OMOSHIRO continues

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

We came from here:

Thumbnail by ge1836
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I got my Clem from Brushwood yesterday. It sure is a nice one , and it has 2 buds on it. Only thing is it is still too cold to put it out side with those blooms. So it is in the coldest room in the house with some light sun hitting it.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I like Brushwoods plants.
I recieved a Daniel de Ronda last May and it had buds that bloomed .
What a treat.Also a nice rootball.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I placed my first order from Brushwood and can't wait to see the difference, if any, between Silver Star. I feel bad that I changed my order with Dan and hope he's not one to be upset that I changed it - twice.

I first ordered Flutterbye (rose), OMOSHIRO, and Blue Angel (thinking it wasn't pulling through). Later I found Blue Angel and it's huge. So I changed my order to remove Blue Angel and add Polish Spirt for a particular spot. Then after much thought last night, and a walk through again of my yard, I emailed Dan and asked to remove Flutterbye since some had stated it would need tons of room to grow and I really couldn't think of the right place. I then decided to go with 2 other clematis and cancel Polish Spirit and Flutterbye - is Dan going to be mad!?!

I have NEVER changed my mind on orders like this before. Palatines has worked with me on a few rose changes over the years but clematis is very important to get what I want because my yard is losing space every year. (like most of us I'm sure).

Anyone have experience with Dan and order changes?

Athens, PA


I have changed orders with Brushwood in the past several times and never had any problems or issues. I even called to make sure they had received my emails. They are wonderful there - they truly are.

I also have sent pictures to Dan (on the other site) and asked him to identify a clem that I could not identify, nor could I get an identification on this forum. I did mention to him that I had not bought the clem from him as I didn't want him to think his products were going out mislabelled and then thought about it later that that could be a double edged statement. He was great about that too and also told me what I had.

Kathy - I wouldn't worry about it. He is truly a nice person as is all of his staff. Personally speaking, I don't know him, but the impression I have is that he would easily be a person to seek out socially as he is so very nice.

This is the clem he identified for me..... It was supposed to be Similkavi (I can never spell that), this one is Minister.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

What a color! Stunning.What do you have it planted with?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

No problems with Dan.
Silver Star might be the same size plants. I heard they are really good that way.
My first order this year with Joy Creek. I saw a pix of an order somewhere but was surprised at how big the plants were.
I had a bad experience with Donehues so I wont order from them again.

Athens, PA

JoAnn -

I love Joy Creek myself - and they are nursery where I changed my order. They have bigger root balls than Brushwood or Klehms, however Brushwood and Klehms have decent sized rootballs. I have ordered from all of them except Silver Star and I will have to give Debbie a try at some point.

Dem - I have Minister planted on an obelisk with Gillian Blades and then next to it, I have a large Lady's Mantle and some May Night Salvia. I do love that little corner of the garden.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Carolyn: I have a wishlist with Silver Star. Maybe it was a DG er whose pix of a Joy Creek order I saw.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I ordered Ristimagi and OMOSHIRO and he did reply that many people change their mind and it's their pleasure to make the change. They are due to ship in about 10 days so I will see how they compare to SSV. Never tried Joy Creek. All of my clematis came from Silver Star and I can't imagine the root balls being as large as SSV. Sure hope so.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Lets see pix when they come.
Post your rateing and comparison.I am curious.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was looking at Brushwoods web site for more Clems. I am looking for the ones that bloom either during the summer or all summer to fall. They said they had a some that did that. Is it true that these Clems bloom during this time or just a little and then come back and bloom again in the fall?
Does any one have one that blooms during this time?

Athens, PA


My Roguuchi goes from Summer into Fall. I believe he starts late June early July. The only other way I have been able to get more flushes is by cutting back my 2's and 3's. The second flush of flowers has never been as good as the first one for me. I should probably fertilize between flushes to see if that helps.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh and i wanted to ask,I keep seeing people talking about the Montana's, what is the difference?

Athens, PA

Montanas tend to be monsters and they are a pruning group 1. Typically a zone 6 or 7 hardiness for some of the more hardy clematis. I had a nice one growing on my pergola on my back door - I was able to push the zone limits, but the voles killed it. :(

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh those wonderful voles. I have them too.

