home and sleep for a bit, and when I wake up, the horrible pain is gone. I am so lucky sometimes. Thanks be to the Creator, and to my chiropractor.
SSharon, Momma had the surgery on the 13th, and was released into EB#1's care the next day. I haven't seen her since I caught some kind of respiratory thing, been running a fever, sleeping a lot, and staying as far away from EB#1 as I can get.

I keep thinking about it, and I think that it was Mae West or W.C. Fields who said that If it wasn't for bad luck they wouldn't have any luck at all. I wish I knew for sure, 'cause it bugging me.

Another sports quote, but it's applicable to lots of other situations too!

"Any guy who can maintain a positive attitude without much playing time certainly earns my respect."
~Earvin "Magic" Johnson~

Working on this one. : - )

"Courage is not the absence of fear. It is being afraid but
being able to control that fear so you are able to perform
at your highest ability. That's what makes a champion."
~Cory Lester~

That's it for me today. I'll be back tomorrow. I miss you all. : - )

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

So very happy to see you posting dear Jules. You've been on my heart in prayer.

Love you girl,

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