dumb question

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Ok I have had 2 different people to ask me this same question, and I simply don't have the answer to it. So I hope one of you can help me here, here goes...What is the leaf of a succulent plant called?? Is it just called a "leaf" or is there another name for it?? I figure since 2 people have asked me the same question, there must be a answer to it! anyone know what it is called??

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)


The above site gives a drawing and names all the parts of the anatomy of a succulent.

Valley Village, CA

I always thought it was a leaf, there are parts to a leaf which will help describe it. The thorns, spines, on cactus are actually a modified leaf. Leafs have nerves, spine, lobes, borders, then there are words to describe these. Jon Dixon has his degree if botany perhaps he could explain this better. I am now curious and I will look it up.
There are no dumb questions, we are all learning thats why we are on this forum. Norma

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Kay, Thanks for the link, it was very helpful! now I know what to tell them.

Norma, Thanks for helping me to better understand things!

You have both been a big help
Thanks again

No wait, Norma, I don't have a botany degree! I am just a lowly architect.

The confusion about succulent leaves stems from the fact that often what we think of as leaves are actually other plant parts. For example, Bowia volubilis, a succulent bulb, makes an incredible delicate green vine, which photosynthesizes like foliage but is actually the inflorescense (flower stem). Xmas, Easter, and epi, cactus have flat stems which are often confused with leaves.

Valley Village, CA

Heck Jon, I just propagate the plants, cut them up, pot up, clean up, water them, pick up, weed out. I don't have any degree,at all, and besides you can explain it far better than I. Norma

Blum, TX(Zone 8a)

Afriend of a friend sent me a nice plant. told me it was petalanthus or redbird. about 18" tall propagates easily by stem cuttings, is varigated,when gets too much sun (2"leaves) turn pink. been to database , tiredwabbits site etc I don't know if it is succulant, tropical but it is definately a houseplant worth having. I have started a lot of shoots.can't send until next spring, but don't forget to let me know if you'd like a start.

Valley Village, CA

Hi there, I just looked up the name of your plant Pedilanthus-- It is a Euphorbiaceae from Mexico. Which makes it a succulent.

My old books list 8 species and many more subsp. I am using Jacobsen's Lexicon. I know nothing about this species.


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