New bees chit chat - come on in!! 04/30/2010

I love your yellow. That is georgeous. Isn't Huney's yard pretty up there? I wish mine looked that good. She has that black iris like mine and I see you got it too. LOL What is that about great minds???LOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I want a red one. I have a short early one but I want one for now. I'm going to look at Lowes tomarrow. I love Iris. Just wish I hadn't lost all those name tags, but it doesnt keep them from being pretty.

Philadelphia, PA

Red Rider is blooming today !

Thumbnail by Mitt
Philadelphia, PA

This little one is Delerium

This message was edited May 1, 2010 9:14 PM

Thumbnail by Mitt
Philadelphia, PA

Orange Popsicle

Thumbnail by Mitt
Philadelphia, PA


Thumbnail by Mitt

Very Pretty Mitt! Red Rider is great.

Pretty yard Huney! I like the hanging bog. Is it sunny enough for CP's?

Red rock is a great prelude Al.

I like your 'tiger' iris RRM. Great coloration!

Philadelphia, PA


Thumbnail by Mitt
Philadelphia, PA

Thanks Seray ;-)

Are your irises still blooming?

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

mitt that concertina is absolutly gorgeous. Got to put that on my want list.

OH Mitt, AMAZING!!! I love the red rider and delirous and concertina. OH MAN! What beauties. I think this one of mine looks a little like your orange popsickle. I also got a Savanah sunset that is orange but darker orange.
Your Iris are so pretty. They look great! Are those some you made by pollinating from others?

Thumbnail by mekos
Philadelphia, PA

No none of these are mine Jan. Mine should start blooming this week.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mit, those are beautiful! I love the little beards on the Concertina!

Show more! I love the Iris blooms.

Booneville, AR

huney, water will help rain is also good if you got enough rain the hound up won,t work at all so the county waisted their money. i hope it was a wast of moneyyou and your plants are in my prayers love nettie.

Booneville, AR

mekos did i here you right you have some started from seed, iris that is. my la,s make seed every year i should save the deed from them ill start doing that. im always a day late and a dollar short.story of my life. love nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Love all the blooms! Thanks for all the pictures! They are all so pretty! Mitt, you have the most gorgeous iris!
Huney, sure hope those idiots spraying didn't hurt everything! I would definately rattle some cages there. That judge would not want to see me coming. Mekos, spring will be here in May, I hope! And it's May 1st now, so hopefully, after Mother's Day, I can get serious about spring, although, I have been known to wait until after Memorial Day, just to be safe! Can't wait to see all your pictures Al. I have family in Scottsdale, and love to visit. It is so different than what we have here! So much fun to see all the variety of plants and trees! Huney, when you trim that wisteria bush, save me some cuttings if you can. Would love to try to get some here! lol
Thanks, RRM! Will keep an eye out for them! Woohoo! Finally quit snowing, now if the wind will just quit too! I'm going to throw out more grass seed tomorrow, one way or the other, so it better not be blowing too hard. Don't feel like seeding the neighbors yard, especially since they don't even live there.
Does anyone have any ideas for a tall plant for some of my pots? Would love any suggestions!

Me too Nettie, guess we'll just have to start the dollar short and a day too late club. I'm ALWAYS there. Hugs
Yes, I sowed seeds last fall and got some about 4 inches tall. They are cute but takes a L-O-N-G time to get big enough to bloom.
Have a great night all.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

sk - if you're looking to do some combo plantings in the pots, think thriller, spiller and filler! Something bold/tall - a grass is always good. Then something to spill over the sides like maybe Lobelia? And a filler - maybe some short Zinnias?

How tall, Skellogg? Sunflower? Calla lilies? (I have some tall ones and short ones.) But figure how tall you need it to be.

Sorry Loca, we over posted. My puter is S_L_O_W tonight.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh! Calla lilies might be good! I do combo pots every year, so have things like petunias, geraniums, calabracoa, lobelia, zinnias, bacopa, etc. Just can't ever figure out what to do to add some height! I kinda like the sunflower idea too! That would be unique, and I always get sunflowers growing under my bird feeders, lol. Could just stick them in a pot when they come up!

