January 2011

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all had a great day yesterday and that none of you got caught in the tornadoes yesterday.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! This will be a better year because we will make it so! Think happy thoughts every day!

Pepper, nice photo! Is this near your house or your Grandma's?

It's an icy west wind today. We had a good dinner and have no where to go.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Right down the road from me at the bottom of 2 hills and curves. The bridge over it is a one lane and you have to be careful and hope you can catch someone coming before it's too late. I've had a few close calls. lol. I'll get a pic of the road area when I get a chance. I always look at it though when driving over it.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, I can kind of picture it, but a real photo would be better :o)

Continue to stay safe crossing it!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will try to get a few pics tomorrow. I'll stick a post it note on my screen. lol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

PS, thanks for the new thread! I see Rusty is still on Dave's. I thought she might be leaving.

I sorted thru all my saved seeds yesterday and made a list on a spreadsheet. Now I can sort alphabetically, by year, etc. I do know I better see if I can get some of them to grow.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Historically, they say the first part of January is the coldest here in Kansas City, MO.
And, it is quite cold I must say! Its hard to believe Spring is only 3 and a half months or so away.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

That long ? 1st of March usually changes seasons around here.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oops, I think I have my math wrong. I never was much good at math! lol I think it's actually only 2 and a half months or so! If anybody knows for sure feel free to jump in! lol
I was thinking the date of the first day of Spring is like March 20th I think.
In any case, boy will it ever be nice to see Robins looking for bugs and Forsythias in yellow bloom!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, farther North :o) February is a bit nastier.

Bernie, do you find March is generally much nicer than April at your place? We can have kite flying weather at the end of March, and April turns cold and rainy. Seems the seasons should be reversed. A few times now we have slid into Spring with no last hard freeze. But the season never gets longer. We have an early Fall too.

Here you go Will!

Thumbnail by billyporter
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Boy Sally, you weren't kidding about fertilizing! Is that Robin looking thru cow patties?!
I'm only kidding you! : ) That is a neat photo of a Robin, thanks.

Here is the wood grape box that I plan to line with this plastic and plant something in, maybe Coleus. There is about 6 of them here, I'm going to fill them all up with something!
Anybody else itching for Spring? I know I am! Maybe I'll start Tomatoes indoors early or something. What kind of seeds do you have billyp?

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

How about this Bamboo holding onto green? I thot that was a cmon from Springhill saying they're P. bissettii was evergreen, so far it is about half green still.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, LOL, I'll post a real picture of the manure I turned under! Actually, that was the beginning of the Butterfly bed. It was a small circle. It didn't stay small for long. I still need to tweak the sides, but I did plant a lot of things in it last Fall. I was going to wait and plant it with Butterfly flowers, but I needed the room, so I put anything that needed moving in there, LOL! I can't wait to see what I've done. It might be a train wreck!

I love wooden boxes! I have a small, old one Dad gave me. I don't think I ever took a picture of it. I'll do that one of these days. It's in the garage. Coleous would be pretty. Pinch them out so they dont get 3' tall on you! I don't know much about them. Are there naturally short versions?

I have a lot of different garden seeeds from the peas to cabbage to radish, cold groups. Then the warm weather, like eggplant, beans, peppers and tomatoes. I get to buy tomato seed. I am out! Then I have packets of new and old flower seed, plus my own I gather each Fall in case something dosn't do well.

We are hoping to get that new driveway this Spring, so how much garden I plant is up in the air.

Sometimes evergreen plants will brown a bit and may lose leaves here, but for the most part, my Eunonymus shrub had held on to it's leaves. I'm hoping the three I started from cuttings will be a bit of windbreak in the North bed. The bamboo looks like I expected. It will be neat to see it green up this spring. But, winter isn't over yet.

It's Friday!

Yesterday, I attempted Hummus without Tahini. It was a bit dry, but I added a leftover dab of no-fat sour cream and also processed it right after I had chopped jalapenos for poppers. Then I made a fresh fruit pie! Laundry and dishes are done and I got groceries moved around in the pantry and cupboards. I missed exercising, so I have nothing in my way today!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm just trying to stay warm down here. Temps going down and winds were strong today.

