Whats going on in N. fl #7

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Coming from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1095510/

Not as pretty as the sunset.
Here is 'Wild Wookie'. I figured the massage was a good segway.

Thumbnail by gardenglory
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Congrats!!!!! I was tryping too long

Im very haapy for you, and to get that checked off the list

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

need me one of those Wild Wookie's!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

tobee I would not have any problem I am "wood survive trained" LOL

Jeremy congratilation I may have some things to add to your group. I have a lot of native seedling that are up, lot more than I need.
Get to take DM to a doctor be back later.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sandy ... I think my favorite Fairy Book is the "Good Fairies , Bad Fairies" by Brian Froud -Great illustrations and water colors
Also the Squashed Fairies ... i don't have the book for that one but I do have a calender from several years ago ... lol The Squashed Fairies led me to the Good Fairies Bad Fairies books ... The Squashed Fairies made me giggle .. lol & I don't giggle ... lol

Linda - I will start posting the pix asap ... I need to re-size them so they are not gignormous! lol ... mmm cookies ... lol I need to make some more ... Well I guess I'd better make a cake ... Stu was dreaming about cake and talking in his sleep about cake ... lol

tobee43 - wasn't Water Babies made into a movie? For some reason I have this image in my head from when I was a child of a movie with that same name. I know the movie I am thinking about was one of my favorite childhood movies.
Where in NJ Are you from? My in Laws live in NJ and the Mom in Law works at Nursery up there - Triple Oaks

Darla - I have Rudbeckia seed heads for ya!! And about to have a ton more.
My 4 O'clocks they yellows have cross pollenated with the the fuchsia ones and this year they are fushcia and yellow spotted striped and etc ... lol I'm hoping to have some pure yellows this year. hopefully. =D They are already starting to go to seed ...

Jeremy - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! =D I knew you'd pass =D

GardenGlory - That is a beautiful DL!

Below is a picture of Linda's Spiral Flowered plant this is the whole plant

Thumbnail by bsgardens
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, all! I've just been looking over the state laws again in regard to plants, horticulture and nurseries to make sure I've not missed anything. There are some very specific laws about seeds and native plants ad especially about aquatic plants. tobee - probably because Florida relies so much on agriculture, the citrus industry specifically, the laws are fairly tight here for nurseries or plant sales. Any person selling any seed or plant is required to register (pay a $25 fee and have an inspection). I don't think there is much enforcement about people selling plants at garage sales, etc., but I think as soon as a person ventures out to any sort of public sale (flea markets, Internet, etc.) there is a chance of getting busted for selling without a registration certificate. I've held off from offering any plants on the Internet or in the DG Marketplace until I could jump the few hoops involved in meeting the legal requirements. And for DG friends that come to visit, I will still send you home with a carload of plants at no cost! LOL

Pam, 'Wild Wookie' is certainly a weird sister amongst the daylilies! LOL Very interesting!

I'm scheduled to be a Master Gardener tour guide for an "open house/garden" fund-raiser at a residence in Deerwood tomorrow. Now I need to rummage back through emails to find out where and when I'm supposed to show up. LOL I will post the details here (if I haven't already done so) for those that may want to come see the garden. From what I've heard, the gardener is one of my ilk that wants one of everything with more of an interest in creating a botanical garden than in traditional landscaping.


groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

bs.....LOL...just writing that makes be laugh....anyway...i'm more a "fairy" person than fairy tale person...shoot....cuz i'd still be waiting for that white knight in shinning armor...o wait he came...he was just poor...so where the heck is the prince with the castle and bucks??

i don't know if water babies was turned into a movie..i know books have been going on for years and the one i have was the very first edition with all the prints for the book in it...i know if i took a pic you'd recognize those fairies!

please please...i just can't say it...i'm FROM san fran california...but lived in sussex county nj for the past 34 years...shoot, i even sound like i'm from nj...that is soooooo terrible when i go back to calif everyone thinks i from the east..LOL!! i lived way in the woods..don
ti don't know triple woods nursery where is it???...i usually grew my own in my greenhouses or shipped in from the far east or ordered from brokers.

