My bamboo

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is a picture of my bamboo that I had growing in water last winter inside my house that I planted in a container using potting soil this spring and now I have it outside. I first acclimated the bamboo on my porch in the shade before moving it to my sunny deck. I never had bamboo before and do not know what particular type it is. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.

Thumbnail by sinkevito
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's not a bamboo--it's Dracaena sanderiana. People call it lucky bamboo but it's not related to real bamboo. Many people grow it as a houseplant, so if you need more info on how to take care of it you could try the Indoor Gardening & Houseplants forum Or if you plan to keep it mostly outside then the Tropical Plants forum might be a better place

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)

I had no idea. Thanks for the information.

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