Better every day!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes Jo, she'll be 18 soon. Believe it or not, she still talks about making you tea. She was excited at the thought of you coming to Ohio last year. Whenever I mention you, she talks about making you tea. :)

Bummer about Andrews girlfriend. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. This probably means a new improved model is on the horizon. LOL Just keep telling him girls are trouble!!

I went out and inventoried daylilies this morning. I still have just over 3 dozen named cultivars. It's a far cry from the more than 500 I did have but I'm happy to still have the ones I have. I have a ton of seedlings in the greenhouse and another large batch of seeds in the fridge. Thank goodness those come out in a few days because I need the space in the fridge!!

I spent part of my day watering some things and part of the day doing tomatoes again. The whole top pvc shelf is full and sadly, I only have just over 1,000 transplanted! I guess I'm going to have to kick my buns into high gear because that is only about 1/4 of them. Maybe I should start drinking coffee 24 hours a day or take a nap after dinner and go back out when Craig gets home.

Finally got the part for the pool and it was the wrong part so I ended up on the phone for 20 minutes. Hope they get the right one!

Trying not to get too excited about Craig's interview on Monday but I sure hope they give him a decent offer! I told him to remind them how much they make off of us each month. :P

I guess I'm headed to bed before I start snoring at my desk. Be well all.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

See what happens when I miss a couple of days here?????
Carly is a beautiful girl, are the other girls too! Gosh, I can't believe all your girls are growing up so fast! But I couldn't believe mine did either! And now my grandkids too, are growing up too fast!
Time surely does fly by fast.
I missed Bonnie's birthday...and Jules....but did wish them a belated one.
Now I'm not sure if we will even make the Dave has other plans that day...geesh! Just got into an argument over that. Seems we always do what he wants!! Grrrrrrrr
Ok...shuttin my!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Marcy, tell him he enjoys it as much as you do, and you have just GOT to come!

Chele, I know that you are growing to sell commercially but a 1000 of anything sounds like a big number to me!

I am doing some cooking today for a neighbor who has been put on bed rest for her pregnancy, and doing some cooking for us for tomorrow's dinner. So looks like my morning will be consumed with that. May get a chance later to go out to my garden shed and see who a few things are doing.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Marcy, so far as I know, Ric threw a date out there, saying a mystery guest could come that day. I also don't think anyone has reserved anything. I don't know what is going on with anything. When we first started the Ohio RU's, I was involved with everything. A few years ago that changed....

I still plan on doing something here in late May and you and Dave are certainly welcome. Tell him he doesn't want me to have to come get him. LOL

Bonnie, by the time I split the trays between two stores, plant what we want and give some to friends, I usually have some left to give away on freecycle. I can't stand to see them go to waste and I know some people can't buy them. Once I cover my costs and am sure I can feed us, I like to make sure I can buy new seeds and soil for the next year but I'm not greedy. :)

This is what I have for this year:
Abe Lincoln Hybrid Tomato
Big Beef Hybrid Tomato
Brandywine (OG) Heirloom
Cherokee Purple (OG) Heirloom Tomato
Kelloggs Breakfast Tomato
Mortgage Lifter Tomato
Supersonic Hybrid Tomato
Early Girl Hybrid Tomato
German Red Strawberry Tomato
Roma Tomato
Djena Lee’s Golden Girl Tomato -Trial, only a few.
Isis Candy Tomato
Sungold Hybrid Tomato
Sweet Million Hybrid Tomato
Patio Hybrid Tomato
Green Husk Tomatillo
Jalapeno Goliath Hybrid Pepper
California Wonder Pepper
Serrano Tampiqueno Pepper- Trial, only a few.
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Kohlrabi Early White Vienna

It's very nice of you to cook for your friend. It's probably a safe bet that it should be low sodium and high protein, depending on why she is on bed rest. Just the gesture is sure to improve her mood. Does she have much longer on the pregnancy? When I was pregnant with my first two, my neighbor would make treats for me. Unfortunately she liked to call me at 7am and tell me! LOL

Guess I'm going to put my contacts in and get dressed. That in itself is funny. I start out in sweats or light weight pants with a tshirt and sweatshirt. I get outside to the greenhouse and take off the sweatshirt. Then the sun comes out and I take off the tshirt and work in a jog bra. Then if the sun stays out, it shoots to 95, so I have to come in and put shorts on. Then when the sun fades, I have to put back on a sweatshirt. Talk about seasons!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Came in for a short break. Carly has a birthday party to go to an Nolan needed a Mommy break. I have to go drop Carly off, pick up something quick and easy for dinner then come back and put Nolan down for a nap unless he falls asleep in the car, then get back to the greenhouse. Whew!

