Morning Glories 2010 #23

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

To return to # 22

Thumbnail by patootie
(Zone 7a)

Dany asked some great questions in the previous thread, which I'd love to see discussed and/or answered:

"Emma your bearded or feathered are beautiful.
Can we say that every single purpurea have his double or feathered ?
That's the double of Star of Yelta or Kniola's Black ?

Some are totally sterile and yours?
I have a few purpurea feathered with lobed leaves."
( )

szarvas, Hungary

Karen thanks,me too !
Winter is coming with long steps, grey cranes move south, they are so many!

Thumbnail by dany12
Mesilla Park, NM

Dany, I think most of those cranes were in Albuquerque this weekend, they looked great drinking water on the fields there.. nice photo.

Hi Jackie,

what a nice blue, is that a youjiro or a fuji? I've forgotten what they look like

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Antoinette - Thanks for the compliments on those hige/feathered I. purpurea bloom photos!

Jackie - I agree! Nice bloom shot in the first post! :-)

None of my higes appear sterile. I've seen at least one seed pod on each vine so far. Not sure if I will get many more if we get a freeze in the very near future.

Some of mine have the feathers at the base of a hige bloom.

Some of mine were pom-pom shaped and very tight petals. Those have to be hand-pollinated because the stigma and anthers are not easily exposed. Dense mass of petals.

Some of mine looked more like split petal blooms, not higes.

My white hige with the feathers at the base has a tri-lobed leaf. The rest have the typical solid green heart-shaped foliage. I've seen some variegated leaf purpureas on the KU site, so those do exist also! Very diverse crosses/cultivars can be found in some of the different genes of I. purpureas! :-)

This message was edited Nov 17, 2010 7:35 PM

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks A and Becky. That pic is Weird Saz dark sd form that bloomed all
stripes. Seed kindly shared with me by Gardener2005. I bet it is a cross
between Light blue Saz and a Fuji.
Becky send us a pic of one that looks more like a split petaled bloom, petals like
Split Personality?
Can you send one of your white hige that is feathered at the base too?
You might have already and I just missed it.
My Split Personality on the fence this summer.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Zone 7a)

Dany, thank you for that picture of those cranes flying overhead. Have you ever seen and/or heard them take off? Here, when enough geese are gathered, their take off can sound like thunder made of zillions of feathers, plus tiny clacking sounds - maybe it's the hollow bones in the wings that clack?.

Yes, we're feeling the change of seasons here, too - we had gorgeous fall leaves, now mostly fallen except for oaks and beeches...autumn camellias are blooming. Those cranes seem to inspire such dramatic art of seasons - can't find one for autumn, but here's one of my favorites for cranes in winter by Hokusai -

I don't know if cranes ever visit Maryland, but geese used to migrate through/from Maryland north to Canada - I can remember them flying overhead to their winter homes around here 30 - 40 years ago, but they no longer migrate, since too many habitats in their migratory route have been destroyed/developed (I think there's a documentary somewhere about a man who imprinted himself on just-hatched goslings and taught them to migrate again, although perhaps not so far north as their ancestors did - worth finding).

Good thing so many winter here, perhaps, because the wind turbines being proposed as alternative energy to fossil fuels kill every winged being that encounters their blades - and so far, they seem to be placed right in the migratory routes of flying creatures, both on and off shore around the Atlantic - so far mostly off the Netherlands - don't know where else, off-hand.

Wish I had workable answers/solutions.

This might be my favorite - cranes with morning glories by Bairei -


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - The white hige with the feathers at the base of the bloom is at this post:

The split petal vine I grew several years ago looked very much like yours. I don't know where the photos are on my computer or my external drives. If I run across any of the photos of it, I'll post them. But I don't think I'll find it anytime soon. I shudder at the thought of having to look for any old photos! LOL!

Karen - Cranes, huh? We have those large sandhill cranes here. They are so cute to see them with their babies. They mate for life and if one of them dies, the other often dies shortly afterwards from a broken heart or loneliness. Or so they say. True love, I guess...

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love all the higes and feathered flowers you have been showing us. I loved seeing mine bloom this year, too.
Great Crane shot, Dany.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, thanks for sending the link. Very unusual with the feathers underneath the main part of the bloom. Don't recall ever seeing one like it.

