Did the Groundhog see his shadow where you live?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 159 votes:

Yes, he did. Six more weeks of winter here.
(9 votes, 5%)
Red dot

NO! Spring is on the way!
(68 votes, 42%)
Red dot

Spring is already here at my house.
(8 votes, 5%)
Red dot

I'm south of the Equator and autumn is coming.
(2 votes, 1%)
Red dot

I don't trust rodents that claim to forecast the weather.
(66 votes, 41%)
Red dot

What is Groundhog Day?
(6 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have too many cats to trust rodents ~ I think they'd lie to me. LOL
And couldn't see the Ground Hog as he was iced over that day!!!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

We don't have groundhogs here. If we did, I doubt I would be inclined to trust their forecasting skills. Then again, perhaps I should reconsider my rodent prejudices as it seems unlikely they could do a lot worse than meteorologists.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)


Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, podster. Hoping no meteorologists read this. lol. I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had chosen that career path. It looks like the only job in which one can be completely wrong constantly with no risk to ones career.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Years ago, DH nicknamed them the 'weather liars' ~ now we hear others say that commonly.
I wouldn't want that job. It would be difficult to go out in public knowing how poorly you did your job.

Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

I think a groundhog is just as accurate as a meteorologist and for the record I trust neither one.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Quote from Hillbilly_Gran :
I think a groundhog is just as accurate as a meteorologist and for the record I trust neither one.

lOOk at that! Distrust of rodents is winning... wonder why that is?

Next week let's poll if we trust the meteorologist or our aching bones.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I'm in the group distrustful of rodents as well, but I'm sure that they would do as good a job, if not better than what we have.

Today's forecast...at 6am, mind you...was that we'd possibly have light snow that would only accumulate in grassy areas. Here's what I saw out my front door by 11 am.....

Thumbnail by melody
Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

LOL we were forecast for up to 2" and received 6". Last nights "chance of light snow" gaves us 1.5", tonights forecast for 4"-6" has me just a tad concerned.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Just to contrast with Melody's pic . . .

Photo last week (30 January)


Thumbnail by Resin
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

sigh....... (that is what I normally see this time of year)

Dayton, OH

Spring is suppose to come early here, but only the lord knows?

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

It was so cold on Feb 2nd that the ground hog stayed down in his warm den, drinking hot chocolate and playing cribbage with the wife. Never even came up to check a shadow.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I am counting on Spring being on it's way! Why not??
I have one of those guys in my back yard. He ate all our squash and bean plants last year. He's still out back. We're trying to figure out a way to get rid of him.
We live in town so shooting is sort of out. Plus, he runs really fast!

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

I do not count on rodents to do anything but die in a wall or truck dash and not be accessible to remove the odor!!! I have fought mice, rats, rabbits,and squirrels in my lifetime, and one thing they do for certain: stink when they die!!! I'll stink when I die!! When I was pregnant with my 3rd child, we had a rat die in the attic. I was unable to go up and get it out, and the opening was too small for my husband. So his cousin finally went up and removed it. Luciee

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I only believe in the groundhog prediction when it's favorable. I'm an optimist.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Poor Melody! I guess you got what was predicted for us last night, but all we got was rain. Today we did get barely a dusting.

Olympia, WA

Over on Facebook, I had fun with word play - said I was looking for a photo of a ground hog. First put up a capybara, the next day a baby wombat, and finally announced I had found the right photo of ground hog - and it was a colorful display of newly stuffed sausage, not yet tied off into links. GROUND HOG!!!! Not everyone "got it" right away - but that was OK!!! I had fun!!!!

Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)

Quote from DreamOfSpring :
Thanks, podster. Hoping no meteorologists read this. lol. I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had chosen that career path. It looks like the only job in which one can be completely wrong constantly with no risk to ones career.

