
Mulberry, FL

One of my noids has a great baby pwder scent

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mulberry, FL

Made a new bed `ft down is old chicken manure well roots are there now cause this this has shot up and become a monster

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

What a beauty! and the baby powder scent sounds nice too.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Everyones blooms are so pretty! I got mine out late this year because of moving...bad timing for the brugs...I can hardly wait to see a bud!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well Dee... they will catch up.. you moved further south wasn't it .. was it FL I remember... here's the first multiple bloom.. so nice as you can start smelling them from away from the flower with a few open together.. I've had a few single blooms...... this is Texas Pink always a good performer... first to flower .. last to flower... and flushing inbetween... it starts white then turns pink in a few hours..
I was thinking of a contest .. and all I could come up with was three flowers blooming... how many buds are in the wings on all the others... the right answer might be over 1000 now...although the thought of having to find ... count and keep track of them was more than I could manage right now.. so I'll have to come up with one I can feel like stageing

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Hamilton, OH

Danasplants, looking good, it's such a pretty pink, so nice too have Blooms
Dee, Good morning, it's good too see you Girl, in about a month your Brugs will be loaded with Blooms
Gordon, I can't wait to see what kind of contest you come up with, it's nice too see you, pretty Blooms


Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth I am waiting till fall to send the brugs its to hot to mail anything right now. we are having high temps here 103 yesterday right now its only 9:30 am and its already close to 90 degrees. The brugs will cook in a closed box

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

That Texas Pink sure is lovely and interesting also in the way it changes color.
I have my first 2 Brugs that hopefully will bloom for me. Adeline and Lola (or Ida. couldnt be sure of the writing). they are in pots and from what I have read, that is OK. I sure hope so, as I also read somewhere that if they get root bound they may not bloom.
Needless to say I'm a newbie with Brugs and oppen to anyones experience about them.

Mulberry, FL

Old faithful Pink Velvet temps here mid 90's no surprise there 2nd day and shes looking good will see how long she lasts in this heat

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Austin, TX

I have a new NOID Brug and it's my second. The last one was from a friend and lasted 4 years dying back and buried in a huge pot with wandering jew. This past winter finally got it. I found the cane, about 8" with some roots so I've potted that just in case. This new one has 4 stalks and after asking a master gardener friend who showed me in her garden what the Y is and the asymetry in the leaves before bloom, I came home and inspected carefully. One stalk had Y'd and there was a bloom and a bud. It is white with a bare blush of pink and when I took from under the bud, that was yellow. All input welcomed, thanks.

Thumbnail by sylguy
Austin, TX

More pix. First pic looked yellow tinged but I think this shows the pink

Thumbnail by sylguy
Austin, TX

from underneath

Thumbnail by sylguy
Austin, TX

and the offset/asymetrical leaf

Thumbnail by sylguy
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


Many Brugs first appear yellowish or white. Within a day or two, their true color will start to develop. Climate has a great influence on how much color a flush develops. Here's Dorthea. The darker color appeared in a late September flush. The paler color appeared mid-December.

Sometimes, the true color won't show up at all. I had a Creamsickle that showed its apricot color only once. The rest of the time her flushes were creamy white.

Thumbnail by bettydee
Austin, TX

Oh wow, so much to learn! My original one was peachy with very fancy skirt tips like yours but not such a sturated color. THX bettydee.

Hamilton, OH

that will be fine, it has been hot here also
Welcome syguy, you can't just have one, Brugs are so additive
Veronica good morning great answers as usual, How are you doing in this heat? we wait all winter for Spring, then it goes by too fast, I have a couple more Brugs
with Buds as soon as they Bloom I will be posting Pic's
Danasplants, what a pretty Bloom


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, It is Adora, not Adorn but whatever she is -she is getting closer everyday. I have a Sunray with tiny buds too.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Mulberry, FL

Thanks Elizabeth I have been giving mine epson salt and the recipe 2 tablespoons per gallon couple times a week and spraying thim with recipe once a week there growing but some have munchers eating as fast as there growing lol Bettys pic you could see those monster grass hoppers my guineas would love those I watch them go thru my bigger brugs searching for bugs they are bug eatting machines they don't hurt the plants

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

So, Epsom salts are good for Brugs?? When and what dilution? I do so hope to see my 2 bloom.
1 is about 8" tall and in a 6"pot. i'm deffinately gonna transplant that one today. Trying to decide whether to go to a bigger pot or just put her in the ground.
the other is a good 14" & in a 10" square pot that also holds a small Rosemary. Havn't decided whether to leave as is or move her to in ground or at least a larger pot by herself.

Whatcha think ??