did u say cake?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The spiral plant is a terrestrial orchid, Spiranthes spp. We have several different native species of the Spiranthes in our area. I've occasionally had one pop up in my yard. The yard at the house where I grew up here in Jax was prolific with dozens of them. When I was a kid and had to mow the yard, I would mow around all the Spiranthes and leave them standing. It tended to make a fairly sloppy mowing job, but at least I preserved the native plants. LOL The Spiranthes orchids are commonly called Lady's Tresses because they have the appearance of old style plaited hair tresses.



Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy - please let me know about the schedule and info about tommorow I will add it to the calender of events on here for other DG memebers to see =D I need to do some updating on it today. I totally understand about plants and seeds being shipped out of and into Florida .... I know that one has to go through a lot to ship to Louisanna, California and a few other states. California you have to have special "Stamps" to ship into and they need to be inspected by the dept of ag out there. Its the same when nurseries ship out of California. That is why I go through a local nurseries to buy from companies that are in California, like Monrovia. I don't have to pay that extra fee. Also don't have to buy in bulk that way also when it comes to buying plants people are looking for and ask me to find for them that are not on the invasive lists.

I do have a Q for you Jeremy with the EE's I have (Xanthosoma sagittifolium - Yautia) I know in certain Zones... I can not ship to becz they are considered Invasive. But there are places that are not considered invasive and are Annuals .. do you know if they can be shipped out of Florida to theses other states.
Shipping plants to other states can be tricky at times. Also the Taxes are tricky also. Like If you have a sale that is in the State of NJ you have to pay taxes to them. Some of the other states are like this. there are even a few where they have "town ships", city, county and state taxes and then of course there is Federal on top of that... Make sure you look into the internet sales thing... Which a lot of people don't pay attention to & if you get caught the fines can be really heavy ... just as a heads up. =D

Thank you for the Id on that plant ... I know Linda will be happy to hear what it is .... I will be uploading more of Linda's Plants once I figure out went wrong with with my picture program.

tobbee - Definitly take some pictures of the Water babies... I would love to see some. Triple Oaks is in Franklinville, NJ... http://www.tripleoaks.com/display.php?id=73&camefrom=nursery
I too love fairies ... =D

Have a good day all =D

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

bs...i will most certainly try to do some of those pics!!....also i have a bit of info on the tax situation... i'm scared to touch the book now that jeremy told me about the humidity...although so far my experience here in florida has proven that nj is far worse with the humidity levels...where i lived there was no air in the air!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Tobee - Where is Groveland Fl? I noticed that you had mentioned that you are in Central Florida. But Jeremy is right it is overly humid here. I know down in the Orlando area ... (I grew up down there) It wasn't just humid but muggy also.. and its a totally different type of heat than up here in Jacksonville. It was like living in a stagnete terrarium.
Up here it gets that way but not as often as it does in Orlando.

Jacksonville, FL

Jeremy -- Congratulations!! I knew you could do it! And I gather the inspector did nor get lost!! And I thank you for the ID on the terrestrial orchid--I had quite a few coming up before they flowered and I pulled them up when I weeded not knowing what they were. I left a couple to see what they would develop into. I could kick myself now!!!

This fence installation is going very slowly! Wesley and his "helpers" have been here since noon and only have 2 panels up!! What they have done looks good and is level in all directions, but slow going. Once they get near the trees they will slow down more due to roots. He says he will get it done today though so will be patient. (hmmm...that word is NOT in my vocabulary!!! lol) My poor plants are getting trampled in the interim as well ***Waaaahhh" Oh well--this too shall pass and I will be thrilled with the fence, re-landscaping and PRIVACY!!!! I won't have to look at the witch on her broomstick anymore and maybe she will leave me alone now

I have been potting up some hanging baskets, redoing borders, repotting plants, and taking lots of breaks!!! I was thinking about getting a nap today since I did not get to sleep til after 11 pm and was wide awake at 3 am. Guess I will shoot for an early nite to bed if possible.

