ORVG Coffee House #180: Roasting in August!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sorry to be SO long getting a new Thread started.
We came from here.



This message was edited Aug 3, 2010 9:58 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am here, holding down my spot.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you, Ric.

Well, here it is bright and early. I'm feeling pretty low today. I'm having car problems again. When I ran errands yesterday my car stalled out and acted like it didn't want to go in to gear. We really, really don't need this right now. We've already replaced the transmission in this car once to the tune of $5,000. Surely can't afford to do it again. I hope it's something that Bill can fix. Sigh....

Let's talk about something better. Wow...you guys still have corn, Bonnie? I think most of the corn around here is gone. Dad did a second planting, but it's not doing too good. What kind of sweetcorn do you plant?

Bertie planted little watermelons this year for the first time. She brought one over to me yesterday along with a head of cabbage. The melon was soooo good. Really sweet. I ate half of it. (I SAID it was little!) :o) Today, I'll eat the rest!

Cookie we still have corn so let me know if you want some. We can do a corn party LOLLL with beer !!
i m sorry to hear of your car problems. wish i had an extra one for you.
well off and running
got to get cracking

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I wish you did, too, Sue!!! ^_^

It's already hot outside. I planted some things that were gifted to me recently (thanks R&R) and dug up a volunteer loosestrife and potted it up. The pond society has a plant swap in Sept. and I'll take it there unless someone here puts their hand up!

Day before yesterday I potted up some small plants to take to the swap also. These are in qt. containers, but there's a variety. I also have 3 huge coneflower that volunteered in the wrong part of the garden, so they got potted up, too.

Okay...throwing out a date for the Fall RU. How about September 25th?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I'll take that loosestrife, Joyce, as long as you don't mind hanging on to it for me.

I've had the busiest two weeks. First we had fair - my daughter and her goats did well and my youngest son, Jeff, got first in woodworking. We went to the state fair on Monday and he received Outstanding of the Day with his project so he's thrilled. We didn't take the rabbits this year because we left midway throuh fair to go see our oldest's, Tommy, homecoming' off the USS Eisenhower. He's been on deployment to the Arabian Sea since January 3rd. There were no words to decribe how proud I was to be an American when that huge ship came pulling in with all the sailors lining the rails in their crackerjack whites. It gave all of us on the pier goosebumps and tears to see it. People screaming and yelling in excitement, flags waving amidst everyone dressed in red, white and blue, the loudspeaker pumping out 'This is My Country', homemade banners and welcome back signs being held high for all the sailors to see, and then....finally seeing MY sailor son walking down the line..I'm starting to cry now just remembering...It was so wonderful and my heart just felt like it would burst wide open. If you ever get the chance to see a military homecoming, do so; you will not regret it and you'll be amazed how proud you'll feel of people you don't even know as well as your own. The best part, by far, though, is that my boy is back on American soil and only a day's drive away from me!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

You had me tearing up as well, Di! I'm sure you were very proud and rightly so!

I'll put your name on the Loosestrife. Glad it will be going to a good home.

Just got another order for 5 more bags of caramels. Looks like the candy season is starting early this year....wait...I don't think it ever stopped! Just ask Robyn! ;o)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi all.
A belated WTG, Ric, on the back to work....and birthday wishes for Sue.
Congrats Di, on your son being home. I'm sure that was a very moving homecoming!
Hi to everyone else, and hope things are looking better for all of you!
Nothing much going on here, but the heat! It is already unbearable out there! I really love the heat, but the humidity could go somewhere else!
I have a question. Does anyone remember who gave Morris a tomato for seed last fall? He planted them, and he has the BIGGEST tomato on that vine!! He would love to know what kind it was? This tomato, which isn't ripe yet, has a pointy bottom to it, and must weigh..hmmm...a pound? Maybe more? If I had had my camera with me, I could have taken a picture of it...but I didn't.
My hydrangeas are gorgeous this year. Must be the heat.
I kinda have the 'end of summer' letdown here. Happens every year. Don't wanna go out and do much of anything!
Keep thinking about winter coming...and what am I gonna do?????

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Read...bake...cook....clean house...fool around with Dave....the possibilities are endless......^_^

Waddy, KY

Posted this on the closed thread by mistake so I'll put it here too.

