Becky's swap - aftermath, pictures and whatever else!

Crozet, VA

Oh how fun - thank you everyone who remembered to take their cameras. Some good pictures taken by all. Hart I especially enjoyed your presentation. Love the music you added.

It was so much fun to have little Joyanna with us. She is an amazingly happy baby. Yeah - daddy did a great job caring for her while mommy tended to the plants. What a great family unit. We love you Jill.

Bec - the dogs brought a lot of fun to the celebration too. When did Samson turn one year old? What a cutie. Bandit is a gorgeous little ball of fur too. I know they bring you much joy.

Again - thanks for all the fun pictures.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, nice pics Gita and Hart!! I still haven't gotten my one pic out 'cuz the program has been altered again and the system wants to download ALL pics on my camrea and it is full, needless to say. I just haven't had time to fuss with it. But I will work on it this weekend.

Hart, the hat is my gardening/thinking cap and it travels well. But I think it shrank since last year or my head swelled from heat. It didn't seem to stay on so good anymore. Time for a new one!!

Good to hear from you, Holly and Ric!! I hope the dad will be doing better now. I'm sure he appreciates the help he's getting.

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