CLOSED: Valentines Day Seed Swap Sign-up

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I received the seeds for the Valentine's Day and Edibles swap today. Thank you, Jennifer, and all who contributed! Now I have to find some (many) more WS containers!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Are we close to getting the swap packages back?

Oakland, MD


I was working on that. I am sorry that all of you did not get your seeds yet.
This is what is going on right now. My kids and I was involved in a dangerous violence in my home by my now ex-bf. So I had to leave and leave everything behind. I am getting my stuff tomorrow and I hope everything that I own is there and not damaged. Which I had tried to get my stuff today and a lot of my stuff got damaged. I am in the middle of finding a place to live with my kids. I will let everyone know when I get the seed box that I had and I hope it is not damaged. I will let everyone know tomorrow what is going on. I am so sorry for this. Just everyone keep my kids and myself in your players that will get great. we need it right now.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

So sorry to hear Jenifer, take care of yourselves first. No worries on my part. Praying for you.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Prayers and best wishes, sending your way. Good luck with yourself and kids finding a safe place to live.

Don't think about seeds!


Oakland, MD


Thank you so much guys it is rough right now but the good Lord is watching out for us. I just tell myself that it is going to be a lot better and don't have to worry about the kids safety and myself.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm glad you're able to hold a good attitude.

Be well!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish (Greetings) Jennifer,

I hope everything is going well. Were you able to get the seed box back? I am one of the swappers who have not received their seeds.

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)

Oakland, MD


I have mailed out everyones seeds packages to them today. So you all will be getting your new seeds soon. Sorry for taking so long to get them back to you. It has been very crazy on my end. I hope everyone enjoys.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I hope this means that your living situation is stable and safe.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hope you & family are safe & sound. Make sure you access all the
support you can at this time.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

You are in my thoughts. Hope all will be well for you soon.

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Jennifer, got my seeds today - thank you for hosting and thanks
to all who sent in.

Oakland, MD


Yes my kids and I have a stable place to live now. My kids are more happier not then they was. My kids don't have to be afraid anymore.
I am able to be start my new life.

You are welcome Cris


(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

thank you, received my seeds on Sat. Ya did a great job, considering all that was going on.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

The seeds arrived today. Taubotny (Thank you).

Aquene (Peace),
WautuckquesSochepo (SnowRabbit)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Got my seeds today, thank you. What is Peacock oroia bulolalet I can't find it.

St. Annaparochie, Netherlands

Today my seeds arrived. Thank you for hosting this swap!!!!
Thank you all for all the seeds!
Now the big puzzle start for me to translate all the names in Latin and Dutch names. But....... I like this puzzle very much!

Oakland, MD


I will be doing more swap. I want to let everyone know that people in my new area where I live now got together and got me a nice greenhouse. I am very happy about that. It was a nice welcome gift.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Boy, that was a great pile of seeds! When I set aside all those I had to research, it was more than half!

Who contirbuted all the classy, exotic varieties in the green-striped 1.5" ziplocks? Those were deeply impresssive, and I wanted to say "Thank You" even before starting my homework.


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