Hanging in there- part 4

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is one for you Chris. We will post more pics later. The really nice thing about Rawlings is that it is pretty close about an hours drive and it's not big or expensive. Just a small nice place not very crowded. There are a lot of places to sit in each room and you don't feel the need to move on. Just wander around each room sit and talk and enjoy each area. Really nice for us with my parents. Not too much walking.
How about a Mum Dragon?

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Glad you went---i was too busy to go--besides--I just checked my DG Posts and D-mails around 10:00AM....
Please post your Pictures.....I get all their e-mails...begging for help....I feel so guilty.....

What do you say that we actually PLAN to get together at Rawlings for the Poinsettia Show
which will follow on the heels of the Mum Show???
If i could plan ahead--I could easily make it there....It is about 40 minutes from my house...


Crozet, VA

Gosh it is wonderful to come here and have Chris back among us. What an inspiration you are to so many Chris. I know by pictures of your gardens and hearing some of your cooking stories that whatever you tackle, you give it your all and do some quite amazing things.

I had to laugh whenever any of you were speaking of the S word. I too feel the same way about it after last winter. I could live and never see another s**w and wouldn't feel as though I have missed anything.

I find it interesting that several of you are speaking of fall cleaning. I too have had it on my mind and have been participating on some of the Dave's Garden Clean and Clutter Free threads. Lots of good information to be found there. My involvement in those threads have helped motivate me to get some things done that have previously been like a thorn in my side. Slowly but surely my home is beginning to live up to my standards.

Speaking of baking bread.....I bought a breadmaker about two years ago that has never been used. I am hoping that this winter will be the time I finally begin using it. There is nothing at all like fresh baked bread. The pie looks great billy.

I hope that everyone will enjoy their weekend. Take care all and I will be checking back soon to hear what everyone is up to.


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

have to use the bread maker.. I get in kicks and use it a lot... and then take a break from it.. but when it's being used herb breads for dinner and cinnamon raisin bread for breakfast.. always yummy

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone! We are getting some S**w this a.m. and possibly more later, noting worth taking pictures of.
Billy, I'll be staying on 2 days a week at work, I am getting a RR spouse pension, it is not enough to cover my insurance premiums and other expenses, but as long as I am collecting that, I am limited to the amount of earnings I can make in a year. I had to make the decision to collect on that as I don't know the next time I'll be unable to work for a long period. It also lets me step down from full retirement when the time comes.
The spasms have been with me a long time since 2006, I think that the surgery was so close to the rib cage that there may be a lot of scar tissue there. I have muscle relaxants but hate to take them if I'll be driving.
Yes, stormy the frogs kept me entertained this summer, I had to capture 2 from the rain bucket and put them back into the pond, I even found one behind the hot tub, he would not have made it there with the heat we had this summer.

Ladies get those bread makers running! I don't like baking it mine but use the dough setting a lot, then bake in the oven. Sure cuts down on a lot of work.

I feel good about the decision on Katie (the cat) she really didn't have much of a life towards the end. I think she was suffering from dementia for a long time as well. When she started rubbing her mouth with her paws when she was trying to eat, I knew it was time.
My "girls" are missing the opportunity to clean up the cat food bowl, Fred, our other cat eats in the basement, and the dogs don't go down there.

I just caugh something on TV, you know those advertisement for Drug law suits, well, I think they mentioned one I was on. I was wondering when this would happen.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I started a forum for bread machines, come a share. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1139439/

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, I dropped all magazines except Garden Gate. I have issue #1 and I'll go with it for life. BUT, I have a stack of last issues needing to be read, so I hear you on ''hoarding!'' What a beautiful iris bloom! Mine are seriously frozen now.

Holly, what a marvelous dragon! Now why can't I have imagination like that?!

Ruby, the older I get the less I like snow. I totally get the ''snowbirds'' but I would go crazy wondering what my house was doing in my absence! Thanks, the pie was great and since I have a lot of squash, I plan on a few more!