(Zone 7a)

Great hige shot, Becky - swirls like a Sufi dancer

Well, who can stop with cranes with peacocks around? Here are some art nouveau renditions of peacocks arguing with Mother Nature, from -|en&hl=fr&ie=UTF8

Doesn't have the emotional impact of Dany's flying cranes picture, but beautiful none the less.

szarvas, Hungary

Becky, on KU variegated in Purpurea family like this :
Or like this :
It's OK.
But a true bi color as this leaf
I have searched everywhere and found nothing!
Ray (rareseedman) said that it exists in Purpurea and Tricolor without proof by photos.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Got this very interesting bloom on my I. purpurea white hige. This is a solid shaped bloom that is totally white with pale yellow rays. Pretty neat! It was the vine that had the higes with feathers around the base of the bloom. It is also the tri-lobed leaf vine. Such an interesting vine! I hope I get some seeds from this bad boy!!! I really like it a lot!

This message was edited Nov 20, 2010 12:54 AM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is the tri-lobed leaf from the same I. purpurea vine. This vine's got some interesting traits.

Dany - Is the heart-shaped variegated leaf in your last link above from an I. nil? That leaf reminded me of Pink Silk that I grew this year. I could've sworn that someone here had an I. purpurea with a true variegated leaf. Maybe I am mistaken, but I remember seeing it and thinking WOW!

This message was edited Nov 20, 2010 12:36 AM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I also really love this I. purpurea lavender flaked bloomer. I am developing a new appreciation for I. purpurea vines. Interestingly, I am not seeing a lot of seed production on any of my higes or any of these other unusual I. purpurea vines. I guess the mutants are not as prolific seed producers as the usual purpurea suspects. Which disproves the invasive nature of some cultivars of this species. I have been delightfully surprised at how much I've enjoyed all the purpurea vines I've grown this Fall/Winter. Never say never! :-) And this was an awesome year for me with tri-color vines, too! I'm a convert after this year and will grow many of these again in the up-coming years in late summer/fall/winter. Some outstanding characteristics from these two species of MG!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

The bloom on this triple pink hige bloomer reminds me so much of a carnation bloom. Unfortunately, not a single seed pod on this one yet. :-/

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

all of them are lovely!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, love your blooms. The white with the yellow rays is really special. Wonder if that one came from pollen from your Yellow Chinese Evening Glory. I hope you get sds from it.

This message was edited Nov 20, 2010 12:23 AM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Debra and Jackie!

Jackie - LOL! I saw that bloom and it certainly did remind me of the Yellow Chinese Evening Glory blooms, too. The purpurea bloom is much larger, definitely white with just a hint of yellow in the rays. The tri-lobed leaves are unusual for a purpurea too, but I seriously doubt the YCEG could be crossed with an I. purp. I won't get blooms on the YCEG until much later in the Winter. The purpurea will be long gone by then. But the bloom similarity is notable! That's funny that you thought the same thing I thought when I saw that bloom! Hopefully, I will get lots of interesting blooms on that purpurea vine that are viable for hand-pollinating. I definitely want some seeds from that vine! :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I found a photo from this past February of the YCEG for comparison. Here's a bloom photo. I should get a lot of blooms this year on it (I hope)!

Now that I am thinking about similarity ... I think that purpurea bloom reminds me more of a Moonflower bloom ... only miniature in size! LOL!

This message was edited Nov 20, 2010 2:02 AM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Gautier, MS

Becky, your blooms are just beautiful!! So nice to see them this late in the season.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, I think it does look more like a Moonflower bloom. Very unusual.
Plus making all those hige blooms. This vine is
really special. No telling what any sds might produce, very entertaining.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

welp, the last of the outside vines are now fried. and here it is going to be 73 tomorrow. Boo Hoo.

I sure am glad you are posting pictures of morning glorys, I was about to be depressed.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A bloom this morning from my China Doll in a 3 inch pot. Not a good pic but
sending it anyway cause I'm so happy to have a bloom. China Doll is high
on my list of favorites

Happy Thanksgiving

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Pretty China Doll bloom! What a nice surprise! :-)

I had a surprise volunteer I. nil bloom for me today in one of the 5 gallon buckets. Pink Silk with it's beautiful heart-shaped leaves and lovely flower! ;-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Purple Flaked just blooming up a storm ...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Half-n-half! :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

The pale lavender flaked looked like a pinwheel in this photo...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh, gorgeous blooms Becky. The Pink silk is such a beauty but I love all of them.
Half and half is striking.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A whole vine of lavender flaked blooms! :-) :-) :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Still blooming...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

And this one too!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

My favorite photo of the day!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Your summer blooms were beautiful and these are too. Just hope I can
have blooms this nice next summer.

This message was edited Nov 25, 2010 1:10 AM

szarvas, Hungary

Happy Thanksgiving !!

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy good food, good company, and make good memories! :-)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! ^_^

Gautier, MS

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. It was great to have family over and food was good too.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms to look at here, Jackie and Becky, warms my soul since it is so cold here.
Thank You!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Debra!

I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! :-)

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