Bromeliads for novices and serious addicts #12, Aug 2010

Merino, Australia

Thank you all for the comments. My brom house faces away from the direction any frosts usually come form but also misses a lot of any winter sun . We had really low temps but strangely the bird baths never froze , which usually happens in a frost. I don't think any water would have frozen in the broms but would have been cold. Funny that, so far, They are the only ones that died. I have others that are a bit closer to the open air that seem unaffected. Plants are like people, some like the cold or tolerate it where others will shrivel at the first sign.
Lucky my epis don't mind it at all.
Mike , I looked at the link you put up. My goodness, thats too cold for me. Amazing how that garden grows after being under all that snow.
My new brom shadehouse will be totally covered in shadecloth but a lot more open to the weather. It will be interesting to see how the various broms behave in a lot more sun. There will still be the side of the house blocking the south weather but more wind etc getting through to the plants. I will, as I said earlier, be putting a plastic cover over the roof for winter and will cover the sides with plastic too . This should keep them fairly comfortable, but they will have to get used to cold winters if we continue to get the spells of very low temps as this year.
One can only hope for no extreme weather changes.

north coast nsw, Australia

wow love them broms in that link bromalong and that red macaw. Beautiful!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Loved it all, too. wonderful...Thanks.

barmera, Australia

some lovely coloured plants in the link. Thanks for sharing. Colleen

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Mike you do have some beautiful broms.
I have been told that if you fertilizer too much the shape and colour of the overall bromeliad will not look as this correct?

Brisbane, Australia

I just bought 2 little neos & 2 cryptanthus on eBay quite cheaply from 1 seller & they only charged me $6.50 all up for postage - excellent!!
I want to plant a few contrasting cryptanthus together in a flat pot. I got the idea from a display pot at the last BSQ show, see:!/photo.php?pid=255162&id=100000179988890&ref=fbx_album
It would appear cryptanthus are terrestrials & like things slightly more moist, so I'm wondering if I should use a special potting mix of some kind. Should I use normal potting mix? Any ideas folks?
Hmmm I think I've been bitten by the cryptanthus bug....
Here's Crpytanthus bivitatus (courtesy Sue) which will be included in the mix.

This message was edited Aug 11, 2010 11:44 AM

Thumbnail by LeisaD
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi Marlene, Fertilizer! food for thought!
It’s hard to get two brom growers to agree, as to what is the best to use.Broms in their natural environment, have to fend for themselves, they do this really well otherwise we wouldn’t have any, they do this by trapping dust, pollen, bird droppings and the odd insect ect . Broms do not need a lot of Nitrogen an excess of nitrogen will cause the plant to grow to quick weaning the cells and making the leaves long and strappy
Phosphorus is needed for the healthy growth of leaves and plant tissue an excess of phosphorus will do little harm. Potassium is used by plants to enhances its structure and aid in the process of photosynthesis, this is an over simplification of what the plant needs in the way of food , now how much do you use and how often, I'm not going to go there, ! what I will say is ,!, when I pot a plant I then give it a good feed and that's it for the life of the plant," mostly "if I re pot it into a bigger pot then I give them some more. So what do I use (this is not an endorsement ) organic extra is low in Nitrogen and apart from also has calcium, sulphur and a heap of trace elements smells good to or is that pooo.

Thumbnail by bromalong
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Sue this is one I got from you a while ago that didn't have a name on it.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi all,Leisa that was a standard bread tray, I have other clones that are smaller ,they just happen to be good clones not a lot to do with me . as for flowers on my plants I don't seem to have any problems I think you have to go a lot further north maybe around Townsville before that type behaviour kicks in ,we have a mild winter but the night can get quite cool ,I’m glad that you liked that link still blows me over, cheers.

