THINK SPRING! Seed Party Photo Thread

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

AWWWWWWW--Two of my favorite DG'ers.......

Holly and Jill in her new, chic, short hairdo....This is ALL hers!!!!
Cute! By a 100% vote!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Judy--I have the cheapest digital camera on the market!
It is a Polaroid (about $79) that I won at a HD X-Mas party about 5 years ago.
It has taken me through hundreds and hundreds of travel pictures.

It has worked great---BUT--it does not capture reds and blues too well....
I want a better one that does--and, one day, will just go out and buy one....
Maybe a Cannon or Nikon compact digital.....

Anyway--back to things on hand....

Jill explaining all the rules of the "SEED" Bingo game....Don't ask!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

More "selling" going on.....

"Take my seeds! PLEASE!!!!"

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Haighr and Larry...

Ahem--HE thought he had all the Tomato seeds he ever needed! HA!!!!
NOT till I talked to him!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If my recollection of names is wrong--just attribute it to "Senior Moments"....

Thanks! Makes me feel better.....

Another table shot! By now--all the food is gone south.....Ahem....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I think--Thass ALL Folks......for pictures anyway!

Loved seeing you all again!
Brace yourselves now for the Plant Swap--which, I heard, Theresa will be hosting.
She will let you know the date. I am "X"-in it in on my Ca lander anyways. Gotta plan ahead.....

"T'was the Swap that was!" Once again..... Read on......

GEEZ! I am, getting better at choosing all the food I eat at this place. Always too much!
Those BQ'ed ribs were out of this World! I only took one! Bummer!!!
I need to skip more of the umpteen Chicken dishes and eat more ribs and seafood!
I even had ONE little Sushi--Bec was "holding my hand" as i chose it. It is NOT the
raw fish or whatever--I could stomach everything---I just don't like rice all that much.

TOO many tables to choose food from!! Everything is saying---"EAT ME!!!".....
And--I try to sample everything....
I need to go there on a VERY leisurely lunch--with no time constraints--and spend
about 3 hours there to just try all the things that look sooo good!

It was only when I was leaving--with my hands full of bags and boxes-- that I passed by
the Raw Oyster bar....I almost dropped everything and wanted to slurp up about a half
a dozen--but could not! My parting thought was----"GEE! Was this included in our
lunch we could have picked from????" All for the $12? Whaaaa.......I missed it!

I bet--What's-His-Name on "Food Challange" would have gone all through this place
and eaten plates-full of everything....No Blue ribbons for him!
Most people feel the same way. Wish I could.....Well! Next Year!

Thanks for everything, Jill......I will go on a diet for a month before the next Swap--so I can!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good job on the pictures, gals.

Thanks everybody who gave me seeds, and who took some of mine. I really enjoyed talking to Teresa as we were sitting close at first. And my other Sally- Donnerville. And Holly, And Catbird and Gita on the drive. and and... THere's just not enough time to get to talk to everybody in one event, thats why we need to keep having them! I was treated by Foxnfirefly to the cutest ever picture of her new dog, on her camera.

My boo hoo- somehow I did not have a doughnut...even if Jill tried to get one for everybody and serve us...

Jil, no really, don't go back for that fern for me. Soon enough I'll be swamped with 'what goes out, what to plant....etc...But so generous of you as usual, to offer! (BTW, the Zombie is having its terrible twos- it still sitting in the pot and staring at the window and refusing to send up a stalk- LOL)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I agree, we need more gatherings, more often! This is just such a fabulous group. Sally & Gita, I think you need to come out again so I can make sure you're properly fed with oysters & doughnuts. LOL

Oh, and I wanted to say "thank you!" to whoever chipped in extra to treat me to lunch. We left a nice tip, and several of the wait-staff commented to me that it was fun to see us all having such a great time. :-)

It's fun seeing all those photos! I'm sorry I missed Foxy showing off the new photo of her pup... please, Foxy, post it here for us!

