Plant Propagation part XXIX based on my own experience

Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

Just a quick update -28 at 8:30. I am getting so bummed out, can't even think of seeds, let alone do anything in the snow-ice packed yard. Worse than that--I left my seed starter flats and containers in the GH, (unheated) and it is frozen shut with about 2 ft of snow/ice. Will probably be June before I can even open it d^&*. It is too cold to snow here.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Hey Lee, when I send your plants, I will send some trays. I have many.

I am trying to get everything done this next week. I really want this off my list. I cannot imagine doing plants for a living.

Evelyn, your plant is getting panted in the garden this week. Hopefully seeds will be right behind. I have two appointments this coming week so that will probably mess things up.

Dave, I will send you a list of the DVDs I have. Now please do not laugh. We do no watch to many movies.

I am going to read the paper. See you all tomorrow. Sharon.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

That is so sweet of Sharon. Lee you have my sympathies. In an area with a short growing season, I am sure it is traumatic and depressing not to be able to start early.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Jeanette ~ Yes, usually the power goes out in any severe winter storm. Many factors are involved, and maybe there are some I am not aware of. Usually trees or large tree limbs go flying and get caught in a power line. Also many people up here have never driven in winter and you know what that result may be. Especially since we had so much ice as it alternated with rain and snow and freezing, so no telling about the ice under the snow. I try not to drive in this weather, though when I was working, I never missed work due to weather conditions.

I like to stay home in the wintertime, but sometimes it is necessary to go out. Usually we can wait for breaks in between storms, as we try to keep our pantry and freezer well-stocked.

Fortunately, Steve got the wood in before the storm hit, and now we have even more wood to cut up. We never had to chop anything down. We usually give the pine to the neighbors as we usually just burn oak. There are many limbs and a few trees lying under the snow. We will have a mess to clean up.

I was going to go downstairs, but Steve is moving the furniture all around and there is no where to sit. So he brought my dinner upstairs. (Isn't he sweet?)

Now I will get into my seeds again and select some more to sow. I have to get the ones to sow inside that should have been started in January. I always seem to miss that much else going on. Then I will do some more WS'ing. I think I will try the delphs indoors and WS and see which is the better result as someone sent me some fresh seed. They don't keep very long and maybe if I sow them early enough I might get some blooms. Does anyone here grow delphinums? This is my first time trying them from seed. Dave, do you grow them? Or Jeanette?

Off to the seed box....

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Yes, isn't Sharon the sweetest person you have ever met.

Houses in Las Vegas are dirt cheap now. Now if you didn't have to get use to gardening in 110 degrees. Jnette and Evelyn have such beautiful mountain areas right out their back door. I sure the bad weather is like a toothache, once it is gone you will forget.

JB does even have to worry about airfare. She just jumps on her broom, grabs her dog and goes bye bye. JB, do they make special brooms for short people? Now be nice JB. Class clown is signing off.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Whoops! Sorry, Lee, Dawn, Jeanette and Sharon! Crossposted again!

Sharon ~ Oh, good! (About your planting...) Is it still alive? Well, duh! You would not be planting it if it wasn't. I meant how is it holding up? Mine is buried under the snow right now, as is everything else.

Lee ~ MINUS 28°?? And I thought that 22° was cold! BRRRR!! Do you ever get to go anywhere at all in winter? It would be nice to have a vacation home in FL or AZ for the winter. And you can't get into the GH...bummer!! Some day I hope to have one, but living where you do it is much more necessary. Especially if you are going to grow any food crops...or do you just grow flowers? If I had a GH, I would like to have an avocado tree and some citrus trees. Those two we cannot grow here.

Gotta go now... to all!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Enjoy.Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper

Pawleys Island, SC

Wow, What a weekend everyone has had! You all do not want to hear from me about weather! But you can all come visit.
It is 72 right now and going to be 74 tomorrow. The redbud trees and bradford pear trees are all showing color and my camellias are beginning to bloom. ( some have been blooming for a long time, but these are the later varieties) all in all it is spectacular. The problem is I can't get in it enough. I get frustrated just looking at it. I want to play in the dirt! I want to plant things! I just want to whine! Oh well.
Hope you all have a great day.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Morning gang,

Just came inside. Spent the last hour trying to find the daffodil rows so I can flag them so no one walks or drives on them. I found all but three rows and they are not up yet. They are the latest variety. I am running late so I will make this short. Weather is breezy and about 40 deg.
It is to warm up this week but still go down below freezing at night. The sun is great, warm and bright. I hate to be inside at all. May just bundle up and sit on the deck to soak in some Vit. D.