I've already gotten 512 tomatoes and tomatilloes transplanted today. Jazzi and Lillie did one flat and decided that is not their forte. LOL They did help fill trays. Kristenne came out and filled a bunch of trays and Carly fetched water. I got the cuttings all misted and reinforced a shelf so I could get perennials and grasses off the floor and out of the way.

I feel like I'm not moving fast enough. LOL We have 20 flats finished and I figure I'll have about 55 when it's all said and done. So w are close to half way. The peppers and annuals and my "job" seeds are gaining on me. Waaah..

Off and running! Maddie's birthday is tomorrow...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Gosh, Chele, you are going great guns, if you go any faster, we will have to have somebody on standby to help fan you or put out the fire!

I did laundry and cooking today. After taking the food to the neighbor, cooked supper for DH's oldest brother. He just got home from the hospital on Thursday, and since he doesn't have a wife, and none of his children came today, thought that he didn't need to be trying to cook. I will also share my lunch with him tomorrow. So far I have a roast and potatoes and carrots cooked.

After supper went out to my garden shed, and rigged up some lights. DH still hasn't repaired the wiring to my building that he cut when he tilled up the yard. He went to walmart this afternoon and got some fertilizer for the new grass that is coming up. I think it is going to look really good later, as not all of it has germinated. He also planted another row of peas and another row of beets today.

So guess in my own way, I am getting things done. I have the epidural on Wednesday, and I want to have most everything done by then, so that if I don't feel well on Thursday, I can afford to sit and take it easy.

Happy Birthday to Maddie tomorrow. DGD's is on Thursday.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL about the fire Bonnie. That is too funny!

With your back hurting like it does, I'm surprised you are able to get anything done! I guess you have your good days and your bad days. I'm glad you are able to get some things done now since you aren't sure how you'll feel. Hopefully you will feel a lot of improvement!

It's very nice of you to cook for everyone. I feel so bad for people when they are stuck at home and not well. It's awful to feel alone and helpless. Great news that your BIL is back home! Is he doing a lot better now?

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Maddie. :) Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

He is better, but still has a long medical road ahead. They discovered a spot on one of his kidneys and when they did a biopsy, it is cancer. They are waiting until he recovers from his angeoplasty and then they will treat the kidney. He also has diabetes and doesn't take care of himself and eat right, so there are multiple problems.

I think my back was protesting today from the ride yesterday. We went to Indiana to Amish country and was gone from 10:00 to about 10:30 last night, 6 hours of it in the truck driving. I hated to ask DH to stop and let me stretch, but did a time or two.

Tomorrow I have to take DGD to Frankfort to meet her mother. She has enjoyed her week here, but the weather was cold and not much that could be done outside. She has spent a great deal of time out with the puppies, and they absolutely know her voice, and come to the fence and whine for her to come play with them.

Trying to watch Kentucky basketball, type here, and finish a book. Probably won't get any of them done!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Just came in for a quick potty break and to change clothes. It's about 85 at the cool end of the greenhouse and 100 everywhere else. I'm dying. LOL I'd work in a bikini if I wasn't afraid of scaring the plants to death!! I got one flat done and had to come in for contacts and shorts. I'm sweating like crazy. Now I know where that 15 pounds went. hahaha I ended up getting over 700 mater transplanted yesterday. Right now I'm only at 72 but I got everything watered....

Craig is at the store with the 3 little ones. Maddie picked out a bike for her birthday present then they were headed to the grocery.

Bonnie, I'm glad to hear your BIL at least got out of the hospital. He sounds to be in about the same position my step Grandpa was. Single, diabetic, widowed and alone, then diagnosed with cancer. It's not much fun to eat by yourself and less fun to prepare it. :( It's a lot easier and cheaper to eat crap food than it is good food and unfortunately junk food tastes better. I hope he has the will and courage and strength to get back on his feet.