Thank you for posting pics for me Brandy--I will try to get some posted later as well.

Gonna go check on situation again. Be back later with update.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the heads up on taxes, Brandy. I hadn't given that much thought so I appreciate that you brought it to my attention. I may stick to eBay for any plant sales. That way, all the taxes should be figured in, but maybe not. I will give it more attention. I also need to go down to the Tax Collector's Office and pay them their tribute to get whatever city license I need as well as going to the state office to sign up to collect sales tax in Florida. I had a license and sales tax license as an artist for a while. It was funny when I went to the Tax Collector's Office to get a business license to be an artist. I must have been the first artist that ever bothered to get legal. LOL They couldn't find any category to fit me in as an artist, so finally they just gave me a general business license as a "peddler." An apt description. LOL

I just did a brief search to see if X. sagitifolium elephant ears are invasive elsewhere other than Florida. I don't seem to see any other state with any restrictions on them. I did happen to come across this website that has an "Atlas of Invasive Plants" for the U.S., arranged by category (aquatic, shrub, tree, etc.) and includes the plants that are on the federal noxious weeds list. http://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/ I suppose the only way to know for sure if a plant is restricted in any particular state is to search that state's list of invasive plants prior to shipping. The above "atlas" is about the only place I know that may coordinate all the lists from all the states, and I'm not sure how comprehensive or entirely accurate it may be. By the way -- I'm now one of the verifiers for the EDDMaps GPS siting of invasive plants that is the link in the upper right corner of the atlas page. I took the training a few weeks ago and am currently trying to purchase a bare bones GPS unit on eBay or elsewhere so I can also start doing invasive plant siting reports with the exact locations. The idea behind the mapping project is mostly to track the spread of invasive plants and further define their range, and will be especially useful for any new plants that are introduced and begin to spread.

Linda - the Spiranthes orchids will probably return even if you pulled the tops off. They tend to like a location that stays moist much of the time. The yard at my Mom's house was perfect because the lower portion of the yard abutted a swampy area and the Lady's Tresses and Rain Lilies grew in abundance.

Christina and I took in a roommate today - a friend from church going through some rough times. He will be occupying the back room on the first floor of the house that I've been working toward remodeling as a rental space. It is definitely not finished, but the need arose to provide shelter. Does anyone happen to have a spare single bed mattress you can sell or loan or give away? I have a captain's bed type platform bed in that room with drawers. I got the bed free on Craig's List some months ago and recently cut it down to size to fit the space where I wanted it to be, but I don't have a mattress for the bed. I will probably raid the thrift stores tomorrow to see if I can find a single bed mattress for a low price, but if anyone here has one to donate or sell or loan temporarily, that would be excellent!

I think I provided the info before about the garden tour tomorrow, but it is worth repeating for anyone that may want to attend:

Home and Garden of Ray Martin
Thursday, June 3, 8 AM - 2 PM
7990 Hunter's Grove Rd - Deerwood
Donation in any amount accepted to aid the ministry of a woman in Bangkok that is working to rescue young women from prostitution (allied with The International Foundation)
When you get to the Deerwood gate, let the guard know the address and that you are going to the Ray Martin home for the garden tour.


groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

groveland is like the very last developed area going west out of orlando going towards tampa. we are considered the "county"...i laugh when everyone says that to me, cuz this is like the city to me! they should have been around when with our first house i had to bring the groceries up by sled!! (true story!).

although i'm certain it will get worse, thus far, we find it dryer here than hence we came.

we have been here in the summers....and although it was actually cooler than where we came from, i'm sure it will most likely get worse, but frankly....our humidity was so much more in nj....

at least so far we think it's a close call, just because of the less rain fall and higher high degree days here in florida. we would have weeks of rain in nj.

nj most people do not know is referred to as the "garden" state and there is some validity to that name. many areas are a zone 7 and there are many great nurseries...however, we lived in a sub zone 4....way in the mountains near pa....but in a low lining valley...so we got frost still in may!