We had to do chores for DD yesterday morn and I wore thermals. I didn't wear enough layers of socks in my boots (no fur) and my toes were almost froze. Then my thin gloves got wet while I was filling the chicken waterer. Oh woe was me!

I had a bread maker and got rid of it. I really like kneading bread. I stand on a stepstool so I can really put some push into it and knead at least 10 minutes.

Chris, that is a rock and a hard place in trying to cover all expenses with the best plan. I see why you needed total concentration.

I've seen pictures of scar tissue. I think my Mom had a lot too. She got to the point that her shoulders were pulled in. But, she also sewed and did crossword puzzles every day, so she naturally hunched over. I pull my shoulders back everytime I think of that. Also, my 97 year old Grandma had quite a hump on her back. I take calcium with her in mind too.

Yesterday my elderly relative, Mary, turned 89. Her SIL and nieces came back from arizona to throw her a Birthday party. It was a great time and I met relatives I never met before. I had a great time.

Today, the Catholic Church is putting on a silent auction and dinner. We're going over to eat. I'm having chicken and noodles and potatoes and gravy to start!

Tuesday, I'm going to help DD get her paperwork organized while Grandpa takes the boys out to dinner after he picks them up from school. I thought life would slow down after I got out of the garden!

Athens, PA


I am so glad you are back and posting. As somebody else said previously - music to my ears.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm so excited! After a wonderful meal this noon, I bid on something all by myself and got it!

I bought an angel!!

Thumbnail by billyporter
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, Seems like that angel was meant to be yours! How wonderful. How big is it?
And good eating, too. Quite a day.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Coleup, she's 14.5'' to the wing tip on the bird, and I think so too!

I think the lady bidding against me let me have the winning bid. They were auctioning two at the same time, but the other was smaller and a bit different. I chose this one.

I did have my chicken dinner with potatoes, gravy, a biscuit, a piece of chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting between the layer, and a small glass of milk. I was plenty full!

It's Monday and the week starts over again. It's garbage day for us, but I don't even think the plastics and metal bin is full. Once in a while they don't have to stop and sometimes I have the full load of bin and bag. Eating healthy also makes less garbage.

Have a wondeful day everyone!! It's going to be fairly nice and I really need to get a walk in sometime!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hello Chris, I worked outside the past 2 days, but just couldn't get going this morning, in spite of started out with coffee in the hot tub it quickly became a Mittyesque day, my finest achievment was a nap. LOL Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive. Ric

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Billy, that angel is lovely, so glad she went home with you.
So, Ric, you got the hot tub fixed, I knew you missed it while it was down. I have not been in mine much, and now that the cold weather is coming and it takes me longer to get in and out of it, I'll probably have even less desire to use it.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes it is fixed! That was one of the benefits of Jamie and family house sitting for us. It's very handy having a son how's a plumber with control experience. Ric

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello all.. I haven't used my bread maker in quite a while - fall and fresh baked bread just seem to go together. Need to get mine out and get baking. Chris, glad you are enjoying your work - I wish I could say the same. I can't wait to retire LOL!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ric, ROTFL!! Well, all I can sayis you needed that nap!

Chris, ROTFL!! I got goosebumps just thinking about getting out of the water. No, I'm afraid I'd have to sleep there till spring :o)

Aspen, I renewed the flour in my container and now need to get ahead on sugar when it goes on sale. I did make pumpkin bread last night! I can't wait to smell fresh bread!