So sorry to hear about your back. I sure hope the new therapy helps. I want to see you running around and bouncing off the walls by next month. :) You deserve a good garden year!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele - I have had bad luck with the heirlooms the last few years getting diseases. My ex boss grew Early Girl and swore by them. I thought I would try one. Can you recommend any other disease resistant ones? I don't want HUGE tomatoes... just good flavor. I used to get Pink Girl, but have been unable to find plants the last few years.
Heirlooms I like are cherokee purple (had two tomatoes on my plant the whole year)
Aunt Rubies German Green (I think we had 4 on it)
Oxheart - this one did better....
Old German - did ok
Here is the link to Baker's where I buy my plants....

Even though I mulched as soon as I planted, I got a leaf spot or virus on them. The leaves got spots and turned yellow and fell off and I had very few tomatoes. I had something like 15 plants and the only one that really produced was Black Cherry. By mid season I was buying tomatoes at the Farmer's Market for $3 a pound. I am in financial meltdown here, no $$$ for heirloom maters at the market this year. I only want 4 plants this year. Am going to give them a lot more space between and move them where they are sure to get full sun all day. Last year they didn't get early morning sun - not till about 11 am.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Jules, I kid you not when I say Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter is one of my very favorites. The tomatoes are huge, sometimes a bit misshapen, very meaty and has few seeds. It's the type of tomato you'd find at a roadside stand or buy from an old farmer. It's the type of tomato that I grew up eating. They are so big that a slice barely fits on bread. If I could only have one tomato, this would be it! My 72 year old neighbor lived on them last year! I put in cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers and onions for him and any time I was there, he had them laid out on his porch and sliced in the fridge, covered in vinegar.

There are several others that are very good, like Giant Belgium. Unfortunately I have so many tomato names in my head right now, my mind has gone blank. LOL Melissa would be a very good one to ask as she's grown more varieties, more recently than I have. At one point I was growing more than 60 different heirlooms but that has been quite awhile ago. Pineapple is also one of my favorites but it's a bi color, very juicy and more fruity/less acidic.

I have to get busy but if I have anything you want, I'd be glad to ship it to. I can ship them before they get too big and you should have very good luck with them. I don't coddle my plants because I don't want my customers to have wimpy plants. :) If your plants turned yellow, they have have had too much water and not the best drainage. The only time I've seen my plants turn yellow, was that reason. When I grew a lot of brugs, I'd spray them with diluted seafood emulsion and Epsom's salt mixed with water and hit the tomatoes too. It kept the plants lush and green. Of course seafood emulsion is high nitrogen so you don't want to overdo it but the Epsom's salt, both in the planting hole and diluted in a spray, supplies trace minerals that are good for the plants and blossom set and fruit.

Got 432 maters transplanted. Trying to figure out if Nolan is going to nap or if I can get back to work!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi,everybody, I'm ba-a-a-a-ack! The weather was horrible & we didn't do much of anything we planned, but we had a great time, & I can't wait to go back when it's not so crowded with teenaged tour groups. Happy belated birthday, Bonnie!
I did learn the DC subway system, which is great. We never waited more than 5 minutes for a train, and the different lines are color coded so you know quickly where you need to go. At the transfer stations where you might want to switch "colors," the trains are there every two minutes. Despite this, some people come off the escalator running for the train like their life depends on it. All the trains & buses are handicapped accessible, although the buses were a tight fit for the scooter I had rented. The only disadvantage was that I never got used to "real" distances because I would calculate things in terms of metro subway stops.
We did get to the National CAthedral, which was both bigger and smaller, and better and worse than I expected. The windows were just brilliant, even on a rainy, cloudy day. It was almost all handicapped accessible. My camera didn't behave very well, but I'll try and transfer a picture of the space window, which has a moon rock embedded in it! There's a chapel of remembrance for the war dead (all wars), which has a piece of the wall from the Pentagon wreckage of 9-11 in it.
There's also a wonderful children's chapel, and everything that's not stained glass tends to be needlepointed, & we saw some wonderful & whimsical needlepoints.
More after I get my pictures off the camera.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My pictures are REALLy bad, & I didn't want too gum up the thread, so I posted them here, plus a link to the Cathedral site with their online tours:

It was raining too hard to spend much time looking at all the gargoyles outside. Gargoyles were he downspouts of gothic cathedrals, in addition to their whimsical, artistic value. National Cathedral's most famous one is probaby Darth Vader.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

936 seedlings later. Two shelves full and I'm more than half way finished. Done for the day I guess. Have a friend coming to help tomorrow. She's never transplanted so I'll her do the plugs while I work on the others. Then I need to start transplanting baby trees. aaaauuugghhhh.

