(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Susie, I'll put the Blackberry Lily and 'Lavendar Twist' redbud seeds in an envelope for you.

Gardenseeder63, I don't know if you were addressing to me or not but I'll put some of the toadflax aside for you in an envie. I don't have the 'Cherry Brandy' rudbeckia - I want that one as well.

Fruity, I'll add the Blackberry Lily to your envie as well.

I'm getting so excited!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Di :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


I will be waiting for all evenies to arrive & There will only be one Robin :) & it will be the biggest ever .
thank you all off to get ready for a house full this afternoon will check in after all have left :) . or if the kids don't mess up my computor :)
Have a great day 33 * here Burrrrrrrrrrr they say the dirty S--w Thursday


Athens, PA

the dreaded 'S' word? Oh, Susie, don't even say that.

I told my husband the next house has to have a heated greenhouse for me. That way I won't mind winters so much.....

Concord, NH

thank you jane!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi all Just got a few before the gang gets here they are on the way , Yes the dreaded s word by thursday but thats not bad for we one time forgot the year but had snow on HOLLOWEEN So we are very Lucky today ,
41* but partly sunny :)

I'm going to start a new thread later tonight for i see this one is getting long for those with dial up .

have a great afternoon

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Carolyn, the earliest I've ever seen snow was Halloween night several years ago near Pittsburg.

Athens, PA


we have had snow here before on Halloween years ago. It is more the exception than anything else.... I am not a snowbunny! Give me hot and humid any day of the week........

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

We had some snow this afternoon. It didn't last long.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Remind me next year, Carolyn, and I'll gladly send you some heat and humidity. This year's was awful, started in June and didn't let up til September. My fav time of the year is Spring to early Summer before it feels like I'm in a melting pot out there.

You just gave me goosebumps, Erin. Talk about extremes. That 4-letter "S" word better not show up here til

OK all you seedies, I'm on a mission to add more White plants. Does anyone have seeds for these or any others you've had success growing? Doesn't matter to me if they're annuals or perennials.

Balloon Flower
Baptisia leucantha
Cobaea Scandens
Double White Datura
Lunaria / money plant

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I can help with a few of those. I will include them in the box for you to discover since you are right after me.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Surprises would be great. Thank You :)

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I wouldn't mind if it skipped us all together!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm a few days past my "50% frost date" but no frost yet.

It is what Western, maritime Washingtonians call "cold", like 40s at night and nice in the daytime, if it isn't raining.

No white seeds, sorry. Just bought more white Hyacinth bulbs.

Some day I hope to make a white-and-pale blue partial-shade garden in a Goddess theme. Maybe put a plaster Mary statue there.


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Does anyone have any carrot seeds? Or any veggies for that matter. I want to do a veggie garden this spring.

Thanks,Erin =)

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Erin, I have some Early Contender green beans, and Sweet Corn I can send you. LMK


This message was edited Oct 31, 2010 11:03 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All
Erin There is carrots , Lettuce, & Raddishes in your pks in fact 2 pks each. Now also there is many types in the spring robin that I will be adding to the robin plenty for all . I planted many of the Type of Beans that were in the robin & I loved them all .

as you all know i take care of my father & He is an old farmer & Back in the Early 90's I Game him some Tomato Plants called Altra Boy maybe bad spelling anyway I cannot Remember where I got the Seeds & would like to know if anyone here had heard of them seems as i had ordered from florida but really not sure.

these tomato's got bigger then the palm of his hand I have a picture of him with bushels of them but no way to upload to the computor :( to show you .long story short would love to find .

also i have 2-3 rose bushes that are loaded with seed pods anyone like to try them ???
this one i just picked friday the smell is heavely , you can smell throughout the house .
let me know I Also have a few others

sure is frosty out side 27*

Thumbnail by deejay9
Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Would that be Ultra Boy?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh this is nice dane thank you .

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Glad to help

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Is the 2nd web site of hybrid or heirloom tomato seeds?
I couldn't find any thing to state what they were, unless I'm blind this morning?


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

If I remember right I put some "Cherry Brandy" seeds in the envelope to Susie.
If I didn't I can send some out to who ever wanted some. I think I have a few left.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

maxine I just went through the seeds you sent extra but i do not see any extra cherry brandy you might have sent for
who ask I didn't go through them . but didn't see any in the extra you sent .
just thought i would let you know .

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

anyone have any english daisy seeds?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

English daisy? I have to look that up, Mom, is it called by any pother name?

Someone asked me for Tokajer seeds but I cannot remember who it was?

FOTV, I don't have any more Candly Lily, so sorry.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

They look like this

Bellis perennis

This message was edited Nov 2, 2010 6:54 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM : I Planted all my English daisy seeds this pass spring & The daisy's have been blooming the pass week out there not sure if they will set seeds in time before our Big S_ _W Fall .

Still have a few blooms of my Mums but most have frosted off. so sad to see summer gone.

well i may be in & Out today allot Friend in the hospital , have to get the Tarps on the Porch & Walkway before the big snow fall so bro Jim coming to do that for me .

so i hope you all have a great week & As soon as i Know I have all the seeds in from everyone then I Will get the ROBIN In Flight I Found the Perfect Nest for him to travel in :)

well i'll be back later have a great day

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

erin those are what i have but they were still in bloom yesterday so may not be able to get any seeds for awhile .
will let you know

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Now I got you. For some reason I was thinking painted daisy and african daisy.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks Susie!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Maxine, I would love to have some of the 'Cherry Brandy' seeds.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I will check and see if my plants in flower beds still have seeds. OK?


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

The calm before the storm?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

That would be great - thanks!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

does anyone have CASCADE BLUE AUBRIETA ?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

afternoon all well I have two more envies that came in todays mail one from janaestone & The other from diamond , has anyone else sent seeds for the robin that i have not gotten yet ???? please let me know .
I'm going to try my best to get the robin out tomorrow . & will let you know

Ty Di for the great Blackbery lilies & weeping redbud can hardly wait to plant them :)
Anita Sent me Marigolds , Lavatera, ECH Tomato soup ty much

well off to Do a DBL Check of the Robin So Please post if you have sent seeds & I have not
let you know ya .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm checking my mailbox every day, as soon as I get home from work.

Work just got busy again, so I'm doubly-breathless.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I think I read the rules wrong so need to drop out I think. I did not realize we were to send seeds directly to you first. I have mine baged and ready but was gonna make the stickers when I saw what everyone else was doing.
Sorry about it but I better drop out at this time so I want slow everyone up.


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

No need to send seeds to Susie first. You are fine.
Some folks did that to make sure people who receive the "Robin" early in flight get some of the seeds they specifically requested in the box. That was completely optional.
The rules posted at the start of the swap are the important ones.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Lavina No You do not send your seeds to me Only if you had special seeds for anyone before you & Still that was optional you can send right to them if you want .

anyway Robin Is ready to fly & I will be going into town later this morning I Will be Posting a New Forum
with the flight Pattern When you see your name coming up on the list Please Post that you are watching .

Off to make the new thread .

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