I have to help DD organize her cluttered kitchen today. Piece of cake!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Good Morning Chris! I'm on the move again today. I've been up on the roof fixing wind loosened siding and shingles. I'm off to dig more cannas to go to Joshes basement,
I keep thinking it would be nice to have a small root cellar for winter storage. Getting in the hot tub is the cold part, getting out you're warm enough to get in the door before freezing. LOL Ric

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Ric, I was standing on the porch roof this weekend finally getting a big tree branch out of the gutter on the second story roof. I've been putting it off because I get really nervous up there. A hot tub and a nap would be my choice any day LOL. Hello Chris, hope you're doing well!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Things are going great for me. I have been working more since the boss's wife is taking care of the grand baby. Her daughter has her foot in a cast, we learned that the sprain was really a break so I may be working 3 days instead of 2 for awhile.
I hope to get my one topiary yew wrapped in burlap tomorrow, and clean some leaves out of the watergarden, I have been loosing some water and I think the leaves are causing the water to dam up and run over the side of the falls. After all that I might just slip into the hot tub for some R & R . Ric, you are right about it harder getting in then out, but still just the idea of getting out of the hot water into the cold takes a lot of courage.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ric/Holly, I smile everytime you write something and I think Holly will be the ''author.'' Picturing her on the roof gave me a big smile! Let me know how that root cellar works out. I want one!!

Aspen, the older we get the more dangerous we know those jobs are, LOL!

Chris, it would be so nice if you could get back into the full swing of things at work. I think a hot tub would really loosen up those muscles! It sounds wonderful!

We have one last nice day and hope to get Christmas lights up. We do the house and two garages. Then I do an apple tree in loops so it almost looks 3D, and do my Harry Lauder Walking Stick. He's finally getting some height to him. I might need new lights this year because I was using an old leftover string and it's not big enough.

Friday it's supposed to rain and I hope to throw two big stewing hens in a stock pot and simmer away!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, I wanted Ric to let me do it as his balance is still an issue. But the roof is a pretty gentle slope and the work he had to do wasn't near an edge. I did climb up the ladder to watch him. I figured he would be more likely to hurt himself doing some little task when he wasn't being as careful. Like the fall on the stairs he took when I was away. Chris you sound so much better. It is so nice to see your voice again. LOL

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Holly, DH just jabbed the palm of his hand with a chisel trying to remove glue from a chair railing so he could reglue it. I came home and he asked what time the Dr. office opened. I took a deep breath. He cleaned it himself and I poured peroxide over it. It closed itself and is doing fine, so no stitches.

I spent some time outside today, and the rest of the afternoon cleaning and cutting salad fixings, and making a squash/ pumpkin pie. I had opened a large can of pumpkin for pumpkin bread and had some left over.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Good morning! We had a bit of rain this early morning and I hope, more to come. I've been waiting! I even washed windows Wednesday.

I have two stewing hens thawed and need to get them simmering. I can't wait to make soup, or creamed chicken over biscuits. Ok, now I need breakfast!

Hope you have a good day ahead Chris. Still praying!!

We had the neatest clouds come in Wednesday while it was warm. Our last Indian Summer day.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi all! I have not checked in here for awhile, boy, does time fly by. I was working an extra day so now things are settled down and I can cut back again. I'll be home the last 2 Mondays in Nov. so I figured I'll make my "Christmas" nut rolls, this year. they take up most of the day and I have not made them in a few years. I use to have a tradition before I was working and DH still went deer hunting the Monday after Thanksgiving. I would get up early to make breakfast for him, and since I was up I started the dough for the nut rolls. They freeze really well, actually I think it improves the taste. I use to heat one in the oven when we opened presents Christmas morning.
I passed a house this evening what had their Christmas lights on. Way to early for me, seems like we are rushing the season. I agree putting them up when the weather is nice, but don't light them till Thanksgiving night. I don't know how much I'll decorate, the lights on my outdoor wire Christmas Tree burnt out and it will be a job rewiring it, but it was a fast and easy thing to put up and plug in.
Beautiful cloud picture, Billy.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Chris, I sure do agree about Holiday lights. I understand putting them up early but wait to light them till Thanksgiving. What's the weather like out there did you get any lake effect?
Billy, These guys of ours. LOL I came home one day to find Ric sewing up a cut over his eye. He told me he did just fine until he had to tie a knot at the end of the suture. He was having trouble looking in the mirror and tying it backward. LOL

