Better every day!

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, Ric gave me a black pussy willow which is thriving, I can root you several starts if you want.

Would "blooms yellow and blooms early" be witch hazel?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Witch hazels? Have I lost my mind or is that what she talks about? LOL I think that is what she said Curt grows or hybridizes. I don't have any. Is that what you want or something else?

I need some of the black plastic "open"/woven flats that you put the 72 cell packs in. I will probably have to break down and order some more. I bought 100 a few years ago and I guess they've grown legs and/or broken. I can only come up with about 60 now. I had the kids and a friend of theirs clean out my pot house for me. I guess I need to go in there and dig around. I know there are a few with small pots stacked in them but I can't figure out where 40 of them have gone!

I do have cuttings of pink pussy willow coming. I'll see if I can't find some black ones.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL I had to get up in the middle of posting, to send kids to bed, finish the ice tea and go potty. Looks like Esther came to the rescue before I got back.


South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Chele, we are praying for Craig and his job.

I have 4 types of pussy willows. Black, Japanese fantail and two others that look like they are ordinary greyish pussy willows, but have slightly different names that I cannot recall now.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Esther, I'm batting my eyelashes. ;) I left my fantail at the other house and I'd love to have another. Please, please, please???

Thank you for the prayers. They are always welcome.

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, I'll be rooting some.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you Esther!

I'll have to get with you soon and let you know what I'm hiding in the greenhouse. :)

Now, I'm crawling to bed!

Night all.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes, witch hazel and the black pussy willow are the ones I was thinking about. Esther if you have the black and wouldn't mind starting one, I would appreciate it. Do I have anything that you are interested in?

Sometimes that old timers just will not let me give up names of things that I have known all my life.

Wow Chele you are fast in transplanting those plants. I would probably time about what your help is!!

Off to take a shower and head to Louisville for that epidural.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Good Luck Bonnie!

Esther, can I be on your begging list too?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Good luck today Bonnie. Will be thinking of you. Hope you feel good when you get home. And we don't mind playing 'fill in the blank'. hehehe Maybe you are like me and there is so much floating around in there, it's hard to pick the one you want. It's not like it's categorized in there. :)

Morning Melissa! Sorry I missed your last reply on FB last night. I was on my GG account talking to a new daylily friend. I lost track of time.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, witch hazel. But, I have several colors, not just yellow...

They are so cheerful so early in the year. Yesterday's rain beat the petals off, so show is over for the year. Curt has bought all of mine for me, fro Tim Bratsman up in Lake County. I have no clue where to find them other than that. Arnold's Promise is a nice, bright clear yellow with long fat petals. It is probably the most common spring bloomer in the trade. Just be sure you don't get one of the ones that blooms in fall, cause you can't see the blooms for the foliage. Most of them have really beautiful fall foliage.

Waddy, KY

Can you root witch hazel?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am dying. I am dying. LOL

Transplanted more tomatoes. Dumped the rest of my daylily seeds in 4" pots-another 5 flats. Rearranged the whole greenhouse. Rotated all the tomato flats. Watered. Watered. Watered. Filled more flats for more transplanting. Need to fill all the styro trays for the 1,000 cuttings coming tomorrow.

Thank goodness hubby was off today as he distracted Nolan and ran errands so I could stay outside all day. Need to find time to set up the cattle panel hoophouse for overflow.

Hubby took the kids to soccer, Kristenne is cooking dinner. I'm going back out.

Bonnie, seeds arrived today. THANK YOU!!

Did I mention I am dying??? I'm having fun though. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I have been home a long while, but supper, kitchen clean up, and then I rested. We didn't get home until about 4:30. I didn't let them sedate me, so after I had the shot, they checked my vitals, and then again in about 5 minutes and I was out the door. I have another appointment for the second shot on th 27th. The numbing medicine wore off and I did/am hurting a bit, but took a pain pill, and am doing okay right now.

Chele, tain't fair, you got 2 GH's already, and putting up another. Nuff said.

Ester if you have the fantail, I would like to have one of those. I am trying to root some regular pussy willow, sweet autumn clematis, forsythia, and another one, but brain just went blank again.

