Cannas from seed 2011

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My banana canna's are one of the ones that dried out.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Let me know if they done make it I might be able to get you a piece of my root

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, THANK YOU smurf!!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, yesterday was my lucky day.. got DIRTYGIRLS cannas in and potted.

Looks liek we will be builden part of that wall to hide the hideous mess on the fence.
Heres made a good dent inthe population of plants that I will need!

Syracuse, NY

My first canna seed planting from January looks really bad. Some plants have shriveled up. and others look weak. The banana cannas I started recently look great.

I better check the rhizomes in storage again this month.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

well dang.. got some snow falling.. the newbs I got in are outside potted.. this does not look good.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Send them down here Blossom. We'll keep them warm.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Got a flat bed? They are in #1500 cans.. be 26 outside... well anyways the snow stopped. Turn the heat up someone! 50ish would be just grand!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Blossom out side already?? i dont put mine out till the end of may. If they freeze there goners. and if the leaves get frost they turn brown.. Amore sending you some hot temps..

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I messed up.. hopefully they did not frees.. there was not any ice, but had a little snow flurring about, but it quit.

Sun is out but it is not exactly warm. But glove-less.. Id like to say its warm inthe house, but its not. Had to turn a spaceheater on.. got baby chicks startign to hatch.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I'd gladly send you some of this heat. It was 88 today which is WAY too warm for March. At least our summer humidity has not set in yet. It's bone dry in the air and in the ground. They're saying its the driest Oct-March in 80 years.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

well its gonna be 30's here all week so send me some for sure...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, 88 would be way too war here for March and we are already in a drought.

Least the reserection lilies are doing well! Reallly leafy. Hope when the lilies bloom they do well. I tried growing them in the ground to no avail and have them in the pots that the marigolds were in last year and guess they really liked the manure!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Very dry conditions here as well, and numerous grass fires taking a lot of acreage. Haven't heard of any homes, but some of the firest were way too close! One was surrounding a homes large propane tank, and I just held my breath when I saw that. Luckily the grass was short and they were spraying it out.
Was in the 80's last week, but has dropped off for a few days. Will be 70 tomorrow with a chance of rain a few times this week. We need it so badly!
Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow afternoon however. Taking the DGD's (4&6) to the Zoo! Yeee haw ^_^

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

We get leaf burners this time of year.. like peopl just cant leave the leaves alone or mulch them? Id take them all if they would deliver!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

most people around me bundle them all up in yard waste bags and the city takes them. I'm glad that around here its against the law to have a fire in your yard, unless its covered by a grill and a lid near by.. So many rule go along with it also.. But on the up side no burning leaf smell..

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, im in the country so we have atendency to burn things..but try to avoid the neighbs toys.. unlike som neighbs who like to toss a firecracker our way onroof tops and in pastures with livestock.. got some real ya-hoos out here now and again.

But anyway, back to cannas! My three in teh house are huge. I cannot beleive how big.. I moved them out from the lights.. to bad its too cold outdoors yet.. I guess they are a tad early.. jkust hope those ones I do have in pots out there survive.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Those poor poor Cannas all alone outside in the cold. They thought it was time to grow grow grow..... and the next thing ya know they're out in the snow snow snow. Wrap a sweater around them.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Start knittin! Gonna be 30ish to 40s.. ugh.

Then the other news.. go to the Garage an read the postal bulliten.. Jesh!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Ya it's the same here all week! It's days like these I can't wait to move to Alabama where this week it's in the 70's. I'm sure come summer when it's like 110 I might miss Canada lol

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Well.. maybe you could be like the rich and famous and have a winter and summer home?

Its sunny here, but got ice onthe buckets in the barn.

My cannas in the house are find, but I think the ones outside might be toast.. Oh I am a bad wpman thinking I could plant them.. but then I am new to cannas.. so I guess this willbe a bic lesson if none survive.

meanwhile, back at the garage...

Id like to stuff the postoffice in a box. ugh!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

No no there won't be a summer home anytime in my future lol. I would be fine if I just had a pool.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Heres a link i came across

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

neat site smurf!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

smurf.... you can come to my house. We have a pool and just got a new hot tub!!!! wooohoooo

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

lal Crit... thanks it might be a far drive just for a swim. I'm leaving a 20x40 inground pool thats in my backyard behind to go to scorching temps :)

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You're definitely heading to a hot summer in the Deep South. The humidity is what takes some time getting used to. You spend short periods of time outside, go inside to cool off and then back out for a bit longer.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Ya our humidity is the same here and we get mostly into the 90's however we get the odd 100's so i know what i'm heading to, it will just be for longer periods.. Here however when it get really hot we have smog advisories cause the smog gets really bad.. its like a fog cloud over head. WOW i cant wait to get away from that, sure my lungs will thank me in no time.. I'm looking forward to a "whole new world" lol...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Not quite the same. I've had some visits to Toronto on super hot days in the past few summers. Yes, its humid and the "humidex" (Canadian terminology) can be quite high. Trust me, its not the same as the Deep South.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

err great... lol no really i'm excited for the change as well and challange. Gardening will be a whole new experience since everything even down to the soil is different

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Soil will probably be different, but have no idea what kind of soil it will be . I'm sure it varies within the state. Most of the soil is very sandy in Ft Lauderdale, for obvious reasons. I'm 12 miles inland. This area was the eastern edge of the Florida Everglades a couple decades ago. The top part of the soil is fairly rich. I don't hit all sand until about a foot below ground. Much easier to work with this soil.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

its red clay there. from what i hear its a bit tricky to grow some plants

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I think of Alabama when I hear red clay soil mentioned. Been up there before in the hills outside of Birmingham. Had no idea there will hills in Alabama. Thought it was a real nice place.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Ya were moving 45 min north of birmingham. The dirt there is like this weird rust color, should be interesting to learn all about gardening there...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Aw smurf .... your pool sounds exactly like mine. We just moved here in Dec. '09 and already don't know what I would do without it!

We have the red clay brick soil here too. It is pretty yucky stuff. I'm going to amend it this spring in a large bed in front of the house with some garden soil and try to mix it in. Once the plants are in the ground, it is hard for them to extend their roots very far.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I got poor "yeller" sand!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

i heard (weather its true or not) that cannas grow good in the clay soil. But i guess its just something to get me through the 2 months of no hubby.. plenty of time to research the soil, and what to do..

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Mine did not do well at all in clay soil last year, of course, I think they were in too much shade too.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, the new indoor cannas I got are doign fine.. Im tempted to test dig a few that I planted possibly too early to see if any are surviving.. it got plenty cold after I planted them.. I pray I did not mess them up.

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