Hamilton, OH

Charlene it's coming along nicely, I am so excited for you

Danasplants that's a pretty Bloom, I us epsome salts also, with all the Brugs I have, I have too use a sprayer, that you put on the water hose, I have been thinking about
using the recipe also, it sounds like it works really well for you

Sheri in your zone they can go in the ground for the summer, unless you just don't want too lift them for the winter, didn't you have a really cold winter last year? I have some smaller one's in a pot & I noticed there is a big difference in their growth than the one's in the ground, I would try a Tablespoon of epsome salts to one gallon of water


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Now, another has dropped down, two buds.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Elizabeth,
I don't think we had a spring! We went from a cold wet winter to a hot dry summer. The cold winter didn't have any impact on the grasshopper population, but I did learn something from last year. I've been spraying my Brugs with Ortho Max Flower, Vegetable and Fruit Spray. It seems to help although I find little twigs here and there with bite marks at the end.

Sheri, I don't think your Rosemary will do well in the same pot as your Brug. Rosemary like a dryish soil and Brugs are Fertilizer and water hogs. It's amazing how large a Brug's root system gets.

Dana, at one time I toyed with the idea of getting Guinea hens, but our coyote population is so large and healthy I don't think guineas would survive. They are rather dumb.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Yeah, that Rosemary was one that I rooted earlier this year and just hadn't removed when I potted the Brug. i will move the Rosemary to my Herb garden and feed the Brug some of that Epsom salt water.. BTW , how often does that treated water need to be used or any other feeding for that matter?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I feed my plants the mix, and epsom salts about twice a week, but now that they are in third gear, I will be spraying them nightly.
Charleen I am so kacited for you.
BettyDee, I have seen a few hoppers, but I also have some lovely Garden Spiders spinning all around so hope they take care of the few munching hoppers I have.
Elizabeth, how is your Elizabeth brug doing?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I dug treaches and enlarged the well in the center so I could add more water. they were really wilted yesterday.
Look Debra--Twins. Isn't it grand???

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Good morning
Veronica, that's great if you found something too help you with the hopper's, I hope they aren't as big as the one's in Florida, my DD used too live in Jacksonville, Fla
when we visited her, those things were huge
Charlene, Yippee 2 Buds, Girl you have it going on now, the plant looks so healthy, I still have too hunt for earwigs, i found 2 yesterday
Debra, my Elizabeth has another bud it should open soon, i will post Pic's when it does, Miss B havin has a bud about too open, I should be able too get a Pic of it this evening
Dana, I know you just love your hens, they are so cute


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I havn't seen a recipe for "The mix" that is requently mentioned here. Is there a link someone could provide me or the recipe itself.
Many thanks,

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Sheri.. I use it also... I try for every morning or evening.. they reall respond.. bet I have nearly 800 buds now... it will be popping here soon..
this is a link to everyones take on how to formulate it... each has a slightly different take on it.. pick one you like.. and have the items for..
it's a help.. but only a part of the nutrient picture for them...

Mulberry, FL

I do Ken's recipe and add superthrive and bloom booster to it did that this spring now I stopped adding the bloom booster and this has been the best year for my plumeria yet

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Do you all spray EVERY day????

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

lovely twins there, Charleen, I can't wait for more.
I do spray every day. I prolly don't have to, but in this kansas heat, they seem to re-bound faster.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The smell is so bad too!! Better to spray outside. DH isn't too wild about the oder but he makes a funny face.☺

Mulberry, FL

not brugs but its a pretty flower flea find this am

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Hamilton, OH

Charlene, good afternoon
Dana, pretty flower, you'll have loads of Brug Blooms later, I need too take a pic of Miss B havin, as soon as the rain stops, I got gas for my mower, thinking I would run out mow the grass, then it decides too rain, oh well, we needed it, so as soon as it dries up I'll mow & get a pic, I have 3 Brugs Blooming, I will post all 3, later this evening


Mulberry, FL

Nice to have the rain we really need it was 99 yesterday right at 95 now no rain in sight you didn't want to mow anyways put your feet up take a break!

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Hamilton, OH

well I ran out & mowed after it dried out some, now too get the Pic's before it gets dark, the yard looks so much better, I keep the grass cut short, which means I have too water it, your weather is so much hotter than ours, What's the pretty Bloom you have there, I like it, well I am off too put new batteries in the camera, I'll be back on later with Pic's


Mulberry, FL

Hibiscus and heres one of my favorites good scent blooms last a month to two months finally a nice rain go check pink velvet see it its still hanging in there

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mulberry, FL

3 Days in this heat and still going some of the first are gone from the heat few more to go Tired of buying seed either rotting or empty grow my own! Crossed this one with a orange noid

Thumbnail by Danasplants
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

ZDanas,How very pretty they are , all of them.
It is 91 here, everything is wilted atm..

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