Melissa, that's a deal bringing the tomato seeds. We will trade boxes, and go through them. I will bring some envelopes (small) and some paper to write the names on, and we will do some trades. Always ready to try some new varieties that I haven't grown before.

Chele ship Nolan down to me and I will keep him busy playing with puppies while you are working. Bet he would love it, but don't know how long the puppies would last!

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

Willows are easy to root -so I shall do a bunch of black and more of the fantail. No problem.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks a bunch Esther! Got anything of a wish list or want to wait to see what I have?

Bonnie, I actually had the cattle panel hoophouse in 2006. All the pieces from that made the chicken tractors. Since I don't have chickens, I can steal all my stuff back to handle the over flow. LOL I'm going to leave one coop as it is for Nolan. Hoping to get his birds soon.

I'm glad the epidural ordeal was not too bad. How long will it take to see if it helped? I'm sure it won't be immediate but I wonder how much relief you will have when. I really hope it is successful!

I posted on the other thread, no answer. Has anyone heard from Marcy?

I stayed outside until about 7:45, checked in here and a few other places then took a shower and ate.

I did take a pic of the greenhouse before I came in. Kind of hard to see but obviously going to be full after my delivery tomorrow. I need to fill all those white trays early tomorrow and I still have a ton of transplanting to do...

Thumbnail by Badseed
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

This is the first morning in a very long time that when I woke up, got out of bed, I did not have pain. Whoopee. I thought I will do a jig but afraid to. They said the relief could last days or weeks. So I am off to do NOTHING. I need instructions on how to do that!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hallelujah!! Get some plant catalogs and drool. :) I actually like to cut out pictures and make catalogs of what I have and what I want. LOL Do you have to lay or sit or does it matter? I'm sure all of your bookkeeping is finished. Maybe you could watch a movie? Call an old friend just to say hi. Read old posts on Dave's! Got any books? Print out a bunch of greenhouse pictures and put them all over the fridge. snicker I'm really glad your back feels better!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Forgot to post a birthday picture from Maddie's birthday.

She chose strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream and whip cream.

Hope her teeth grow in soon. LOL

Thumbnail by Badseed
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Doesn't matter what position I am in, just not a busy position. Maddie is so cute. Cherish that picture!!

Like plaster those GH house pictures all over? Probably wouldn't help, may make matters worse.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks. :) She's a funny one. She's playing soccer again this year. Hope she actually plays. The kid has attitude.

I can put an inflatable mattress in the greenhouse and you can lay out there and talk to me. It's warm and mostly quiet. You could even work on your tan. hahaha

Yea, I guess I shouldn't stir the pot. I just think you should get what you want. My Great Aunt used to get a brand new Cadillac every couple of years and paid cash. My Great Uncle was retired from Fisher Body. I don't think they ever financed anything in their lives. They even paid cash for their houses. If you save and plan, you are supposed to enjoy it...

So what are you going to do? I'm heading outside for a bit. Kristenne is home from school today and she's going to help with Nolan. Wish it would dry up some. My grass REALLY needs mowed!

Thumbnail by Badseed
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear you woke up with no pain, Bonnie - hopefully this will last months even!

Chele, that Maddie sure looks like a sweetie - you have such cute kids.

Did some of my push-mowing last night after supper. There's still plenty more to do and I think I'll go outside in a bit and try to do some more. I'll be glad when Tom has the rider done and the yard can be mowed - it really needs it already.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a soil question. I can't rotate where I'm putting my tomatoes (since it's enclosed) but I can rotate a small amount within the enclosure, as in tomatoes where broccoli was last year, etc. I got some of those water filled tubes to put around the tomato plants, & I got some plants yesterday to try them out. I also bought some coffee grounds and composted bedding plants from Funkes. Al said it was a good nitrogen supplement for planting. SHould I use it with the maters? My own mulch from last year is pretty useless-- it just didn't break down due to not enough kitchen stuff.

I also got lettuce to tr for the first time. I got a butter variety and one called salad bowl. Frischs has started selling their ranch dressing by the jar, so I foresee a summer filled with with fresh tomato & lettuce salads with ranch dsg. Yum.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Janet, my witch hazels are grafted.

