What's happening in your neck of the woods..with friends!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Have the air on here as well "M", might as well get comfy..calling for higher temps for the rest of the week!

As I go out to move the water spray I get a little dose, lordy it feels good..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Here is my ATTEMPT at taking a pic of the Bleeding Heart .. no background foliage to bring it out.
You can almost see how dry this one perennial bed is despite watering ~~


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

One more .. cannot believe how the plant became 'invisible' !!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The nicest day of the weekend here, still a bit cool but not much wind and lots of sun!
Busy day at the House yesterday - did two tours of 8 and 11 people! Thats a lot in a group, I prefer smaller groups, not so much straggling! Im doing a private event on Thursday evening.

Today I finished getting the perennials in the front beds, the ones I am redesigning to simplify. This is the 2nd year, will take another year before it is basically done. Some empty spots being klept for peonies this fall will fill in with annuals. The main plants will be /are peonies,phlox, veronica/sage, Mullein and Heleniums. Also one of my neighbors came over to help me finish setting up the new fountain - I can't lift it and neded to run the pump and light cables underneath! Working nicely allthough I might have to decrease the wateer flow a bit. I have coleus to plant around the base this year until I decide what will best suit the spot. I will wait another couple of days before getting the rest of the annuals in- still down close to freezing at night! Will be glad to get it done. Still have not planted the veggie garden except for the potatoes.

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

what a weekend, hubbies 2 brother came into town, one brought his girlfriend.. They stayed here all weekend, and hubbies niece also spent a night so needless to say we had a house full.. It was a lot of fun though.. Weather was in the 80's all weekend and most the time they were all in the pool.. I couldn't bring myself to get in.. They could all just jump in as i have to slowly walk in and with the water 72 it was a bit to cold still...
We are ordering our dirt tomorrow and hopefully the can deliver it on wed so we can get the new garden done.. Then i'll have a busy week getting stuff planted...
Hope every one had a great weekend, sounds like everyones temps are getting better for gardening weather..
This weekend my two irises bloomed so pretty, first time they bloomed for me they never did last year..

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" what a big yard to maintain...your plant is about same size as mine..noticed that it's in the path of where the plowman pushes the snow so maybe I'll move it..I'm on the lookout for more bleeding heart plants, white or pink, will plant them north/east/west and south,see where they grow the best.. wow, Lorna is not overdoing is she? she's a courageous lady for sure.

Carol, your gardens sound lovely..some of your favorite plants are what I have planted..omg..this is the first year the peony plants are growing, don't see any buds but that may have to wait a year or so..maybe it's just too early in the season yet to have buds..

It's the church plant sale Saturday, the supply is donated by church members so much the same year to year..promised myself I won't go crazy because I'm at the point that I would like different plants..when is not purchasing plants a reality..the more we have the more we want..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

Have been lurking, but not taking much time to write.

DD from Vancouver arrived last Thursday. She and her sister celebrated with friends from the local high school which had a 40th anniversary reunion. And then she went with other friends to Mt. Tremblant for a friend's stagette on Saturday. On Sunday, her DH and toddler arrived.

On Monday, we took two cars downtown so we'd all fit, but I decided it was too hot, crowded and noisy. So I tossed car keys to my DH and took the bus home (I still have a pass till the end of the month). DH drove two blocks and the clutch broke; so we are w/o a car until they get it fixed. DH is gonna have to suck it up and drive his vintage sports car to a church meeting we need to attend this evening.

I got a lot of gardening done on Saturday, but it's too hot now to do much more than buy plants to be planted when I get a chance. Left wrist that I fell on in December is bothering me quite a bit today. Probably overdid things in the garden and then practicing yesterday. The other orchestra has a concert June 12 and Brahms 4th has a lot of playing in it. We are also doing a Rodrigo harp Concerto and I have extensive solos in the 2nd movement of that. I'll miss the Ottawa Symphony, but mostly I'll miss the pay cheque. No pay for the other orchestra.

I hope everyone enjoys the heat. Sounds like we've got it for awhile.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, did you get it checked out, you might have broken something? Is that lovely grandaughter of yours here with your daughter? It's nice to hear that you are still involved in concerts pay or no pay, not something you should ever completely give up...it was hot the last few days, I also transplanted and they were looking pretty wilted this morning...you were lucky to have taken the bus, probably made it home before the others did...are you still showing his antique sports car in shows? know you were doing quite a bit of that a few years ago...loved the photo's you posted at that time..

