CLOSED: Valentines Day Seed Swap Sign-up

Oakland, MD

Valentines Day Seed Swap Sign-up.

Everyone is welcome to join in on this Seed Swap so there is no limit of players. How This Seed Swap works is that you seed in your share seeds and I exchange the ones that you send in with new seeds from other players that sent seeds in. Then I mail the Envelope back out to you.

This Seed Swap is for:
*cut flower plant seeds- Flowers that can be used as cut flowers.

*Hanging Bascket/Flower pot plant seeds- Flower/plant seeds that can be planted in Hanging baskets and Flower pots

*Veg/Fruit Container plant seeds- any veg. or Fruits plant seeds that can be planted in Containers.

Greenly plant seeds- Greenly plant that can be grown in Containers.

1. Make sure you mark what the seeds are and info about the seeds on each packet. Please include enough seeds for that person to try out.

2. Please no more then 5 packets of one kind.

3. Swap limit is 100 seed packets. Any Extra Seeds will be freebies. You will get the same number of seeds back or more.

4. Make sure you include a list of seeds that you sent in.

5. Please include an address Label with your address on it. So that I can use to mail your envelope back out to you.

6. Please include enough postage to have it mailed back to you.

7. Your seeds for the swaps is to be mailed to me by
Feb. 14. I will mail the envelopes back out with the new seeds soon after.

If you have any ?s please let me know.

Where to ship your seeds
Jennifer Shipway
DG Val. Seed Swap
67 Monte Vista Road
Oakland, MD 21550.

I will let you know when I received your seed Envelope.

Let the Sign-up Begin.

Keep players coming. There is still a lot of time to sign up for this Swap.


This message was edited Jan 11, 2011 4:28 PM

This message was edited Jan 11, 2011 4:40 PM

This message was edited Jan 17, 2011 10:03 PM

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Let me be the first to sign up, please. I need new kinds of seeds.

Oakland, MD

Quote from Robynznest :
Let me be the first to sign up, please. I need new kinds of seeds.

I have just put you on the list.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Jen, honey, if you go here and ask ClanC/Chris to put you on the list of swaps, more people will see it that way. You may have already done that. ^_^

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.......i stumbled in here...but kin i join? I need to clean out me seed box......plees?

gieten, Netherlands

i live in the netherlands can i enjoy to
i have no america postage can i sent instaed more seeds


Oakland, MD

Quote from bartjestuin :
i live in the netherlands can i enjoy to
i have no america postage can i sent instaed more seeds


Yes you are welcome to join in on this just send me the sends and i will make sure you get sends mail back out to you.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Jennifer,

I would love to join in the swap. I will get the them out to you, asap.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Will the seeds we get back be "purely surprise" selections, or can we express preferences and then see what happens to be available?


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

If you are looking for something specific and if one of us has it we can tag it for you. Otherwise I would say it would be a surprise.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I would like to join in as well. If anyone would care
to look at my "have" list for something specific I'd be
glad to share.


Oakland, MD

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
Will the seeds we get back be "purely surprise" selections, or can we express preferences and then see what happens to be available?


You are welcome to send a list of seeds that you would like to have and I will try my best to match your want list.


Oakland, MD

Quote from Cris316 :
I would like to join in as well. If anyone would care
to look at my "have" list for something specific I'd be
glad to share.


You are welcome to add seeds for a player just make sure that you put the seeds packets in an Envelope with the players name on it.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jennifer!

Add me to your list.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Ummm ... what are Greenly plants? - - answer: foliage plants - -

Here are some links to people's WANT lists:

1. Robynznest
2. jsxtiger
3. bartjestuin
4. Maccionoadha
5. Cris316
6. RickCorey_WA
7. Flinter

What I have most of right now are:

- White Alyssum, probably Lobularia maritima 'Snow Crystals'. Annual, eager re-seeder.
- Swan River Daisy "Splendor Mix" Brachycome ANNUAL
- "Grandmother's Cut Flower Garden Blend" - old-fashioned from Botanical Interests LOTS
- Zinnias, single-color commercial and some purplish F3 hybrids, a few orange F3s
- Salvia, commerical for 2010
. . . S. transylvanica "Blue Spires", Perennial in Zones 4-8 (small qtys)
. . . S. superba "Violet Queen", P to Zone 3, &
. . . S. menerosylvestris "Amethyest Blue", P to Zone 5

Right now, I'm mostly wishing for

- trailing Lobelia / Lobelia erinus, blue or blue/violet or sapphire
- Creeping Thyme, Mother of Thyme, Wild Thyme, Thymus serpyllum, Thymes other than vulgaris
- white or pale flowers easy to start without a heating mat, perennial or re-seeding in Zone 8.
- red-flowered Penstemon, or deep blue or blue/violet, e.g.
. . . . . . . . . . . . red P. eatonii "Firecracker"
. . . . . . . . . . . . red P. barbatus "Beard Tongue"
. . . . . . . . . . . . red P. gloxinoides 'Firebird' (Beard Tongue, Border Penstemon)


This message was edited Jan 11, 2011 6:07 PM

This message was edited Jan 11, 2011 6:50 PM

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I believe she means foliage plants. Although if they don't flower I have no idea how you get seeds.

