CLOSED: Name My Garden in Exchange for Seeds

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

As some of you may have read, I'm completely redoing my gardens. I have lots of plants with a love theme (chaste tree, Big Kiss Daylily, Jilted Iris, Smooching Time Daylily, Leda's Lover iris, Two to Tango Daylily, Moonflowers, Rose-scented monarda, etc.). One whole side of my yard will contain all these plants and I'm calling it the Wedding Garden. One-third of this side is going to be a little private "lover's lane" kinda garden which has a lovers' bench and lots of love-themed plants. There's a pond across from the bench and a heart shaped shepherd's hook that will hold a candle for some mood lighting.

I'm looking for the perfect name for this garden. I don't want something overused, like Lover's Lane, Makeout Point, etc. I'm looking for something classy and appropriate. I'm not well-travelled but maybe someone out there has visited a garden similar to this and has some ideas, something like Le Jardin d'Amore or something.

If you have the perfect name for this little lover's garden, let me know. I'll award seeds from my own gardens to the person whose suggestion I decide to use. Some of the seeds will include various amaranthus, various four oclocks, TX star hibiscus (red), various hollyhocks, chaste tree, and others--at least 10 packs for the suggestion I use. I'll also check your wish list and see if I have anything else you're looking for.

Here are some pictures of this garden which I've just completed. It looks kind of bare now while I wait for the plants to grow. Eventually I'll paint the bench or maybe put a "porch swing" in its place. There's just something rather romantic about a swing.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Ignore the PVC pipe in the background; it's for another project.

Here's the bench, with some white four oclocks and a pink cascades rose planted behind it. Under it are some hardy begonias.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Here you can see the shepherd's hook off to the left - a $5 find at a flea market. With a candleholder on it, and the trickling of the fountain in the pond, I think the mood will be set for some romance.

There's an arbor with heart filigree all over it that marks the entrance to this garden. I'm looking for some climbing roses to grow on it. And then I think I want a wrought iron gate on it to add a bit more privacy to this little secret garden.

So any name suggestions?

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

All I can think of is


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

if ya had some 'SMELLY' plants and some SKUNK statues, you could call it "Love Stinks" *LOL*

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I would put up a sign that says 'Magic Happens Here!'

Seabrook, NH(Zone 5b)

Two things came to mind:

Garden of Eternal Love
Garden of Love and Tears

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Jardin d'Amour Poussant -- Garden of Growing Love

L'amour Fait du Jardinage -- Love Gardens (garden as a verb)

Fait Pousses Tes Embrasses -- Garden/Grow Your Loves (command/"you" understood)

Cultives Tes Amours -- Garden/Grow Your Loves (command/"you" understood)

Amants Botanique --- Botanical Lovers

Tombes Amoureux aux Fleurs --- Fall in Love Among Flowers

Tombes Amourouge -- Fall in LoveRed (word play on the state of love and color)

Le coup de Fleurdre -- Love at First FlowerSight (play on words for sight and flower) (or change Le to "Jardin du")

Des Fleurs Vous Embrasse -- The Flowers Love You Both

Fleurophiles -- FlowerLovers (play on word -- "coined" this but would be understandable in french)

I can send phonetic equivalents so you can pronounce the highest contenders with a beautiful french accent.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Bower of Bliss


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

"Love....Like a Garden, is Eternal"

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

kilngod how is it that you parlez vous french so much?

butterfly chaser i don't have any suggestions right now but wanted to follow this to see what you picked.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

You can go Hawaiian too:

Ipo (Epo) ~ Lover
Ke Aloha (Ka Aloha) ~ Beloved
Me Ke Aloha (Ma Ka Aloha) ~ With love
Or just Aloha which also means ~ Love

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

Love Blooms Here


Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Mamajack -- I minored in it in college and lived there for a year. Am not fluent at all, but I'm functional (and my accent rocks which is fun).

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Bliss'n Bloom

Plano, TX

blooming passion garden

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Dirtygirl, I love your sense of humor. A "Love Stinks" sign would be cute next to a "Jilted" iris, wouldn't it. LOL Maybe some Pepe LePew statues throughout? LOL Too funny!

Y'all have some great ideas. I'm like Aloha. The "Aloha Garden" has a nice ring to it. I actually might consider it for the "Honeymoon Suite" at the opposite end of the garden, where I'll have tropicals and plants with travel sites in the name (like "Jamaican Me Crazy" daylily, Brazilian Holiday iris, etc).

Fleurophiles is cute too. LOL Think I'll pass on the French though; I'd have to translate it for everyone, and it's more difficult to say.

The "passion garden" has potential. I'll think on that one too. I have some passion flower vines I could plant on the arbor here if I decide to go with this name.

I haven't found the perfect name yet. I've been thinking about it for a month now and haven't come up with anything I really like. I want something fairly simple, expressive, and catchy. All my "garden rooms" are themed and named so when someone asks where a certain plant is, I can say, "Go to such-and-such garden." So for this garden, I want something easy and appropriate as well as descriptive of this particular garden.

Great suggestions everyone. If you have any more, please post them.

Plano, TX

blooming passion could also be passion blooming garden

i had thought of

affection sown
passion grown

but it isn't a title --could bo under the titile

blooming passion garden--
where affection is sown and passion grown

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)


because everyone knows how to say it --and everyone knows what it means ---- and it is what lovers will do in your garden - married or not --- and it is french - the language of love.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Have you thought about The Unity Garden instead of The Wedding Garden? Not all folks who may want to rent it will be having a 'wedding' but may want to have a ceremony to celebrate/mark their unity --even if 30 years ago.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I hadn't thought about that, Missingrosie. I was calling the main garden (the middle section of the garden--between this lover's garden in the front and the honeymoon suite that's in the back) the "wedding garden" since I have so many daylilies and irises in a wedding theme - like Daylilies - Wedding Band, Holy Matrimony, Bridal Path, etc. and Irises - Marriage Vows, Jilted, etc.

