Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hello fellow garden friends! What a year its been. So many seeds from last years swap came up great and grew into some very interesting plants/flowers.
This round 2 of the unusual swap will be held between Oct.15-Nov.15.Some of the participants from the first swap will also be participating in the second round, that means even more variety!
This is how this years unusual seed swap will be conducted:
*Send your unusual seeds between Oct. 15-Nov.15.
*Include $2.00 for return postage. If your seeds cost more to send please enclose the extra amount in addition to the $2.00
*International participants can send 20 extra seed packs instead of sending return postage to make it easier.
*Your seeds will be sent back in the envelope/box you send them in, so please make sure there is enough room.
*Participants may have up to 20 packs of one type of seed, with a maximum of 100 packs.
When you sign up here, please list seeds you would like to receive so participants can send these seeds if they have them :).
*dmail me a list of what you have sent including the quantities. This is very important to make sure things run smoothly.
*Of course all seeds will be accepted, but the more unusual the better!
*Seeds can be from herbs, flowers, annuals, perennials, veggies, vines did I leave anything out???
*In your envelope in addition to seeds please send:
your Davesgarden name
return address label
return postage see above. You can send cash, check, money order, stamps or 20 extra seed packs.
As I receive your envelopes I will number them. These numbers will be used when wishlists are created.
I also have a dedicated website that will list all seeds sent to me and the number assigned to the sender. Your wishlists will be created from these lists. http://theresawecker.webs.com/ (at the moment the site is in just finishing up round 1 of unusual seed swap).
On Nov.15 you will be asked to dmail me a wishlist.
I hope to see lots of new and returning friends for this fun event!

My name and address is:
Theresa Wecker
241 S Second St
Marine City, MI 48039-1701

email: gardenbabe@comcast.net

This message was edited Oct 16, 2010 9:24 AM

This message was edited Oct 16, 2010 3:27 PM

Thumbnail by Theresa
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I would like to sign up for this one too. I will have an entirely new list of "unusual" seeds for the second round.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

sounds great alana :)

gieten, Netherlands

I would like to sign up for this one too.
do you have any wishes from seeds i sent
look on mine website http://members.ziggo.nl/bartjestuinzaden


(Zone 7a)

I would like to join, too


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Found you! I want to join this swap. The first one was too early for me, but I have tons of seeds drying for this swap and more yet to gather! Does anyone have the link handy for the rules? If not, I will dig back in the archives for last year's swap. (Just lazy this morning. Still waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.)

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

gardenquilts, glad ya found it :) the rules are at the top of this thread LOL. You need coffee indeed hehehe
always nice to have you included in the swap bluespiral!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am in, will send in my money and labels with next batch of seeds.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

What is the minimum/maximum number of seed packets sent?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Participants may have up to 20 packs of one type of seed, with a maximum of 100 packs.

This message was edited Oct 16, 2010 3:27 PM

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks for answering my "blonde" questions. I am busy packing up seeds today. I didn't know that I have saved so many!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

thats a good question that I forgot to include! Thanks for helping me :)

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm in again for this swap also ... thanks.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Theresa, I emailed you my seed list for this swap; mailing tomorrow.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

just finished adding it to the website Alana. Nice selection :)

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Teresa, did you get my package of seeds, they should have gotten to you on Friday?

I have some nice fat seed of lophhospermum erubescens, also know as maurandya erubescens. To me its an asarina. I will have a lot of seed. I grew this plant from seed this spring, the plants are now about 5 feet tall and full of flowers. They are also hardy here, many times I still have foliage if the winter is not too cold. If anyone wants seed, I have a ripe pod and more coming. This is a good picture of it.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

It's an Asarina to me, too. I would like to try that one.
Do you grow A. wizslizensis? I normally grow it from seeds but a dog (at least I think it was a dog) destroyed mine while I was away and I was unable to salvage seeds. I did manage to recover some tubers and I am wondering how best to store them.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

i do have a second envie of seeds from you, they arrived on the 12th tho. I already, or will be logging them in shortly.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am so happy with all my asarina, I feel I need them all. I do not have that one, Alana. I do have


Its a very nice one, it has smaller flowers than the other one I mentioned, but they are a darker red. And the leaves are smaller and pointy. I have never seen any seeds on this one, but I am looking and if I find any, I will send some as well. Usually in the winter I take this one in the greenhouse and it totally loses its leaves. I keep it barely damp, dry really, until spring when I see new growth, it comes back each year. I do believe that because it has a tuber, if you keep it wet in winter, it will rot. Like most bulbs, hold back on the water till you see new growth. I keep this one in hanging baskets, its beautiful.