Oakland, MD

Quote from Robynznest :
I believe she means foliage plants. Although if they don't flower I have no idea how you get seeds.

I don't know about how you would get seeds from the foliage plants either but I seen the seeds at lowes for ivy plants, china dolls, and other plants.

Yes I am talking about foliage plants.


Oakland, MD

I am doing an Edible Swap also. If for those that would like to do that also you are welcome to add the Edible seeds to this Swap and just make sure you put all the Edible seeds packets into one envelope and address it for Edible swap and then put it in with the other seeds that way you can mail it all out at the same time and same on postage and then I will mail out the seeds in one package back to you.

This is for the Edible swap


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the explanation! I don't have any foliage plants or seeds to offer.

I'm looking through people's WANT lists, and could post all those links here, if Jennifer or individuals like that idea.

edited to say,
I posted the WANT links in Post #8305475


This message was edited Jan 11, 2011 6:51 PM

Oakland, MD

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
Thanks for the explanation! I don't have any foliage plants or seeds to offer.

I'm looking through people's WANT lists, and could post all those links here, if Jennifer or individuals like that idea.


that sounds good to me


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I have my seeds ready to go. Will wait a couple of days to mail off. I'll probably put the list up on my blog for reference.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Link to blog

Edited to fix link

click on the Valentines Swap

This message was edited Jan 13, 2011 7:03 PM

Oakland, MD

Quote from Robynznest :
I have my seeds ready to go. Will wait a couple of days to mail off. I'll probably put the list up on my blog for reference.

That is great you are on the Ball and your link below does not work.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

try this, the other worked for me.

Edited to change link

This message was edited Jan 13, 2011 7:01 PM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

That was also "access denied" when i tried it.

Clicking there another way, all the way to the tab, I think I got your same link.

Try this:

"diary", a.k.a. "blog" with a Valentine tab

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, that worked, I wonder why it kept it private, I didn't mark it as such.

Oakland, MD

Quote from Robynznest :
Thanks, that worked, I wonder why it kept it private, I didn't mark it as such.

I think the website for that part is not working right. There is a lot of others that have post like that and it did not work.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I have some Penstemon smallii "Violet Dusk" if interested and also a
penstemon heterophyllis which I got in a "blind swap" so no idea what color.
Got some Allium "Christopher", let me know. Interested in your Swan River Daisy mix.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Swan River Daisy mix, check!

I would love the Penstemon smallii "Violet Dusk" , that's a great color.

I see in DG Plant Files that many rave about P. heterophyllis' beauty, and suitability for Zone 8a. Yes please! (Most vars look blue, blue-violet or lavender.)

Jennifer, would you rather we only did signups in this thread, and did offering and asking in a different WishList thread?


gieten, Netherlands

i have sent yesterday
penstemon tenuis guf coast
penstemon hirsutus alba
penstemon serrulates
penstemon azureus
penstemon purper husker red
penstemon chocolate drop
and many many more


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Jennifer, I would love to have one of Marjolein's penstemons, it doesn't matter which one because I don't have any.

Oakland, MD

Quote from Robynznest :
Jennifer, I would love to have one of Marjolein's penstemons, it doesn't matter which one because I don't have any.

I will make sure you do get some pensemons.


Oakland, MD

For those that would like to send seeds for other players you are welcome to and I will make sure that the envelope with the players name on it gets put into there envelope that I will be mailing them. this way it same the cost of mailing out players wanted seeds .


Oakland, MD

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
Swan River Daisy mix, check!

I would love the Penstemon smallii "Violet Dusk" , that's a great color.

I see in DG Plant Files that many rave about P. heterophyllis' beauty, and suitability for Zone 8a. Yes please! (Most vars look blue, blue-violet or lavender.)

Jennifer, would you rather we only did signups in this thread, and did offering and asking in a different WishList thread?


No you are welcome to do it here I think it would be easier.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Jennifer.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I've learned that I should package "one-on-one" trades to be as light and non-bulky as possible. One RR had a lot of single-swaps in big bubble mailers or decorative packaging, and they took up a lot of space.

I'm thinking of using plain 'sandwich baggies' (not Ziplocks) taped closed, with the recipient's name visible. One sandwich baggie per person I'm sending to. I'll put the Zip-Lock baggies inside the sandwich baggie.


Oakland, MD

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
I've learned that I should package "one-on-one" trades to be as light and non-bulky as possible. One RR had a lot of single-swaps in big bubble mailers or decorative packaging, and they took up a lot of space.

I'm thinking of using plain 'sandwich baggies' (not Ziplocks) taped closed, with the recipient's name visible. One sandwich baggie per person I'm sending to. I'll put the Zip-Lock baggies inside the sandwich baggie.


Yes one on one trades is to be light and not be put into bubble mailers that takes up a lot of space. Yes that is a good idea is to use sandwich baggies.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish (Greetings),

I posted my Have's List and what I sent in to the Valentine's Day Seed Swap. Here is the link:

And my Have Trade List:

Oakland, MD

Quote from maccionoadha :
Kawonkamish (Greetings),

I posted my Have's List and what I sent in to the Valentine's Day Seed Swap. Here is the link:

And my Have Trade List:

Thank you for your info.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I would like to participate in this swap also. Would you please put my name down?


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