Offers and Requests for Mount Bethel Swap June 5th 2010

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

We came from here: You can chat on the thread that we came from.

Please list your "haves and wants" here. I decided to start this so that we don't have to back track to the original thread to keep up with the lists.

It is always exciting to me when we reach this point.

Have fun!!!!


I think it would be a good to put it all in one post, editing as we go so that it is easy to keep track of.

We can use Onewish's post as our example (with the recipients or providers name next to the selection.




This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 8:51 AM

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

ok here is my spot

Salvia Rose Rhapsody, Hydrangea Annabelle, Endless Summer Cuttings- Carolyn22
Euphorbia Fireglow - Gardadore
perilla, black pussy willow, and SPV - Holly
foxgloves, GardenQuilts
Jelly Bean Grape, Jersey Devil, and Tricolor Sage - Denise
Variegated Aucuba cuttings, red shiso perilla, Lady in Red salvia - Wind

Coleus of course - Holly
6 - Hosta - plain green
5 - Shasta Daisy -
4 - Aster Jenny - Teri, Carolyn22, GardenQuilts
Verigaed Vinca - GardenQuilts, Kat
geraniums from seed - Denise (pink or rose)
coleus from seed -
Coleus Kong Rose - Docgipe
2 - walking onion - Denise
2 - small gaillardia (not sure if they will bloom this year or not) orange, red, yellow
2 - mint variegated GardenQuilts,
7 - tradescantia pink, purple, white mix Jen
Agastache - Jen - yellow & orange GardenQuilts - Purple Haze, Coronado Red, Desert Sunrise - Carolyn22, black addler
1 - noid purple & green heuchera -
5 - Heliotrope Dwarf Marine - - RRR, GardenQuilts, Denise
(will be adding more)

This message was edited May 29, 2010 5:46 AM

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


Aster Jenny………………………….ONEWISH
Campanula Pantaloons………………CAROLYN22
Euphorbia fireglow………………….GARDADORE
Campanula glomerata……………….GARDADORE
Phlox Starfire reblooming…………...CAROLYN22
Heliotrope Dwarf Marine.....................ONEWISH


3 Monarda divided clump……………………………...….1 CAROLYN22,......1 .GQ
3 Ox Eyed Daisy divided clump
4 Ice Plant from seed.......................................................2 HOLLY, 2 NISI
2 Malva Moschata from seed
4 Dragon’s Blood sedum from seed................................2 KAT
***OUT*** Verbena Mango from seed.............................3 CAROLYN22*****OUT
***OUT.... Lavender Munstead from seed………..1 FLOWERJEN, 1 GARDADORE.....1 GQ...,,,,,OUT
2 Russian Sage volunteers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 GQ
2 Caryopteris volunteers.....................................................1 FLOWERJEN.
1 Morning Glory (Japanese Hige Akahigezaki)
Red Feathers from seed
2 Blushing Susie Vines from seed
2 Purple Baron Millet from seed

**********************ADDED 04/21/10******************

***OUT***Snapdragon Madame Butterfly................................2 KAT if i can revive them. OUT
2 Petunia Frost Fire.....................................................1 KAT
***OUT*** Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy.........................................2 KAT if my lack of attention can revive them
2 Nicotiana Alata Lime..........................................................1 WIND ditto from above
2 Nicotiana Perfume Deep Purple Dwarf not very healthy so far

Take your own cuttings from:

Weigela Variegated
Crape Myrtle Hopi/Tonto??from bottom branches only
Sand Cherry “
Smoke Bush “
Lilac Josee .........Flowerjen will take her own cutting from bottom branch. “
Helmut’s Pillar
Weeping Pussy Willow
Hydrangea Limelight
Various Rose Bushes that have a bloom
At end of stem.
Pieces of various hostas


3 anemone
4 burning bush
2 japanese locust trees
6 forget me nots
5 oxalis zinfandel
2 wisteria
4 tall pink phlox
4 red monarda


This message was edited May 30, 2010 5:57 AM

Athens, PA

Ok, Here are my Haves and Wants:

2- Campanula Pink Octopus - bringing one for Gardadore
3 -Salvia Rose Rhapsody - Kat, Onewish1 and Gardadore - OUT
2- Phlox Starfire - Roses_R_Red, Gardadore - OUT
Heuchera Cancan - GardenQuilts and Kat - OUT
Heuchera Purple Petticoats - GardenQuilts -OUT
Violet Silver Sumurai
2 - Tollius - Lemon Queen - Gardadore -
Heuchera Vesuvius - GardenQuilts- OUT
4 -Reblooming Tall Bearded Iris - Immortality - Gardadore, GardenQuilts and Kat
2 -Campanula Pantaloons - Roses_R_Red, GardenQuilts - OUT
Phystotegia Summer Snow - Gardadore
Hydrangea Endless Summer Cuttings - Onewish1
OUT -I have one very small Astrantia Major plant that seeded itself last year and has come back up. This one is white. - Onewish1
Adding 1 painted japanese fern - flowerjen

Knautia - Gardadore
Agastache Black Adder cuttings - Onewish1
Asters any - Jenny - Onewish1
Sea Thrift
Society Garlic
Verbena Bonaresis
Lambs Ears (really want), Flowerjen & GardenQuilts
Hellabores - Any
Japanese Anemone Hadsen Pink - Gardadore
Monarda - R-R-R
Adding -- Veronica Giles Van Hees -Mine didn't come back after this winter :(
1 Digitalis purpurea -Mixed white and pink varieties -GardenQuilts
1 Digitalis ferrugina - rusty foxglove, a variety grown at Jefferson's Monticello - GardenQuilts
1 Digitalis alba - white foxglove-GardenQuilts
3 Mango Verbena from seed - R-R-R
African Digitalis - Gardadore

I think I have it right - if I missed anyone, please let me know.