last summer when we were here for the month of july it was soooooooo much better than nj!! shocked us as well. i'm not certain if it's because of all the lakes in lake county?? i'm not saying it's not humid, just not as much as what we are use to.

my daughter last week said the humidity was like 200% and so bad they had to get in the car and just turn on the air and ride around!

i was promised humidity, warmth and fruit....so far i have had little humidity....FREEZING weather and missed mango season! LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey Jeremy ... Have you registered for your Letters of corp - Business name(fictious name)?
Here is another link that'll help you http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/
Have you done your There is a county tax which you'll need to register downtown for which is like 65.00 for the internet vendors lisc ... which is what they'll list it under ... just tell them what your doing. Now the yearly is normally due in August or Sept. So, Make sure you can pay a prorated rate for this summer and you'll want ot just go ahead and pay for the upcoming year when you get it.
State taxes you register at sunbiz.org http://sunbiz.org/ ... This is also where you'd pay for your annual report. The first time payment is expensive but if you pay before may 1st every year it won't be the $400.00 + Its like 132.00 after the first year.
Here are a few links I'm sure you may already know about ... but just a few as a just incase ... http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/ppermits.html
http://thestc.com/STrates.stm - Some of these are correct but it doesn't include county and etc ...
I know I forgetting one or 2 ... lol
Oh make sure you go sign up for paypal, USPS.com, FedEx and UPS (We don't use UPS anymore - long story)
I hope these links help ya out.
Oh - The library at regency has a class for new business people. He has information on the internet side of business! The class is free. Stu & I attended it ... You also get to meet other new business owners ... it's actually really informative ... much more than the one at FCCJ or whatever they are calling themselves these days ... lol
Also if you still have that Lisc ... you can do a DBA that only cost 50.00 instead of starting all over. - That;s similar to what Stu's is under When he started the first business since he was a mobile mechanic and did anything with an engine and was mobile they didnt know what to do with him ... they put him as general mehanic ... It'll be the same when you tell them what you are doing with the internet plant sales ... they'll look at you funny at first... lol

Jeremy there is an app for the Iphone or one of those phones to do a similar thing... Most cell phones have gps programs ... there is a monthly fee from 5.99 to 9.99 a month on top of a data plan... I will definitly look into that site ! Thank you ... I appreciate the help ... =D
I also added your info on the Calender of events ... I really need to work on it ... =D

Tobee - Wait until August September (is the worst time of the year) - you'll want to bring the AC outside with ya ... lol =D
Wow ... I can see how you'd have the heavy humidity where you were in NJ... =D I know you'll do fine ... I don't think it will be too bad for you here in Florida, I think you'll do great here.

HEre is the leaf weird one at Linda's house ...

Thumbnail by bsgardens
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy Why not just use Ebay? Lots of backyard growers on there and ya don't don't have to mess with all the licenses and getting the state involved. I've sold a few plants on there myself....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I agree with Linwood ... you don't have to do that on DG either ... technically even on Ebay you are suppose to pay taxes ... but what you do and how you do it is up to you ... I would love to get around taxes .... lol ... I know I won't tell on anyone =D lol There are soo many people selling on the internet the governments don't have enough man power to regulate everyone especially on Ebay. Now with Ebay they have some new rules ... Linda can tell you more about them ... I just hate paying the ebay fees so I don't do it... The DG marketplace you get internet exposure ... and its 3% of the intial sale ... but the marketplace needs some work to work a lot more effeciently. Oh wow I can't spell today =d lol

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

tobee I found a good site where you can read old books.

Jacksonville, FL

Fence is finished--off to take a shower-fix a Bubba burger, put puppy to bed and head to bed myself. Will fill you in tomorrow. With only 3 hrs sleep last nite--I may sleep til noon or later!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Linda good night.