Chele, Maddie is so cute!

Bonnie, they talked to me about an epidural, but it would be a line left in place at te base of my neck for up to six weeks. Is that the type you have? I didn't do it, because rate of infection is very high, and the infection would be in the spine. :-(

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to go take care of something and will be back shortly.

I came in for a quick break and received some bad news. Chris Moore of Buried Treasures has passed away. I really do not have any other information. I am shocked. He was a young guy. :(

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

No, Jules, this was just a couple of shots into the spinal canal. They first put in a "numbing" shot, then waited about 5 minutes and then put in a combination of several steroids, including cortisone. This is NOT a permanent fix, but they are hoping that it will give me months of relief.

I wasn't very good about doing nothing. I transplanted 2 trays of tomatoes (sitting down) sewed 10 hot pads for church, did a load of laundry, mended a blouse for DGD, and cooked supper.

Maybe tomorrow I will do a better job of doing nothing!

Chele, I don't know the fella you speak of, but will put his family in my t & p's.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

What is a fantail pussy willow? Don't think I have ever seen one????
Esther dear..????
Maddy looks so cute with her teeth out! My little grandson has yet to lose any of his! He was 7 in December.
Must be a lot of different kinds of those epedurals. Mine was always just one shot in the base of the spine, Bonnie. I had to lay on my stomach under an xray machine so the dr could see exactly where to put it. Don't think they numbed anything ahead either? All I ever felt was a tiny little stick...and it was over. Those things gave me great relief...and lasted quite a while too.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you for the compliments on Maddie. :)

Pat, ideally, with food "crops", you don't really want to plant them in the same place every year. Most farmers rotate. It is recommended that the home gardener rotate. It's easy to put the same type of plant in the same place every year because they've done so well, it's easy to reach, maybe it's the only spot you have left! Most of the time, there wouldn't be a problem. In some cases, some plants use all of certain nutrients in the soil which is why it's good to NOT keep planting the same thing in the same place. In other cases, over time, the soil can build up all of the bad things that a certain type of plant is likely to suffer from.

Yes, switching the planting spots will help, so long as the plants are not related. Every couple of years you could also dig out the soil and replace it. Make sure you are adding some nutrients as you go too, compost, bone meal, Osmocote, etc. I wouldn't think the composted bedding plants would hurt anything so long as the compost reached a hot enough temp to kill anything in the soil.

Chris was a long time member here. He owned Buried Treasures. His family owns Bill Moore Company which is a wholesale plant supplier. Chris offered his plants in a few co-ops here and his business was an online company. He sold tropical plants. I was sad and shocked to hear the news of his passing. He was only 42. I spoke to him many times on email and on the phone. He was too young to have left us.

Bonnie, I hope you are still feeling well after your day of doing nothing. LOL I love how you pointed out that you were sitting. hahahaha

I'm going to get outside and see if I can get some things transplanted before Craig leaves. Once he leaves, Nolan comes out to help for a couple of hours before nap time. I use a baby pool to bottom water but had to dump it so Nolan could sit in it and play with his trucks in the dirt. If I turn my back, he tries to water everything for me... Yesterday I watered everything, then closed the door because it was still cool. I started doing some things outside and the sun was out and it was so pleasant! About 2 hours later, I went to check the greenhouse and about died! I opened the door to be hit in the face with some really hot, humid air. It had jumped from 75° to 105° that quickly! I opened the doors and a couple of the roof vents and the greenhouse stayed about 90. I added a fan and watered again and got it down to 85. The tomatoes are loving it!

Melissa is coming over to play later so I better get busy!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well waiting on DH to bring some help to move bedrooms around. No I am not lifting. Bought a new headboard, queen size and we need to get out bed out of the room and put in the new one. Bet I here &^%$_)(_ until that is done. Men, why can't they just do the job, and keep their traps closed?

Have some more tomatoes to transplant, but will wait until the furniture is moved. Washing all the bedding now, so just as soon as it is moved, can make the beds and have the rooms looking better.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, you better not pick up any furniture!

Did you find new bedding? You never said.