Chiefs playoff game is on Sunday!! Whoo Hoo!! I have the day off and I'm staying home to watch it. No way I'm missing it!! If I have any running around to do it will be in the morning. It's not very often that they make playoffs. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I hope the Chiefs have a good day! The Chiefs in the Superbowl, lets make it a reality!
I agree Pepper, this time of the Winter is definately earning it's reputation as bitterly cold, and the wind isn't helping!
A short Coleus? I never heard of one. I will just snip them if they get too leggy and tall.
I hope my old grape boxes are as good in real for Coleus as they are in my head!
I have a lot of seeds on my wishlist. If I get my way, I'm going to be growing everything from Joshua Trees to Windmill Palms to Lotuses to Italian Cypresses from seeds!
If I can get them to grow I have friends and family in more southerly locales to give them to. Altho, I might grow an Italian Cypress here in the house until it reaches the ceiling! lol

Does anybody have an idea what has happened to my Hens and Chicks?
They look like they're dead, like they were dying from the cold, I thot they were hardy, maybe not potted.
When I saw them like that I brot them in, there is a little green left. Sorry the photo is kinda blurry.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, we had the wind come up in the afternoon and it blew most of the night. This morning it's a bit breeze and it's supposed to pick up again. I'm in for the day!

Yayyy! You have a day off and a game to watch! Sweet!

Will, I didn't know if anyone got around to hybridizing a shorter one. Maybe a foot tall. It would be nice. I rather enjoy their flower spikes, but most people cut them off.

Bushy one's will really fill the box out. If it didn't leak, you could almost winter them over in the house, or at least keep them while you rooted cuttings after they got leggy.

If you grow it someone will want it :o) It will be fun trying!

Hmmm, I'm zone 5a and my H. and C.'s are usually all right planted out. These do look frosted. Any green means they are still alive. Strange tho.

I have most of my work done, but I could do more. Today is an up in the air day.

Hope all is well with our missing friends. Where did Garden6 go? Did I miss something? I know Imames and Happ keep busy.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yikes!! Those do look bad. Not sure what is the problem. But bringing them in will help.

Helped a friend dig up a snowball bush today after work. Ended up breaking the shovel, possibly cracking the spade and my friend cracked her shovel. lol. But we got the bush dug up and now I owe my dad a new shovel. lol. Cargo Largo has some good ones. I'll get one from there next time I'm there.

I think the Seattle Seahawks won their game. Last I heard they were ahead by around 10 points.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, still laughing over that shovel :o)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My dad couldn't believe I broke his shovel. lol. I told him I may have broken the shovel but I sure as heck got the bush out!! LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I hope the Hens and Chicks bounce back. I remember I broke a friend's shovel a few years ago. I didn't even break it digging, it was after I used it, I gave it a toss and it cracked. It didn't really even land hard, (it prolly already had a crack in it, he had prolly been using it cracked cause he was too cheap tp get another one). I didn't tell him that tho!
I just bot him another shovel.
So, Pepper is a Seattle Seahawks fan eh? Dang Chiefs have done it again, they always choke and lose as soon as they get in the playoffs.
Yeah, I will try to make alot of Coleus starts. They are so pretty, everybody would want some!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nope, not a fan of them, I had been keeping tabs on them because they were in the playoffs. Then read an article on them. lol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It's snowing!

Pepper, ROTFL!! And winning over the bush is what became important after that!!

Will, buying another shovel is all you could do :o)

Yesterday we were gone most of the day and before that I was researching camers with an extended zoom on a point and shoot. No complicated cameras for me. I haven't found one yet. Later today, DD is dropping the Grandkids off.

Life is starting to get busy again.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We had rain this afternoon and on Weds we are now supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow. Good thing my hubs are still locked in!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, the right thing to do was to buy him another shovel. I remember those shovels, (I also bot myself one). They were only $4! I know now DO NOT buy an inexpensive shovel!
It never broke or anything, but it is worse than an average shovel. It's a decent dirt or mud or anything MOVER, but not a digger. It had a fiberglass handle. But, I didn't realize that the fiberglass was about as thin as a trashbag! You can't put much of any real pressure on it, it just bends like rubber!

This is one time I think the rain was welcomed, (well, of course, it's always welcome in the Summer when we're in a big drought). Come to think of it, I like rain anytime in the warm months because then I don't have to water! lol Today, it really helped melt the snow, unfortunately, now everything is a muddy mess, and it'll prolly refreeze!