Just had Maddie's birthday dinner choice of shrimp Alfredo. Having strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream later.

Glad to see you back Pat. Sorry the weather wasn't more cooperative. I can't imagine going most everywhere by train/subway and not having a car. I know that is the only way a lot of people in big cities travel. I'm so glad you got to see the National Chapel and spend some time there. It sounds like it was pretty amazing. Oh! Gargoyles! They sort of freak me out. LOL We garbage picked (I mean treasure hunted) one once. It was both cool and freaky until it broke. Guess it was not meant to be ours. Anyway...back on that train that some call thought. hehehe I do hope you get to go back again when weather is more favorable and there are less visitors.

Crossville, TN

Happy Birthday, Maddie Jo

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, you are moving right along.

Pat, sorry the weather wasn't better for you, but I love D.C. The train system is just wonderful. The reason there aren't more cars is the lack of parking spaces. But why drive when you can catch the train to go anywhere, and it is so cheap, and cheaper still if you buy the passes by the week or month. We didn't see the Cathedral, ran out of time. One of my favorite places was the Smithsonian, or one of them. I thought there was only one, but my oh my, depends on what you want to see. I loved the Vietnam Memorial. The wall is awesome.

Jules one of my favorite heirlooms is Arkansas Traveler, Pineapple, and a Barnes Mountain, either pink or yellow. The taste of the Cherokee Purple is the best, but not a good shelf life. Of course I grow some paste tomatoes and Roma's for their juice. I don't have plants--yet, but if you want seeds, I have all of the above and about 100 more varieties.

Busy day, church, home for lunch, then took DGD to meet her mother. When I got home, went out and sowed some more tomato seeds, planted an iris I had completely forgotten about, and mixed up some more soil, as I hope to do more planting/sowing tomorrow.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hmmmm to much water does not sound right. The area they are planted in is actually a sort of huge raised bed... Probably 3 feet above the natural grade. It has been a garden for years and is lovely, lovely soil. Super drainage. Maybe 30 x 24. My neighbor worked at Baker's for probably 15 years and the woman that helped in my garden last year worked at Bakers for over 20. Between the two, they know more about growing everything than any people I have ever met. They both said it was the same thing, but I can't remember now what it was. Jenny suggested moving them and putting black plastic on the soil for the summer to kill "it" off. That is why I only want four this year... I will move to over by my garage to soil that has never had tomatoes in. The same thing has happened three years in a row. Before that, no problems. Another reason I thought of not getting heirlooms this year, but something with some disease resistance.

I did grow mortgage lifter a couple years ago! I had forgot that one. Liked it and it did produce a lot. That was before the current problem. I grew Pineapple last year, but didn't get any fruit on it.

I know I was not over watering, because it is to difficult for me to drag the hose over there, or to carry water.

We did have a wet spring though last year. So even with the great soil and drainage, they did have a lot of rain. I had big, chunky pine bark mulch on them to keep soil from splashing up on foliage, thinking that is what caused the problem the year before. It was huge mulch, 3-5" stuff... So let in lots of air circulation I think.

I might have some photos of the disease foliage. I will try to find tomorrow.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Usually the first thought with yellow leaves is too much water. I guess you could be lacking nitrogen in the soil or it could be Alterneria alternata? Is that maybe what your friends mentioned? I was doing some quick reading and those are the most common things that showed up. Do you always grow tomatoes in the same spot? If so, that could be the problem. It may be as easy as moving them and maybe planting some type of legume where the tomatoes were.

Could the problem have been the opposite? Could they have been stressed from being too dry? Did you check the backs of the leaves for critters? There are several possibilities. Seeing the plant might help.

It's too bad you didn't get any of the Pineapples. They are interesting. I love them. I can walk around eating them whole or sliced, cold on a plate. My neighbor didn't care for them and had an abundance. LOL They definitely have more of a fruity flavor instead of an old fashioned tomato taste.

Hello Bonnie! Good to see you!

I just finished mopping down the entire bathroom and still need to go wipe down the outside of the toilet and sink and put everything back in the bathroom. I wanted to go to bed early. :( My friend will be here by 9am and I will be dead.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

My favorites are pinks/blacks/oranges. I don't think I've met any of those colors that I didn't like.

I am so hoping for a good tomato year this year. I cut back, WAY back from the varieties I usually grow; most years it was nothing for me to have 100 different kinds. This year, I made myself do 25, then the black cherry and sungold.