Fertilized the greenhouse yesterday and things look o.k. but it needs humidity and I can not get the humidity up. I give up. The heat is too dry. Outside orders are coming in now and I am hoping I have enough to keep everyone happy. If not, I will quit early and go to the beach the rest of the summer. LOL. Don't I wish.

Need to water houseplants. darn I forgot that. Hope you are all well and feeling much better than before.

I need to grow some broom corn so I can make more brooms. Right Dave??????

See you later. JB

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL Linda, go ahead and whine. We all have our times over one thing or another. It is hell to see so much that you want to do and be incapacitated. When you don't feel good or can't get to do something it always looks worse than it is. When you can do it and don't want to then you can easily overlook it. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

We crossposted JB. I will come go to the beach with you!! I don't go in to salt water tho. Do you mean that beach?

It is 16 degrees here and snowing. Haven't been out to soak up the VD so will take a pill instead.

My sister bought some new potting mix last week and gave me a bag of it and it is wonderful for the houseplants. I am thinking I just might repot all of them for the summer. Bet they would love it. Sure wish I had one of those Aimees to put in some of it.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Just shut up about the Aimee...............too cold to ship.............what about too cold to ship do you not understand? You killed the first one you got, now you just want another to destroy. I do not believe you want to do that. Stop pestering me or I will have to hurt you.

What other beach would I mean? I do not swim in the ocean anymore but I love to surf fish and
seldom do that anymore. Seems my SIL would rather take his wife instead of his Mother in Law. LOL. I stay home and slave over the meals and care for the dogs. Really I do........when I am not watching TV, complaining to you guys or eating and drinking. I keep telling him I am going to move................he just smiles. I love that kid to pieces. His Mother was just here and
we were teasing him. He is just the nicest guy but he has his moments too. Especially like yesterday when we handed him the dirty old horse shoes for him to clean and paint for the little Brownie scouts project we are working on. LOL He cleaned manure off of them for hours and scrubbed them before he painted them. He said he can still smell the liniment they use on their legs and feet that was on the shoes.
I am going to work. JB

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from Jnette :

It is 16 degrees here and snowing. Haven't been out to soak up the VD so will take a pill instead.

It was 20° last night and 35°...cold enough for me! Jeanette - please keep yourself warm. Do you have a good wood stove? Ours keeps us quite warm in the winter. We have propane, too, but the wood stove works better to really warm up the house in cold weather.

Lee ~ What do you use to heat your home?

JB ~ ?? Wood stove?

Sharon is laughing at the babies on her computer and enjoying the warm weather. It is great to be able to work in the gardens this early. We still have a layer of snow outside so hopefully it will melt this week before any more storms arrive. It is sunny today. I will be starting some more seeds. I just took my frozen Gerbera from the back porch as it was frozen solid. I watered it and put it on the front porch in the sunshine to see if it is savable...(probably not).

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Sorry, JB, we cross-posted. I don't go to the beach in Northern CA, as it is cold year round. Different story in Southern CA. I used to go to the beach a lot. But now here are trees. Lots of them. Still, when you live in a forest there is always the danger of fire in the summertime. (Are you warm yet?) Still, it is quite beautiful. when I was small, my parents (and I) used to fish off the pier in Redondo Beach. I don't remember catching anything though, except ones that were too small and had to be thrown back.

I still cannot imagine you taking off and going to the beach all summer.....

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

When I lived on Wrightsville Beach NC I was in seventh heaven. I love the surf and the sand and the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks. I have CDs of surf sounds that I use to sleep sometimes because I miss the sound of the surf. They relax me and I fall off to sleep in no time. I would have a house on the beach if it was not for the tourists. I can not deal with crowds and traffic when I go to relax. I never go to the beach where the tourists go. I have a friend who has a house on the Bay and I go there and we fish off their dock and play in the water. They just walk across a few streets and the ocean is there. Private beaches. etc. I could spend hours picking up shells and coral or pebbles. simple life is for me.

We unfortunately have oil heat. I think it is about $3.50 a gallon delivered. So, when we fill the tank, it is painful......we do that several times a year. The tank holds about 300 gallon. WE have two tanks too. One for the workshop and one for the house. We ran out of oil yesterday in the workshop and my SIL had to go get some so we could work in there. LOL
He had forgot to call for oil Friday. Now it will be Tuesday and no doubt it will be up to more than $3.50. I heard that crude oil is now $100 a barrel..........first in a long time it was that high.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Yes, the sound of the surf is relaxing. We went to Santa Monica and Redondo Beach when we went to my class reunion in October. That seems so long ago. It was a nice time to travel, as the roads weren't quite so busy, though there were crowds at the popular beaches. We also went to one of the beaten path, in Morro Bay. That was quiet and relaxing.