Jacksonville, FL

Well I am up and will be getting started outside soon. I have a very long "to do" list to get started on today. I am still tired---but happy!!! I love the new fence and I wound up with 2' of the witch's property to boot!!!! Wesley showed her where he was putting the fence and she approved it. He had her look at it when it was completed and she was happy with it. Hopefully this will be the end of all her drama. I am hoping the fence will serve as somewhat of a micro-climate this winter too in order for more plant protection. I potted alot of hanging baskets yesterday and will put up brackets on the posts and hang them today as well as dig out the grass from what used to be her side which is now on my side. Got some plants to get in the ground and alot of stuff to re-situate. Plus make up a batch of Hummingbird nectar--running low!

Ebay has changed ssince I quit selling. Their final value fees are more for one thing and seller's cannot leave negative feedback now so they are at the mercy of the buyers. You always have some buyers that will say a plant arrived dead even if it doesn't, just to try to get a refund or replacement. You have to be on your toes.

Well better get busy and get something accomplished!!


groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

sandy thanks sooooo much for the sites!!!

i have to be really good about plants and books right now..(we don't even have any book shelves up...as yet!...or for that matter many of my books are not even unpacked yet!) we moved from a 4000 square foot house to approx 1900 or so....it's like trying to fit a circle in a square peg!! NOT ME...my hubby brought everything but the kitchen sink...i just needed some flip flops...garden shoes...a few pair of shorts....etc...

although we moved in in dec.....we spent approx 2 months in california ...then back to nj....so our feet have not been planted here long enough to settle....THEN we had to STOP it all to plant b4 it got to hot to do anything....although yesterday, locals told me this is about as HOT as it gets here,

came back to davesgarden site cuz i needed a "mental" gardening break from it all!!

jeremy...you really shouldn't have to worry about tax unless your sales are interstate...including those on ebay....

if you sell to someone in florida from ebay you DO need to charge the sales tax..i know yuck but it's a must...now in NJ...if one had an ST3 or 4 they were tax except...however, i do not know what the forms are called here. anyway...with an ST 3 or 4 that means THAT person passes on the tax burden to themselves.

also..if you are a wholesaler you don't have to worry at all about the tax since those that retail collect it at that end.

my ebay sales i consider just a hobby...and an exchange of goods and services and spend more than i probably sell...so that a wash tax wise for sure!!! i have about 60 items up now...be doing ebay since the week they opened!!..(see the books...virtual miracles...and ebay for dummies!). some of my ebay adventures are in those books!! if anyone can get in trouble in front of their computer in their own house in the deep woods...that would be ME! although it was nice to be written about in the virtual miracle book...i think after that i will MAYBE going to heaven???

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That is wonderful to hear Linda! I'm so glad that got done ... people I'm a weird person but this lady takes the cake and the icecream with extra load of whip cream!

I agree with ya tobee on the taxes ... & they can be a bit tricky. I'd do check into things and do your research as a just so you know ... as you know in the state of florida "ignorance" / I didn;t know is not a good enough reason for them. Ignorance can cost you up to 3000.00+ in finds ... Usually they'll warn ya the first time if ya get caught ... We know this because we have already been warned. That is why I sent you all those links and I am telling you all of this ... just be careful and know your tax laws. Also if you are late depending on how you decided to file whether it be monthly, annually, or quarterly ... don't be late ... they charge penalties. I'm not trying to tell you ... you have to do anything ... its just a heads up and a lot of tax things have changed this year. I'm just telling you know what Stu & I have gone through and have experienced ... oh and the hobby thing ... legally/technically you are suppose to have at least a DBA - Doing Business As ... We also attempted this ... but a DBA is only $50 for 5 years. It all sounds complicated ... but its not ... =D And really if you don't want to claim taxes for ebay that's totally up to you ... OH an anything that you do that you charge for that is "labor" is not taxable. especially if its CASH! But like I said before when it comes to Ebay and online sales people most people don't pay taxes on. & Tobee is right if it;s in State you are suppose to charge 7% tax ... its 6% state tax and 1% county ... which is easy to do ... it's paid when you pay your state tax ... oh ... don't let the state try to get ya with the employment tax if it's just you .... We got caught up in all of that and can be a real mess.