For a medium size, maybe Brandywine or for a really good hybrid, Brandyboy?

I'm actually growing a few hybrids this year hoping to at least get a good tomato crop from something!

Bonnie, when Chele has her thing, we need to bring our seed boxes! I've probably got 300 different kinds of seed, and I bet we don't have very many alike! There are soooo many different tomatoes out there.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning!
Been reading about the tomatoes...thanks!
Pouring down rain here..thunder n lightning....sure has greened up the grass!
We haven't discussed the RU any I did tell him go to your thing...and I will go to the RU...I just got a 'look' for that!
Dentist this fun!
Sounds like you all been busy busy!
Geez...seems I can't type just one word of to get things done!

Waddy, KY

Jules, you could have had a case of the early blight in the tomatoes. You might try spraying with a fungicide this year. I was using some Dacomil last year. That seemed to work. Just fix a small sprayer full and leave it sitting by the tomatoes. After it rains spray them.

Got the Snapshot on about half of the daylily patch yesterday. I need to be out there right now putting the rest of it on. I was having to shake it out two feet to the side of the plants and the wind blew it over to them. Probably used way more than I needed to. I sure hope the stuff does it's job.

The girls got their bridesmaid dresses in Friday. Kate's is too small. And she hasn't gained any weight. They're all in a dither about this. And since it took them a little over 3 months for these dresses to show up that's not too good. Plus this place had signs up all over the place that if the dresses didn't fit when they came in too bad. Apparently this particular dress is ok to take up but there's no letting it out. The bride was looking on the designer's website last night and got to reading where they said that the dress could be an inch bigger or smaller than the size ordered when it came. What kind of crap is that???? She said the store never mentioned a thing about that while they were measuring them. Stephanie is working up a real head of steam over this. I'd say they'd better watch out. We did get the most of the invitations addressed and ready to be mailed last night.

Took down my little greenhouse this morning and moved the plants in the kitchen. With all this wind I figured I'd rather be safe than have all my tomato plants upside down. Blowing like crazy out there.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, who's wedding?

It is windy here this morning, however, I haven't been out except to get the bills put in the mailbox. I have been paying bills and balancing check books all morning. Made myself do it, before I did anything else.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

No weddings here...yet. ;)

My friend came to help for a few hours today and we transplanted another 630 mater seedlings. That puts us at 2,880seedlings/40 flats. I sure hope I'm more than half way. LOL The germination rates were awesome. I probably could have gotten one more tray finished but I couldn't tell if the ticking on the greenhouse was rain or hail and the thunder started. I didn't want Nolan to wake up alone and flip out so I came in.

Marcy, my grass needs mowed! LOL I've not gotten to anything outside yet.

Janet, that is awful about the dress! I wonder if you would have any better luck contacting the designer? One would think the retailer would tell you about the size variation! Otherwise, why bother with a fitting?

Hope you all remembered the prayers and good wishes! Craig's interview should be starting in a few minutes...

Man, it's pouring! Kids are on the bus. Yay.

Waddy, KY

She's called the place in Louisville and they said bring the dress in. Sometimes they do mislabel them etc. They do have copies of the measurements. I told Steph she'd better take Kate with her. Hopefully they can work something out. Stupid dress cost more than Steph's wedding dress and veil. Absolutely outrageous.

Rained hard here just a few minutes ago. Round 2 ought to be starting here pretty soon. Severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings to the southwest of us.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, excuse me Chele, I knew you were not having any weddings, must have read about the dress and spoke to you about it instead of Janet.

Well, how did the interview go? Sure hope that there is bunches of good news, you have had enough of the other kind.

Janet, we really had a storm here this afternoon. I thought the whole house was coming down in some wind gust we had. Got plenty of rain, and the WL's are saying colder temps at night for the next few days.

I got 2 more trays of tomatoes seeded today. I made myself stay in until I got the bills paid and the bank statements balanced. So only about a 1/2 day left. I did water everything, and since I don't have enough heat mats, brought 2 trays inside to put on the top of the refrigerator.

DH was telling me this afternoon that he knows of 2 people with greenhouses for sale. I just said don't tell me about them unless you have plans to go try to buy them. I am so down about this GH issue. I have a good notion to go out and buy one, but I would have to use it for my permanent house if I did that. I'm just not very high on my DH right now.

