Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I agree with you lady.! but in the interest pf domestic tranquilty we better grumble just between ourselves...
My dad and MIL had a freezer thawing incident--the kind where somebody forgets to plug back in.....and the other somebody inventoried the lost contents and totaled up the damage $. I thought that was going too far.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh gosh I thought my fridge was going too the other day...too bad hubby knows what he's doing, I wanted a new one! but he fixed the side by side I absolutely hate!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I hate when that happens!!
I also do not like my side by side. The freezer is so narrow cuz we got the narrowest one they had, just 30 inches I think. We got it so we could have the door dispenser. Now the ice maker is broken. So I kinda regretted that I couldn't call the repairman and have that fixed too.

In my usual bad typing I had typed 'epairman' I guess they do computers

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly and I both wish we needed a new fridge. The control valve for the ice maker went out about 2 years ago and the light hasn't worked forever. The part for the ice maker was so expensive we didn't want to replace it because we may need a new fridge any day. LOL Anyway we opted for a new laundry, with cranberry, front loaders, on pedestals (no bending), energy efficient cycles,they're great. Holly liked them so much she wants to do the laundry. Kitchen appliances may be next, my Jen-Air is ancient and the fridge is, the fridge. Ric


Don't wait on the fridge. They do not die easily. In our venison aging room we have three yard sale specials bought at not over $35.00 each. We plug them in to hang and age venison about this time every year. We remove the freezer unit, the shelves and drawers and install two rows of hanging rods. The youngest fridge is fifteen years old. They are rigged to lock up. Presently we have two nice sized deer quartered and hanging. Our family average is three. We use every pound we harvest. One has been butchered into saussage, hotdogs and thin sliced for meat, onions and pepper sandwich makings. The weekender kids who are the grandson's buddies really chomp down on this munchie meat.

Our bow season opens in early October. Cold weather is not safe for aging that early in our neck of the woods.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I was going to suggest you put your old fridge somewhere downstairs as an extra.
It is SOO great to have a 2nd fridge for overstock , extra sodas, large platters, that
extra bag of this and that, of whatever and such.
doc beat me to it.....:o)) He has Hanging Parties in the dark....Whhhooooooo.....
Keeps "bodies" down there.......all cut up......Shhhh...We won't tell....

You could check out Lowes (says she who works at a HD--but HD (here) does not clearance a lot).
Lowes has more "dent and scratch" sales.
You can also go to Sears Outlet stores and see--
Or even to Craig List (that can be local--so you just drive over to get it).

Do you know that the "latest" is to have the freezer on the bottom?
Why? Because we "visit" the fridge part a lot more often that the freezer--so if the fridge part
is more at he top--and eye-level--everything is more easily accessible.

Just my 2cents......Gita

I would NEVER want a side-by-side for all the reasons you cited....


Gita...................they have that all wrong. It's much harder to get to the ice cream when the freezer is on the bottom. Score points for a bottom freeser only if you can not get to the icecream when dieting. ROFLMBO

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I think I would like one with the bottom pull out freezer. I get in the freezer a lot less than the fridge, that would equal less bending over to find what's on the bottom shelf, or worse yet bending over and finding what's been lost on the bottom shelf. LOL Ric

Darn the ice cream full speed ahead!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I don't care where the ice cream is I'll find it!!!! My one downfall...I LOVE ice cream.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ditto on that jen.

Ya know, though, a fridge is a very energy intensive item in the house so you have to really need it to make the electricity worthwhile. it may have been Consumer Reports that cited how much you spend on the electricity for an extra fridge.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

We have a extra fridge( a mini one) and freezer.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have huge fridge in kitchen-----I think it is a 22 cf. I cannot even reach the backs of the shelves in it!
There is stuff in there you don't want to know about......... I may not either....;o)

I DID NOT buy it......My Ex bought it when he decided to replace EVERY appliance in the house--
including the furnace & A.C, the stove, and the fridge a couple of years before he walked out on me.....
He meant well--and by now I truly appreciate it. He KNEW he was going to leave me--I did not!
So--He tried to leave me as safe as possible. Took care of everything--as I never would have been able to
afford any of all these appliances...No matter how hurt I was--I came to appreciate his thoughtfulness...

On my own--I bought a new 19cf Maytag freezer and a small, 13cf fridge for the downstairs, bar area.
Got that in the Pennysaver-----$300. Brand new.

SO! I have 2 fridges running and one big freezer. I believe ALL of them are "Energy Star" rated.
AND----ALL of them are always full.. It is just ME here---..Don't ask!!!! .......I won't tell.....

They all come in handy--but i am sure I pay for it all too.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh Gita~~ That doesn't exactly surprise me about the ex buying all new stuff. Although I never would have guessed either, at the time. I hope I don't have to use this new knowledge myself!! Typical guy move~~ "I'm not so bad- At least she'll be all set up appliance wise"

Console yourself, that when they are FULL they use less. Its the mostly empty ones that lose most, when you open the door and all the cold air floods out and new warmer air has to be re chilled.

I came to this thread today to complain that my side by side is too skinny to put a frozen turkey, and my downstairs top-freezer is just barely big enough for one. I sure would like to get at least one extra super cheap turkey for the freezer!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, The meat counter man at my local grocery will actually cut a big (cheap) frozen bird in half with saw and rewrap it if asked. It's a good thing for us empty nesters.

Lol How come all of our threads here seem to turn to food topics?!?!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hm. frozen half turkey. That would actually really be better than a frozen whole turkey. It would make a family size portion for a meal for any old time. Thanks! And I could lay it on the cut side and get the whole dark meat really well done the way I like it. Mmmm

Yes I pondered the title of the thread as I looked for it, wondered if we could edit it to Changes and Freezers

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just looking mind you. But I did find 3 bottom drawer freezer/ refrigerators less than 32"s., single door, for about $800. One of them was highly rated for it's efficiency. I really like the larger door storage shelves. I'm sure I could deal with the drawer freezer very well, it would also end Holly and Jr's ability to create toe breaking booby traps. LOL Ric

Crozet, VA

Very interesting read and for the first time in a very long time, I don't have any comment at all. I will wish you all Happy Holidays though.


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