
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Great thought.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Happy Valentine's day to all the gardners in the USA.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes! Happy Valentine's Day to all DG people!

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)


Athens, PA

Happy Valentines day everyone.

The snow is melting here! Yaaay!

I love all the pictures everyone has posted. Arlene - you and Jack look so happy.

Thinking spring here. Has anybody seen any robins yet? Usually I hear them before I see them.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

No Robins here yet, another 3 weeks.

Athens, PA


maybe they will be early this year... one can hope.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I am feeling a new era as far as 12 -16 inch snow falls goes.
Its so great to see this melting. Mid December we had a bilzzerd and everyweekend after that.
I know its not the end of snow for us. This thaw is welcome but there have been horrible blizzerds in early March and snow on daffs in April .This is nice and I will take advantage of it.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

We do have to appreciate all the positives like good weather after that terrible winter.

Thanks, Carolyn. This July 6th will celebrate 30 years since we first met at the lunch room of the bank. He still (after all these years) remembers what I wore, right down to the colors of my blouse and suit.

No robins here yet either but I'll be looking out for any bird at all...except crows.

Athens, PA


That is so sweet - a true valentine although it was on July 6th.... 30 years - congratulations. I think that is wonderful. It seems that in this day and age, everything is disposable including relationships. It warms my heart to see the celebration of a lifetime together.

I haven't seen any robins yet either, but the snow is melting and I am so thrilled. I know we have seen snowstorms well into April, but one can hope.......

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Just a bit of ground between the whites. I dont ask for much.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's disappearing fast, Jo Ann. Along the major roads it's so ugly!

Carolyn - that was just the day we met. We've been married for 20 years now. Jack's wife died in '88 after many years of being very ill and I had just divorced my ex of 28 years since there is no way a woman can change a man but as all of my friends said, "You gave it your best", and I did.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Hubby & I just celebrated our 34th on Sat. the 12th but I have known him since I was 7 and he was 9 so we were good friends for years before we realized we had strong feeling for each other. He's still my best friend. ♥♥♥

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have always loved your forever love story, Sue. Congratulations!

Athens, PA

Awwww.... Sue. That is wonderful. Another true valentine!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Did you select the 12th due to the nearness of Valentine's Day, Sue?

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Nope, when Brad asked permission from my Dad to marry me, he said no to a Dec. wedding (our reasoning, tax savings LOL) because I was still 17. So the 12th was the first Sat. after I turned 18, VD had nothing to do with it as we don't even celebrate it anyways. :-)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm surprised. I'd have imagined you two celebrated Valentine's Day every day of the year. You both deserve to celebrate it daily! Truly, yours is a "Happily ever after" tale of romance.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

just remember: VD is NOTHING to celebrate ! (hee hee)

Athens, PA

It is so nice to hear about relationships like that. My girlfriend and I were talking last week about our kids and their relationships - not that I would ever get myself involved in them, but what surprises me is they seem to go from one serious relationship right into another. Truthfully, I just don't get it. I know when I was younger and dating and even after my first marriage - the last thing I wanted to do was to jump into another relationship after that relationship's demise.

Sue - congratulations to you and your husband. I think your story is wonderful and Arlene, I know that you and Jack also have that type of relationship. Every day is valentine's day and I am happy for both of you.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello everybody, if you want to talk about love and VD I have a story for youl. It is a real one. Today I went to help this gentelmen who is 99 years young. His wife died 2 years ago, they where married 74 years. She was the love of his life and she called him loverboy to the last day. I new her too for about 20 years from the church. She was a nice lady, the best dresser in the church. He is quiet but very nice gentleman. He still lives alone in a two story house, cooks and washes his own clothes, he said because he have to climb the steps to go to sleep that is what helped him to be so old. I asked him if he has any friends for me , just jokingly, he said all his friends are dead. He is missing his wife very much. When lunch comes , he fixes me lunch, I tought shouldent it be the other way around? He said his wife took care of him so long, he is just so happy to be able to do something on his own. Other then my father, he is a nicest man I know. On the wall in the kitchen I read on a picture "A husband is the only labor saving divice you can cuddle. I told him, I hope he don't mind, but I will just pretend she went shopping at Chicos, that was her favority store.
Perl, on July 6th, drink a toast for me to, that is my birthday, I will be 61. OMG

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

He sounds like a nice guy, Etelka. It must be very lonesome for him now. Maybe, now that you mentioned the shopping, he can share your point of view and not feel so sad.

What an amazing coincidence for July 6th! I'll just marked my calendar with your birthday! How I'd love to be 61 again!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Lets see what was I doing in 1981, Summer.? I was married to my horder husband, I had a big garden and that is what saved my sanity. I remember my beutiful peonies. That fall I planted 100 bulbs of tulips around the house and never waited around for Spring to see them bloom.I remember VD 2002, I asked my last husband James, to get me a Japanies maple for VD. He showed up with a dried out looking stick, and gave it to a present with a card. He was never cheep with the cards. I looked at it and said" you couldn't find a sicker looking one" (that is mean, I addmit") He said"you better be happy with the DT, I paid $36.00 dollars for it" Oh, if I can take those ugly words back.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

this is the same tree in the left corner of the picture, it is beutifu it is about 10ft tall. We never know.

Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Many of us have words we wish we hadn't said. I learned from my older sisters' words and actions to never speak in anger or disappointment and I've done well.

Your tree is lovely. Do you call it by James' name? I think I would just to make it up to him.

I think we need a part 2 to this thread so I'll come back with a link.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's the link to the new Omoshiro thread:

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

My parents will be celebrating their 65th anniversary this month. They are an inspiration to our whole family. Dad will be 90 this August, Mom 85. He tells that he first saw her when she was only 14 and was quite smitten. They didn't marry until they were in their 20s. 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren and 2 greats later and they still sit close and hold hands. Love will never go out of style. Valentine's Day is only one day, true love is every day.

I came to this thread to check out a good place to buy clematis but had to jump in and tell my little story too.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Teresa, just to tell you the store how always wanted to move to KY. When I lived in Wilmington, Delaware, I had to much problem in my home. I was always thinking, if I move south, change my name my husband would never find me. Maybe I move to Kentaky, it always looked so beutiful. I never made it, but I think this summer when I will have 3 months of, make a weekend trip to it.
You right about the true love, it is forever. Etelka

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Here is a new thread. A continuation of this one.
I am not sure the life experience tales are still on this or the other Omoshiro thread Pirl started.
Ahyway here goes.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's the link to our part 2:

We already are posting at the new thread.

Sorry, Jo Ann, your link didn't work for me.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Funny it works for me.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Maybe it's my computer since I "fixed" it! LOL

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

OMG Maybe someone else will give OMOSHIRO continues a try.
I did it mostly for just clem talk. The other ite "waiting" is great for exploreing naustalgia and our particular lives.

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