Chele, I got the seeds, and thanks bunches for them. I can just imagine how pretty they are going to be. Do I have anything you want? Be happy to return your padded envelope with some goodies in it.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I knew who you meant but couldn't pass up the chance to be a turd. :)

Surely you can have a meeting of the minds on the greenhouse issue. You've gotten to where you are financially, together and you should be able to enjoy it together. I know he has hobbies so it shouldn't be that hard to see that you like to do your own thing sometimes too.

Congrats on getting more tomatoes done! Have you ever seen the heat box that Paulgrow posted the plans for? I showed them to hubby and he made one for me a couple of years ago, mostly out of scraps. It's basically and open frame box with four light fixtures and a metal top and bottom. You just plug it in and set your seeds on top and the pop up pretty darn quick.

Glad to hear you got the seeds. I don't know what I would want. I've already picked up a few things that I normally forget. A friend sent me hyacinth beans and I picked up some red salvia and moonflower vine. Picked up Portulaca for the neighbor that ticks me off. LOL I did forget the darn Nicotiana. I also got a bunch of Tuberose to put outside my bedroom window. :) Esther gave me a box stuffed full of seeds. I'm sure it won't be long before I see something or remember I wanted to start something but right now nothing is coming to mind.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Whoops! I forgot to say....Janet, I'm glad to hear that the bridal shop is at least considering the dress issue. Hopefully there is an amicable solution.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, I have the red castor bean seeds if you would like some of them. I know some people really like them, others just hate them. Bet you could sell them, if they were already potted up. They could be used like tropicals. Got plenty, so if anyone else wants some, speak up!

Yes, DH has plenty of hobbies, but I told him tonight that I didn't want to hear the word GH unless the judge asked me in divorce court why I was divorcing him. End of conversation.

Sounds like you have most every kind of flower covered. Is Tuberose fragrant, and that is why you are putting it under your window. I didn't collect any nicotina seed last fall, as they have been reseeding for me. Saw a beautiful poppy on one of the pet threads, and asked for some seed this fall. Maybe I can get a good stand of them going. Love them, but evidently they really don't like it here too much. The perennials will come back one year, and then they are gone.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Carmencita Red?? That was one of my favorites and I don't have seeds anymore. I'd say yes. LOL Those are always head turners. Oh, one thing I meant to get and didn't was Lobelia cardinalis. Any chance you have that? Anyone?

Tuberose smell heavenly! They are used in perfume making. I'd gladly save you a pot.

Maybe the poppies you had were too moist? I've only had luck with a few. I see the orange ones all over and I've always loved them. I did have a pretty purple ones for awhile. I believe they were opium poppies.

Chuckling about the divorce. Good persuasion.

Well, Kristenne just carried Nolan up the hall so I can get jammies on so I better run along.

See you kids tomorrow!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Don't have the Lobelia, if I did, you would be welcome to them. I will put you some of the castor bean seed in the mail.

If you have enough of the tuberose, save me a pot, and I will gladly buy it from you. I am trying to get some fragrant things out back, where the pool is.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Bonnie! I wasn't really trying for a trade originally but do love castor beans!

For fragrance, my favorites used to be Evening Fragrance Datura by the dining room window, Tuberose under my bedroom window and moon flower vines and Brugs around the pond which was just a few feet from the deck and my bedroom window. When there was a breeze, we could smell them almost anywhere in the house. We've never run air much so the windows were usually open.

Here is some info on the Tuberose and fragrance.
Planting and growing: I actually bought them from Bill at caladiums4less. He posted a special on them on facebook so Melissa and me got the Tuberose and Caladiums too. LOL They are super nice bulbs!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I looked up the problem, and it was "Septoria leaf spot " and now I have probably set myself up for the same problem, because I have not removed last year's vines yet. Jenny did bring me Daconil to use, which I hated doing, but I think it was to late. So good thing I planned on moving them this year. We had a rainy spring and early summer last year. Even though I have good drainage, the leaves still had a lot of water on them with the rain.

I'll try over by the garage, and see what happens.

Waddy, KY

Bonnie, the oldest is getting married the 3rd of June. So far Men's Warehouse has lost the suits at least twice and tried to get one of the groomsmen to pay for his the second time. The invitation proofs kept coming back wrong, the priest of the Shelbyville church didn't want to let them move up the time of the wedding (just a littel control issue since they're bringing in another priest), couldn't find a caterer that would use our beef, can't find ties that come close to matching the bridesmaid dress colors and Kate's dress is too tight. We're messing with making the cake and I guess since the majority of the bridesmaids are either in CO or MA I guess I'll have to ramrod a shower. And on top of that Market will be in full swing by then. And somewhere in the middle of that I want to get that **** house finished and get moved in. I sort of wished she'd have picked a winter wedding.... Oh yeah, we're doing the flowers so let's everyone pray that the peonies last that long please. If you have anything blooming that week I may be to see you!!!