Yikes, went on lunch and news bulletin came over the radio, 4 seater plane crashed into a 2 story bldg. Said they didn't think anyone in the building was killed but one silly lady went back in as it was crashing to go get her purse..just goes to show you when in shock what crazy things we do..I would imagine who ever was in the plane though would have lost their life/lives...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another lovely day, planted almost all the annuals this morning, most are fairly hardy so will probably be OK. Just the impatience to put in some boxes on the back patio and go get some begonias.

I dont have a garage and the car sits on a parking pad in the back, has been very dry and dusty with cars whizzing by(some people dont know there is a speed limit in the lanes!) . Took a hose out to just get the dust off, had to turn the car around to get at the far side and my right front tire looked rather squishy! So drove over to OK Tire and guess what, two nails in the tire! Ordinarily I would never look at that side of the car when it is parked at the house!

Historical Society meeting this evening. Talk is a history of Arabs and Muslims in Alberta.A neighbor is a member and I go with her. Talks are usually quite interesting, this is the last one until fall.

Isn't this a lovely Iris? lst to bloom this spring.Tag just says Dwarf Beared Purple Shades!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh i love that deep purple color very nice

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Lovely Iris Carol ...
Sorry to hear bout your tire .. I'm like you .. never tend to look at the passenger side of the car ..

Awaiting a bit of a BOOMER tonight .. toss up whether rain will accompany it .. power has been out twice .. has gotten very dark outside ... temps today were oppressive ... above 90F (28C) out this way .. and cooler by the lake (not much)
Went swimming .. after a 10 day hiatus, we were hurtin !!! But .. felt good, goin back tomorrow after physio ..

Good luck to all who planted 'delicate' annuals .. even though our temps are high .. I am stickin to PANSIES ^_^

Have a niece and nephew on vacation in Kingston Jamaica .. kind of worried about them .. they have a week left in their vacation but, my DSin law says they are likely to cut it short given the unrest there.

OK .. off to put out my vitamins for the week ..


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

Betty - the wrist has never been x-rayed but was treated extensively by physiotherapist I was seeing for something else - she thinks there's just degeneration. Also seen by rheumatologist during a routine visit - she asked me if I'd broken any bones in the last year and I said I didn't think so, and by massage therapist who seemed to have found something a bit dislocated. If I could stop using it, maybe it would heal completely? I support it for aquafit but I know I irritate it pushing my old body up from gardening positions.

It's another HOT day today. Will spend part of it at the FC, filling in for the coordinator who is taking a vacation week.

Church meeting went on for 3 hours and was inconclusive. We've got a major $2 million+ renovation needed but "soft costs" keep climbing and they are deeply divided over reducing the scale of the renovation to cut costs or doing it and really stretching the finances. The basic work HAS to be done as the old building (50 yr-old Christian Education wing) is leaking like a sieve in more ways than one. Costs a fortune to heat and lots of good money is going out the window just to patch it up. Meeting to be continued next week ...

Well, student will arrive shortly. Must get dressed. The Vancouverites are all still sleeping though were thoroughly warned that I had a 9 am student and they were all in bed well before me last night.

Have a great day.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Have you all seen this thread?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Always a busy lady Ann..what gratification you must get teaching your students! Thanks for the link, read a bit this morning...

Got a call last night mom was rushed to hospital in pain, blood clots..seeing an oncologist this morning, sure all will be ok..

How are your gardens doing..wanted to get weeding done last night but the mosquito's wanted too much of my blood so had to have a change of plan..

It's another sunshine day here, perhaps not quite as muggy..be careful of the heat, stay cool dear friends...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the link Ann .. I'm still in the 'wait and see' phase with DG. The post I read was sort of a NON post (from Miguel) said all the things DGers would like to hear, but, I take it there is an underlying miasma of 'sumpthins goin on' ?

My goodness Betty, sure hope your Mum does OK .. thoughts with you on that.
As for the SKEETERS .. dang me but they are grusome this year .. totally have spoiled any of the time I have been outdoors. Mind .. the temps and humidity here have been pretty oppressive and staying INSIDE in the ar conditioned house has been more my style, besides .. the rhubarb is newly harvested and baking seems to be on my 'to do list' .. I will freeze some, but always find rhubarb loses flavour and firmness if you do.