This message was edited Feb 27, 2011 8:16 PM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Good grief, what a crank!! All I did was say I sure like her plants. And boy it set her off. I wonder if all people in that state are like that. Have you heard that new governor of theirs? Cristie? He sounds just like her.

Salt water is slimy. To be in. Can't imagine why the SIL would rather be with someone else. ANYONE ELSE!!

Yes, we have wood heat. I love it except that it is so dirty. I have to paint in here but have to wash the walls first. It is that dirty.

I've heard those tapes of the surf. They are for meditation or any other mental state.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Dining room table is again spotless and de-cluttered. Salmon is cooked and now I am going to read the paper.

Who does this remind you of?

Thumbnail by WormsLovSharon
Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

The only thing missing is the "Broom". I hope the photo made you laugh like it did me.

I forgot do something on banking so I had to come back on for a moment. We are watching the awards but since we have seen no movies, we have no favorites.

Our neighbor is running for Mrs. Nevada. Going on right now, so we are all waiting to hear.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well neighbor made final 10 but did not make the final 5. She is a beauty so do not know how she lost. Prior pharmaceutical rep now married to a cardiologist. Has three children. Baby boy 7 months, girl 3 and step daughter 22. That should tell you the story but she is delightful. Another of Mother Winter's daughters in the neighborhood. Now I am really offline.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

My shoulders are not that broad, but I just consider the source of all these smart a** comments and they roll off my back. Our Governor Christie is so funny. He is overweight and Mika Brazinski on MSNBC told him he must loose weight. They had this thing going and he promised her he would He now has a personal trainer who works with him 3 times a week and he is eating healthier. He will not say how much he lost but he has taken off some weight. He is a big man to start with , football player, that size. He was a US Attorney prior to being our governor. He is really cleaning up the corrupt union crap we have here.
He is one funny, fine and aggressive man. You know when he says something he means it and he is not a typical politician. He does not want to be President.

We want to keep him here in NJ. Our last Governor Corzine, was a from Wall Street and had his own money. I think he served his term without taking a salary. Must be nice. He spent more State money than we had and we are now so broke it is pathetic. It was not just Corzine, but those that came before him also. Both parties are responsible for the mess we are in. So, our chubby Christie is trying to balance the budget. When he does that he is coming to my house and balance mine. LOL Enough of the political situation in NJ. Nothing new considering the entire USA is in the same boat. Except, we have a chubby governor.HA. Welcome to the wonderful world of overweight. That is the NJ slogan.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well I happen to think the puppy is adorable, just like you. I have decided to dig up my plants today in the holding garden. That way I know they are done right. Then tomorrow the two workers can just double dig to their hearts contents and not kill anything.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sharon, you are too funny. Those poor workers need instructions from you. Of course, some workers do not take kindly to women instructing them. So, you are not exactly in a win win situation. Dig away baby. Do not hurt your back.

I just finished gluing little pink bows on 15 horse shoes and now I have 15 more to decorate as gifts for the International Jersey Fresh Events that are being held here in a few months.
It is really more fun than anything else. I usually donate center pieces for the VIP luncheon tables and then this year I am doing these little gifts for the special people who my daughter decides should have them.

I am still missing a row of daffodils.....the sun was not warm enough to bring them up. I may be missing 2 rows, I forget how many we actually have because we have been planting for six years and the older bulbs are now beginning to multiply and the rows are getting a bit out of wack. LOL

Noon time. Where is everyone? Those west coast wild ones are still snoring. I wonder how our southern cripple is? Poor baby, I would be out of my mind. How are you Ibartoo? Love you and hope you are feeling better. I can imagine it is soon azalea time....they used to have festivals in Wilmington NC in the Spring for the azaleas. They were beautiful and fun.
Nothing like the way they grow in the South. I love them.

I shall return even if you do not want me to. BLAH to you too Jen.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I forgot to than you Sharon for making my day with the Blue Bird of Happiness. My God that is so funny. I had a problem copying it but I managed to and sent it on to several of my closest buddies. I also printed it out on glossy paper and hung it in my kitchen. I love it. Thanks so much.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

My dear JB, My broom has met with yours and they are friends also.:) Hope all is well with everyone. Linda, are you learning to cope better? Katie, how is Ca.:) Jen, what can I say, you did get the joke in and nobody even commented about it. Wow, Surprise, surprise. Thought JB or Sharon would pick up on it first. Nobody did, blows my mind. Hehehe.
It is warming again, probably just until Jen decides to send it our way again.