Chele, how does Craig think the interview went?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I should have some Nicotiana, I'll "try" to remember to bring some with me thursday. I know I have some started, and I "think" I still have seeds left.

Bonnie, could I have some castor beans? I'll come and thump your hubby over the head in trade if you want me to? Wasn't he wanting another barn not too long ago? Tell him he can have a barn if a GH is built on the side of it.... or, just order one. He wouldn't be surprised that much, you've wanted one for so long. I just hate to see you wanting something so much and not getting it. :(

Janet, it sounds like you're going to have your hands full with the wedding! Good luck--I am NOT looking forward to being in your shoes... but afraid I will be before too much longer. :(

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I will send you some of the castor bean seeds Melissa, and won't ask you to thump DH over the head in trade.

The subject of a greenhouse if done. I think he has beat this dead horse enough, guess I will find another horse for him to beat to smitherenes. I will get one eventually, I may have to have it handicapped accessible though if I wait much longer.

Janet, I have been in your shoes, only from the mother of the groom side, and I don't care which side you are on, it is still nerve wracking. Glad the bridal shop is willing to look into the dress. Wow, that is a bunch of money to have to go through this. I know you didn't mention price, but even if you get a cheapie dress it is still big $$$. Hope you are sane enough after this that you can still tackle moving and doing market, plus working.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

What about craigs lntetview?? Am onmy celll and l can't type on it. Iguess im just too LOU

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Janet, first off, here is a big hug for you. (((JANET))) I hope you stay sane through the summer. It sounds like we might have to pull you out of a padded room before long if things don't straighten up. You really should have found us a dwelling close to yours. I'd be there to point and laugh. Oh, I mean help you, yes, help you!! :P

Jules, I do think retiring your old tomato patch, at least for a year is a good idea. I hope you have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. I also hope the new location is easy for you to reach and tend.

Bonnie, I think the final verdict regarding the greenhouse stinks. I'm not sure if your hubby is thinking of the money or your back or giving up time with you or....? You aren't getting any younger and you've worked hard to save and you certainly should be able to enjoy it. Buy a bunch of plants this year and then tell him how much cheaper you could have grown them. LOL Seriously, everyone needs their own "thing". Put $20 in a jar every time he does something he wants to do.

LOL @ Lou. You did pretty good. A lot of phones drop words and then it's really hard to figure out what the heck someone is trying to say.

Hubby doesn't know anything from the interview. They gave him the typical...they have to interview others and he should have an answer in 1-2 weeks. I mean seriously, he has 20 years experience and they are paying an outside company now because of his contract. Makes no sense to me. I guess we'll just have to be patient. Had a lot of experience with that over the years. At least he's working. hmph.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes, Chele, I wondered about that today.

I put the castor beans in the mail to you.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you Bonnie! I really appreciate it.

My friend came over today and worked on tomatoes again. I had to rib her tonight at soccer practice. It's taking her an hour per tray. I told her I timed myself today just to see and it's taking me 16 minutes per tray to plug, water and put on the shelf. She said she's going to try to hit my speed tomorrow. LOL I told her she was probably being overly careful and that I'd show her again tomorrow. I'm sure there are a lot of people that do it faster than I do!!

I started on the tree seedlings. I'm going to have a whole lot of extra Mexican Buckeye trees/shrubs. Sure wish they were hardy here. I'm considering overwinter 1-2 in the greenhouse just to see if they'll make it. I wish the yellow Buckeye seeds would sprout so quick. LOL I have such a fun variety of new things to play with this year. :)

I'm in a pickle now though because I'm out of web flats after the next 4-6 and I still have a lot of stuff to transplant.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, what are you calling "web flats"? I wouldn't have many, but if I can figure out what you are talking about I could bring them to the RU. By chance do you have any of Jules favorite tree? Dang, can't think of the name of it, hey Jules help me out, the one that blooms yellow and blooms early. I would also like a black pussy willow, if I can find one, not gonna pay and arm and leg, but a small one that wouldn't set me back too much.

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