Ann .. my wrist (s) are pretty much toast. Was seen by an orthopedic surgeon in London ON, who specializes in wrists,
VERY delicate area in which to do surgery to repair fractures, and, he will try almost anything BUT surgery if things are amiss .. ergo .. my brace.

Off to swimming today, then sending the DEPOSIT for Piper ^_^
Spoke with the breeder last evening and the pups are doing very well ... am planning on going to the Soo on or around July 5 .. want to wait til both 'holidays' are done. Don't think a day goes by that I don't wonder if I have lost my marbles by getting another Westie, but, then i look at Lilly and i know it'll be OK !!

Enjoy your day everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

Now girls, don't you go leave us good friends here at DG...it's been so enjoyable getting to know you all...

I for one have enjoyed everything DG has to offer...

"M" you'll be thrilled to get Piper..nothing like having a puppy in the house!!

I too noticed since my fall a few years ago that I've had no strength in my wrists, sure does put a hamper on things...my girlfriend June was operated several times, metal plates put in, it terrifies me because whenever I see her she's holding her wrists to her body for support..not good...

Waiting to hear about mom..she was seeing the oncologist at 9:00 a.m. this morning...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well the promised rain has not arrived yet but later today I guess, even suggestions of snow but that will probably be on the west side of the city since it is a lot higher than even were I am. Just hope it is not too bad for Sat which is Plant Share. Usually it is exceptionally well organised but a couple of years ago it rained really hard and they just winged it -no tables or signs set up , just told people to go and lay their plants on the ground and walk round picking up what they wanted instead of calling groups by number etc, trust people to take same number as they brought, trust people without plants to pay for what they picked up. We were huddled in a couple of tents where there was coffee and that was the year they decided to do a pancake breakfast! Well at least it was something hot. Some people were rather annoyed but really all you could do was laugh and go with the flow!

Ive been intermittantly following the controversy about the DG sale and really some of it borders on ridiculous. A very small number of members have been very vocal right from the start, hardly even gave IB a chance before they were complaining, and continue to do so. Cant understand why if one or two members have a problem why not all do. And some of the ssues strike me as rather ridiculous.( I mean how important is it that the time of your post is wrong by one hour?) . In fact I think the vast majority of members really have not seen any significant changes and DG continues to function pretty much as usual IMHO.

I did think it was odd that Dave set up Cubits so quickly. And it certainly seems strange that IB has now threatened Dave and he has been ordered to shut down Cubits! And of course a very vocal group of members again jumping on that one.

I see people missing here or at least not posting so much as they used to, presume they went over to Cubits although that is not necessarily so of course. Do hope you will not all disappear - I enjoy communicating with my DG friends across the country.

Well probably no gardening today, I do need to go to the Hort Society and check out my Power point program for a presentation next week, have not done it for over a year. It is on assisted gardening.

And working a private function at LH this evening. Dress up time again!

Victoria Harbour, ON

You've got me Carol, you've put my sentiments in words...from what I understand, Dave had different people working on setting up Cubits prior to giving up the reigns..regardless, this is my home, here I shall stay and hope you do as well..I pay for a membership to participate, not to run DG..but I'm probably in the minority and frowned upon, but that's what you get when you know each has their own views...

I've met such wonderful people, some have become like family..I'd surely miss them...

SNOW, yikes, how can that be so? I've been watering my gardens early morning and late night ..am hoping the lawn stays green...I've just planted another ninebark, a potentila and a variegated dogwood...not a good time to plant in this heat...

HELP? I see many mounds of ant hills in the back yard, can any of you tell me what product I might purchase to get rid of them, is there a liquid or a powder...was at Walmart before work this morning asking, but nobody knew...need to get it looked after now before they find themselves inside....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

There are lots of products for killing ants and I use several. I have 3 brick patio areas in my backyard plus the walks in the veggie gardens so ants have taken up residence here,I have had some plants killed because ants have set up house in the roots! Last year I had lots in the grass.
I started using a contact spray but that didnt work on the nests , I also buy and continue to use the little round white traps which I lay all over the yard -. But last year I discovered a better product. It is a foam and you insert a long straw into the ant hole as far as it will go and spray the foam until it becomes visible. It is incredible how far it goes sometimes. And I guess it works better because it gets into all the nooks and crannies and kills the queen.
I regularly stalk the yard a with spray can in hand and massacre them! Nice that they let us know where they are by those little mounds of sand. I figure there must not be much sand left under my patios!

cullman, AL(Zone 7b)

I agree with Betty "I pay for a membership to participate" I have used DG for years as an unpaid member and only last sept paid to join, I glad i did.. As a non-member you dont have access to the forum, and that has become a big part of my day, as I have learned so much new info on different plants..