I was always fond of the Sony CyberShot's reliability and quality. But, I HAD to cheap out this time and now my photos come out fuzzy about a third of the time!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have to get a new camera since my Nikon was stolen Sat. So I'm looking at some new cameras. I've learned the hard way that there are certain brands that are just not worth the money. I know that Sony, Nikon and Kodaks are good ones. Kodak is even affordable for most people. lol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, lock in and hold on!!

Will, yep, my neighbor left her shovel when she moved, so I nabbed it. It is terrible for digging. Wrong angle. Otherwise it's a good strong shovel.

I've been asking people to post the camera they use so I can get an idea. Some pictures are fantastic and I suspect they don't use a point and shoot, but change lenses.

Pepper, I outlined the Nikon Coolpix 100 on Weather? Somewhere, LOL!

My Kodak Z650 is still a great camera. The newer ones are getting away from the regular batteries and the viewfinder. I wanted that before it was obsolete. I use it almost all the time. I won't miss the regular AA's.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm looking at Nikon Coolpix S6000 right now. Small, compact, but yet still has a good zoom for a point and shoot. I'm still looking though. I need to go to Kodak's site and see what they have.

I hope everyone is ready for the snow tomorrow. 4-7 inches in some places. I can't wait!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I bet the Nikon cameras are all good cameras. I have a Kodak Easyshare camera and the photos come out blurry alot its the 10.2 megapixel 3x zoom one. I looked for a model number but didn't see one. I'm not belittling all Kodak cameras, some are prolly just fine.
I could've got a better camera I think for the money. I'm skeptical of the inexpensive Kodak (around $100) cameras. Nikon has some quality professional cameras. A Sister has a Nikon D40 and she loves it. I don't think my Kodak Easyshare is capable of a good closeup shot. I'd try to get a (4gb minimum) memory card included or at least cheap (under or around $19.99). My opinion is a good closeup shot only comes with a decent camera.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The zoom has to be at least 7x. I take alot of close up shots from a distance and need a good zoom for that. I found a Kodak that I think will work but still gotta look around some more. I have plenty of time. I have other stuff to take care of before I get another camera and I want to make sure I get one that will suit my needs.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ya better hurry Pepper! Crocuses start peeping out soon! I have another digital camera, but it's also a Kodak Easyshare, it's a better Kodak Easyshare. I think my Dad paid $250 for it new in late '04, I got it from his passing in 07'. It's a better camera from Kodak. I don't use it much because it's bulkier and not easy to use. I need to learn how to adjust the color or something on it tho, because photos on it have been having a bluish tint to them. Also, it's kinda less disposable and I'd worry more with it than with the other cheapo! My gooder? Kodak Easyshare has a 10x optical zoom (the good zoom). I think the other zoom is digital zoom, which goes way up there in zoom but isn't as good because it just pixelates the image zoomed on and just generally makes it blurry. My good Kodak Easyshare DX6490 is only 4.0 megapixels but it says it has a "Schneider KREUZNACH VARIOGON lens with 38 - 380mm (equiv.) AF 10x Optical zoom".
I just copied what the camera says, I don't claim to know much about it really..lol
It still has the viewfinder, viewfinders are nice to have there to use if needed. Sometimes with my cheaper camera, (without a viewfinder) it's hard to see the lcd screen on the back, like in bright sunlight for example, so you're kinda just hoping you have the subject in the photo.
That good Kodak camera was more of the cat's meow years ago. It's prolly a much better camera than the "credit card size" Easyshare that I use alot. I remember back then my Dad didn't want anybody to mess with it. Which I can understand, I wouldn't want newbies fooling with it either..lol
I'd handle the camera in the store initially and really do research on the camera I wanted. I wouldn't have bot the good camera actually because the power button dial thing is not user friendly at all!
Rechargeable batteries are the way to go. In my experience digital cameras can really go thru the batteries, and the rechargeables are reasonably priced on Ebay where they sell them new.

Yeah, this snow was really something. The city clears the streets, but of course piles so much snow at the driveway, its not easy to get out! lol

The photo attached is from the newest $100 Easyshare the next photo is the more expensive Easyshare.

This message was edited Jan 20, 2011 7:52 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

The high dollar Easyshare -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, it sounds like a good choice too. I read a bit about it. Keep looking, there are so many to choose from and so many different prices on the same camera.