Thanks for the info, Now i know what I am looking at.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was wondering , since the Clems that I ordered already has buds on them, how soon can I plant them? Should I wait till the end of March to get them out side?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's always tempting to keep them inside but gradually harden them off for a week or more and then plant them outside. That being said, I have already allowed them to bloom inside simply because when it comes to buds I couldn't bear the thought of having them covered with snow.

There is the school of thought that says to cut off all blooms for at least the first year and preferably the second year as well, to build a stronger plant. I'll leave that up to you.

Louisville, KY

Just a thought...At my age i'm not cuttin off no blooms.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hec no, me either. I bought them to see blooms not just green

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I totally agree!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just sent Dan an email asking him to hold my other order till the end of March, since it is still getting kinda cold here at nights. I dont want the poor things to freeze.
He got back to me so fast and said no problem. That is great.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

He is SO nice!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

He sure is.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Can't wait for my plants, I hope spring gets here soon!

Louisville, KY

It's raining here today. I'm getting an attack of houseaphobbia. We have had several days of weather in the 50's. I have planted out a few things , done some weeding and cussed a lot of rabbits.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Timeinabottle, I feel the same about the rabbits. I've used Repel All with some success. Last year they lopped the tops off my Asiatic lilies and other plants before I had a chance to see them bloom. I threatened the rabbits with a little garlic and olive oil in a skillet LOL. ;0)
Just kidding. Can't wait for my order from Brushwood. I requested it to be delivered in April. I'm looking forward to seeing these new plants bloom. For the houseaphobia, try winter sowing, you get to play in dirt without being doaked by the rain. Annette

Louisville, KY

garlic and olive oil you say? hmm my dear wife says you can never go wrong with garlic and olive oil. I make little covers out of chicken wire and cover a number of plants. unfortunately , those critters often find the newbies before I do.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

I've used netting/mesh over some of the plants. It comes 7ft tall and I forget how long the roll is, from Lowes with some success as well. I just have to remember to leave it loose enough so that plants have enough room to go.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Well i went out today before the heavy rains come and got some work done. I was so mad at what I found. The voles had eaten 3 of my roses out front. chewed off and almost killed my Phlox and many more. They were having a grand feast out there. So I stuck the plants back in the soil that looked like they had some root system left. I planted ,moved, trimmed, raked and put down some more edging. I am so sore But I feel good, I am sure you all understand that.
My Clems that I planted last fall are putting out nice, I cant wait to see them do their thing.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

I got a " free" cat last year, no vole issues since. Even with a bell on, she is good!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was on another thread , I forgot where, and they said to not use potting soil in your flower beds. Is it ok to just dump your old potting soil on top from last years pots? I do they every year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I do it every year as well. During winter I put the soil and any dead, but not diseased, plants in the pail we bring to the compost bins on the warmer days.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Omoshiro arrived today! She is in great condition, Not wilted at all. About 2 ft tall total with lots of leaves. I am so looking forward to watching her grow and blooom.
Spring makes this grandma feel like a giggly teenager sometimes.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Quite a few of us are grandmothers and we do feel like giddy teens with our new plants.

Did it come from Brushwood?

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Yes, it is from Brushwood. I am impressed with its condition. I have previously ordered from Silver Vinery, they also arrived in good condition. I have a special place for this one. I'm going to put it on the edge of my deck so it can be seen from both sides, the deck and the yard. Pics to come when I get it planted.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mstish. are you going to plant yours now or wait? Mine came in about 2 weeks ago and I have been putting it our during the day and bringing it in at night to a cool room.

I am not a Grandma yet, But i sure am old enough to be one. I guess when my boys finally decide to make me one I will spend less time in the

This message was edited Mar 17, 2011 6:17 AM

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

We are always young inside. The body just disintegrates.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Sounds good, mstish. Having it viewable from both sides is ideal. As my late radio gardening expert always said, "You only get one chance to give a plant the best home possible", so remember the bonemeal, manure, compost and anything special you normally do when planting, including planting Omoshiro at a 45 degree angle towards the structure where it will grow. What will you be using to encourage it towards the structure? Chicken wire or anything similar, well secured to the earth and the structure, would work fine.

Marie - mstish is in zone 8 and they normally have much nicer spring weather than your area and mine, so I'd imagine it's an ideal time for her to plant it.

Jo Ann - you are SO right!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

ok thanks

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