4/9/11 RU photos

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I think this is the bowling ball that Lynda is doing a mosaic on. : - )
Kind of looks like a tree. : - )

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Last photo I took at the RU. I kinda thought it was funny. Hope you do too.
Hope you enjoyed seeing the people more this time. I would have taken more photos, but ya know how it is when you are eating or talking. : - )
I think everyone had a good day.
Heather really went all out with her help in bringing the craft materials and teaching everyone how to make the mosaic or decoupage bowling balls. : - )
There are also directions on the Trash to Treasure Forum which tells you what all supplies you need before you start.
Sure hope you all enjoyed the hay ride. I went and forgot to take a photo of the kids enjoying that. It's always something.
Thanks to everyone (including the unknown photographer, that is a nice photo of me.) for coming out and participating in the RU. I enjoyed it, even if I get tired out. : - )
Walk In Beauty~

This message was edited Apr 13, 2011 7:11 PM

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Great photos SW, thank you for sharing...love that last one. Thanks again for everything, the goodies you sent home with me...just the whole day was wonderful. You've got such a big heart.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Jules, you took some very good pictures, you should be our designated photographer. I think Sylvia cut her own pictures out to decopague, so credit goes to her. I know everyone enjoyed themselves, I know I had a great time. I did take home some craft treasures so now is my time to get busy and create. Thanks a lot for the memories.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Very nice pictures of your RU.
Loved the pics of the bowling balls, as I have 2 started and must finish before another yr. goes by.

May I ask where the table was for the plants that every one bought to the RU?
At ours their are so many that people generally go home with more than they brought.


Looking forward to our midwest ru in June when it should be warmer than it is out now and hope that I am feeling good enough to attend.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

You know that is a good question. We didn't have a plant table. We weren't sure of the weather, so we did the people stuff inside our Bee Barn, and we left all the plants outside on the concrete pad. I should have taken a photo of that, but I always forget to get a photo of something I wanted.
Heather, brought so many plants (among other things,) that it was just easier to place them outside. Some were quite large plants that she can't take with her when she moves to TX. : - (
I was going to take a photo, of just the plants, but I turned around and people were making their selections. Should have gotten the photos first. Also should have asked everyone to pose for a group pic.
What can I say, I promised to take photos of people this time, not all of the plants. I must find a happy medium.
Hopefully someone else who attended the RU will post their photos and they will include more plants.
Everyone did go home with more plants than they brought. Except Heather, but she got a little aloe vera (I think?) to take with her to TX. They also went home with a lot of seeds. A lot of the newbies came to this RU and we were happy to send them home with our extras. I got a lot myself, but I have got to get my garden mostly finished this year. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with it if I don't. : - )
With our unreasonable rain/cold, sun/warmth cycle being out of whack this spring, I have some very confused plants. The weather is due to warm up and I have to get some of them plants in the ground, like yesterday! LOL!
So I'd best get moving.

Crossville, TN

Diddley Dadburn....I missed out on making the BB....I have 3 here at home just waiting for me to "getaroundtoit". Now Guiltygirl is guilty of having a bowling ball just like one of mine! LOL

I also missed out on meeting all the Newbies...maybe next year.

Looks like ya'll had a great RU...again. Jo

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh, Jo, always nice to know I am being thought of. At the RU Weegy was recalling when you were volunteered to ask me what I was guilty of. I was taken aback then, but now I just wonder how many people can mis-read the same word, lol.

Crossville, TN

It still looks like a short-tailed g to me! LOL Jo

LA/Orange County, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Jules, that was me taking the craft pics- i think you were just exhausted by then! I've not been on DG since last week, so excuse my late Thanks for all you and Jack did to make us feel welcome at your place!

My family all enjoyed the tours- the Honey collecting process, the hayride (Grandmother Oak was AWESOME!) and the garden and greenhouse. We'd like to thank everyone for the warm welcome we received- we had a great day.

Happy gardening!

- Wendallyn, aka Wendy (Plus Reta, Kaitlyn and Sarah!)

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Wendy. I was getting tired, but it is a nice photo of me. : - )
We were happy to have you join us and the kids were fun too!
You all are probably ahead of me getting things into the ground. I still have some to plant. Mostly because I don't know where to plant them.
Some that were left here are definitely going into the fundraiser for the Pow Wow. It's been fun trying to keep everyone watered over the weekend when the water pipe broke . . .
We missed you to Jo. You were here in spirit. : - )
Got to get back to weeding and planting!

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