Thumbnail by bromalong
Merino, Australia

Latest additions to the family. Neo Coral Fire

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Tillandsia butzii

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Tillandsia tricolor

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Tillandsia magnusiana

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

This one that came in with all my epis , which started me looking at tillandsias.
I have decided I like them very much and they will fit very nicely among the bigger broms.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi All, Mike, after looking at your pics, my suspect N. 'Red Macaw' does resemble your one pictured, at least in the leaf tip. It does have the little indent. I hope it grows to have the lovely shape and form of yours. That winter garden is something isn't it? i can't believe he goes to so much trouble each season! Alot of cold climate gardeners grow broms. Theres one in the ukraine that puts his broms on his veranda, and they seem to do well.
Mike, what are the names of the last two Neos you posted? I can't use any organic fert, because i worry my dogs will get into the plants. they both love chook pooh pellets!
Leisa, your link needs a sign-in. I can, but others maybe not? Your C. bivatattus has grown well. i've been using normal potting mix for the couple I have, and they seem to like good light too, just need to be moist. If you find they're drying out too quick, you could add a little peat, to hold in the moisture. I waould love to do a terrarium one day.
Marlene, that looks like Aechmea 'Nivea' but I didn't know I'd even sent you any broms! I haven't exactly kept track of any trades, so I don't dispute it. Mine is flowering now too.
Jean is hooked. No going back now! Lots of new babies there Jean!
Hi Bree, Colleen and Charleen. Thanks for dropping in.
I potted this basket of mini neos from the hanging basket behind. hard to believe they were all in the one small pot.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

Sorry about that link not working to the cryptanthus I saw - here's the pic.
Sue, thanks for the potting mix tips ! That pot of little Neos must have been chock-a-bloc!! The new basket will look fantastic if all those pups get a go on! Is that Neo. punctatissima? It colours up so well in good light, but I've found it a slow grower. I've had one for almost 2 years & it's only starting to get a pup on now!
I'm hoping this link to a tour of my garden works:!/video/video.php?v=1462403612690
The buddha belly bamboo was in the first section you see - approx where the pink cordylines are. It's all been replanted with broms & a few things that will slowly grow & cover the ugly fence.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Leisa I can't view the link....

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Leisa. I'm not sure what that neo is. Probably a punctate or hybrid of. The pot was quite full, but I didn't realise how full untill I started thinning it out. It should make a good specimen plant in a couple of years. I have a similar, but much smaller plant that is VEEEEEEERy slow, but this one seems to pup quite readily. I have plans to do a few large baskets, and have heaps of fireballs in various spots, so might go do a thin on those and make a red basket.
I looked at your garden tour through facebook. Absolutely stunning! Your yard is quite large, and the gardens surround it perfectly! Good job.
Must go and purchase some potting mix tomorrow. I have heaps of things to divide, propagate, pot on and up e.t.c. I never seem to have potting mix when I need it!
Tell me everyone, what brand do you use? I have tried Searles, Coles, Hortico, Debco, brunnings, fabulous e.t.c but can't say which was the best but I can tell you which ones are worst, and let me tell you, you get what you pay for!

Brisbane, Australia

Marlene, I know how you feel! Leisa, after Sue's great comments about your video, I joined Facebook so I could see it but the link won't work because of Privacy restrictions. Do I have to be your 'friend' to be able to view it? Love your Tillandsias Jean, especially Magnusiana. Very inspiring photos all. I know you've probably finished discussing N. Red Macaw but I've put in a photo of mine which is quite red because it's growing in full afternoon sun. Jen

Thumbnail by brombirdie
Brisbane, Australia

Jen I've changed my facebook privacy setting for videos - the link =might= work now. let me know either way.
Also please check your dmail.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2010 12:11 AM

barmera, Australia

Leisa, I can't take a walk around your garden either. Now the video has been removed. Can you help? Colleen

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The link still works for me if i sign in, so the video hasn't gone, but Leisa, I did have to sign in. Guess you'll all have to go join facebook! Jen, your N. 'Red Macaw' looks great for all that sun! I hope mine is the real deal.
It was a beautiful dau here today! I pottered around and did some yard work, some plant stuff (watering and checking) and found some Dendrobium orchids budding up and a couple of broms coming into flower. Of course I will post a pic when the blooms start.
This was who was keeping me company at work yesterday

