Local advice for veggie growing please

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well mine is a bit of a cheat, I couldn't quite braid the onion tops so I tied them with twine working them together like I would a macrame. I was pleased with the look.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My late sowing of bean plants poked their way out from under the row cover, and now the leaves are laced with holes... Ah well, plants that have looked like that in the past have still produced beans for me, so I'm not going to go after the culprit with both barrels blazing.

I sowed some cucumber seeds very late, also, in mid July... some germinated, some didn't (older seeds), some were eaten (slugs? probably not a bunny, as they started out under row cover also)... but I was so happy to see the survivors are flourishing and have started blooming and setting cukes! Hopefully that means we'll get a nice little harvest of them yet before frost.

Chester Springs, PA

Yeah, Scotland is cool for tomatoes - it's really only possible to grow them in a greenhouse or lots of people grow them in grow bags in a conservatory/ sun room - or even on a sunny windowsill! I've never grown anything before this year so I haven't done it personally but I do know people have lots of success with the grow bag method.

I love the onions hanging - they look fantastic!

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