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Hooly, was that after he watched Rambo?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, No that is just my guy. A basic cut has to be really bad before he will go get it stitched. I will say that he does know how to stitch up a wound and we have a pretty good medical kit.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Up in "North" Jersey where I used to live(we used to call it central NJ, but "down" here they say "North"...funny) We never saw lights on until Mid December. Down here they go on the day after Thanksgiving and are turned off the day after Christmas...geez have even seen trees on the curb the day after Christmas...now that's nuts.
I really should have been done shopping by now, very late this year. I start winter decor(snowmen motif) in the house the day after Thanksgiving and that will stay up till Valentine's day. I do the true Christmas decor about 2 wks before Christmas and that will stay till a little after Russian Christmas on Jan 7th.
I can't wait..... I LOVE CHRISTMAS.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Chris, Thought I'd pop in and say, "Hello". I did most of my Turkey day shopping today, and came home to find out the only picture I entered in the contest got a runner up in landscapes. Made my day.http://davesgarden.com/contest/2010-photography-contest/winners.php?catid=355 Ric

I don't know why the link didn't highlight so I'll try again:

This message was edited Nov 17, 2010 12:24 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Quote from HollyAnnS :
day.http://davesgarden.com/contest/2010-photography-contest/winners.php?catid=355 Ric

This message was edited Nov 17, 2010 12:24 AM

no space between your . and the link

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chris, I've been busy too and haven't had time to check in. The nut rolls sound really good!

We won't light ours till at least a week into December. I don't care to rush by Thanksgiving. That's why I wait to do the red ribbons and green garlands. I want what is up, to be subtle. The stores do enough of that. What a shame about your outdoor tree.

Thanks, the clouds were the next to the last day of Indian Summer. I've never seen any like them.

Holly, I would have freaked to find suturing being done! That's a tough guy! It's time to get him a curved canvas needle, LOL!

Flowerjen, when we have a live tree, it gets tied to a trellis Christmas afternoon. If they get too dry they are a fire hazard, plus it's hard to vacume up a ton of needles. But, I get to enjoy it all winter and the birds sit on it too!

I've not shopped either, but we don't do a big Christmas. Just my Dad and the DD and her family.

I do start a bit of indoor decorating after Thanksgiving too. I'd love to see some of your snowmen! I collect Snow Globes, but don't have a lot. Just enough.

Ric, cool on runner up!! OMG! It's so beautiful! A big Congratulations!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Easiest way to keep your tree from drying out, use a spackle bucket( or another tall type of heavy duty bucket) put the tree in and fill it with playsand then pour water in...makes it sturdier and tree doesn't dry out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We were just talking about Christmas trees.. since I'll be doing radiation treatments right up until Christmas Eve, I don't think I'll be able to deal with putting up and decorating a fresh cut tree this year. Instead, I want to get a live evergreen (maybe a dwarf alberta spruce, to replace the one we lost this summer, in a container at the top of our driveway).

It can sit outside with lights on it, maybe even with some plastic ornaments... we'll bring it in for a few days, probably put it on a sturdy little table draped with green cloth so Santa has plenty of room to tuck presents around it... then it can go back out where it will be happier. That's the trick with live (potted) trees, not to try to bring them inside the warm, dry house for too long.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ric, Congrats on your picture. It is very pretty, love the colors.
No s**w yet but don't worry it is coming and I will get a picture when it comes. The wind had been blowing pretty hard last night and every time I woke up I could hear the wind chimes. The house felt cooler then usual, I guess the wind was sucking the heat out of every crack in the old house. It gave me some incentive to remove the rest of the screens and pull down the storm windows.
Tomarrow I'll shop for Thanksgiving dinner fixings, so need to work on my list. It's just Paul and I but we love the leftovers so no going out for us. But I must admit I was tempted.
I have been busy live traping mice in my kitchen 5 so far, I thought I only had one but reset the trap just in case. I have 2 traps going. Haven't had a mouse problem in years, and the cat was not a mouser, but maybe they just senced she was there. Fred, the big fat male cat is not having an impact on the little critters.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Chris, I love the sound of wind chimes. It must have been pretty windy here today. There were a lot of branches in the driveway when I came home from work. It was already dark and I was tired, so I just left them there and drove over them LOL. Thank goodness there weren't any really big ones. I've got mice in the kitchen right now too. They always come in this time of year. I hope I get them all before the Thanksgiving company - I wonder how horrified they would be if they saw one scurry out from a drawer or the dishwasher??? Hey Ric, love the picture... Terri