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

Thanks, Leisa. Your garden tour was lovely. A real credit to you. Love the way you've got little things hidden everywhere. It was worth the effort of joining FB. Love your little buddy Sue. How long did he stay? My King orchid is coming out too but they are like Billbergias and don't last very long. They always make me feel like Spring is just around the corner. Jen

barmera, Australia

Hi Sue. I did join [ hope it doesn't cost anything] but it still said that the video was gone. Colleen

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Leisa I am a member of Facebook and I still couldn't get in. I requested to be your friend.
I went in via a search of your name and only found a cruise video.

tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi Sue ,I seen that post from the Ukraine on GW and I've got to take my hat of to the people who grow broms in such adverse conditions, but I think that winter garden takes the cake . I've seen heaps of photos from the U.S brom shows/books and publication and use to think nice plants but we can grow them better! it's not until you see the environment they have to contend with and the effort that needs to be given to growing their plants, full credit to them!. the two plants I posted were first Neo Painted Delight and second was an oldie but goldie, Neo lamberts pride still one of my favorites!As to what potting mix is best (get 20 brom growers and you will end up with 22 types of mix ) I make my own as we have discussed in the passed and think this is still the way to go.You then make the mixes that suites your environment, the photo is an old mother or whats left ,with her pups and the root system is still in good nick( no muck blocking the drain holes or roting roots the root are still white ) the plant has probably been in this pot for four or five years. cheers

Thumbnail by bromalong
tannum sands QLD, Australia

Hi Leisa, I tryed to look at your link but couldn't get on love to see garden, Jen nice colour on that Red Macaw ,hope everyone has a good weekend cheers

Thumbnail by bromalong
Sunshine Coast, Australia

I just viewed the video!

Looks like you have to be a member of Facebook and when Leisa OK's you as a friend you can see the video.

Beautiful garden Leisa...just how many different broms do you have. Very well set out too.
Thanks for the tour.

barmera, Australia

I got to see your garden at last Leisa. It's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Folks, thanks for the compliments re my garden. Sorry Mike. I can't seem to get a public link to my little video on Facebook. It's possible to get a public link to picture albums on facebook, but not videos. I'll have to create an album of pics & share that instead. I like that buddha. yes your potting mix looks nice & free draining & good for root production. Since we've had so much rain late last year & thru this year, I'm going to have to make my mix more free draining. Up 'til now I've used a bit of compost, but it does wash down & clog the pot's holes & the initial leaves of the plant tend to be long & a bit green Too rich I guess). The worms love it though, I usually find some when I'm repotting.
Jean I finally managed to buy some scoria today to improve drainage - it's a bit hard to get here. And a smallish bag cost me $12!
Sue that's pretty special company - wonderful!! I guess he/she was waiting for any grubs that might have been disturbed in the potting process. Re potting mix: I tend to buy whatever is the cheapest, but still with the standards ticks on it.
I went to 2 garden centres this afternoon but didn't see anything much that grabbed me. I'm in the mood for some new brom, but might wait for the BSQ meeting next week. I can usually not resist buying something, so i might wait 'til then. I've got some eBay purchases due to arrive this week too. That should ease the craving ;-)

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi Leisa and Brom friends. Lucky me received this on as a gift last weekend. Any clues to it's name please?

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Brisbane, Australia

Hi Wayne, that's a nice gift. I don't know it's name, but I'd at least guess it's a Guzmania.
here's one of mine that's flowering at the moment. Sadly I don't know the name of it either.
I know of one grower who brings in a lot of lovely guzmanias & vrieseas from Holland - he knows the names, and will tell you if you ask, but the plants aren't usually named when they are sold to the public - the tag just says "Bromeliad". It's very frustrating. I'd guess they do it to protect their import investment.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks very much Leisa. Yes, it has a tag just as you say.
My sister gave me this last weekend and a red on similar to your pic to our Mum.

