What is planted in your containers?

East Aurora, NY(Zone 5b)
There are a total of 190 votes:

annual bedding plants. (what varieties?)
(47 votes, 24%)
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Perennials, vines, or shrubs.
(34 votes, 17%)
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I have a herb garden in containers.
(20 votes, 10%)
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Fruits and veggies! (what kinds?)
(17 votes, 8%)
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I have a container water garden.
(4 votes, 2%)
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Everything I plant is in a container.
(16 votes, 8%)
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Other. (what is it?)
(37 votes, 19%)
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I do not have any plants in containers. (why?)
(15 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I grow tomatos in an Earth Box to prevent nimatodes in the soil from getting to them. I grow orchids and a couple of very tropical palms in containers so I can move them into the garage on a cold winter's night.


Las Vegas, NV

I have about 30 of my plants in containers, and lots of others plants all round my back and front yard.

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Mostly annuals, but some other types too. I keep a variety on my deck.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have a wide assortment of things in containers, but I don't container-garden exclusively... there are plenty of plants out there in various garden beds, also.

I've got annuals in boxes on my deck railing, vines climbing obelisks in large low containers, several water garden containers (including 2 tropical water lilies that I'm trying for something new), herbs in containers for fragrance & cooking convenience, lots of tropical/tender plants that come inside for the winter (especially scented geraniums, a couple of jasmines, and a favorite sweet bay tree). There's a container sitting between the 2 garage doors planted with a dwarf alberta spruce; I think that's my only hardy shrub in a container. I have to have both strawberries and cherry tomatoes in containers on the deck and patio for easy snacking.

I also have a lot of plants in non-decorative containers, mostly perennials that I'm growing on and either ran out of time for this spring or just plan to plant in fall when they're better established. They're all lined up along the back of the patio for easy watering.

When I run out of time/energy for digging but still have plants to get out, containers are an easy solution, and I can enjoy the plants up close all summer before (hopefully) getting them in a more permanent location in fall.

Oconomowoc, WI(Zone 4b)

...only if you don't run out of containers - which I'm in imminent danger of doing!

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