Tiny bugs, spider mites or other?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

During Spring I started some basil seeds in a terracotta pot and soon noticed tiny white things moving on the soil. I wound up having to throw away those pots (cat, terracotta bad combo) and couldn't find them on any other plant.

Now I'm finding those same things are on the soil of my spider plants. I cannot find them on the leaves, just the soil. I've had one of them for months but the others are relatively new (I've made posts here.)

They are super tiny and I've only found them on the soil top. We have gnat problems so I'm wondering if it's possible these are gnat larva? Or is it possible that despite not seeing anyone on the leaves it could be spider mites?

I did have a rosemary plant I forgot to water that appeared fine hairs on, but since my black and white cat loved sitting there I attributed it to that. I also had a Catmint right next to it, also with that white "hair". They didn't seem web like, just like my cat was sitting too close although I'm not leaving spider mites out as a possibility.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Could be soil mites or springtails. They feed off organic matter in the soil. They shouldn't cause any damage. An insecticide with pyrethrin will help. ALWAYS follow label directions! Allow the soils to dry out as much as you can to help control them.

Also read this:


(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Quote from tommyr2006 :
Could be soil mites or springtails. They feed off organic matter in the soil. They shouldn't cause any damage. An insecticide with pyrethrin will help. ALWAYS follow label directions! Allow the soils to dry out as much as you can to help control them.

Also read this:


If the pest isn't causing any damage I won't mind them but I'll definitely double check that I'm letting them dry out. They sound a little better than Spider mites and gnat larva in my opinion, but I'll keep watching my plants to make sure it's not the other two. Even if it's the other two I'd prefer not to treat them with poisons so I wonder if my garlic fire spray (affectionately called "burn their bums") would help

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