Mum's the word! Views from Rawlings

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Gita, I think I've IDed my succulent. I'm pretty sure now that it's a Haworthia fasciata (Zebra Haworthia, perhaps the variety called 'Big Band'.

Here's the article I had read by Goeff Stein (palmbob).


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Then again, it could be this one.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

How about this one
They had some of these at the Conservatory

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Holly, but I'm pretty sure it's the zebra one. I just took a pic of it. Here it is.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Here are my air plants with my amaryllis that needs to go into dormancy so it can bloom.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Close-up of the middle one.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

The one on the right...


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

And the one on the left...


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks! I enjoyed all the photos. I especially love the plantings in the seashells =)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I put some Zebra Haworthia in 3 more shells today. When I clean them up, will take pix. When I go to the sea shell shop in Delaware, I go haywire & buy up their expensive shells to take home and make little shell gardens. At least, they are getting some use now.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

nice plants Karen!!!... I had an air plant... and killed it


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Allison, the poor thing!

Buttoneer, I look forward to seeing your plants in the shells.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I killed 3 air plants that I got at the Philly show... spritzed or dunked them weekly as they suggested, but still they just gradually dried up, even when I put them in a terrarium. They're really neat, but I hesitate to get another until I think I've learned enough about them so the next one doesn't die by inches.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

no good windows for that sort of thing Karen... but I keep trying



I tried some air plants some years ago. They did not like me either. Now that I have all the glass from the East maybe I should try again.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I hope mine will not die.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Karen, I didn't mean to discourage you! I think a lot of folks have success with these... I just wanted to be sure you knew not to ask me for advice, LOL.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! Don't worry, I'm not discouraged. I've had great success with Bird's Nest Ferns, and I don't even have the right environment for them. Go figure. I just watered my air plants. I just give them a good spray of water from the sink. I've thought of taking them in the shower with me, but that just seems weird.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We often bring a few home from my Dads in Florida. Some survive, some don't. It seems the ones that are most neglected do the best. LOL Ric

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I think mine kicked it after my air condition turned on in the summer

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mine are pretty neglected. They're lucky if they get watered every month. Most times it's longer than a month. They are right over the AC in my room, too, as is a Rex begonia that thrives there. Odd.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I believe, above everything else, Tilandsias need consistent humidity!
At least that is what I know......

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Great display!!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

My air plants seem to be doing well without much humidity. Maybe I'm just lucky. They're still alive now after 8 months. We will see how well they make it through the much drier winter.



I maintain relative humidity at 40 - 45% day in and day out. The few I lost gave up in humidity consistency controlled for my health needs. They were not in the direct flow of the cool AC air. Room temperature was held at seventy five degrees. There were no beauty shop or other chemicals flying about the room. Our floor cleaning was done using no chemicals and steam techniques. Our massive glass area was cleaned with water and vinegar. I do not know what could be more desireable for almost any plant. The air plants of which there were five different all just desided they did not belong here. That was their choice. LOL The only thing I could figure is that they were poisoned in the place were I got them. I never made a second effort.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Doc, I'm wondering how long it took them to bite the dust, and if mine have lasted longer than yours did. I've had them 8 months now. Just wondering if I can expect them to be dying off soon. I do not control the humidity in my room. It is what it is, and I've no clue what that is. LOL! Two of them were by the AC, one directly above it, the other almost directly above. They're in front of an east facing window, getting direct morning sun. I think the temp in my room is about 65-70 average. I'm sure there were times in the summer where is spiked higher or lower. I like it cool in my room at night.



Your guess is as good as mine. Having said that I would get them out of any kind of air flow for openers. Mine were a bit in question when I planted them. They never perked up. I don't remember how long I left them pout but on a given day I got rid of all of them. At this point my guess is that I would have given them a couple of months unless they were badly diseased. They were not diseased in so far as I could see. They had no buggies.

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