We have 5 days of rain coming so I am going to go seed hunting today as I cannot collect them in the rain. I will see what I can find. I do have my crocosmia ripening, several kinds. Who know what has developed a nice fat pod?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

rebeccanne, do you have another package coming or is the one I received on the 12 the one you sent?

Winnetka, CA

Hi Theresa.... I would love to participate again... I have more seeds this time as well.... Nancy

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I sent you 2 packages. The second package should have gotten to you on the 15th. I do hope you got it...

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, I did receive two packages. I'll check it out this afternoon, after I return from the doctor and it warms up a bit. I'll make sure to log them in too if I havent already.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh, I am glad you got it. I sent another person some seeds as well and have not heard back so I pictured some evil postal worker gleefully rubbing their hands together over the theft of the seeds. Whew, glad that passed.

I see some really awesome seeds listed already. About to start my wish list. Wow.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Please, everyone, when creating wishlist, PLEASE put the number and name of the person that goes with the seeds you are requesting.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I just took time to look at the seed lists that have been posted so far. Wowsers! Good stuff!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

good morning all! What a nice sunny day here in SE Michigan!
I have added a few more seeds from my gardens. The lilliput coneflowers are not lilliput, but they are the closest thing to what the lilliput is. Its such a pretty compact coneflower with pretty, bright flowers! I hope someone will try them.
Rebeccanne, can you dmail or post your list of seeds you sent/are sending please?
And everyone else, please dmail or post your list of seeds you are sending asap so I can stay ahead of the game. This time, all participants receive a special bonus something from me. Cant tell what it is, its a SURPRISE!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Look at me go today!
If anyone wants a cutting from my Dr. Suess and/or Jean Pasco Brugmansias included with their seeds, please send me $5.00 extra dollars for the extra postage and state that you want the brugs. These are not tiny little cuttings that you sometimes get. Sorry, U.S.A. only. I would be happy to send internationally, but laws prohibit it.
Have a great day everyone!
you can paypal the $5 to gardenbabe@comcast.net
or snail mail it to:
Theresa Wecker
241 S 2nd St
Marine City, MI 48039-1701

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

It is a rainy day here, a perfect day to start packing up my seeds!

I'll have to be sure to ask for the pseudoliliput coneflower seeds. I have the perfect place for them. I tried winter sowing for the first time last year with some of the seeds from the swap. Coneflowers worked really well. I put some in the garden too early and the slugs feasted on them. Live, learn and try again this year!

I have seeds drying in various containers all over my kitchen. The bf accused me of terminal hoarding of seeds. Not to mention the venetian blinds that I pulled out of the trash. They make great plant markers. (Next time I grab some blinds, I'll wash and cut them up right away so I don't have to answer for myself.)

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a desk in the garage that I keep cut up blinds that I use for markers. Just learned if ya use #2 pencil the writing never goes away...yippee. Exciting to find a marker...until ya see its blank....
I use 1/4 pages of garden catalogs for seed packs. These days Im into recycling and repurposing as much as possible.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I also make seed packets from old garden catalogs. They are so cute. I also save little packets from my vitamin C supplements - little, foil lined envelops-and lots of little bottles. I have a basket for clean plastic envelops from dry food such as cough drops, etc. and one for mesh onion like bags for winter bulb storage. I haven't bought zip lock bags in years. I started doing this to save money, but it also helps the environment and leaves me less garbage to carry out.

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

How many seeds should we be including in each pack? I only have a few varieties of unusual seeds but after eyeing the website I think there's a few i would definitely like to try out.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

naien, I looked at your list and all of those seeds would be fine :)
I usually include about a 1/8 teaspoon of seed, but of course it varies with different seeds.
A pinch is usually what I suggest :)
If you decide to join in the fun, please dmail me a list of the seeds you are sending with quantities.
Have a great day :)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Am I too late to join?

Aquene Peace,
WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

not too late SnowRabbit! You have until Nov. 15 for your seeds to arrive. Im adding your seeds to the website. Im looking forward to your participation, you have some really interesting seeds!

Orangeburg, SC

Teresa, I'd like to join this swap too. I may never get the other seeds and may be able to replace some of the ones I requested earlier. I still have some seeds that I can share. I'll send you a list ASAP.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

thats great Deebie. I have your old wishlist and will put as much as I can from it in addition to your new list. Arent gardeners wonderfully generous!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

As you can see from reading the first seed swap Deebie never received her seeds. I am gonna post her wishlist, and if anyone has these seeds and havent sent theirs in yet, please include them for her.

