Garden Objects Revisited

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Show us your garden Objects. I thought I would start a new thread as the old one is pretty long.
We came from here.
So these are in a garden in Fl. A house near my FIL the homeowner told me her husband and sons made them. Maybe they will give you a few ideas as well.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I might start collecting rusty old things, or at least stop throwing out some of Ric's stuff. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This one is in the pond.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This is a fountain birdbath.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a nice fountain made from block. That "thing" on the patio isn't really Garden Art the bugs down here are just that big. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

These columns with the "Gator" skulls could only be considered Garden Objects in Fl. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I also wanted to post this warning. There is a pest problem that has come to my attention. We are slowly becoming infested with them at my home and I wanted to warn you about them as well. This warning comes from the Utah State Extension Service. But they can be found in most states. I know that Pa is heavily infested.

Clarksville, MD

My newest garden ornament. The kids love to ring it.

Thumbnail by rileyobo
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a beautiful bell and the chain is so decorative.

Clarksville, MD

Found it at
It is under Garden Themed and then Acessories.
There are a couple other style bells also.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

These are all pretty cool. Really liked the birdbath. The bell is very nice.

Loved the video. That was very informative about a pest problem. I will definitely keep my eye out for any infestations here.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I was just wondering where you got it. I will have to go see what they have.
LOL We have a small infestation of those pests at our house. Ric befriended one several years ago it can be seen riding a frog over by our birdbath pond. There is one that has taken up residence in our stacking pots herb garden. There is also one that came with friends of ours at Christmas and when they left it stayed and wouldn't leave. It is still camping out in the house near the house plants. Really our old dog won't chase it out. I am down here in Fl. so I have been thinking I could bring home a Pink Flamingo as that was mentioned in the video as a deterrent but then what would I do with the Flamingo? They can become a problem,too. LOL

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

You definitely have a predicament.!!! hahaha

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Holly - if you are serious about collecting rusty old things, I have one for you. He has been sitting around providing 'suggestions' about how I should go about my garden planning, making my pasta sauce, waxing the furniture, etc. Like the problem with the Garden Gnome, I have been pondering what to do to get rid of this pest ....but if you are looking...I will send pronto!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL missingrosie, I have one of those Rusty Old Things already, not sure what I would do with 2 of them, but I will consider the offer. LOL My Rusty Old Thing is still pretty useful but like me not in quite as good shape as it was a few years ago. LOL

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

This weekend, my rusty old thing used a tiller (a huge one) to 'dig' a hole for me for a redbud. We have a lot of rock..... a lot...big ones too... The intended planting site was at the edge of the woods and so...roots and rock...

That tiller tossed that rustly old thing around until he looked like a flag flapping in the wind. Like you, I realize a few years ago, that rusty 'younger' thing would have held firm.

OK if you decide you need two...maybe we can trade for your blue egg.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, I only have one Blue Egg it's not going anywhere. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That link you sent was too funny!!! I can't believe the announcer held a straight face for the whole video--SO serious and convincing....

NOW!!!! AHEM! You will all have to bear with me--for that link awakened in me many things I wanted to share with you all as well.....Hang in there.....

I have all 3 books on "Gnomes"--and they are full of believable, insane, fantasy-filled facts about their lives.....
BUT! OH--so believable! These books are amazing!
Here--from the book "Gnomes"--text by Will Huygen--pictures by Rien Poortvliet----Library of Congress Card #--77-82805. English translation copyright--1977.

Such as:

--The adult male Gnome weighs 300 grams--adult female. 250-275 gms. The average height--without the
red, pointed cap- is 15cm.

--The average lifespan of a Gnome is 400 years.....They reach their sexual maturity at about 200 years...

--The Gnome is 7 times stronger than man

--The Gnome keeps track of his age through an acorn planted in the ground on his day of birth.
Gnomes visit their Birthday Tree yearly on Midsummers Eve. Sometimes they live under the tree, so
they can check on their age--when in doubt.

--The Gnome starts building his house 15-20 years before his marriage, looking for a spot in the Garden or Woods
where lichen or beard moss grow--as this indicates clean air.

--A wedding for a Gnome couple takes place under the Bride's Birthday Tree. It always occurs under a full Moon.
The Honeymoon couple spend their nights in hollow tree trunks--rabbit holes--or uninhabited bird's nests.

--Usually, a pair of twins is born from the union. Pregnancy lasts 12 months. Children are breast-fed for
several years.

--There are many types of Gnomes. The Woodland Gnome--the Dune Gnome--The Garden Gnome (we know
them too well....), The Farm Gnome, The House Gnome, and the Siberian Gnome.

To my happiness--I have several Gnomes inhabiting my home. Some of these have been here for years!!!
I don't mind them--as it is believed to bring good luck if you have a Gnome in your house....They chose ME!!!

In my home--they hide all over....but now and then i catch them here and there.....Gocha!!!
Here are a pair of them hiding by a pretend rock on my windowsill....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

The Gnomes have a history of inhabiting homes in Northern Europe too----Finland--Norway--Estonia and even Iceland......They are SO much part of their Folklore.

In the more Northern places--the Gnomes have "cousins" called Viking-Gnomes and Trolls.....
Trolls are known to protect one's home from al evil and sickness...
For some unknown reason--they seem to have colonized many of my windowsills all over the place.

They have lived, peacefully, in my Home forever.....I love their presence and the protection they give me.
Such great warriors! They are always at the ready with their swords ans lances and such....BIG--or small....

