spring projects.....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Love the bench!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Mee too ,and the same thoughts about how nice those scraps are.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

For 5$ a load you can go on base and get wood scraps from their discard wood pile. You can get some pretty nice wood. We use to have an 8 X 8 wood deck that was nothing more than a very large very heavily made pallet that some very heavy equipment came in on. Ric picked it up one day and when he tried to get it off base the guards wouldn't let him leave. The thought he got someone in the wood shop to build him a deck and was trying to pull off something. They called one of the supervisors who said yes it is scrap and don't bother me again. LOL Whatever came in on it was very large and round as you could see a faint circular rust mark on it. We get some pretty nice plywood if you don't need whole sheets there are some pretty large crates made from exterior plywood. My little chicken coop is nothing more than one of those crates with a roof added.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

OOOOOOOOOOO, which base? Can anyone get them?
Forgot to say, great job, Ric!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I don't think anyone could go on base and get scrap wood. Ric goes because we retired from one of them and Jamie works on the other one now. That is how we have access. My father had a moving and storage co and they did a lot of military moves. Furniture and other items came from overseas in large exterior grade plywood crates. His co would pick them up and unload the furniture and deliver it. So he had a lot of these crates. Half my house is built from those. If you tore off the siding and tar paper you would find plywood sheets with address from Korea still there. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I don't know about other HD's---but ours, occasionally, has a lumber cart-full
of somewhat damaged building materials and lumber--drywall etc....
So many 4x8 sheets can be damaged when there are forklifts around...
Or, something gets dropped and a corner breaks off.....or the top sheet takes all kinds
of c**p during shipment...etc...

You know those "spacers" they have between layers of lumber or landscape ties or moldings?
That is all trash! If you just happen to be there as they are unloading things--all you have to do is ask.

I could NOT buy a single board from the damaged materials cart--as I work there--but contractors,
or others,will be able to buy the WHOLE cart-full for--maybe $50 or around there....

Here's another HUGE deal-----You know how they build all the Garden tables out of PT 2"x10"
boards sitting on cinder blocks?
When they dismantle these tables--say...maybe before Th-Giving sometime--they never save them...
I know that they have sold all those PT boards to someone for a couple of hundred $$$$.
Firds come with a will to buy will get them.
NOW--One would have to really, really watch when this dismantling happens....It can be started
and done--in one day!
Then they will be building the lean-to's out of palates for all the X-mas trees.
I would guess this will happen, maybe, second week of November--or such.

Check at YOUR HD (and Lowes) and see what they do with damaged/used building materials...


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have something like that they call it blue lumber.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, what a great design! I love the way Ric made it just the right height to slide those pro mix bales under, too. I was going to "punt" and try to make quick shelves with cinder blocks, but i'm going to check my "scrap" lumber (deck leftovers) and see what I can see...

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info, Holly and Gitagal. We'll just have to do that and check it out.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

You should see Chris's back yard. People are always giving her stuff that she can use and she is so creative. Chris, take a picture of you walkway with all those pretty pieces of granite or porcelain tile you got out of the dumpster. She grouted it herself. She is amazing. She never turns down anything she can use but she is also a generous person. She can work circles around most of us. I fuss at her all the time about not stopping to rest. When she's on a mission..watch out! Chris has shared a lot of plants with me and I'm learning from her about seed planting. She has worked so hard on this new project but it will look nice when she's finished.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

pippi21: Thank you for the compliments. Yesterday I moved 2 out of the three Azaleas in the back yard , that"s all the room I had . It was an horrendous job, big ball of roots, with plants mixed with them, day lilies etc a mess, wallowing in the mud to dig two new holes for them and my husband mood being borderline . His best statement " he just does not get how anyone can love to do this much work and enjoy it" I smiled. Anyway I got them planted mulched and what have you, mowed the back yard after cleaning everything. last night we had a BBQ and I enjoyed looking at the fruit of my morning labor, the ugly fence is invisible, that makes all this hard work worthwhile.
I would have posted a picture of my sidewalk but I think that a group of my pictures were lost when my computer crashed a while back. Later l will take some pictures and post them. The front yard is coming along very slowly , because I spend most of my time in the back yard at the first place and right now I have to catch up at least 4 months of doing nothing last year.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

picture of the sidewalk and mini patio that pippi21 talks about

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

This is the project that I started on Monday this week, This meant transplanting couple large azaleas taking apart the bird bath, making a new bird bath out of concrete with a drain at the bottom for easier cleaning and a new flower bed where the azaleas used to be. Here is a picture as of Monday after we transplanted the azaleas and the bird bath was nothing but a pile of rock and stones.

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

This is finished project as of yesterday

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Orchidfancy, That is looking really nice. Looks like you have quite a slope there.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

No, it is from the angle that I took it here is a better picture of the bed and bird bath

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Next project, finish the front bed and the front yard this is the way it look's now let's see what i can do in a week or less LOL

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You have a very interesting design and it looks like you've had a lot of work to get it that way. Bravo!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ok, now remember I'm not doing, have to edge it still and get more plants for it but it looks A LOT Better than a pile of dirt

Finally was able to get it done in 90° heat with hubby's help, it took 4 hours

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Looks great Jen!! Don't you just love working with a clean palette? What are you putting in?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen, That looks great. It is going to be just beautiful when it starts to grow in. Love it.
Oh I posted a thread with Ric's latest finished project.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good going jen. I saw Forest Pansie RBs recently - they are really striking.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone!

Terri, I have a Sand Cherry from you from 2 yrs ago that is going on other end. I'm going to research some Daylilies to see which ones I want, I think hot pink and purples.
I need to research plants with purple foliage and I have angelina sedum I'll be putting in

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen, I have a lot of DL from John and Ruby, that are large enough to divide. When they start blooming I can take pics you can see if there are any that you would like.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Awesome! Thanks Holly.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

My front yard is still a work in progress the round bed is finished, the plants are coming up and ready to bloom , we are getting somewhere except that I am invaded with verbena bonariensis , the more I pull and transplant and the more seems to come up.Anyone interested in this verbena please e-mail me I would be happy to share. new picture of the front yard.

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I would say that is coming along very nicely. Looks lovely. Everything at my house is a work in progress. Ric spent all day yesterday working on the Veggie garden. Now that the Arbor is in he planted the upper half of the Veggie garden.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Great yard orchidfancy. Is that Happy Returns DL? I like that color better than Stella D Oro. Is that also Milkweed in two spots with those DL? I don't know how you can keep it under control.
And thanks but I have V bonariensis already

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's just beautiful! I'm with Sally on loving the lemon-yellow of Happy Returns. :-)

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