Angels amongst us:

(Zone 6b)

My family has a long history of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that causes ulcers.

We cured my daughter's ulcer with colloidal minerals, it works because like pepto bismol it has the "bismuth" trace mineral that kills that bacteria.

I found an herb the other day that I was taking, but now I have lost the bottle and cannot remember what the name of it was. Many were reporting complete healings from taking it. Must have been working for me too, because I had had no pain for over two months. Now I can't find the bottle. Guess it's back to googling, herbs for ulcers. :) If I find it, I'll share it.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I booked marked Mother Nature a long time ago..

Ferndale, WA

I must confess, I agree with Cajun, she really is cute, but she is much more than that she is a true darling... I'm keeping you in my prayers, until you find what works for you I know some who take prilosec once a day and find astounding results...Hay

Richmond, TX

If all else fails, you can always resort to antibiotics. It is a bacterial problem after all.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Some are and some are not, Mine is not. I take prilosec every morning and sometimes at night too. I have some stronger stuff frm the doc that will take care of it but mt stomach will be sore for a few days.

Ferndale, WA

I'm no doctor sweetie but it sounds to my like your under way to much stress. Stress is one of the worst things for ulcers. Have you spoken to a Dr. concerning this condition? If so what has he had to say about it? I worry about ulcers as they can really be dangerous...Hay

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It is caused by stress. I have had ulcers for years now. The doctor gave me some pills I have to melt in water and drink as a slurry. It coats the stomach. Works good but constipation is a side effect so I only use it as a last resort.

I have been ubder a lot of stress lately with DH bing sick and all the work falling to me but he only has 8 treatments left.

I am also a bit depressed because of the holidays and the dread about the coming winter. I'll just have to pull myself up by my own bootstraps and snap out of it. Easy to say. Not so easy to do, I am afraid.

(Zone 6b)

Cajun, have you tried taking hydrochrloric acid or enzymes? You can get those online at vitaminshoppe or vitacost.. am I supposed to say that? I have no financial interest in them, they are just sites I usually use, but local healthfood stores have them too I'm sure.

For months my oldest daughter was having heartburn and trouble digesting food. She took the HCL and was better almost instantly. If we don't have the right enzymes and acid we can't break the food down. They say that these enzymes also help your blood. Doctors try to say you have too much HCL, but the truth sometimes is, we don't have enough.

The first thing they talked to me about at the healthfood store thirty years ago was how dangerous it is to be constipated. Your body is pulling in all those putrid poisons into the blood stream. It's just deadly they said, and I always remember that.

Anyway, it's just a thought. I looked for my herb and cannot find it so far.

Zz that is great about your mom. She really has done something right. You know, the older generation had a lot of advantages we do not have. In their childhood years they were eating wholesome food without chemicals. How blessed they were. Now we have to pay double, and even then, no clue what we are really eating.

Think I'll take my own suggestion and take some HCL and enzymes.

Get well soon Cajun. GBU.

(Zone 6b)

Another thing they taught me too, was to take activated charcoal. It's supposed to pull the poisons out of your intestines. Whenever I start feeling bad for no apparent reason, I take the charcoal. I do warn you though, that it will pull the gas off your stomach too. If you know what I mean.

Also, a natural laxative is Cascara Sagrada. It's not harsh to cause pain, but does work.

Some naturopathic doctors say "All disease starts in the gut". That is probably true.

(Zone 6b)

Guess I wasn't finished, because I just thought of this too.

Candida and parasites. My daughter almost died with candida from taking antibiotics. It caused her so much pain in her stomach. I know Z doesn't want me saying parasite, but it's always a possibility that should not be ignored. So easily remedied too with herbs.

Candida is helped with acidophilus and garlic and many other products have been design particularly for it. Candida is when you have a fungus in your stomach and intestines. It is very serious.

Here is my disclaimer: I am not a doctor and am not recommending. Just throwing some thoughts out there. Last time I knew we could still have opinions and could discuss freely in this country.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Cajun, I will say a prayer that your load is lightened soon! My thoughts are with you and your dear DH as he goes through his treatments. May the Lords healing hands be with you both.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank you all so much for your caring and concern. It moves my heart. I am much improved today but still not back to normal. I was able to get all the work done but I did it in my PJs. LOL Oh well, I was clean and covered. None of that flimsy night wear for me. :) It's just that the waist is looser than pants. I was able to eat today. I will look into those things you listed. There may be help for me yet. I think i am just stressing too much about winter. I am really dreading it because last winter was so bad. I had hoped to have my new chicken pen built and have the chickens squared away for winter. I had hoped to have 4 or 5 of these horses sold and not have to be slopping around and driving all over the neighborhood to take care of them. But I have lost spring, summer and fall to hosptal and doctor visits and now I am no better off than this time last year. It is a worrisome thing but I just have to trust God to take care of it all. If my DS lived here he would have had all this done for me but he is 14 hours away. I really miss my family. I am sure glad for FB. :)

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Whoooeeee! Another pajama Mama!! Girl , in the Winter on weekends when I know I do not have to drive anywhere, My long johns a sweater and my workcoat with about 3 pairs of socks, thats my outside working gear!! Snug and warm and nothin tight!!!
I also understand about he FB Family! All my Children and Grands live soo far away from me. The only way I can keep up with them is FB. They all have phones , I mean each and every one of them.....but none know how to call, just text and that I its FB !

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Woo Hoo its Jammies and hip wades for me. The Duck pool water gets pretty cold in winter. I have to get in it to prime the water pump twice a week when I drain and refill the pool. I love my jammies. The are comfortable and really no different than the shirts and shorts I wear all summer, just softer materials

Ferndale, WA

NO, NO, NO. I'm not going to any pajamma party...LOL...Hay

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I bet if we all were able to get to where we all are at one time...and said PAJAMA PARTY , Hay you would be the first one there!!! I can just see you now in your red Long Johns...LOL!!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is so funny Eufaula!

I have a one piece red thermals that I put away with the Christmas stuff every year.. When I get it out I always dance around saying "I get to wear the red thing" La La La

So yeah, I got a visual..

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey...... Maybe we can entice peeps to show us their funniest PJ/winter work clothes!!! Awww come on Now they would be our Christmas cards to everyone!!!! LOL!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't have any official PJs. I mix and match. I have a few pairs of lounge pants that I pair with my old, worn out Tshirts that are not fir for public appearances anymore. But I love them too much to throw them away. I have a Tshirt collection like you can't believe. My favorite lounge pants are black with red tobasco peppers and bottles of tobasco sauce. What can I say? I am one HOT momma! LOL LOL LOL

Forgot to add: Hay, make sure the trap door is closed. :)

This message was edited Dec 1, 2010 3:55 PM

Ferndale, WA

Cajun!!! {{{BLUSH}}}

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)


Bridgewater, ME

I once went after a deer with my nightie on.My neighbor called me and said Donna there is a deer going up back and I looked out the window and sure enough a small buck,I still had my nightdreese on cause it was early in the morning,so I threw on my orange jacket and hat and got the gun and off I went.My first and only deer.Hubby told a couple peaple and before to long the whole town knew about my hunting in my nightie.Needless to say the story comes up once in awhile.Don`t hunt anymore just look.

Ferndale, WA

What comes to mind Green is that old song: "If I could only whistle"...LOL...Hay

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That sounds like a good episode idea for a Mr. Bean segment. LOL

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

great stories keep em' coming

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Any more news on Catsy? I'm hoping that she's gotten good reports!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

{{{{{{{ Cousin Catscan }}}}}} Sending you strengthening silvery threads from my aura to yours.

Richmond, TX

That's what's been missing: contact on the aura wavelength.

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