Will, I have a point and shoot 10x Kodak Easyshare Z650. It takes really good pictures. I got an 8GB card for the Canon at walmart for $20.00 and the case for $20.00. The battery and charger came with the camera. The battery is listed for $70.00 but is half that elsewhere.

Pepper, I agree with the zoom needing to be at least 7x. I hear you on the close-ups and is why I wanted the most zoom I could get. I think the lithium ion batteries let the camera start up quicker and the battery lasts longer than rechargable AA's.They in turn work much longer than regular AA's. They also charge in 2 hours and 10 to 20 minutes. The others take about 6 hours.

Will, sorry about your Dad passing. That wasn't so long ago. The coloring is called fringing. My outdoor pics with the Kodak, if pointed at the white shed or even with my back to the sun, will have a pinkish tint. The newer cameras are getting away from that. I'm impressed with the changes since I bought mine in 2006.

I use the viewfinder the most. I have shaky hands and I can stabilize against my face. Plus it's quicker to line up the photo and shoot.

Except for the flower blurring, the cheap picture has good color and detail. The high dollar does take the better picture.

Use it or lose it I say. The high dollar with the hard to use dial can be for flowers and such that you can take your time on and the cheaper for quicker photos. Try using the viewfinder more with it.

Pepper, I take it you want a pocket camera with good zoom at a nice price, rather than one you need to keep in the case because it's a bit bulky.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I have a Kodak East Share V1003. No battery. It has a charger that plugs into the camera. I usually leave it plugged in overnight. A charge lasts forever. Even if the camera sits around for a long time, it stays charged. Batteries seem to run down even when not used. It has ton of settings, zoom & even can make videos. I have it set so I can shoot anything. I just plug it in to the computer & load the pictures. Don't take long at all. They go into Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I can do anything with them there.
All the pictures I post are from this camera. Don't need a cared either. I don't remember how many the camera holds, but I am thinking 600.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'll have to look that one up Bernie. Sounds like a great camera.

We got around 3 inches overnight. Nowhere near the 7 inches they orginally called for. That went mostly north of us. Then we had a freezing mist. UGH!! I do wish the plows would hold off coming down my road til noon. I want to go play in the snow!! LOL. They have been really keeping up with the roads this year and it's kind of a bummer. My dad and I want to go play with my truck. LOL.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

It was low priced, too, but I don't remember how much.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Sally. I woulda mentioned his passing then but I think I was a non subscriber.

Hehe billyp.. you say "high dollar" too. It was too much money for a camera to me actually, I think it was a business expense for him.
Yes, the high dollar does take a better closeup and every photo is good, unlike the newer one.
I always want to keep a cheap camera in my car for when somebody crashes into me, but nobody ever does!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Bernie, that sounds like an ideal camera and your pictures are great!

Pepper, I'm still glad you didn't get buried under all that snow! I am suprised they are keeping up with plowing. You need to find a b level road :o)

Will, sounds like the camera is working as cheap insurance. It's a real good idea too! I've heard of dents that were already there, trying to be passed off as your fault. I hate people like that!

We might get to see some sun today!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

How about this Bamboo?! It's not as green as it was even a month ago, but hardly devoid of leaves. I was skeptical of the "evergreen" part Springhill was boasting about, but it is real close and when it fills out more it will even be a good screen in the Winter. Here it is if anybody wants it. - http://springhillnursery.com/hardy-evergreen-bamboo/p/74254/
Theres that bluish tint from that camera I was telling about!
Thanks billyp, I always thot that was a good idea too, but I've never had to take a crash photo! lol
A lot of people would have they're phone's camera in case. Not me, my phone doesn't have a camera. I don't think I could do that, say an old dent was caused by a new crash, it seems so shady! lol

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The bamboo is looking great!! It should be twice that size come end of summer if not sooner. Looks like it's happy there.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Pepper! I hope they multiply and stay happy! There is 3 P. bissettii plants in those 8 linked kitty litter buckets. See those footprints? Something walked right thru the Bamboo pots! My guess would be deer. This is a residential area, there is even a fence around this yard, but they jump the fence I hear. An aide said she saw some deer in the yard yesterday morning. I've seen them a couple houses down before, but I never saw them here! The aide said they jumped the fence real easy. There is some woods looking spots nearby I think deer like a lot as well. They are prolly eating birdseed along with the squirrels!

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