Well, yesterday evening was a day from the Nether regions. DH was across the county cutting alfalfa that a friend didn't want to be bothered with so he wasn't on the farm. Kids had to hitch the truck to the roll baler and oldest and second oldest had to take it to him. They were planning to move cows across and up the creek to the neighbors 30 acres so they could graze it off when they got back from delivering the baler. Youngest daughter had erected a temporary alley/fence to get them past the tobacco field and into the creek. Cows spooked for some strange reason, rushed the fence and ended up in the tobacco. I'm at home baking breads for market and get the dreaded call, "Cows in the tobacco." By the time I got there, less than five minutes, they did have them out but everyone was either in tears or near tears over the entire situation. They called the BIL to tell him the cows got in his tobacco and there was a snotty remark made so that didn't help matters either.

DH didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. so I didn't tell him until this morning. At least after the initial outburst of one explicitive he didn't say much of anything else.

Summer on the farm. Ya gotta hate it.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well I JUST got outta Dodge in time.
Lights flickered at work as we were walking out.
As I got on the HWY it was coal black behind me and hailing.
Drove out of it into some serious gusts.
We almost couldn't see for all the leaved blowing around.

I'm 10 miles south. Sunny 98° H.I. 110° AT 4pm.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, it anything can go wrong on the farm, it usually does. How hateful that DBIL sounds, it wasn't like they turned them loose in the field.

Ric, think you sent that thunderstorm south, we have warnings until about 6. We need the rain, but sure don't want anything else.

Joyce, maybe the candy season will be busy, and put some $$ into your pocket. If you had been far sighted enough to plant some pumpkins, maybe selling pumpkins there would be a lucritive business.

Glad the loosestrife found a good home.

Di glad that you described that homecoming, it gave me the shivers. Thanks.

Not much happening here, except the heat. Marcy, I am with you, I am already seeing signs of fall, and I am not liking it.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I saw all the warnings on the Weather Channel for everyone south of here so I went outside to check things out; the wind picked up, the sky looked black down the road, and there I stood in sunshine, 99 degrees and a blanket of humidity surrounding me. Not a drop of rain here in the least. Durn, I would've even been happy with some hail. My grass looks like fall right now -brown as the corn shocks in October.

Thanks, Joyce, for saving the loosestrife for me. I had it years ago at our old place and loved it.

And Janet, what a jerk to be so snotty to the girls when they're simply calling to let him know- they can't help it if the cows spooked - and they didn't have to call him. My BIL's cows seem more like fainting goats than cows at times :), his crazy cows seem to spook over you walking in their field.

My boy's homecoming was a really awesome event; I'm truly glad I got to see something like that. There was just so much positive energy on that pier for all the sailors, it just really made my heart glad for everyone there.

Ric, send me some of that rain!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL@ Joyce! Yeah...all those things...and I still won't have enough to do!!
I know Bonnie...fall seems awfully close around here!
Well...we did get a storm..not much rain...I think...about 1/4 inch.
Had some wind go through...but it didn't last long. Guess we bit the bullet once again around here! Most of the damage was east of us.
Dave was working outside later on..yes..in the heat. He came in for supper, drenched...and barely moving. I made him put a cold washcloth on his face for a bit. Then he stripped to the waist and washed off..put on a dry t shirt. He felt better then. He is going to wait until it cools off a bit before he goes back out....either that..or I am gonna brain him!!
I picked some grapes earlier...but not enough to do much with. They are red seedless grapes...don't remember what kind. Looks like I will have enough seedless concords to maybe make some jam. Ohhh...and the crabapples...wow! There are just tons of them hanging on the tree! Can't wait to make crabapple jelly when they get ripe! Looks like a lot of pears coming on too.
Sorry to hear about the cows and kids, Janet! Always something, isn't it?
I had a mole in my front garden. Right in front of our bedroom window, a plant started coming up that I didn't recognize...nor did I put it there. Well....I watched it for a week or so, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger! I decided it was some kind of grass...like those big grasses? So...earlier today we dug it out and put it in a container. Going to grow it on for a bit and see what it is. If it's a grass, like I think it is...it's up for grabs. I don't want it.

have we talked about our fall RU ?
busy day at fair today. Talk about people who don't know what they are doing ?
my dd had four projects. Jewlry, painting , drawing and scrapbook. Well she wasn't on any of the lists ??? what they ?
i had the reciet so it proves we pd . Uhg what an day
Janet sorry to hear about the cows. My chickens are nut huts hens LOL
Marcy yummy on the grapes !! sounds wonderful. I will trade you my Black raspberry jam for your grape jam ? hmmm :)
We are getting a storm soon . Big one too !
we had a tree fall down and of all places on my new hosta bed ! smashed 2 hosta :( no Empress Wu got hurt thought. :)
good night

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, the signs of fall I am seeing is the goldenrod is blooming and the iron weed too. Those are sure signs of fall. The leaves on the black walnuts are falling too. We have seen several woolyworms, and they are all BLACK!! A very bad sign. If somebody has a persimmon tree, I would be interested in knowing what the seeds look like when cut. Old people used to say that you could see a spoon or knife shape, or not anything discernable at all. The spoon and knife are bad signs. DH and I were discussing this just this week, and have decided if the winter is as cold as the summer has been hot, it is gonna be bad.