Betty prayers for you mom hope shes doing well..

SNOW oh boy i hope that misses you..

M having a new puppie is a bit of work at first but in the end you'll be so happy you have two, plus they will have company when your out..

its been a HOT!!!!!!!! few days here yesterday was 95 today is another 80 degree day.. but chance of rain.. Hubby got all the dirt down for the new garden yesterday.. Now the next few days i'll have to work on the mulch and getting everything planted..
M i know how you feel.. SKEETERS are killing me over here, I dont know if its that i forgot about them from last year, or if they really are worse this year.. I got out after about 7pm and I cant stay outside, they love me...


Victoria Harbour, ON

thanks, I'll go in search of that spray, got to do something, ruining the grass and some of the beds..wanted them for the peonies but lordy, I'll go without peony just to get rid of them...

I'll stop at Canadian Tire tonight, surely they'll have it..

Jen..think the skitters are worse this year..I've always been able to work out in the yard in the evening but NOT this year...

We've had bear attacks in our communities these past couple of weeks, even warning people not to use the bike and walking trails..got a message from Community Watch saying a few had been sited down the road..asking us NOT to feed the birds, no garbage around, that's a no no..walk with whistle and be very cautious..one of Suzanne's neighbor has been attacked, getting plastic surgery so not to be taken lightly..

Jen, you'll have all the yard work done by the time you leave on maternity leave, then you can just enjoy...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Marilynne, love the name "Piper" for your new puppy. Can't wait until July to see pictures!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Thanks Ann for the update on the uproar by some about IB and Cubits etc. I was invited to cubits, registered, and haven't been back since. DG is my home, the Canadian forum is my home page and the first place I check things out each time I get on the computer. I've made some great friends through here. I don't post as much as I used to, not because of anything that has happened on Dave's. Here is where I'll stay. Carol you said it well.

Betty I hope there's nothing but good news for you about your mom.

Marilynne, enjoy the A/C and the rhubarb.

For those of you wanting rain I hope it comes, and no more snow until December, and some sunshine for us out west. We're wet and 15 today, Whitehorse is 21 and sunny!

have a great gardening day


Victoria Harbour, ON

15 days of rain, omg Linda, what will that do to your gardens..am sure if we've got mosquito's galore just how many you'd have..

Was at Cosco at lunch, got to tell you plant/shrub prices are high and they look awfully sick..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I always get it at Cdn Tire.

Raining here heavily since about 10AM.
I started out to do a few things and realized something wrong with Tire, pulled over and guess what same tire is almost flat. Turned around and made it to OK Tire - within an inch of the rim! Found another nail, same as the ones on Tuesday, didnt charge me cause maybe it was there and didnt pick it up.

Off then to Hort Society to try and figure out the Power point projector ( a job in itself) then to an electrical shop with an antique overhead light that needed repair, stopped at Chinook looking for some polo shirts but my favorite store has closed ( there at least) and then to Michaels to pick up a picture frame. Inexpensive anyway and 40% off.

Have a nice print of a boy and his dog - obviously a sheltie ( I think!) to get framed and use for a raffle for rescue. Friend will do the framing free.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the photo, can anyone purchase tickets???? Just too adorable...weather warning in effect for regions around us, so far we're ok, but coming home it was sunshine and pouring rain, as I neared my home town no rain..

Earthly angel was by and cut my grass..omg what a help that is..should go out and use the snipper but I'll wait until it cools..besides, Greg is coming over for us to work on the seat for the drag bike he built, guess I can always do it tomorrow...Must go see what has bloomed, take a few photo's..be back shortly..it's always a surprise isn't it to walk in the garden from time to time...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Not a whole lot blooming, just starting, but still nice to see SOME color...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

with all the buds perhaps by the beginning of next week I'll have some pretties

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

May I see some photo's of your gardens?

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty not sure - we have a meeting in a couple of weeks and will decide. Problem if selling outside Edmonton and Calgary is cost of shipping.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well if I may send you ticket $$$ and I win, would pay for shipping, let me know would you, it's a beautiful print...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Yikes Carol .. just watched the Weater Channel ... of course ... Calgary and the west are BIG news with the snowfall .. messy business this time of year ..
The print of the young boy and the dog is wonderful .. a great donation, sure to garner LOTS of ticket sales ..

