Bromeliads for novices and serious addicts #12, Aug 2010

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, you are getting quite a have chosen some very pretty ones.
Mike that is a very obliging frog, keep posting your Brom pics.
Marleneann, post your Broms, then we can follow your progress.....that's half the fun.

Merino, Australia

Collection ??? Dianne, please don't mention that word anywhere near hubby. He thinks I have enough plants. Some of the babies taken earlier this year. I will post pics later when they all make the big move to their new house.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is one I kept inside this summer. could take it out it is so pretty.
See the baby peeking out like a little chicken. so pretty.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, just letting you know I'm back, but its been very hectic and I am worn out, so will post some info and pics of my travels very soon. Nighty night!

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Mike I got to the market just before it finished and there wasn't anything worth buying. There is always next time.

Sue ...looking forward to your pics. is one of my broms

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Clifton Springs, Australia

Welcome home Sue...hope you had fun.
Very pretty Colleen.
I like that Marleneann, looks like choclit chips in mint icecream.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi again, I'm still a bit land sick, but hopefully it will pass soon.
Marlene, that looks like Aechmea 'Freckles' or A. 'Fosters Freckles'. It can probably take fairly bright light and go a nice orange/yellow colour.
Charleen, you must be going into Autumn soon? Has your summer been very hot?
Jean, good score on the extra plant! I bet you're hoping that will happen again!
I'm glad you all found things to talk about without me. not talking about me, he he.
Mike, what a difference with your wet and dry pics!
I am starting to catalogue some pics, so I'll post them as I go.
I got home to Aechmea 'Aztec Gold' in flower.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Yes is A. Freckles. I think it has the species A. orlandiana as one of the parents.
I like it.
Dianne the first pup I get to spare I will give it to you.

Jean were lucky to get an extra plant. Nice Neo Jewllery Shop.

All other forum friends please keep posting those pictures.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Sue - I just had a eureka moment (the Greek scholar not the Aussie town)
the pot you have Aztec Gold in is the same as two spare ones I have here...
I could put my B. Nutans into those & save having to buy a hanging basket.
Thanks for the inspiration!

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Hope you enjoyed your break Sue. I repotted these broms yesterday. Hope they go well in here. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Hey folks, I thought we might move to a new thread for the start of the new month:

Hi everyone. I finally got on to this site thanks to Jen today. I have just sat here reading past posts. Mike I wish I had stumbled across your place when we were on holiday. We took our winnebago up to Cooktown then across to the gulf and back down through Longreach etc returning to Tannum Sands for a week before coming home to Brisbane. By the time we got home we had 73 new babies in the back. I did find a grower in Tannum but missed your place. We love it up there and plan to return to the park for future breaks. Would love to catch up and see your garden. I'm still trying to work out how to send posts and wouldn't know how to post a photo. Will do so as soon as I work it out. Wendy

north coast nsw, Australia

Bromalong- wow love that red strippy brom..whats it called? is the single pic you posted last of the red brom the same as the red strippy one in your ramdom shot? beautiful!

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