Janet, just wanted to clarify that the D in DBIL does not stand for Dear. Nor the B. I have one of those, and the B stands for Bother. So sounds like you have one that qualifies.

Marcy, that is good about the grapes. Around here, if you don't put bird netting on the vines, you have nothing left to pick for the birds. They completely stripped a cherry tree for a neighbor, just in one night. The sad part of that story was, he was going to share with us.

Sue, I could get in the jam trade. I have blackberry and strawberry preserves. Wish I had enough peaches to do peach preserves, but have used all I bought making cobblers. Sorry to hear about the tree falling, but glad that it didn't get the hostas. Now you will have to find something that will grow there in sun rather than shade.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I haven't seen this year's persimmon seeds yet. One of the truckers that worked here is now retired, but every year he brings in the persimmon seeds and 18 out of the last 19 years the spoon, knife or fork has been accurate in predicting the coming winter. When I was visiting my daughter in Texas, I went with her and the family to a "The farm" for a
Christmas party. They had a tree with fruit the size of apples and I inquired as to what it was. It was a Persimmon tree! I told them of the tradition here of predicting the winters and they all laughed. They got one and cut it open to see what the seed indicated. It was not in the shapes we find up here. It was perfectly round . Their winters are always the same, so it doesn't hold true for them. Every year when we visit, they ask about the persimmon seeds and laugh.

The begonias I got from you at the RR are recovering nicely. I almost lost the big pot that had Morrocco Begonia in it. I repotted it and found that it looked like a lot of cutting had been stuck in one pot. The four little stems that were left each had one root about one inch long. I put them in a real small pot and they are healthy looking now and growing roots, I hope. The other two I brought inside for a while and they perked up and are really growing a lot of new leaves now. Thanks so much for them.

As far as early signs of fall, our Tulip Poplar tree is loosing its leaves already. It may be bare in a few days. It is always early to loose its leaves, but usually it holds on to them until mid September at least. The black birds are gathering into large groups as they always do just before they start their migration south.Our Hummingbirds left suddenly last weekend. I hope they come back and haven't started migration this soon. It is really early for that.

Have a great day everone! Lurker Lou

Waddy, KY

I swear sometimes I think certain men in my life can be as bullheaded and as idiotic as the day is long. Kids and I were planning to try to take the cows across the creek again tonight when I could help and we'd have one extra person. Instead, DH told youngest daughter they'd be taking them across this morning when there was only him, DD and the hired teenager that's really timid around the cows. Guess I'll hope for the best.

Got 14 batches of lemon blueberry pound cake made last night. Kitchen was way past hot. The kids are scalding tomatoes and putting them in the freezer. I'll make salsa when it cools down a little. I'll just need to make sure I have plenty of jars.

Bonnie, quite often the BIL can be quite pleasant to be around but cows in the tobacco does bring out the worst in him. I was just glad my DH had the good sense to keep him mouth shut to the kids. Maybe he's figured out that the long days we've been putting in and the hot weather is starting to wear on us all. We were laughing about some of our friends, both of whom have a desk job and nothing to do in the evening, saying that they need a vacation because the heat is wearing them down. The only heat they're exposed to is when they walk to and from the car.

Better get some work done. Later

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

On the RU...I threw out the date of Sept. 25th (I think)....no one responded...so maybe someone else has a better idea...of when and where..

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Gee, Joyce, based on the weather signs we may have snow a foot deep by Sept 25th!!

I have been seeing spider webs (the kind you start seeing in Sept) on the grass and shrubs for weeks now. My Japanese anemone are blooming and they aren't supposed to start until fall either.

One of the local forecasters always notes the day the first cicada is heard because the first frost is supposed to be 90 days later. I heard the first cicada on June 16 which would make the first frost Sept 16, weeks earlier than normal. Yikes!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhhhhhh you guys! I don't wanna EVEN think about fall yet!!
Bonnie, I have two persimmon trees. Will have to see if there is fruit on them. I never bother with them, because they always look so bad. The birds never seem to bother my grapes? But oh how they love the cherries! The other day there were huge butterflies, the dark swallowtails, and yellow swallowtails, and others...on some fallen apples. They really seemed to like them! Dave was working back there, and he said they stayed there all afternoon! We do have a mulberry tree that is supposed to satisfy the birds, and keep them away from the other fruit, but hmm...don't think it works! It just makes purple poop everywhere for a while...lol!