Keep warm everyone. Lee

Lebanon, OR

Sharon, if you want something done right do it yourself which you are doing. The puppy looks like me after digging labeling trimming cleaning packing the BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG orders of the beardless the bearded are easy...

Here in the PNW in Oregon we have mixed rain snow and the wind like LV has during the summer.

Clue Sharon started on something for someone


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I sent you all the cutest Hershey Kiss that opens up and kisses everyone and it did not print. I hate when that happens.

Lee, what joke did I miss? Does not surprise me, except, if Jen said it I ignore her sometimes. She is my favorite person and I do not want her to get overconfident, so I act like I hate what she says at times. When in fact, usually I am sitting here laughing at the thought of other people reading these posts and wondering what we are talking about half the time or why do we say the things we do. You notice, not too many people hang around. I think they must feel we are serious. Oh dear, that would be terrible for Dave. He has so much good stuff to share.

What would you get for a seven foot red maple if you were to have one to sell? Where can I find out todays prices of nursery stock ? Dave, wake up....I have a question.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well I am going to the Portland area and Spokane area in May. I told Vern I was going with or without him so he has decided to go. Home is his comfort zone. I told him we would get a hotel room in Spokane so that made him feel better.

I am renting a car and driving out to Dee's place and we are going to tour the iris farms. Hopefully they will be in bloom. I also have cousins in Gresham and a daughter and 3 granddaughters in Vancouver. I am thinking about two weeks. I have someone that is going to come to the house and stay with the dogs and landscape. They have been doing this for us over 15 years. Friends of our daughter here. We usually go later in the summer but I want to see the irises blooming.

So, I have had my tea so I am going to hit the holding garden and get the plants dug. The bed is just about a worm bed because I have thrown so much scraps and cuttings in there. I think I will also transfer some worms. My only fear is the Black Bamboo. Should be interesting to see how the roots are underground. I started with one plant three years ago and I bet now there is over 20.

I am going to hold the plants that are going to Jnette, Lee and JB. Then they can tell me when to send. All the plants Jnette sent me last year are raising their little heads and loving the sunshine. The two willows are still there JB but I do not k now if they are alive. Lee I think your plant again did not make it.

Lee, I got the joke but I thought I had better keep my mouth shut. Stay out of trouble that way.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Cross Post. OK Dee, what did you start on and for who?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, I thought you all were up early and so industrious until I went back and looked at the time. Big D*** deal!! JB is the only one posting before 9:30 and it certainly wasn't real early her time.

It is still snowing, Bob told the Plowman to hold off cleaning the driveway until tomorrow since we have to go to Spokane on Wednesday. No point on doing it twice. Especially since the Ford has a good clearance. LOL, the first thing we looked for in buying.

Not a lot of big plans for the day. I am going to see if I can get a few more houseplants repotted into the good potting mix. Happy Frog. My sister got it at a hydroponic store.

ttyl, Glad you saw it Lee

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

BTW Lee, isn't it funny how some people just don't know which ones are jokes and which ones aren't funny?

Lebanon, OR

Ok Sharon, a little something for a special lady in my books


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

JB: How about giving the Brownies a cub scout each?????
What is Boheaka??? for some reason I should know what it is.
Estimating the cost of a tree can be tricky. is it something you are selling? how big is the tree. I know you said 7' but how thick is the trunk? what size container is it in? what kind of red maple? just a red maple or is it a named variety? I would look at forest farm. I will try to look up some things for you.

to find the alpine plants listed in hazzards list you might have to go through all the perrienial one by one and then look it up to make sure its something you want. I am a bit twisted in that i like to go plant by plant to look at all the different posabilities.
i tend to hang onto too many things and yes the seeds I have can be over due for the compost heap in the sky.

Sharon i love the pupy pic. You can see the wheels turning in his brain and boy does it look like we are in big trouble once he gets moving.
Yes some broom corn would be great. My great grand father grew broom corn on his farm.

