CLOSED: Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird Mix

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

hey there, maccionadha:

how long does it take to germinate the butterfly mix? I did a broadcast awhile ago, but so far, nothing.

although, we have had cool weather (well, cool for florida) lately....

btw - thank you for your generosity.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Quote from SoFlaCommercial :
hey there, maccionadha:

how long does it take to germinate the butterfly mix? I did a broadcast awhile ago, but so far, nothing.

although, we have had cool weather (well, cool for florida) lately....

btw - thank you for your generosity.

Kawonkamish SoFlaCommercial,

It depends on the temperature, soil type and moisture. Please let me know how they are doing. Here is the information on the seeds I sent you.

Ohkeommoosog, Amakehs kah Psukses-moonooskommaonk (Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird)

1. Select a well-drained site. The area needs a minimum of 8-hours daily of direct sun light. It should be broadcasted over an area about 4' x 5' or (20 square feet). It may seem a lot of area for the amount of seed, but many of the seeds are perennials and will come back next year. The annuals will reseed themselves, so you will have them filling up the are next year, also.

2. Use an herbicide to eliminate any vegetation, that would compete with the wildflowers or mow the existing or dead plant material as short as possible. Collect the clippings and dispose from the site.

3. Prepare the seed bed by raking or lightly tilling the surface. Do not till more than 1-inch deep or you will bring to the surface dormant weed seeds.

4. Mix seeds in a carrier such as masonry sand, perlite, potting soil, etc. to help in seed dispersal over the site. Recommend 4 parts inert material to 1 part seed.

5. Broadcast half of the seed over the prepared area, as uniformly as possible. Next, broadcast the remainder of seed in a perpendicular direction to the first sowing.

6. Press the seed into the soil lightly, either by walking over it or using a roller. Do not cover the seed any deeper than 1/16-inch. Some seed should will be visible.

7. Lightly water the planting bed. If inadequate rainfall happens during germination and seedling establishment, supplement the rainfall if necessary. Water gently. It's easy for seeds to be washed away by heavy watering. Use the mist attachment on a watering wand or a watering can that has a gentle sprinkle. Be sure to keep soil moist until seedlings are up; keep the seedlings watered do not let soil dry out.

When established, most plants want moist (but not soggy) soil around their roots all the time. In late spring, too frequent and too shallow watering makes roots rise to the top of the soil for moisture; this discourages deep root growth and leads to survival problems during hot summer months. Deep-watered plants will have long, deep-seated roots that will find moisture beneath the surface when the sun has baked the ground; 1-inch a week is suitable for most plants.

Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird #1Days to Germination

Agastache anisata- 7 to 16
Asclepias incarnata- 14 to 21
Aurinia saxatilis- 7 to 14
Calendula officinalis- 7 to 12
Centaurea cyanus- 7 to 14
Cheiranthus allonii- 7 to 10
Cimicifuga racemosa- 60 to 90
Chrysanthemum maximum- 10 to 28
Coreopsis lanceolata, Coreopsis tinctoria- 10 to 21
Cosmos sp.- 7 to 10
Cynoglossum sp.- 30 to 60
Echinacea purpurea- 10 to 21
Erysimum sp.- 10 to 14
Eschoscholzia californica- 14 to 21
Gaillardia aristata, Gaillardia pulchella- 15 to 20
Gypsophila elegans- 7 to 21
Helianthus annuus- 7 to 14
Iberis umbellata- 10 to 15
Liatris spicata- 56 to 84
Linaria maroccana- 7 to 14
Linum usitatissimum, Linum perenne- 14 to 21
Lobularia maritima- 10 to 21
Lunaria annua- 10 to 14
Lupinus perennis, Lupinus succulentus- 18 to 21
Mirabilis jalapa- 7 to 21
Monarda citriodora- 10 to 40
Oenothera biennis- 14 to 30
Petunia sp.- 10 to 21
Phlox drummondii- 5 to 10
Rudbeckia hirta- 8 to 21
Salvia coccinea- 12 to 18
Sidalcea malviflora- 7 to 21
Silene armeria, Silene coronaria- 8 to 23
Trifolium incarnatum- 7 to 21
Verbena tenuisecta- 14 to 90
Zinnia sp- 3 to 5

Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Quote from monkeymomr :
Hi, I just wanted to sign up for #1 if there are any left. This is a very nice thing that you have done. Thank you, Robyn

Wunne Wunnonkou (Good Evening) Robyn,

I have set one aside for you. I will be sending you a Dmail.

Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

hey there, maccionoadha:

I used both butterfly mixes you sent me and broadcast over a 4' x 10' area about a week ago. eagerly awaiting seedlings!

how dense will the plants grow? just wondering if I should purchase some wildflower mix from lowe's to add to it.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish SoFlaCommercial,

It will take about 2 years for it to become field like. Do not deadhead. You need to let them go to seed. Not only will this allow them to self-sow and grow dense, but will allow a foraging area for birds. If you do want to, you can mow the area, once the plants die back(become brown and begin to dry up). You could also buy a commercial mix, but as compared to my mix, they tend to have more inert material. If you wish, I can send you another pack of seeds. It is up to you.

Wunne Tabuttantamoonk! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees-muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I never turn down seeds... :)

Center, TX

Hi, If you have any more, would sure like some. Please let me know how many stamps and your add. Thanks Alday

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wunne Wunnonkou (Good Evening) SoFlaCommercial and alday,

I have sending you both Dmails.

Wunne Tabuttantamoonk! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees-muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

thank you very much!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Quote from alday :
Hi, If you have any more, would sure like some. Please let me know how many stamps and your add. Thanks Alday

Wunne Quâttuhquŏhquâ (Good Afternoon) Alda,

Which mix would you care to have? Wunne Tabuttantamoonk! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Ahque Wunantash: Paskoogan / Pio nabo nequt / Nees muttanonganog kah nequt (Do Not Thou Forget: 9/11/2001)

Center, TX

It does not matter. Whatever is ok. I just mailed the postage to you. alday

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