Mid-South Gardeners Members List

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Greetings Silk ,

Welcome to the Mid South Gardening Forum. The thread had sort of died out and I was new back over a year ago or so and there was not a thread where I could really see who was in my area or where I even belonged and that bothered me. Therefore, I revived this one. It is nice to have you here and for others to see just who is in their area as they too can make friends much easier.

Hello Jeri,

Haven’t seen you in a bit good to see you . how is things down your way ? are things getting back to normal after all the bad weather you have had your way?


Yes, it was a bit of scare, we had the DG, and several other of our other on line Family/friendly Communities posting and looking for Savannah. It only took 36 hours to recover her, although for me it seemed like a lifetime as with any parent your mind go’s into panic mode and thinks about what is or could happen. Thankfully the good Lord was with Savannah and us through the entire thing and brought her home safely.


Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

This thread is Very Longand has been up here for over a year . I am NOT going to remove it but simply add to it and make another thread for ease of others .

Here is the NEW Thread simply click on the link and it will take you to the NEW thread if you wish to Review this Thread at any time and see who is in your area go to the Top and click the old thread link and you will return here .

NEW Thread LINK :


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Murfreesboro, TN

Robin - Murfreesboro, TN

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Robin ... nice to see more TN gardeners. I am not too far away from you. ^_^

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Welcome Robin!!! Hi Carol hope things are good in your world!!! Miss crossing paths with you!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Jeri --
We're good here ... and no tornadoes, thankfully. I'm very busy gardening as I'm sure you are also. ^_^

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Actually I am busy watering. The Ms. River is flooding the south and we are in a drought!!!! UNREAL!!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yah, that is crazy, isn't it? :(

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hello Robin Welcome to Midsouth. Please feel free to jump in on the other threads at anytime. We love having new people. Cindy

Hey Jeri hope y'all get some rain soon. We finally got some and it is really cloudy right now but not really supposed to get anything other than a thunder bumper.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Actually the drought is a good thing for once. Our soil was so dry when they opened the spillway it soaked up so much of the water the flood estimates were off.

I would take a thunder bumper Cindy but I'll keep watering instead of the weather in Mo. My T's & P's are with those people!!!! Jim delivered to Smithville, Ms. and a bunch of his friends are going to Ga.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thunder bumper! I like that - don't think I've heard that saying before!

Texarkana, TX

Hello! I'm new to the forum...my name is Christina, I am in Texarkana, TX (one half of the town is in AR and the other half is in TX) I live on the Texas side : ). For you folks living in TN...that is where my dad's family lives. My great grandmother and grandfather lived in Speedwell. If you know anybody with the last name of Hall, they might be my kin. I have been told all my life we have a lot of relatives in the "hills" of TN!! Anyhoo, my passion are daylilies.

Thumbnail by redviolet_0
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Welcome Christina! Glad to have you here. That is a beautiful day lily!!!

Texarkana, TX

Thank you! So glad to be here!!
( I wish that daylily were mine! It's called Watermelon Martini, a 2011 Stamile, Pierce introduction. I drool everytime I see it!!!)

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello Christina!!! Welcome to the forum!!! Glad you could join us!!!

I have family and friends on both sides of Texarkana. My DH was raised there for part of his life. I bet we know some of the same people. We motor home and most of our group is from there.

Sorry that I have been soo quite but the heat down here is kicking my butt!!! We have had no rain still and I'm spending the entire day watering!!!!! Yesterday, I took off and the family went to Bayou Countryfest at LSU. It was amazing!!!! The best music on earth for sure!!! Everybody was country for the day!!! But this old girl knows just how old I am after spending the day at the concert and had I not had the stints put in last year would not have made it at all.

Charlotte I wasn't sure you were doing the right thing having your thyroid removed but now I'm very glad that you did. In fact, I am going to have mine checked!!! I pray that everything goes well with your Dr's appt. and he helps guide you to the right path of treatment!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri my GP didn't think I should have it removed either. He thought I should just have it monitored. He actually got upset with me when I told him I was having it taken out. He said what are the chances of it be cancer?? Well I'm so glad I listened to my instincts and got it out. If I had gone the route of having a needle biopsy it would not have shown anything either as the actual nodule that was growing on the thyroid was benign. The spots of cancer were actually in the thyroid itself, You do need to have your thyroid checked regularly. Thyroid problems seem to be more prevalent in women. Once you've had surgery, you can spot other people that have also had surgery. You would be surprised at the number of women that have had thyroid surgery. Most are benign. This was my second surgery as they only removed half my thyroid the first time. I was fully expecting it to also be benign again this time. If you have any first degree relative that has had thyroid cancer your chances increase dramatically. Normal statistics are only about a 1% chance. My first cousin had thyroid surgery in Dec and her's turned out to the cancer. I could feel on thickening on my thyroid and her diagnosis got me into action. Long story to say - yes you need to get yours checked!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It is my understanding that Sarge is no longer a member of DG. So this thread is just floating and getting longer and longer. Just an FYI for newbies who post here.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't realize that I was on this thread! I was just answering Jeri, Thanks!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sorry to have lost Sarge from the forum!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

He was removed from DG ... and as far as I know at the moment, The Front Porch is over on Cubits now.