And I just loooove it when they come on AFTER they've been dead wrong & say, "And here's what happened....." Duh, we know; we lived through it. You're called FOREcasters not AFTERcasters.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi, wannadance, I thought it was hilarious!!! Having been involved in SOME sausage making, I can appreciate the good humor. Now, everyone, how about Texas possums? and our possums? They are FORD frequently around here. The texas variety (with their hard shells) are making a pretty good comeback in this area, and I looked them up in the World Book encyclopedia and found out that some people EAT the things. For those who don't know, I'm talking about armadillos. There is no law against shooting them. . For those who do not know, armadillos can carry leprosy. All wild animals carry the threat of rabies. There is no law against coyotes, either. And especially if they get into your pasture and kill baby calves. That is here in Alabama. And all these things STINK when they die!! People used to burn the carcasses, but the epa has decreed that THOU SHALT NOT!!! I have never eaten possum and don't want to, but dear hubby has, said it gave him indigestion. L8R Luciee

Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)

Luciee, I have a friend who lives in Eclectic...well, that is outside of Eclectic. I understand you Bamans have a big problem these days too with the boar hogs running amok. Nasty creatures that! Wouldn't want to run up on one while afoot without a hefty rifle or shotgun in hand.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

flaflwgrl, I have heard for years of wild boars, and I would want a good weapon, too. >>I had to go to the store after I wrote the last one, so guess what I FORD? A woodchuck!! Otherwise known as a groundhog!! The sun was shinning, and I guess he wanted to try one more time. LOL, RAOF! How about armadillos in FL, flaflwgrl?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

There is the joke about whether there was going to be a cold winter or not. The first forecast said it was going to be colder than normal. So the Indians gathered extra firewood. Next the forecaster said that it was going to be even worse. Now the Indians gathered even more wood. Now the forecast said it was going to be even worse yet.

Someone asked the forecaster how they knew it was going to be terrible. The reply. "Well, the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!"

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)

Luciee, Shhhhhhhh! I don't even want to whisper that word (the armor thing). There have been many times it looked like grenades had gone off all over our yard. DH has shot 3, we captured 3 & "re-located" them --- 1 of the buggers turned & immediately headed in the direction of our house when we let him go --- well, he had to cross U.S.1 to get back so.......

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

flaflwgrl, that is so funny! I would not relocate them, they are like snakes and just follow the scent. I do not have much sympathy for varmints that ruin gardens and yards. We had a snake get in our garage and a few days later another one was trying to get in, too. We had killed the 1st one, and this one had to be killed also so no one would come up on it in our yard and be scared, like I was. Also, our electric company magazine came today, and there was an article about feral hogs. Talk about coincidence. The article said they could be hunted with or without dogs. It is a problem, but thankfully, we do not have them here. Luciee

Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)

I understand that Al. has declared it's open season on the wild boar year round as they have become such a problem.
Truthfully, I really do my level best these days not to kill anything. Maybe it's age, maybe it's mellowing... whatever....but if life is threatend --- that's a different story. And then there's the 'dillas who can make you so NUTS ravaging your yard night after night after night. We stayed up keeping watch for 6 nights once. We averaged 50 to 60 holes in our VERY SMALL yard with each visit it made not to mention it's digging underneath the slab.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Much better weather info . . .


Thumbnail by Resin
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

That is probably the most reliable forecaster I've ever seen!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I love that weather forecasting system! I need one of those for my garden.

Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Resin, seems like I have seen something like that in years gone by. What goes around, comes around. Thanks for showing it!!

Allthingsplants, FL(Zone 8b)

See; leave it to a Brit to come up with the best laugh of all. I just LOVE the Brit sense of humor. They know when to apply the "stiff upper lip" & when it's time for a good belly laugh.

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

My Gun Takes Care of them when they come out of hiding and they lie any way they are not eating what I plant, I am Like the "Lil Red Hen"

~~~ "My Family works the Garden for our Food Not them Varmints.
If they want food they can plow ,plant , weed and baby, harvest , put up cook and eat it !

Other Wise ~~~ They are going to Get a LEAD Sandwich From Maw-Bell and put to sleep Permanently !!!!

Happy Hunten

Ole Sarge

Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi, Sgt. Yates, was that retired from us military? If so, thanks for serving. Or police? Same, thanks. I am a little red hen, also. I do not grow peas for deer, or tomatoes for frogs and bugs. Or corn for deer and bugs. I've never shot a deer, but my daughter has, it is hanging on her wall. My vegetables go into my freezer or into people's mouths. Thanks, Luciee

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Oh, by the way,everybody, FORD means found on the road dead. Luciee

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

babe,i got you babe!!!!

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