Hubby just left. Nolan is coming out to help. Oh boy!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I got the sheets last week, and ordered a comforter from Overstock last night. So it will only be a few days until it gets here.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Re: epidurals-- I've had them for both lower back pain & neck pain. The neck one tends to be trickier because the vertebrae are smaller & closer together. Some docs use the x-ray/ fluoroscopy to visualize better, & some don't. Some use novacaine, some don't. I must say that one of the docs I worked with never used novacaine, because he said it hurt more than the needle used to deliver the steroids. And his patients never peeped when the had a spinal tap done!
Bonnie, sometimes they put in a short acting numbing medecine, along with the steroids, with the result that you feel so much better you want to pitch right in & do all the stuff you've been looking at but were too sore to do! Try, try not to fall into this trap! Get a really good book, or movie, and just sit the first day out, at least. OK, end of sermon.

Chele, thanks for the crop rotation advice. I did already put in a few tomatoes, & put up the tomato teepees around them. Then I went to Lowe's to get 2 things, & ended buying everything but the cash register. They had quart sized perennials for 2.98. I also got a sand cherry bush, a dappled willow shrub, a bird bath. etc. The strawberries that I put in last year have taken off in such leaps and bounds that I'm going to have to transfer them to their own bed or container, or else I won't be able to walk to the tomatoes!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat, I had the epidural on Wednesday, and I have been good. I didn't say I had been perfect though, just choosing those things that are not heavy duty. I think the effects of the steroids kept me awake last night. Didn't get to sleep until about 5:15. Slept until 8:00, and then today, although I did sit and rest, resisted the urge to take a nap. Hope that I sleep better tonight. DH had a friend come help him move things around, took one bed completely out, gave it to DS and his SO, and then the bed we had been using, moved to the guest room, and the new bed in our bedroom. This afternoon after I washed all the bedding, the comforters and sheets etc, DH helped me put the beds back together. Now we will test the new bed tonight, and hope to have a glowing report tomorrow about it.

Pat, I am glad that you left the cash register there at Lowe's. Or maybe I am not glad, then maybe if I hit the same one tomorrow, they would give me my stuff free.

Glad to hear your strawberries are doing good. They always did well for me, but the problem I had was keeping the weeds out. We have found that it is cheaper for us to go to a Upick patch and get all we need. There is one about 3 miles from us. DH picked about 15 gallon last year. And the owner is a friend of DH's, and last year, it was wet and berries ripening, and he called DH and asked him to come pick, as he didn't want to open the field to the public and have everything trampled. DH helped him pick over the field, and then the owner told him to take what he wanted free for helping get the ripe ones picked. Can't beat that price.

Off to read some other threads. Just noticed the RU will be at Chilo on the 28th of May. Good to know that it will be closer for me.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I remember now that what they talked to me about was a "tunneled epidural catheter"... Sort of like what they do when a woman gives birth with an "epidural" but it's done at the base of the neck. They put a needle into the spine then thread a fine tube in that stays in the spine. They can then attach a kind of IV bag thing to it that the medicine goes in through. For me they hoped I could have it in 4 to 8 weeks. During that time, I would be unable to lay down, or shower or drive. I would have to sleep in a Lazy boy. No having my arms over head - so no pull over shirts things like that. With RSD/CRPS (the disease I have) they use baclofen, ziconotide, bupivacaine combinations over the course of weeks injected in it. It is often used to see if a person will be helped by a permanent pain pump. However, people with what I have tend to develop infection in the site really easy, and if they didn't already have RSD in the spine, they usually get it there. So, I never wanted to try it. I have a friend that I met through service dogs that has multiple problems (MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc)... she has mild RSD in one foot. She has a pain pump which delivers baclofen. It helps her a lot with her MS. I take oral baclofen, and it helps me with muscle spasms. A pump is a LOT of money. She has her pump filled every 6 or 8 weeks (I forget) and it is something like $6000 for the medications. My insurance will not cover the pump, the installation or the medication - so no use even thinking about it. They won't cover the epidural either. They won't even cover an x-ray unless I pay the first $5000.