A couple of folks were asking about propagating scented geraniums (pelargoniums). Except for 'Coconut', I don't grow them from seed... Most named varieties are hybrids that are grown from cuttings. I wrote an article (don't laugh, Terri) about growing them from cuttings (technique should work for most herbs, probably even for "woody" cuttings). I also wrote an article just about SGs and some of the varieties I've grown:

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Looks like a blast, glad you all had a good time.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jen, how long for you to Baltimore?

Hey did everybody get Petunia Mini Max Pink from Jill? Here 's the PF for the species
We don't have Mini Max in PF yet but the plant sounds great! One note is it looks awesome with Salvia Black and Blue- I can picture that!

Beleive it or not- I'm actually making a spreadsheet of seeds and when to plant them. I think I'll really appreciate it when I finish.

I don't know what's funnier-- that Gita has packets of "I can't ID this " seeds, or that I took one and will plant them. Reminds me, I have my own packet of ?? and might as well do them too LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Nope... I was going to place an order with Hazzards for more of those seeds, but Joyce got bogged down with orders after her DH had surgery, so I thought I could just do it another time. There are some 'Wave Pink' seeds I want from her also, because they are supposed to be just about exactly "Pink Ribbon" color. :-)

No spreadsheet here; I'm doing well to organize seeds into heaps for winter sowing, direct sowing, and starting inside! LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well I am sure going to grow Mini Max Pink and it reads like a good candidate for collecting so I will be giving it my best.

Holly- Castor Bean- would you start inside? or direct sow?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Start them inside to give them a head start for the best height. I'm starting mine now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yay cool! Gonna use a Cow Pot- right now!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I would like to thank Judy and Gita for taking pictures and posting them. Love seeing old friends and new faces. Looks like everyone had a great time.
I like having caster bean plants in the garden. A touch of the tropics. I still have some beans in my seed stash. I usually start them inside later, but I'm in a later planting zone. They get pretty big fast and I need them at a size I can handle easily when I set them outside. I also grew one in a large pot one year, it did not get to the size that the in ground plants but it added that tropical feel to the deck.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm about 3 1/2hrs away, Sally...which isn't bad at all...maybe get down there for one of those seed swaps

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Flower Jen--

IF you ever do--I would be a good stop for you to, I-95--exit 67B.
maybe spend the night....I have lots of room...Live alone----3 Bedrooms...

Sally is 1/2 hr. drive from me--and, then, Jill is one more hour from her house....


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi, everyone. I took some pics but they aren't great as they are scatter shots and I don't know everyone in the pictures.

First, Froggy and I made it a point to hit up DPF first and early. I had a great time in there as before, and bagged some treasure to take home. I was amazed at their new line of topiary frames and took a couple of snapshots.

A life-sized dragon??

This message was edited Feb 28, 2011 9:48 PM

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

They also had an awesome "jade" collection of water features and birbbaths. I didn't buy any of this but it was tempting!! Would have to come back with a pick-up truck!!

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

DPF--biggest birdbath line.

Got a pick-up truck, anyone??

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

I neglected to get pictures of my "goods" but I will get them later.

Now for the seed party....Look at all those smiling faces!!

This was the table I sat at, and there was a lot of seeds coming from that corner!! Forgive me, but I forgot the names...Jill standing at left.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Foxnfirefly, You had Froggy's shopping cart REALLY bogged down with plants. Wish I had taken a picture of that. That was a drop dead gorgeous firely red begonia you got. It must have been the only one cause when I got there, I didn't see anymore but that;s ok. I am happy with the 4 plants I got. Sorry I didnt get to give you a big hug goodbye but DH Bob was getting ants in his pants and I was so lucky to talk him into going. We did end up in the Dollar Tree and Bob bought two absolutely HUMONGEOUS (4.2 oz) Chunky Bars for $ 1.00 each to taste on the way home. I don't think we have them that size in Pennsylvania.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

The buzz word is "seeds!!!"

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

We had quite a nice group last weekend. I'm still thinking about this.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

This one has sallyg (left) and ???