#1 Theresa Wecker
Alcea Rosea Burgundy
***Scarlet Beebalm
***Mixed Daylily seeds
***Lime Coconut Echinacea
***Eyeball plant

#2 Bartjestuin, Gieten, Netherlands
***lychnis calcedonica
*****salvia pratensis 'lapis lazuli'
lychnis viscaria
*****asarina procumbens
***helenium moerheim beauty
*****tacca chantrieri

#3 Poisondartfrog Bourbonville, KY
***Leonotis sibiricus
*****Asarina scandens, Joan Lorraine
*****Salvia aurita, African Blue Sage
***Salvia subrotunda
*****Salvia pratensis, Swan Lake
***Salvia farinacea, Victoria White

#5 Kobwebz,
***Centranthus ruber
dianthus armeria depford pinks
*****gaillardia tokajer

#6 JonnaSudenius Belgium 77
*****lavandula stoechas
***platycodon grandiflora white
***dianthus deltoides arctic fire
*****agastache rugosa alabaster
leonurus sibericus

#7 Flinter The Netherlands 65
***Abutilon (pink)
*****Agastasche foeniculum
*****Cuphea Firefly

#8 Rebecca
*****embothrium chilian flame tree

#9 LazLo
***Baobab Tree
Cinnamon Basil
***Desert Willow
***Easter Lily
***Freckle Face blackberry lily

#10 cjcjmass
*****zinnia profusion orange
***Peony blue lagoon (Paeonia
***salvia coccinea
*****Bamboo orchid
*****euphorbia cyathophare
*****big sky sunrise coneflower
***autumn blush coreopsis
*****Dark Knight Blue Mist
***Double Purple Datura

#11 Marti000 KY
***coreopsis gold fish (requested)
balloon flower
*****crocosmia ember glow
***shasta daisy becky (requested)
***hibiscus pink/cranberry mix (requested);
***hardy red hibiscus
***mary poppins hibiscus (requested)
*****gloriosa lily (requested)
***red marigold
***monarda didyma purple
*****schizanthus pinnatus; ***angelonia (requested
***zinnia red spider (requested) ***Buddleia Black Knight

#12 Nancy
***Aster Oblongifolius (aromatic aster) - 1 pack
***Echinacea 'Rubenstein' 1 pack

#13 Kilngod Berea, KY
*****Heliopsis “Loraine Sunshine”
*****Dianthus barbatus var. nigrescens "Black Magic"
*****Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal Flower -Red-

#14 Danita Cobb County, GA 46
*****Kniphofia uvaria - Torch Lily
***Liatris spicata ex 'Kobold'- Blazing Star
*****Penstemon x mexicali - Beardtongue
***Platycodon grandiflorus - Balloon Flower
*****Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire'
*****Salvia greggii (From the cultivar ‘Lipstick’
*****Salvia greggii/microphylla - Autumn Sage

#16 Peter_Rabbit Denver, CO 40

Belamcanda chinensis

#17 NF2932 Winnetka, CA 28
***Aster Oblongifolius
Calliopsis 'Tiger Stripe'
Cinnamon Basil
Criolla Sella Chile Pepper
*****Echinacea 'Rubenstein'
***Breadseed poppies
Sweetpeas (spencer pastels)
Purple Tomatillo
Yarrow (Achillea 'Richard Nelson)

*****Seeds I badly want
*** seeds I really want

Seeds requested from CJCJMass (5); Kwolflady (5); Lazlo (2); sherman99 (2)
Seeds requested from Marti (I didn't receive a response as to whether he set them aside or not
Coreopsis Gold fink
*****Gloriosa Lily ukn
*****Hibiscus Mary Poppins
***Hibiscus Magenta
***Hibiscus coccineus Cranberry Pink
Iris Japanese/Purple
Rudbeckia hirta Gloriosa Daisy
*****Salvia Blue Chiquita
*****Zinnia elegans Red Spider
*****Siberian Iris
*****Shasta Daisy ' Becky'

Orangeburg, SC

Fri, October 15, 2010
06:49 PM

Please add the following to my wish list if they are still available:


*****tithonia torch
yellow scabiosa
***zinnia profusion white
*****zinnia profusion fire
***balsam mixed colors
zinnia giant double mixed colors

#13 Kilngod

*****Belamcanda chinensis, Blackberry Lily, Redder type

#14 Danita
*****Callirhoe involucrata - Wine Cups
***Liatris spicata ex 'Kobold'- Blazing Star

Amazingly, I have quite a few of the seeds requested! So there ya go Deebie....all is not lost after all. :)

Orangeburg, SC

Oh, thank you, Teresa. You guys are the best.

gieten, Netherlands

if deebie sent a d mail to me with hear adress
i will sent hear all the seeds she ask from mine to hear home
i have only not the tacca seeds anymore

marjolein from bartjestuin

This message was edited Nov 2, 2010 12:32 PM

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