I have about 50 of them residing here.....with my blessings! The live peacefully, mostly on my windowsills....
And--because they come from the far North--they have a more furry appearance. You know--the colder weather and all that......and they have to always be fighting off the invaders and such...They are SO brave!!!!

Here are some of my "warriors".....ready to go to war for me!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And--here are some more of them---living on the other end of my windowsill..

WOW!!! Lookout for their weapons!!!!!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are the smallest "wannabees"----Yeah, right! They will protect me????

The red fur-ball one's "weapon" is a toothpick!!! OK! What are you going to do for ME????

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are a few more of them standing guard....OH! I feel so safe!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are sonme of the fearsome Trolls guarding the downstairs bedroom.
Hanging around on the windowsill....HHMMMMM....

Trolls are different from Gnomes---as some of them can be evil.....BUT--some of them can be protective.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Ill bet the little red furry guy could stop a bounding olive. LOL Ric

Thanks for sharing your protectors.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Gita, They are so cute I just love them. LOL Ric said the same thing, he couldn't believe that guy could do that whole thing with a straight face. LOL

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Love all the "objects" and the comments about "Rusty Old Things" are a riot! I'm pretty sure I "qualify" :) LOL

Ric said the same thing, he couldn't believe that guy could do that whole thing with a straight face. LOL

What a great video! I was not only impressed with the fact that he could keep a "straight face" but his presentation was so professional!

I had to go back and catch up on the "old" thread, have a few things I wanted to comment on but not enough time right now. I also need to take the time to get pics of my new garden objects. For now, I do have one I took last week - one of the gifts my son gave me for Christmas. I had planned to place the snail among the Hostas but it got kind of lost in all the foliage so this flat spot on a rock worked!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What an awesome snail! Definitely agree that you don't want it lost in the foliage.

We repurposed a round picnic table top that is 40 years old and had been left in the woods, covered with moss. Makes a good spot for some potted plants that live outdoors when it is warm.

Thumbnail by ecnalg
Clarksville, MD

That is beautiful with the moss.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Funny link, Holly
I'm personally not a gnome fan that's why I like this one

Some cool rusty things
Those alligators skulls creep me out!!!!

Deb, LOVE that snail
ecnalg, very cool moss covered table

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Jen that is great. LOL

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Pat, I do like the snail, actually put it on my "wish list" so I could place it near last year's gift, the frog! However, I think I like your snail better :) I also love the idea of "repurposing" the table! I've got a couple of Bonsai which have managed to survive a couple of winters and I'd love to have something similar to set them on in the gardens. I'm not really sure I'm willing to take the chance though, I know I'd forget to water them and they'd be survivors no more :(

Jen, you get me in so much trouble! LOL I've already snagged something from SkyMall for my wish list and then going back through the previous thread checked out your other "dangerous" sites (Terry's Village, etc.) and saved a few from those sites as well :(

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

So....I get my camera out to take pictures of my objects and get sidetracked with weeds in the gardens :( I've got a few I took the week before when my camera settings were all wrong and I didn't get close enough but will post them anyway. Cropped the images so hopefully you can see them a little better.

I posted this picture of the new Welcome Garden on the Spring Projects thread but wanted you to see where my crow ended up. Remember this guy? Well he ended up right where I wanted him :) Actually, I guess you could say there's 4 "objects" in this pic, the Clay Pot Lady, the crow, the birdhouse that finally found a home and the old nursery fence I had been waiting to use in the gardens. There will be 5 objects soon though, I ordered a Bluebird to sit on the lady's shoulder! LOL

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

And the Praying Mantis from my daughter? Just as I planned, sitting above some Hostas :)

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

This one has received a lot of comments from visitors and a friend liked it so much she's ordered one for herself - my funky bottle bird. I was in such a hurry to get it into the gardens I haven't even got it turned on yet to collect sunlight - it's solar!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Last one for this morning until I get pictures of the other objects in the gardens. Just as I suspected this one really needs something to get it higher in the gardens. Thought it would be similar to a gazing ball with the four sides of mirrors but it does get "lost" in the foliage :( Need to put on my thinking cap and see what I can come up with for a pedestal.

Thumbnail by rcn48
Clarksville, MD

I you have some bricks around, they can make a nice square base.
I use them all the time.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Please, rcn48, post a picture when your bluebird arrives and is in place. You really have an eye for combining your treasures. That bottle bird has an attitude! I think the snails would look great together and would happily rehome yours. :-)

Bricks, as rileyobo suggests, would be a good base for the mirrored piece. Alternately, you might try 2 or 3 square pavers, in 3 sizes, with the largest as the bottom. Or a couple pieces of some brown granite/marble tile, with one cut in strips for the sides and the other set on top. Sometimes you can find sink cutouts free on Craig's List.

Must get outside and take advantage of the cool weather.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Y'all are cracking me up with the gnomes and the rusty things. One scary thought - Ric moves on from sharp tools to welding tools. LOL

The people with the alligator skulls need this zombie:

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh rotfl at that zombie.

Oh yeah gotta love Terry's Village and I love Lakeside Collection, Collections Etc used to be good but now getting into some real corny stuff

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't suppose you all have Peebles department stores up there? They sometimes have the cutest garden decor things and they're always on sale plus there are extra discounts like a senior citizens (I think anyone over 50) once a month and coupons. They let you stack all these discounts too.

They have stores under other names. I know in some states they're Bealls.

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