If someone was inclined to start another thread like this on the Mid-South Forum, they could.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

so if you live in FL can ya join in on this thread?


Ripley, MS

Sure, everyone is welcome on the Mid South forum, we areaways happy to make new friends here, welcome

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Welcome Jan!!!! I hope you enjoy our forum!!! I think we have the nicest group out there!!! Glad you joined us!!!

Texarkana, TX

Hello, Jan! I'm new to the threads too, so you're not a newbie all by yourself : )
Wishing you God's blessings and blissful gardening!

Thumbnail by redviolet_0
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Meadow and redviolet ... You two will really enjoy DG if you are avid gardeners. So much excellent information here. I have enjoyed it immensely and I've not been a member for even a year. I've made some great new friends right here in my neck of the woods and met truly friendly people all over this website. This thread is too long to be user-friendly for dial-uppers like me though so can't continue here. Enjoy yourselves wherever you land on this DG. ^_^

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I've been on DG for some time now.

I'm a lover of plants that bring pleasure just by showing a special bloom, leaf or smell to the human eye.

I love getting dirty and watching plants grow and show off.

Thanks for the wonderful welcome.

I'm on a new gardening adventure as we just moved to FL and I'm in the process of learning what will grow here, as oppose to what I use to have when we lived up north.


Ripley, MS

Jan, you will really love being able to grow tropicals, what was the zone from your old home?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

5b slcdms

I'm such a bloom person well I do love a good leaf structure or color so maybe I will be able to get into tropicals... Just need to find a garden center that has a lot of variety so that I can be won over....LOL


Ripley, MS

I would love to be able to grow plumerias but they have to come inside for winter, even here.
You have a whole new world to explore in Florida !!!!

Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

Hello everyone!

I'm Amy, and new to both gardening and to the Charlotte, NC, area (my zip code is 7b although a mile down the road is 8a). My DH has just retired from the military and we can finally settle down after 6 locations in 8 years!! I finally have a home of my own and a chance to work with things that grow, and I'm excited. So my learning curve is pretty steep, although the advice I got from a local nursery--"forget everything you know about gardening in the North"--is easy to follow as I knew absolutely nothing. I've been devouring books, magazines, and articles as often as I can around raising two little girls (5 and 1), so hopefully it'll pay off when I have a chance to plan things next year.

DG is a little overwhelming in terms of finding my way around, but I'm working on it. I think this forum will be a favorite, as y'all can help me with specific insight to our area. Can't wait to get to know all of you!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello Amy!!! Welcome to the world of gardening and DG!!!! Please tell you husband thank you for his years of service!!! It means everything!!!!

If I am understanding your post you are not putting the beds together until next year? If that is so than you can start the preparation now on the soil. There is a method that has been very helpful to a lot of gardeners. You simply pick where you want the new bed and lay down cardboard. Then put on your compost and mulch and simply wait for the spring. No back breaking digging at all!!!

Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

Thank you, Jeri! And I will certainly pass on your kind words. We military families truly do appreciate it when people say kind things to our loved one--it means the world to us.

Well, I did a bunch of stuff this year, but since I had no idea what I was doing, there's much to be done in the fun stuff next year. I did start to prepare a few areas by cutting down the grass, covering with newspaper & cardboard, and tossing compost & mulch on it to let it "bake" for next season. ;)

Our builders did an appalling job on the landscaping. Shrubs were 6-8" out of the ground and obviously just tossed in. I literally lifted them out of the ground--by myself--with no preparation or digging. They were grotesquely rootballed and had never been prepared or filled back in. DH was able to relocate the crepe myrtle by just lifting it out of the ground as well. Oh my goodness...

We basically relandscaped the entire front. I'll have to post pictures, but we got a lot done 3 weeks ago when my in-laws were able to come for the weekend to advise and help with our little ones. This is what we accomplished over a long weekend:

raked up all pine straw mulch
pulled up all shrubs from front of house
reshaped landscape beds
created small new mailbox bed
added compost & manure to beds
tilled the beds
laid out newspaper as weed fabric
spread 10 cubic yards of hardwood mulch
replanted a crepe myrtle
replanted a flowering almond
replanted ~12 shrubs into new locations (screening the a/c units, etc.)
planted 4 loropetalum
planted 8 kaleidoscope abelia
planted 2 wintergreen boxwood
planted 2 sky pencil hollies
planted 2 emerald green arborvitae
planted 3 knockout rose bushes
planted 1 variegated gardenia
planted 1 new river birch tree
planted 2 butterfly bushes
planted 3 variegated wiegelas
planted 3 Nikko Blue hydrangeas
planted a bunch of daylilies around utility box on east corner of house
planted many hostas around the maple trees out front
planted two flats of coleum throughout the new shrubs
planted morning glory seeds around mailbox
planted morning glory seeds behind rose bushes to climb up flat wall
laid out flagstone as upright landscape edging on front borders
laid out flagstone as regular edging on six trees (still have more to go) and mailbox
laid out flagstones as pavers to create walkway along side of house
replanted a Japanese maple into a container