ANOTHER hot day here in Thunder Bay .. Linda, we could use some west coast moisture !!!
How is Cooper doing ?

Don .. akkkkkkkkkkk .. not sure if we are nuts or what getting a puppy .. gonna try our best to train him to be as spoiled and non mindful as Lilly LOL ... in actual fact, Lilly has been such a good dog, that is why we are purchasing another of her breed.
Very happy the litter became available in the summer .. should be a breeze training him, but, just in case, we have the spot remover handy ^_^

As far as DG goes .. well .. I remain sort of non commital, maybe apathetic .. I haven't had anything happen to me at all that would make me displeased with the site ...

Going out to water some stuff ..

Take care all


This message was edited May 27, 2010 6:50 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" I just can't wait to see the new 'puppy' do you get puppy photo's before you pick him up? lol at the cleaner, yes you'll certainly be having to do some clean up, but well worth it..

Still have to get photo's of my brother Mike with his so I can post for you..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Just left LH after working a private event. It is snowing! Outside the city is much worse but who knows what it will look like in the morning!

Betty will let you know. The print is 16x20 and will be in an 18x22 frame, matted with glass. The Emerson saying is not on the print.

Little wave to you all. I'm still here, haven't gone anywhere. I hope to be more active soon, as I hope to be able to spend more time at my monitor. Hoping for the best outcome for your mum, Betty. Have skimmed over the last parts of the thread and noted everyone's concerns and activities as much as I can. You friends keep the home fires burning here, I will return. ~ ~ ~

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hiya Brenda .. miss you and your great gardening tips, but, I know you're kinda busy right now .. think of you often ^_^

Betty if I sit a dwell on the home 'puppy proofing', I pretty well give myself a headache LoL .. as I have said, we are just so happy to be getting him in the summer .. just have to re visit the 'crate training' skills ... that little scenario worked like a charm with Lilly.

CArol, saw thw snow in Calgary on the news last night, plus my bud who lives there emailed me to tell me. SHEESH .. not something you'd like to be greeted with going outside after a nice evening. As the meteorologist said, 'it'll dissipate quite quickly' , but ,, if sure looked to me as though it was hanging heavy on the plants etc.

Swimming, blood work and students (not necessarily in that order) on the TGIF agenda today.
Another 25C+ day in store here.



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The weather here SUCKS. I had to cram everything back into the greenhouse.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG, look at that greenhouse filled with such goodies, sure wish I lived closer to you..you sell them correct? can't believe you are all having such terrible weather and here we're sweltering..not complaining mind you..it's already 24 and it's only 9am...calling for higher temps tomorrow and yet higher for Sunday..

Went to purchase ant hill spray at Canadian Tire before heading for work this morning and of course 12 perrenials just had to come home with me..other than the major nurseries the plant departments either aren't keeping the plants watered as many look like they are on their way out...

Too funny, last year at the end of season there were perrenials that had but a little show of greenery, they gave me about 30 or 40 of them, just to take away, I threw them in a corner of the yard, stayed there all winter and wouldn't you know, many of them had come to life this spring...Canadian Tire also had the small solar lights on sale $3.99 so I bought 1 to test out if there is enough light in the secret garden to accommodate them getting charged..if so, I'll get 4 more..they are to replace the candles in the chandelier hanging in that garden..lots of trees so not sure that will work but I'll check it out...had a coupon 'scratch and win' after my sale I got 6 hamburger patties from M & M's so will have to pick up the pkg. after work today..so a good start to my morning..

Tomorrow is the Church garden plant sale, always pleased to help them out..all and all it should be a fantastic weekend, only thing that would make it better would be if Paul called and said to leave at 1:00 rather than 3:00 .. now come on, he did that last week, can't expect it every week..I'll settle for long weekends..lol

Hope you've exciting plans for the weekend...

Brenda, come back quick, just as "M" said, we need gardening tips...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Didnt seem to be much snow in my part of town ( it varies wildly here!) and a lot of my back yard is protected because of overhanging trees. However they do say there may be more. In my yard high temp yesterday was 2 and low overnight was 1. Drizzling a bit at the moment, probably can get out to walk the dogs.
Plant share tomorrow may be interesting! Guess I will layer up!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sure will make a short summer for you won't it? Hope the plants have their harty suits on...

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