Bonnie, I am so glad your getting some relief! Have you ever had deep bone ultra sound? That used to really help my back issues. I used to have terrible back problems. Strange - but since I have had RSD, my back has settled down a lot. Maybe it is the other medications I take now.

I finally got up my gumption to go out and putter around a bit today. Was planning on getting my little patch cleared off to put in the lettuce seed. I wanted to have my garden helper's husband build a raised bed for me, but with my new financial crisis at hand, I can't afford the lumber or paying for his labor, so we will just have to deal with planting it in the ground. Mom usually picks it, and I was hoping to make it easier for her by having a raised bed, but it will have to wait. By the time I found my garden clogs, donned my sweat shirt, garden gloves.... it started to rain. Maybe tomorrow.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Jules, I really hope that in the future that things will change, and insurance will recognize that there are procedures that if done, would cut down on the cost of meds in the long run.

I not only have not had deep bone ultra sound, never even heard of it. I have been telling my Dr for about 2 years about the pain in my back, and he sent me to PT and it did help some, but there are days that the pain is manageable, and then days where it is painful to do anything. It is so frustrating, because you can't make plans, you just have to get up in the morning, and if you are feeling like doing something you do, if not, you take it easy!

Oh, there is enough used lumber here that I would be happy for you to have. DH never throws away anything. I kid him all the time that he needs to be on that "hoarders" show. Thank goodness, he pretty well confines it to the garage and barns. I refuse to enter either of those places, as it looks like a torture chamber, and I am scared to touch anything thinking I would bring all of it down on top of me. Well, lettuce will grow well in the ground, it will be just a bit harder for your DM to go out and pick it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes I have been growing it in the ground for years. Mom loves to pick it. I get a mix from Pinetree gardens that is wonderful. Even though I try to sew it thin, it's always to thick. But, we just pull it out by the roots and eat the thinnings. we never let it "head" anyway. Their mix has all sorts of types. I like the brown/red colors, so this year I ordered some extra packets of fancy red ones to add in. One corner of my garden area only has "good" soil about 9 inches deep, so that makes a good place for lettuces. Every year or so I add some alfalfa pellets or other amendment on top in the fall. We like it wilted, with simple vinegar, olive oil and a bit of sugar hot dressing. Used to make it with hot bacon dressing, but we try not to eat bacon any more. :-(

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I had a very busy day! I went out at 9am, got everybody fed a nice diluted fertilizer, transplanted a few more trays of tree seedlings and a few more trays of tomatoes. I got some of the greenhouse cleaned up and straightened up and did my normal stuff here.

Melissa arrived about 3:15 and stayed for three hours. It felt like 5 minutes! Before I knew it, she was on her way out and I was rushing off to soccer, dirty. LOL I stayed in the car as not to offend anyone. Melissa and I had a great visit and Nolan took up with her after a few minutes and a sucker. She brought the kids a game and a huge bag of candy and Nolan made off with a bucket and a stuffed dog. And Lillie sweet talked her out of a huge container of pretzels. Morganne was in obnoxious mode! I think Melissa was shocked to see how much the kids have grown. Last time she was here, all the girls were at school. Anyway, we sat around and chatted inside and she gave me a big box of plants then we went outside and I gave her the plants I had for her and we stood out there and chatted and laughed at Nolan for awhile after that. I can't believe how quickly the time passed. Always great to spend time with a friend!

After soccer, I came home and made chicken Quesadillas and we have a movie on now. I'm pooped. Guess I have to get up early tomorrow, water the greenhouse well, hit the shower and be in Georgetown by 9:30 for three back to back soccer games. Then it's back home and back to the greenhouse!

Jules, could you possibly sow the lettuce in one of those large plastic window boxes? They sell them at the dollar store pretty cheap. I've done peppers, herbs, walking onions, cherry tomatoes, etc in them and they've done really well. If so, you could set it/them on a chair or table so you could reach it easier.

Pat, you could have asked for my shopping list! :P I want to get another Sand Cherry. I had two at the other house and had to leave them behind.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

CHele, I might get you one if you start a new thread! This one is getting pretty long, & my mouse wheel is complaining that I'm overworking it. ;-)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL! Geesh. You could have just said so. hehehehe I'll take bribes though too. :)

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