The following week, while DH was out of town, I'd go out at night after the girls were in bed and I:
planted irises in the front border
planted salvia in the front border
planted umpteen flats of annuals--petunias, vinca, etc. throughout the front borders and around the street maples
built 3 4'x4' raised beds for the side of the house
filled in the beds with grower's soil (major wheelbarrow work)
replanted veggies & herbs into those beds
sculpted a new 'bed' to connect the 3 crepe myrtles on the side of the house
laid down newspaper & cardboard, covered with grower's soil & mulch, and am leaving the bed to cook awhile
planted vinca all around the foundation shrubs along the side of the house
planted 3 adagio maidengrass around the crepe myrtles
started laying out the fieldstone around the new tree beds
unbound the fiveleaf akebia I planted along a brick retaining wall out back
planted a ton of petunias along the top of the retaining wall
remulched some of those beds in the back

Just wondering when I'll be able to walk upright again!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! About the time you do there will be another job that puts you right back in the same shape!!!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Welcome and this place will provide you with all the wonderful knowledge that you need to get started enjoying gardening.

I too as a former WM want to say thank you to your husband for his service and to you for all that you had to go through with being the wife of a service man. My son just got back from Iraq (was injured over there, he is doing well now) his second tour and he was overwhelmed by the people saying thank you to him as well. He would say I was just doing my job, why are all the folks thanking me??? I told him be glad that the public has changed as those members who were in Vietnam didn't come home to the same, such a sad thing to remember that our country was like that to our military.

Anyway, glad you joined and look forward to pictures as we all love pictures here.....LOL


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Jan I am so glad that your son is doing better!!! TG!!! Another answered prayer!!! Tell him his job insures all of us of our everyday freedom and without men such as your son and Amy such as your husband we could be like China where the internet is not even allowed and then none of us would have never met!!!! I try to thank each service man or woman that I meet. I truly appreciate their sacrifice for our country!!!

Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh Jan, I'm sorry to hear that your son was injured. Thank God he's doing well! When we were stationed in Germany, we saw so many young men badly wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan, and it tore my heart out. I used to bake muffins and such and bring them over to the wating room where the wounded warriors stayed while they waited to be medevac'ed back to the States. They loved that.

The best was when John was traveling on a trip a couple of years ago and, while waiting to meet some folks for dinner, called on his cell phone to chat with me. In the midst of the conversation, he started talking with someone in front of him and I was really puzzled. Long story short, some bikers came into the hotel, saw him in uniform, and tried to give him money to go out and buy himself a good dinner. John thanked them sincerely but asked that they find a young enlisted troop to do that for instead ("look for a younger man or woman with stripes on the shoulder"), as they needed it and deserved it more than he. I fell in love with him all over again, and could have kissed those guys who were so kind to my husband.

Jeri, you're so right--I'm glad our society has learned since its horrible treatment of people like my father, returning from Vietnam. Dad still does not talk about that time to this day, and for a 40-year law enforcement veteran who has been shot in the line of duty, that's chilling.

Thumbnail by TeacherAmy
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hi Amy glad you have joined us. Let us know if we can help you get around easier in Daves. It is a little overwhelming at first.

My husband will not talk about Vietnam either. My thanks goes out to you too. Wives of military men give up a big chunk of their lives while their husbands serve. I absolutely hated the military life. I know it has gotten better than it was 43 years ago. Wives had major restrictions, such as your behavior, because you were a reflection of your husband. He was a reflection of his superior officer. It was 1968 and we were trying to spread our wings a bit. I don't mean drugs. I was the daughter of a Capt on the police force. You have to remember this was during a time girls still had to wear a dress to school. Ohh how far we have come baby. LOL Not all of it good though. OK off my soapbox.

Welcome again Cindy

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

great wedding shot.

My BIL was over in V. and he won't talk about it either, he lost many close friends.

Son wasn't hurt that bad, but it was enough for them to send him state side (which his wife was glad to have him home seeing as she had a new baby). He still has some back issues for his injury as he say it is nothing compaired to others who are in far worse condition. I just wish our country would reach out more to the family members to help them (either a safe place to stay while their loved one is recovering in the hospital), or other ways. We need hospitals that have the best doctors who can help ensure that those with TBI can have the best chance for recovery....

sorry didn't mean to go on I just feel so bad that we aren't doing more for those who have the worst injuries.

ok off my soapbox as well...


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Jan you are preaching to the choir here!!! I agree!!!

Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

Jan, I couldn't possibly agree with you more. After retiring as a police chief, my dad went over to Baghdad to begin training the Iraqi police force (like he'd ever really retire). A friend of his was injured by an RPG that came in through the embassy, killed two people, and caused a TBI in this guy. He's still having major issues because of it, though at least I was able to care for him when he flew through Germany on his way back to the States. The nurse didn't want to let him go to my house and threw a fit to the flight surgeon, who rushed out to find me and was overjoyed that I'd bring him home, feed him well, and provide a listening ear for his multiple-day layover. "Best medicine we could possibly give him." But it disturbs me that 5 years later he is still struggling despite the best care the military is presently able to offer... it's just not enough. Not by a long shot.

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