Edging and paths...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I hope the egg never breaks---BUT if it did that would be hilarious with a baby gargoyle emerging

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

Now how am I ever going to decide what to do? Everyone has offered such lovely ideas for paths, I'm thinking that the flagstone is going to win out though. I like the way that it's more natural looking and I think it will blend in a little better than the man made stepping stones. Now..to find a place that sells it at a reasonable price by the pallet lol.. Ah well we need a few more to finish off the rocks around the high end of the pond anyway!

Now as for edging...I'm still stumped haha!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sorry we strayed from your topic! Flagstone path sounds like a winner.
In the wooded area my vote is natural wood or stone. Wood 2-3 inch diam branches, either sections on end, or maybe sections between long lengths laid parallel. Ooh larger sections at corners, thinner, parallel branches between. Assumes you havethe time to search out these branches and cut them. Gee I don't know what I'd do either.
Where you meet turf I say mowing strip--I find I really like the visual break between bed and lawn, an edge without being a strong accent point.

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

lol, no apology Sally! gardening is the same way, we always stray from the original 'path' lol!!! I just went and read Holly's path story and that's what prompted the reply.

My property is surrounded by woods and many of my gardening areas back right up to those woods, so not only do I have to figure how to break the wood/garden area but the grass/garden area too! Otherwise the wild raspberry brambles, bittersweet, dog rose and virginia creeper all creep right on in the backside and the grass comes in the front!

The one woodland bed that has the large fairy in it, the area behind that stays clear because Randy drives the big tractor through there to access the back of the property. I however would love to have a hedgerow there of evergreens and blooming shrubs! The bed next to the pond, I'm working on getting a hedgerow of Maple Leaf Viburnums (they grow wild) to spread along the back and have had Randy mow behind those just to keep the woods beat back some. So I know what you mean about wanting that 'break' between the areas. I swear sometimes I think about just taking up all the edges around the yard and just mowing right on up to them. What ever crosses over either side gets mowed down lol!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I haven't tried making them but I have seen those concrete molds that look like stone. They can look pretty good. Josh has a mold for them in his garage. It was left by the last tenants and I keep thinking I might try making some.

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

My mom has used those and they look nice, get some concrete tint they have all colors and you can make it blend in a little more instead of the plain grey!

Randy has just volunteered his services, he's going to edge all the beds using the sharp edge spade shovel lol! Can't wait to see how this turns out!

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