Tobee I hope you get settled soon. =D I know its hard moving around and trying to get settled. What all do you sell on Ebay?

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

LUNCH BREAK! whoppeeeeeeeeeee

bs....well thanks for the hoping, i appreciate the encouragement...i never much cared for the heat being from san fran and all. buy my husband, who has put up with me for over 40 years now deserves to be where HE wants to be...and that's here...(i'd rather be in a cabin in the woods in maine!)...so be it!! LOL

it's really hard this move!! and the ONLY BOX THAT WILLL ever be removed from THIS house will have ME IN IT!!

no one is asking....i know..but..now..this is going to be long but i'm going do it. i don't want people on this wonderful forum to think me nuttyier than i am!! (and one usually does care what people think even tho they don't want to admit it), which by the way i am a bit crazy but since i'm going be living here i just want you all to know i'm sincere.

i know i'm new here..& most people that first meet me either think i'm full of it...or...who the heck does she think she is...(no one really), but usually when they find out i'm not THAT full if it....it's more disconcerting to them..so i'm laying it on the table now! LOL!! i have lead a rather what most people consider to be an interesting life...which i will not bore you with, however, during my life time i have gone from being the designer and creator of the nj flower and garden expo...to a financial analyst...to a fairly successful classical music composer.

Ebay...i was on the today's show with Matt Lauer and Katie Courite (however you spell their names...never watch the show to begin with, about my ebay antics! (we can get into the reason some other time...but it's in the books( i was selling everything from the first ebay's listed babe ruth signed ball in the sweet spot with a letter of authorization to antiquities dating back to BC time periods. i brought some of the first "real" quality items to ebay.

after those adventures, however, i now mainly stick with the number one consignment items such as plus size clothing and children's stuffs...only because plants are toooooooooo fussy and to difficult to ship. i want them to see it, buy it, ship it. end of ebay transaction!

i so agree with you...the price to do business on ebay has skyrocketed but..where else can you get 100 hits a week on your items??

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

tobee you are in good company-I am nuttier than a southern fruit cake and I could name a few are running a close second. LOL


groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

see.....now i knew i was going to LOVE IT here!!!!!!!!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

You all are NUTS !!! I am the ONLY Sane person here!!! LOL ...

ok not really ... lol
Sandy to has lead an very interesting life! =D I love when she talks about it =D
We all are a bit crazy ... I know I'm koo koo for cocoa puffs ... lol =D

I keep being told I'm too young to have had an interesting life ... and the people who have said that are right ... lol ... But everyone here definitly makes Life interesting.

Tobee how close to Brandon FL are you?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I just came in from trying to pot up some seedlings. it is to hot and I hurt to much. Plus I will need more pots-which are ordered.

I think I need a "pot"ing party. I have 6 or more kinds of milkweed and a lot of other stuff that need to be potted up. Way more plants than I need.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sandy ... I'd love to help you pot up plants for ya ... ir even help ya plant them =D
If ya decide ya want to do that ... see if Darla can come & I'll see If I can come with her ... I know she is working on her kitchen right now =D

It has been overly hot as of late next week is going to be even hotter. It was actually a bit muggy this morning...

Oh Jeremy & anyone else who sells on Craig's list ... there is going to be a story on tonight ... about people who sell things on Craig's list about taxes ... the IRS is now watching it ... but they are only going to be checking out people who have a lot of ads and who may make over 20 to 25 thousand a year they are considering those people a business. But I didn't catch what time it will be on tonight .. but local channel 25.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Brandy thanks most are way to small to plant out in beds yet. I will be getting more pots next week. Would love to share these seedlings. Most are native plants.