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Intense discussion going on here.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

HollyAnnS (left) and friend (name??) didn't get her name.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

And I got Ric, Holly's hubby, too. Always see him at swaps!! What was he doing this time, guarding the gift table??

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

In that last photo, it's Terri (Aspenhill) next to Holly, with Candee (haighr) in the bottom right corner.

I had such a blast! It's fun to think back on it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

whoops, we crossed.

Yes, Ric was keeping the name-drawing going at the gift table... thanks, Ric!

That's my friend Theresa in the bottom left of the photo with Ric & Holly

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

And here's Judy (Buttoneer) & Bob from PA.

Jill, it was good to see you and you looked great!! THanks for the seeds and the link to the pelargonium info. I love those plants and am collecting them. I tried rooting them in water but they just rotted. I would love to do another swap soon. Hope we can pulll it off!!

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Sorry for all the yellow glow in the pics. It was dark in there. I probably needed to adjust something. Oh, so that was Theresa with Holly? I thought I had seen her before but wasn't sure. Thanks.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, Buttoneer--I missed saying good-bye but I know you had your hubby in tow and figured he'd get you out real quick to get a good start on the drive home. That's one reason I don't bring mine!! :-) Yes, I got myself a fiery red begonia. I thought there was a couple more but somebody apparently got them if you didn't see them. I also got a red fern, a beautiful bi-colored "camouflage" pelargonium and another foliage plant that looks jazzyy. I thought it would look good in the living or dining room. And I also bought some pots--one is a teapot shape which I will put in my herb garden. I got a spider pot stand, a gift from last Christmas, and I am going to put the teapot on the spider's back in my herb garden. Should make a good curisoity highlight. I think I will grow sweet peas to stream out of the teapot.

I can give you a divide of the red begonia when the time comes if you want one. Would be glad to!!

This message was edited Feb 28, 2011 9:27 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer's photos #10 Orchidlady(Christiane) and Pippi21(Betty)
Chris is orchid shirt and Betty in coral color shirt looking into somebody's seed box

#17 Pippi21(Betty) in coral shirt and I think the other lady's Robin?

FoxnFirefly's pictures Jill is handing Pippi21(Betty) a pack of Veronica Speedwell or Victoria Blue salvia seeds..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Terri (Aspenhill) got a wonderful begonia at DPF, also! She said I could "accidentally on purpose" knock a leaf off sometime (to propagate it). LOL

I found a cute "noid" african violet with a white edge on the bloom and crown variegation at DPF. I love those white-edged blooms! I'm so excited about the AV babies that Donnerville shared with me (one will bloom crimson-red and the other bright magenta, both with a stunning white edge)... Thank you!

The little "button fern" that I picked up will go to my mom next month, because she loves ferns. I also found a little variegated "creeping ficus" plant that I think will do best with higher humidity, so I've tucked it into my terrarium. I keep saying I'm going to plant that thing up properly... it's a hexagonal fish tank, probably 20 gallons, and so far I've just been putting pots down into it at different levels, plus I have an inch of gravel & water at the bottom.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Opps! I goofed with Christiane's is Orchidfancy not Orchidlady..She was wearing that beautiful orchid color shirt so guess that's why I typed the wrong name. Sorry about that Chris.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I got some Castor beans in a pot Holly- those beans have really cool 'tortoising' patterns to them. I am so glad Jill decided to forego them this year! One could easily think they're some kind of edible bean. I can almost see shellacking them and making jewelry.

It was great fun. THanks to the photographers for helping us relive it!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Sally they are such pretty seeds, did you see the Job's Tears seeds that Becky had they are just as pretty and are used for jewelry.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes! I have a few Jobs Tears from wind (Diana) Those are really cool. OH Reminds me of some cute jewelry I saw in a craft book/ magazine. Tiny bird nests made from copper wire. You could use these seeds for the eggs. CUTE!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wonderful pics everyone...and as always LOVED seeing everyone. Jill you did an amazing job...I do hope you got some rest!! Thank you for my 'baby'...hopefully yours roots for you...if not...just let me know!!
Hugs to all

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