Joyce...that date is fine with me. So there is one reply.!
I'll be glad to trade jams or jellies if I get to make them...with anyone!
Sue...sounds like someone wasn't doing their job to me! Sorry that had to happen to your daughter.
We had several things blow over last night in the storm. A planter out front, and I see a twig planter in the back that had two boston ferns in it, is laid over too. Guess we had a little wind out there! Got almost an inch of rain..yeahhh!!!
Well..think I am going to defrost my freezer today...yuk! I shouldn't complain really. It has a power defrost on it, and I run the hose out the back door, so it really isn't all that bad to do. It's just that I let it go too long...shame on me!

Bonnie i think we can trade peach jam for some of your other jams next time around. I have plenty of peaches :)
well that is funny about desk job people LOL they are spoiled arn't they
as for fall ??? hmmmm our acorns are falling already !! they don't fall until late sept ?
i had one fall on my back the other night while watering hosta beds in the back . This just proves what a dork i m, i yelled out loud " oh god i 've been hit !!! " then i started to laugh ... duh it was just a acorn.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well...got my big freezer defrosted. Took me all afternoon! What a mess I had. First of all, the hose came off under the freezer, and so water went everywhere on the floor. Got the plug in, then had to scrape ice into a bucket with my hands...over and over. Also mop up water..inside the freezer and on the floor. Had to carry big buckets of heavy ice outside, since Dave was at work. Never again will I attempt that without him being here! Had to wait on him to get home to tilt up the freezer so we could put the hose back on and mop up the water under it. That was a job too. He pulled it out away from the wall, and then after he tilted it up, I put bricks under the front legs. That way he could see to get the hose on again. What a dumb design. This is an upright freezer. Anyway...it's all done except the inside of the door. It was suppertime, and I needed to get everything back in before it thawed, so I will do the door another day. I was too tired tonight!
Bonnie and Lou...Dave brought a persimmon up to the house tonight and cut it open. One side of the seeds looks like a spoon shape. Is that what you mean???? This is a still green persimmon. Does that make a difference? I never heard this before? Don't like to hear about those black wooly worms though!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I think the only problem I'm having is getting to sleep early enough.
But I only need about 6 hours a night so it's no biggie.

As long as we stay busy it goes quite well.
Today I repaired one of the garage doors.
Saved the company about 200 bucks.

I have about 5 projects on tap besides my regular duties so....
Today I made a buying trip to WallyWorld.
We were out of about everything.
Nice to spend someone else's money.... ;-)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, oh, sorry about your mess. Seems like all my efforts to defrost a freezer end up that way. I wish I could be on the design team before they were built. Boy I could suggest quite a few improvements. I have a chest type, well matter of fact 2 chest types, one of them the lid won't stay up, so when you rummage in there, you have one hand holding the lid and the other sorting through things. To defrost that one, I have to rig up a string attached to a stationary object to keep the lid up. And, short people should not be allowed to buy a chest type freezer. One time, I actually got inside one to defrost it.

About the persimmon seed, the spoon shape inside indicates (according to the old timer) frequent use of a snow shovel during the winter. In other words, plenty of snow.

Sue, the fact that the acorns are falling already, indicates a bad winter also. I have also heard about the katydids, and another one I have heard is counting the foggy mornings in August to indicate how many snows we will have.

We will see what it actually turns out to be. I think that the old timers, had lots of free time on their hands, due to the fact of no tvs or computers, and some couldn't read, so they sat around and made up these weather prediction sayings.

Ric, I am sure going back to work has taken some readjustment to your schedule and to your routines. It will all come back to you. I knew it wouldn't take you long to fall back into the job and seeing what needs to be done.

We had a storm go through here about 9:45 this morning, and our power was off till 3:15. Had a heck of a time cooking a ham for a church meetng tonight, but got it done.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Anyone else want to comment on Sept. 25, or should I just go with it and if no one but Marcy and Dave show up, we'll have a nice "small" gathering!

Babysat yesterday...fun day...cute little guy.

I really don't like to hear about lots of snow. I did see a twig with 3 acorns on it in the flower bed....hmmmmm..just thought it was that wind we had the other day.

