Have to trade: Crassula ovata Full 2 Flats (rooted)

Doing yard clean-up and realized I have two full flats of rooted Crassula ovata or 'Jade Plant'. They must go as I have plenty of it.
They were once intended for a craft project that didn’t happen.

One flat is 2 inch Jade and the other is 4 inch Jade.

Since I cannot possibly do 100 trades, I have to limit it to TWO or FOUR depending on the outcome. Flats will be divided appropriately.

What do I want in exchange, These are my interests:
(They do not have to be named sp):

Small plants of:
Aloe sp.
Haworthia sp.
Gasteria sp.

I just want them to go to a good home. I do not need any seed at the moment. No postage for plants at this time.

Jade Plant is very common around my home in California as a landscape plant and houseplant.

These plants would be perfect to pass out to friends or to use in dish gardens also. Or keep them for yourself.

(I have a 4 foot wide, 5 foot tall plant that is a monster, I planted it myself about 15 years ago. I know that this plant is welcomed and very popular in other parts of the country. So lets try to work something out).

David Wood
Southern California

I am almost embarrassed to offer these for something.


Clarksville, IN(Zone 6a)

hi, don't be embarrassed. wish I had something you wanted, don't, darn, but had to say, plants like that would be a joy in my home. Good luck. DebK

Valley Village, CA

David, I have one in full bud, it certainly is an early bird. Norma

(Zone 5a)

I would love to have one of your Jade plants, I'll email you.

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