What is this and how to get rid of it

Halifax, NS(Zone 5a)

What is this and how to get rid of it. Not bothering the plant much but looks awful.

Thumbnail by crazyhorse_ca

Your plant appears to be under an attack of Mealybugs. Read on line for your preferance of an antidote.

Mount Vernon, OH

I agree. mealybugs, I would get rid of them now before they get on other plants. The will evenually kill the plant. they are hard to get rid of sometimes. Wipe leaves and use q tips with alcohol to get rid of them the white stuff but you will need to treat with an insecticide or something. Remember to treat at least 3 times 5-6 days apart to get the bugs life cycle. Isolate your plant from others.

Halifax, NS(Zone 5a)

Thanks. The plant is isolated and carefully watered to avoid any transfer. The white stuff is going to be hard down in the stems. Has anyone tried Neem oil (in general as well). In Canada it's sold as a foilage shine product but there is lot of indo re insecticide.

Mount Vernon, OH

Neem oil is in alot of the insecticidal soap (the insectide is low in the soap, mainly neem in the more "organic versions". You can try it but warn you that mealy bugs are sometimes harder to kill so you may need more strength than neem oil. Wipe with alcohol what you can. and keep it up one time isn't going to do it.

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Of course, you could do a safer thing. Remove the plant from the pot, rinse off the soil, wash the whole thing with dawn liquid detergent, throw out the soil, chlorox the pot. Check for root mealies---be thorough or they will return. In Louisiana's humidity it is hard to get rid of them once they infest a plant. Also wash the shelf that this plant was using.

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