A dead limb fell in the shade bed...just missed my new Empress Wu hosta..Wow...that would have made me mad!

i m ok with Sept 25 .
T arrived last night
guess what he picked up on the way home ??? .... uhg...... A WII game thingy.
guess who can't figure out how to hook it up ? yep . US. LOLL
we are so electronic challenged ... Ric we need you !! SOS ....SOS..... :)
Cookie we had the same thing happen ! a big tree fell on my new hosta bed with 82 Empress Wu plants . thank goodness it missed them and only got two of the no names hosta whew.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a new leaf on Ms Wu....so cute. Hope she likes her new home.
Glad T made it home okay. You'll figure it out....(hopefully)

It is such a wonderful day outside! I'm pulling some things out to have a yard sale. Not my favorite thing to do, but it must be done! Hope we get a lot of business!

Thumbnail by joycet
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'd love to attend but the Central VA Fall RU is the same date.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Awwww, Darius! :o(

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joyce, the only reason I can even attend the Fall VA RU is because I'll be on the way home from my quarterly doctor visits at UVa. I wouldn't have the gas money for ORV anyway if it was a different weekend. Maybe next Spring things will be better...

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

OK, Darius...that makes me feel better.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Joyce, Sept 25th sounds good to me. I couldn't make it to the June one so this will be nice; I can finally put some faces to the names!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Great Di! You can meet at least Marcy and me! Probably Bertie, too. R&R???? You up for that day?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Actually, Michele and I were talking about having a fall get together down at Chilo Park, --either the weekend before or after the KY RU, with the hopes that we could get some of the old members involved again. It's no biggie if you're set on having one again Joyce, if nothing else, Michele and I will set a date and enjoy the park that day. :)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Go for it...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well the first week back at work went FAR better
than the last week of work I had 15 months ago....lol!
There's far more going on, so the days passed very quickly.
I think it's more of an adjustment for the other people to have support.
They are so used to having to do their jobs on their own, plus everything I'd been doing, they seem surprised to actually have backup help.
As I learn exactly what their jobs entail I should be able to give them more support.
About 1/2 my day is clean up but that time will diminish as I get things back into shape.
It's FAR easier and faster to straighten up than to clean.
For 15 months stuff had just been straightened up.

Off to the HT.... my feet hurt! LOL!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Ric, it will take some time to get used to the routine again. No wonder your feet hurt. Glad that it is going well though.

Hey Melissa, long time since you have been here. Missed you Say what, having a RU at Chilo? Any idea when? That might work better for me, as I could go to my twin sister's spend the night, and then the RU the next day. That would be awesome to see you and who else? ,Oh, you said Chele.Bet there are others in southern Ohio and Indiana who would find it more convenient. When the plans come together, let me know, this may just work for me. I know that it would be closer for George and for Neal, maybe Ester and Bob, can't think of who else right off hand.

No offense Joyce, but this would be about half the drive for me, and I would still be getting to see DG people. Right? Maybe a Northern and a Southern RU is not so bad. Maybe do this in the fall and the spring RU in a central location for everybody. Can't miss the plant swap, that is a must.

Well, I visited the chiropractor today. My back and right shoulder has been bothering me, so decided that it wasn't going to get better on it's own, so called and was able to get in.

Tomorrow, I may take in some of the US 127 yard sale. I forget how many miles long it is, but I think it starts somewhere in Alabama, and goes through Ky, and I don't know how much further. Anybody who wants to set up, and can rent or find a friend/relative who lives on that road bring their stuff, and it is a fun time. It started on Wednesday and goes through Sunday. DH even went last year, not with me, but he and one of his friends. He is more interested in looking at mowers, weed eaters, etc.

Well, off to check other threads, and bed shortly.

This message was edited Aug 6, 2010 8:53 PM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Balancing where to have the RU has always been an issue.
For the Central, Western Ohio and IN members...... North of Cincy seems best.
KY and Eastern Ohio members Maysville area works best.
I and all the Cincinnati members are midway so it's not an issue.

I'm not really sure which Old Members you're referring to Melissa.
Nice balance of old and new members here actively posting.
Maybe I'm missing your point.

Many members are just not active here on this Thread or possibly on DG at all.
(Many of the Older DG Members are posting on the Forum Site which can't be named.)
All were certainly invited to the Spring RU.
All were included in picking the site.

For the record as Joyce asked for suggestions, had no real feedback and invited first we'll be going there on the 25th for the Party.
If another Fall gathering does occur, on a different weekend, we'll probably be there too.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Actually several older members have disappeared over the last few years, not just recently. Several don't post on the Ohio forum anymore but they are still active and/or lurking.

A regular spot for the RU once a year the additional locations different times of the year might be nice. At least then, people would have one dependable date and location to plan for/plan around.

I hate to say it, but all were not included in picking the site for the most recent RU nor the one last year.

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