I am a bit freaked out at the moment as Kim has started to have an issue with her neck involving tingleing and loss of use of some of her fingers from time to time. As everyone knows I really don't want anyone to go through what I do andwhat happens???? karma has a sick way of sticking its nose into my life. she has an appointment with my pain dr at 3:00 so hopefully we will see some releaf.

ok yesterday i did manage to get outside and enjoy the 70 degrees. I found 2 flats of crossed Daylily seedlings from 2008 so I am hopefull that we will see some flowers. I am excited to see what the new crosses will look like. I still have several flats to finish cleaning up the dead foliage and redoing the lables. I hope the new system i am doing will keep themlabeled better. It gets pretty old redoing the label every year.
I did find a good source for plant signs. I bought 120 - 5" zinc signs. I am using the china marker/greese pencil to lable everyone.
Last year I had my 1st bloom on the cross that i called scarlet time drifter. Does anyone remember it? well the pic below is from last year. I am thinking of getting the name for it and then selling splits of it.

yesterday i noticed our daffadills in flower its going to be a great show. now if the hostas will make their apearance. I did do some close inpection and found out that they are still alive and doing well now to get an inventory and get pics for ebay. I think its perfect time to sell the splits off.

have a great day..... we are suposed to be in the upper 60's all week. Its been too nice for mother nature to call winter quits for the year. I believe we have one more heavy snow.


Thumbnail by Pughbear7
Miles City, MT(Zone 3b)

JB you are going to have to guess. Jen you are sooooooo bad, wish I would have had the nerve, but coming from you was better. Sharon, your mind goes along with ours I think. However we do need to keep as healthy as we can!!!!!!
Was in the 40's today, but the next one is supposed to be coming in the next day or so. I don't think there will be much in the line of plants this year. Too darn cold to even think of seeds. ttyl

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, could Kim's problem be Carpel Tunnel? I know that is of the wrists but you know when I was a secretary, just sitting in one place in one position for so long would cause my neck and everything to go numb. Just a thought. Hope she is ok.

Dave, that DL is close to one I really like I think is named Lace Doily or something like that. It is beautiful.

I am having the same trouble Lee. I just can't seem to get in the mood for seeds. I look out here and see all this white stuff and just want to hibernate again. My daughter called and said she wanted to come over for a week in April, and I remember one year she was in such a funk when she got here, but I had tons of seedlings I was having her help me pot up and she got so hepped up she went home and planted all kinds of stuff. Now this year I am not even planning on planting until April.

Might force myself to do some that take longer. I even went thru my seed catalogs today and had Bob take a bunch of them over to my sister. Just can't get motivated. I will have to send you guys a picture of something that would be real easy to make and set up. Have to find it.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Dave, could Kim's problem be Carpel Tunnel? I know that is of the wrists but you know when I was a secretary, just sitting in one place in one position for so long would cause my neck and everything to go numb. Just a thought. Hope she is ok.

Dave, that DL is close to one I really like I think is named Lace Doily or something like that. It is beautiful.

I am having the same trouble Lee. I just can't seem to get in the mood for seeds. I look out here and see all this white stuff and just want to hibernate again. My daughter called and said she wanted to come over for a week in April, and I remember one year she was in such a funk when she got here, but I had tons of seedlings I was having her help me pot up and she got so hepped up she went home and planted all kinds of stuff. Now this year I am not even planning on planting until April.

Might force myself to do some that take longer. I even went thru my seed catalogs today and had Bob take a bunch of them over to my sister. Just can't get motivated. I will have to send you guys a picture of something that would be real easy to make and set up. Have to find it.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well the holding bed is just about empty. I stopped short of the Black Bamboo. It has an extensive root system. I will have the laborers dig that up tomorrow.

I also have a rosemary that has been there for over 7 yeas. I keep it cut back but I think I will purchase a young one and have them dig it out also. I only use it in marinating Lamb Chops and Chicken Breasts for BBQ.

JB, great news. The two willows are budding out. That was a delightful surprise.

Dee, the irises I purchased from you are starting to grow like weeds. They love the warmth. My lovely female Schnauzer Madeline dug up three irises in one of the back beds. They were all labeled and now I have no idea what goes where. Oh well, no big deal.

Dave, when I was having problems with my neck, my little finger would go numb. You cannot write without the use of your little finger. Anyway, I couldn't. But I did hold the phone with my chin while I was multi-tasking. I got a head set and the problem went away.

I am so glad I decided to dig up the plants because the majority had really long roots and they would have been dug wrong.

I have a baby pine tree in the holding garden. I also saw a few palm tree baby twigs growing in the greenbelt., JB, do you want to try the palms? The pine tree is about 7 inches high. I will take a photo tomorrow. Also have some celery plants. I only found two hollyhocks.

Well I am going to do some paperwork tonight and answer a few phone calls. Have a great evening. Sharon.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

The cold snap over the weekend made my hollyhocks wilt a bit.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow, y'all are keeping me in stitches....LOL!!

I have not even had a chance to read all the posts and I am way behind already. I have been sowing today. I will report back later as I need to get back to it. My break time is over. Too many posts to read - so many forums and so little time...still you are all loved. Many smiles to all of you! (HUGS, too!)

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