I'll think on the Unity Garden. I like the way that sounds.

I probably won't rent my gardens out for ceremonies (except for close friends and relatives). I just don't have the parking to accommodate large crowds. I plan to rent the gardens out to photographers for photo shoots. My entire yard is a garden, no lawn. There are mulched trails that lead you from one garden to the next and each one is themed. On the other side of my yard is the Serenity Garden, Edible Garden and Butterfly Garden, just to give you an idea of what I'm doing. Each garden has it's own theme and decor and plant inventory to add some variety to photo shoots.

Plano, TX

it all sounds so pretty!! Please posts pics of them when you find a minute

i name my gardens too-but not with a sign --i just end up calling them things

the angel garden/shade garden because i end up putting anything with angels in it

the tropical garden-obvious reasons

rock garden-which is really more of a succelent/cactus garden with rocks

the grotto--statue of mary-small/fenced and with yellow roses

asian garden--ginger plants and asian statuary

st frances garden--

fairy garden

bog garden -

southwest garden--pampas grass and other grasses, prickley pear cactus, etc

and i could go on--but my gardens are very small--i just kind of have lots of areas that i like to call by different names--and mostly i am calling them by different names for myself only--if that makes any sense at all!!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Your gardens are similar to mine, Linda. I have a fairy garden too, which I'll soon put an arbor over and concrete the floor. I have some gnome doors and windows that I'll attach to the walls surrounding the fairy garden. This area is actually a breezeway between two additions to my house. It's really too narrow for the plants I've tried to grow in it (only 9 ft wide), so I've decided to make it a patio and let the gnomes and fairies live in the walls of my house. LOL

Here's one of the doors and windows that someone here at DG made for me a few years ago--can't think of her name now.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Here's another set that a lady on another trading forum made for me years ago:

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I have not named my spaces - which is why I've been reading this thread --maybe someday I will.

there is the weeds area

the deer and bunny buffet area

the everything's dried out again area

the 'I been meaning to' area

the misc pots area with all the 'gotta get that in the ground soon' plants

the snakes a'sunning rock area

the frogs a'croaking nervously area right next to snakes
a'sunning area

etc. etc.

This message was edited Jul 31, 2010 2:45 PM

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

missingrosie, I've got some of those gardens, too. (You just made my day!)

Plano, TX

those gnome doors are really pretty--i like the wood contrast---since you are butterfly chaser i imagine you have a butterfly garden?

missingrosie---very funny!! i've got a somewhat hidden area that i throw things till i get around to taking care of them--pots, bricks, branches, weeds etc---never named it and mostly try to avoid it!!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

The Deer and Bunny Buffet--I love that! I've got some of those same gardens too, Missingrosie. I'm sure many of us here can relate. :-)

Linda, I am in the process of creating a butterfly garden. The name of my entire gardens is the Butterfly Ranch. I chose the name because I have always wanted to live on a ranch in Texas (just love that state of yours! My spirit's there even if my body isn't...yet.) and I grow lots of plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. I'm creating a garden room that will be the Butterfly Garden. I'm in the process of clearing out anything that doesn't belong there and I've collected butterfly decor.

This is a bit of my Serenity Garden which leads to the Butterfly Garden down there where the pergola is. Eventually, I'll enclose that garden with evergreen shrubs or something so you won't be able to see from one end of the garden to the other. You'll have to walk thru an arbor to see what's inside the Butterfly Garden.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Ah, the Avoidance Garden -- aka 'I will think about it tomorrow --at Tara' (aka aka the Scarlett O'Hara garden)

Butterfly those little doors look like the doors on the church that I grew up with. Very beautiful.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

This is the same area, but looking in the opposite direction, into the Serenity garden. Again, I'll enclose the area around the gazebo with evergreen shrubs or lattice or something, so you won't see into it unless you go thru an arbor. It will be a nice little meditation spot across from the pond where you can hear the fountain when I get it up and going again. (The pond is so full of water plants right now that the fountain can't suck up water.)

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

And this area you've seen in my posts before. It's the middle section between the Serenity Garden and the Butterfly Garden. That's what it looked like in June. But of course most of the daylilies are done now. And the Arundo Donax, the variegated bamboo-like cane off to the right, is now all green and looks more like bamboo. In spring it starts out white and gradually changes to yellow and green variegated before becoming gray green. Now it's around 10 ft tall and magnificent. I just wish it would stay white; it's spectacular when it's white.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Plano, TX

love it--"scarlet o'harra---"there's always tomorrow" garden--very clever

butterfly chaser those are really nice areas you have--thanks for posting those pictures!

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

You could rename all three of those gardens 'Yesterday' 'Today' & 'Tomorrow'

Romeo and Juliet
The Garden of Eden
May Dreams
Summer Dreams
Eternal Reflections...if you are having the pond as the focal point?

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Lover's Paradise

Plano, TX

simple but i like

forget me not

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I had thought of Lover's Paradise before but I'm looking for something a little more subtle.

What do y'all think of Aphrodite's Garden or something along that line maybe? Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. If I could find a concrete statue of a goddess, I could paint her to be Aphrodite.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Bchaser, you have Jamaican me Crazy, and I have Jamaican Me Happy. LOL

How about the 'Love Grows Wild' garden.
Its a song, here are the first couple lines of the song by Dierks Bentley (you can look up the rest if interested).

'There's a place where love grows wild
Where hearts can trust just like a child
A wild thing, it don't need a lot
It just grows on what it's it got
It still grows no matter what '

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Oooooh, I love Dierks Bentley. Maybe I need to make a plaque for the garden...

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