Heidi Chronicles: Baby Talk 2010

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Hopefully by now you have seen the new thread and moved over there, but I wanted to comment just in case. It's nice to hear that things are going so well with your raccoon(s). I was never able to stop mine from drinking the hummer nectar (and ultimately damaging the feeder in the process). They just love that stuff. I've actually watched them tilt the hummer feeder sideways to pour the nectar into their mouths and drink it. Pretty smart. They like it so much that a few years ago I actually used to make up a quart of nectar at 1.5 strength just for them. I would pour a cup or so in a bowl each day and put it beside Heidi's dish. She has a sweet tooth and really loves the stuff.

Although most of mine enjoy marshmallows, I've found that they like vanilla sandwich cookies even more. Some of my group won't eat marshmallows very dependably but virtually all of them love vanilla s/w cookies, even the ultra cheap off brands sold at WalMart and Bilo. They don't seem to care much for chocolate (anything) though.

Good to see you again. Hope you will join us on the other thread.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just to repeat and to be sure everyone sees it...This thread has gotten way to long and difficult to load, so we have all (hopefully) moved to the new thread now. Here is the link:


Please join us there for a continuation of our topic, and please be sure to 'watch' the new thread.

Please, please, please post all comments and continuations of the conversation on the NEW thread. Tks!


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