I will get with both of you and maybe Linda and maybe we can have a "pot"ing party.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Do you need any of the 1 gallon (also 3 and 5 gal) planters I have at least 200 of them If you'd like some of them you are more than welcome to them =D

I think that'd be fun =D


groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

bs...since i never heard of brandon...i'm thinking i must not be close?? i'm close to clemont..we r about 23 miles west of orlando...going out towards tampa....off of rt 50?... i know where the publix is?? that counts...that's pretty good right?? LOL

don't forget to invite the new girl in class please to the pot'in party!!

sandy...wish you were here again!..i have million of those expensive little seeding pods...not the type that you blow up with water but the really good ones for when i was growing...they were expensive sponge type, but i have a couple of hundred still...i was going start selling them in 10's on ebay...takes a second to put your seeds in them and you can even do it in the kitchen! i can't believe i left ALL the trays that go with them up north....but i can balance them in other trays.

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

that's plugs not pods....and they are great!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

you will more than welcome to come, those sound wonderful. You are well with in what I call a day trip. LOL

Brandy the seedlings are now where ready to go into that size pot. Most are very tiny.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sandy - always can multi pot them if need be ... Linda may have some extra smaller ones.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Brandon is to Tampa, almost what Clermont is to Orlando. Only thing is, Clermont is really pretty with the hills and what used to be, mainly perfect rows of citrus trees. People started moving there to get 'out' of the city, prices cheaper, or once were. Clermont has some very expensive real estate now. Orlando exec's.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm up and always available for a "pot" party. LOL Though it has been more than 25 years (who's counting anymore) since I indulged in any recreational substances or alcohol. Choose a day, Sandy, and we will descend to pot up whatever you have. I have thousands (literally) of 2 - 3 inch plastic pots if you need that size, hundreds of pint size pots, and on up to the gallon and 3 - 5 gallon. They are the remnants of the Lowe's cull pack deals. Sidney came to get a couple of loads of small pots a week or so ago for her mail order baby plants, but she couldn't make a dent in my horde.

The garden party in Deerwood was very nice. I saw several friends, artists, and fellow gardeners there. The garden was truly beautiful, very carefully and effectively landscaped by Tatiana from Trad's nursery and the owner of the home. The most talked about (asked about) plant of the day was the Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1188/ ) It was about 10 ft high and in full bloom, hanging out over the lake. I have a bunch of seeds for Chaste Tree here, but I'm not sure they will still be viable after a couple of years of inept storage. I was so groggy getting out of bed this morning around 7 AM to drive Christina to school and get to the garden event by 8 AM that I forgot to take my camera! Dern! It would have been nice to share some photos.

I was totally wilted by the heat and humidity while being outdoors this morning. I don't seem to notice the effects as much when I'm working in my yard, but standing around answering garden questions and chatting socially wore me out. LOL

Thanks, Brandy, for all the tips on getting legal with the plant business. I greatly appreciate it. I do have a lot of research to do and hope to jump through all the required hoops in order to avoid trouble.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy ... LOL
I'm glad you had a successful garden tour today! And If I can help in any way I'm more than happy to =D I still need to get some of the small planters off of ya also =D I just gotta pick a day you are free and a day Stu is free =D lol

It was definitly a hot day today ... I did laundry yesterday of Stu's work shirts .. and he went through 3 shirts already.... Looks like I will be doing laundry once he gets home tonight ... lol

I think I have some Vitex babies if anyone wants any =D I just went out in the rain & have several in my mailbox bed ... They are about a 1 to 2 foot tall. Oh and if anyone wants any Wisteria ... Please let me know In the next week there will be a lot pulled up .... There are seed pods just out of ladder reach also. But if ya like it I've got waaaay to much of it ... go figure they are selling it at all the nurseries and its running rampid in my yard ... its starting to try to take over my mulch bed area! Sneaking its way into the mulch drive way ... lol

Tobee if ya come up and ya need some 1 to 5 gallon planters i have Plenty ... lol

Sandy I'll make those chocolate chip cookie biscuits to bring to the "pot"ting up ... =D

This message was edited Jun 3, 2010 7:01 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeremy maybe the small ones, I have some peat pots coming. Most are very tiny seedlings. Besides the Milkweeds I have something called a Bush Clover.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

What's Bush Clover?

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