YUP, and gladiolas are pretty too if you can keep them standing. Hummers like em too.

OH ment to say my beautiful burgandy (dark) burgandy Festival grass came back and is looking beautiful already. I left it in the yard and someone last year said it wouldn't make it outside in my zone. Hahahaha White Bird of Paradise did too. Hahaha. I do push the zone thing and WIN! (sometimes?!?)(;0)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

LOL! Mekos, too funny and congrats! I always zone push, so am always happy when it works for someone else. Hmmm, don't know why, but never thought about glads in a pot. Great idea! Thanks!

Booneville, AR

mitt i love that little iris back up their lovely little lady the color is nice. little nettie

I'm on cloud 9 right now. I just got my Amorphophallus Prainii I've been looking for forever. Now my Amorph. collection is complete. Woo-Hoo! YES!!!!!
I found and got the stictocardia vine and seeds I wanted and found the schisandra rubriflora vine I wanted and I'm about to explode. YE_HA!!! Good night, going to turn in and dream about my new babies coming home in a few days. Bet them don't get put out in a greenhouse again.

Doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!

Thumbnail by mekos
Booneville, AR

r r m the first time mi tree peony bloomed it was a sindle bloom, then it finaly got old enough to put on a show all by itself yours will to just wait and see, i don.t know why this one made seed this year its never done that before. as a mater of fact none of these have ever made seed.strange things hapen around here,hope its not gona drop dead. your iris look good also love nrttie

Booneville, AR

ok mekos why are you doing the happy dance ican,t dance anymoregot a bad foot but ill try did you get a good report from the dr. i hope so come on girl spit it out love nettie

Nettie, I had a couple vines real hard to find and mid winter my power went off at night and killed most of my tropical plants in the greenhouse. It was in the teens all that week. I was heart broken. Not going to replace most of them but a couple vines and have been looking for a Amorphophallus Prainii for a real long time and no one had one of those either. BUT I have the stictocardia vine and seeds coming next week and got the Amorph. P. coming next week and found the Schisandra Rubriflora vine and waiting for them to tell me if it is available. If it is, I'll have it too. That was all I wanted. My dreams came true so far.
No got to go back Monday to hospital for another test on my heart to find the blockages. That not better but the other is good news.
How you doing now, Nettie? Feeling better?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Mekos, so happy for you! I had to look those up, didn't know what any of them were, lol!

They are pretty rare and with the harsh winter most everyone lost theirs so no one had any. I'm in heaven early. Good night all. Got to go to bed. Baby will be up before you know it for a bottle and changing. Adrien has an upper respiratory infection and guess who has little Kaylee? She already thinks she is mine. She laughed at me today. First big laugh. I tickled her and she laughed. She is getting so big. Well, back tomorrow.

Booneville, AR

robin love the children good looking kids nettie.

Booneville, AR

mekos she will be grown before you know it. when they are small like that they go in leaps and bounds. my all started walking earley its hard to get them to understand not to bother things i was never good at putting things out of reach if you do you can,t take them any where i was afraid mark wasn,t going to have any hands left he didn,t do no very well just had to see how far he could push and he pushed real hard at times.he would look at me aand mouth no and shake his mother wouldn,t put anything out of harms way she said they need to learn what they can have and what they can,t don.t know if that is good or bad at times i had a guilt complex but it glad she is a good girl for grand ma love nettie

Booneville, AR

good night all love nettie

Well, good morning to all. Baby got me up early then she went back to sleep and I'm up. Oh well, thought I'd see who else was an early bird this morning before I get sleepy again and go crash.
Yes Nettie. They grow too fast I think. Seems like yesterday mine was tiny and now gone out in the world.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hey - I finally got flowers! My tulips waited for me to come home!


Thumbnail by lycodad
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Love the colors, Al! So nice of them to give you a happy homecoming! Gotta love tulips, they are so cheerful!

Beautiful colors Al! Glad they waited for you.

My irises are still blooming Mitt. I'll get more pics soon.

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