I like that name! :)

Brisbane, Australia

Welcome Wayne. I can see a potential new brom addict. This is Guzmania Symphony Encore with variegated pink foliage. The leaves stay this colour all the time, sometimes even brighter.Love your statue with the Tillandsias Mike. Hang in their Leisa but don't rely on Sue as a sponsor to calm your cravings. She just says to go for it! Jen

Thumbnail by brombirdie
Brisbane, Australia

I meant 'there'. What is it about this site that suddenly turns literate people into hopeless spellers? Jen

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all. Jen, the kookaburra pretty much stayed all the time I was there, and I did throw him the odd worm and grub/slug I found on the old pots. He had friends too, but they stayed in the trees. I love that guzmania you pictured. The foliage would be attractive all year around, and the flower a bonus! I can't wait to see all your lovely plants. We're all so passionate about our broms that our spelling goes out the window. In my case, I type too fast, and do it while looking at the keyboard, so sometimes miss the mistakes, even when I preview.
Colleen and all, it doesn't cost to join facebook, and is a nice way to catch up with old friends and distant rellies.
Mike, I thought it was N. 'Painted Lady', but it has much better markings than the one I have. I've got pups that should mature this year, so it will be interesting to see the next generation. Your N. 'Lamberts pride' is nice too. they're all different eh? I've been using a mix, in part, like your recommendation, but I think it needs a little more soil/fines in it for the vrieseas and guzzies, but the Neos and Aechmeas seem to love the coir bits. As you say, it needs to suit the climate, and I guess the microclimates that we create in positioning our plants e.t.c
I love the buddha. Is that Tillandsia 'Haleys Comet' in his right hand?
Wayne, lovely Guzzy. I don't know the name either, and did look on the Deroose site (dutch breeders) but couldn't find a definite match. There are alot of guzzies out there. If you go to this site, then click on the tab 'plants' then do a search for guzmania, it will come up with pics.
I have a few, but only some are named, but for some reason it doesn't seem as important as having the Neos named?
Leisa, I haven't had a brom fix for a couple of weeks, or at least 7 days anyway! I bought a Guzmania 'Neon' from a local nursery last, but its not completely at its best yet, but I will post a pic if it gets there in the next week. They seem to take such a long time to get there, but flower for an amazingly long time! I have a red flowering Guz that marlene traded with me, and it has been flowering away in my bathroom since early june, and still looking its best.
Kookie came quite close at one stage. I wasn't sure if he was going to fly at me or something, but he didn't thank goodness.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks Sue and Jen. Had a huge clean-up in the garden this past weekend as the frosts have gone. Lots of Brugs to cut back and mulch. Tha Broms are all fine as they were grown under lots of canopy (the Brugs!).
Sue your babies are looking good, I have them undercover.
Off to work. Have a great week.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Nice day here on the Sunshine Coast today.
I did some gardening and took a trip to the local dump.

A $6.00 bargain from the market last Saturday.

It had Neo. Furnace on the tag.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Brisbane, Australia

MarleneAnn, that looks like Neo Furnace alright - grown in lots of sun. Sue probably has a good pic, but here's a pic of my pup (that I got from her) grown in dappled sun. I've just moved it to my new area, which should get a lot more sun in the coming months, so your plant will be the future state of mine ;-)
The nights are getting a bit warmer here, so the time to remove those fat pups is getting nearer hear. I'm better on the 1st Sept.
My little parcel arrived from eBay today - 2 little mini Neos & two Cryptanthus. i have'tn fully opened the box yet, but the Cryptanthus on top is a nice little plant.
Did anyone see on all those mini Neos that were up for sale on eBay finishing mainly Sunday evening. I bid on a few, but missed out on most things I was after - some went for over $32!!!
There's a neo. on eBay at the moment that gives a laugh: Neo. 'Morris Henry Hobbs' x Fireball It's a nice enough plant etc. But I wonder what the breeder was thinking when combining the large Morris Henry Hobbs with the much smalller Fireball? It makes me think of mating a Great Dane with a chihuahua - see the pic on

Thumbnail by LeisaD
north coast nsw, Australia

I'll get in trouble for this but... the only good thing about a great dane its its size(i have one) and i'd say its the same for the chihuahua. hehehe!

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