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1139531/#new If anyone knows Dinu, he posted a funny picture. He has a lot of neat postings with interesting objects. This picture makes me smile every time!

Thanks FlowAjen, I do have buckets and actually have a bucket full of playsand I was using to mix in when I transplanted lilies :o)

Jill, that would be a great tree for Joyanna to grow up with and decorate over the years! I love it!

Chris, I brought in the bathroom storm yesterday and we have all windows stormed now. It's a good feeling, and yes, the wind sure does suck all the heat out!

We love leftovers too. Thanksgiving just has the extras you never think to fix during the year. When was the last time anyone had cranberry salad? I use the recipe with jello so it's not even the bitter salad I grew up with.

We also baited two traps. So far a small one is staying in the ceiling. The outdoor cats left 4 dead ones and DH trapped one in the garage. So this is a survivor!

Aspen, I hate mouse or mouse turds in a drawer!!! Driving over the branches made me smile. There are now twice as many to pick up, but maybe they will all fit better in a bucket!

Chris, you must have a lot of strength back. You're doing things and sound good. A person could forget you went thru a rough patch. Luckily, I'm still praying :o)

Have a good day all!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Crazy wind yesterday, can't find one of our garage cans lids.....

I hate the sound of mice behind the walls...creeps me out....

They seem to be getting in somehow then end up in the attic and sneak down behind the dishwasher and out into the kitchen...hubby did fill the hole by the dishwasher with steel wool but they must be squeezing past it...caught 2 a couple months ago...we have those plug in critter ridders that seem to work since I haven't seen any mice anywhere else and they would probably stay out of the attic if I had an outlet to plug one in up there. Hubby will put some poison in the attic if I hear anymore.

Here's some nice color on a Maple in DC last weekend

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

FlowAjen, crazy wind coming for us today. I hate losing lids! It's so hard to find a replacement without buying a whole new container.

Worse than that is when they decide to die in the wall! We've gone thru a few of those! DH finds where they are digging and puts rocks in the holes. We've buried strips of tin all around the house and still have a place we can not find. I even bought a small blacklight since it shows urine trails. We haven't found any trails yet :o(

Wow, gorgeous color!! Is that a Japanese Maple? We sure didn't have many colorful trees. In fact it's another year where the leaves just won't fall completely off the tree. I want to put Christmas lights in the apple tree and it's still a bit leafy.

Mornin Chris! Hope your day is warmer and less windy than mine. It's supposed to be in the 50's, but that's not like a September 50. Brrr. Add wind, and I want to stay in!

My kraut finished bubbling, so it was a success on my second try!!!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Jen, that is a really red maple. wow!

The majority of our leaves are down. Has been too wet to rake, Maybe DH will get most of them up before it snows so they don't get stuck in the snow blower.
No wind today, yesterday was pretty chilly. DH ran into some hail coming home from work, must have been Lake Effect Hail. LOL He said the road was covered with it.

I am making bean soup today. That way we have it over the weekend and can grab a bowl anytime we want.

Billy I bet that kraut is good, everything homemade is better. How many heads is that, and do you just leave it on the counter to age?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just cut out a clipping on using Oil of Mint and also Oil of Castor Bean to repel all rodents.
Just put some on cotton balls and place around where you want. Needs refreshing--of course....
Don't have that clipping here right now--it is in my apron at work.

Said it repels mice, Chipmunks, Rats, Squirrels and all kinds of other rodents,,,
Worth a try......


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