This message was edited May 1, 2010 10:36 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2010 9:08 PM

This message was edited Jun 4, 2010 3:47 AM

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'd like lavender and Caryopteris please.
I'd love a cutting from your Lilac Josee

Carolyn I have Lamb's Ears for you, just need to find a way to dig and divide it

I still need to see what else I have to offer
HAVES>>>>So far
Stella De Oro daylily
Pale yellow Yarrow
Lamb's Ears, Carolyn

I'd like peach, orange and maroon for part sun(morning sun only)
Blues, whites, yellows for full sun
Fragrant flowering shrub sun, shade or part sun...not picky

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 9:50 PM

This message was edited May 15, 2010 11:44 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2010 4:48 PM

This message was edited Jun 4, 2010 11:14 PM

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm moving my list from the "Chat" thread to here! I really have plenty of everything unless marked so have not posted amounts next to my listings as I can go around and find the plants to dig up in most cases!


Brunnera (bugloss) The regular large leaf that blooms with a forget me not flower
Campanula Glomerata (deep purple)...... Roses_R_Red;
Centaurea Montana Blue (blooms all summer with deadheading - true blue color) Reseeds.
Digitalis (Foxglove) (two kinds)
a. Biannual with a variety of colors......Kat
b.Perennial variety which blooms yellow
10 Euphorbia Fireglow Produces orange bracts rather than yellow ...... Onewish1; Roses_R_Red; GardenQuilts
1 Ironweed (mine is originally from Colorado)
Japanese Anemone - both varieties spread but are wonderful in late summer.
a. Hadsen Pink ........... Carolyn22; Gardenquilts
b. Robustissime..........Gardenquilts?
Knautia macedonica (blooms all summer, pink, lilac, burgundy red)...... Gardenquilts; Carolyn22
2 Kitaibelia vitifolia (maybe more as I check for new seedlings in the garden.
Lunaria (Money Plants or Honesty) 2 unusual varieties:
a. 2 Barnsley (purple leaf )........Gardenquilts; Wind (plants gone) seeds will be available once they ripen
b. Variegated, stunning leaves and purple flowers its second year. Seedlings available for bloom next year
8 Lupines - various colors....... Kat
Phystotegia Pink Bouquet (known also as Obedient Plant)
Rose campion (biannual - reseeds happily but are a stunning purplish red)
Saponaria (soapflower) (pink)
NEW!! 3 South African digitalis (ceratotheca triloba) 4-5 ft. Annual Pale lavender flowers. deer resistant Very small at the moment!....... Carolyn22
Tiger lilies (These are orange and get really tall)
NEW! 2 Tomato Wapsinicon Peach Yellow with fuzzy skin ............Wind

Salvia Rose Rhapsody - Carolyn22
Phlox Starfire - Carolyn22
Trollius - Lemon Queen - Carolyn22
Reblooming Tall Bearded Iris - Immortality - Carolyn22
Lavender Munstead from seed - Roses_R_Red
Stevia - Docgipe
Phystotegia Summer Snow - Carolyn22
Sungold tomato - NisiNJ
Dr. Carolyn tomato - NisiNJ
Browalia amethyst - Wind
Pineapple Sage - Wind
Campanula Pink Octopus - HollyAnnS or Wind

Teri, I'd like one of the Lavender Munsteads please!

4/20 HAVE:Added Kitaibelia vitifolia 4/20/10 above. See if unfamiliar with this great plant.
WANT: Carolyn22 - could I add Phystotegia Summer Snow as well? Thanks!
5/25 HAVE: Added Wapsinicon Peach tomato and African Foxglove

This message was edited May 30, 2010 8:13 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2010 11:17 PM

This message was edited Jun 5, 2010 9:03 AM

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Lavender to Flowerjen and Gardadore, Caryopteris baby for Flowerjen. Flowerjen cuts her own lilac josee when she gets here. Gotcha

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is my have list, there may be a few additions along the way. Hopefully I won't lose any of my annuals. I'll put in a link to my journal tomorrow.

Iris White -- GardenQuilts
Artemisia Silver King 3
Vinca Major Variegated
Vinca Minor
Ajuga -- RRR,
Sedum Yellow creeping -- GardenQuilts
Violets White, Yellow & Purple
Perilla -- Onewish
Common Daylilies
Ornamental Grass Variegated (runner type not clumping)
Campanula Pink Octopus 3 -- RRR,
Virginia Blue Bells
Dutchman's Britches
Hosta NOID Variegated

Herbs and Veggies
Comfrey: -- GardenQuilts
Choclate Mint Onewish, GardenQuilts

Water plants
Pickerel Weed
Yellow Water Iris

Black Pussy Willow Onewish
Trumpet Vine
Wisteria RRR,
Ornamental Plum Trees seedlings FlowerJen

Ornamental Sweet Potatoes Margarita' & Blackie Onewish
Coleus Onewish
Mexican Heather 2
Cuban Oregano 3

Hyacinth Bean 3
Cardinal Climber 3 RRR,
Cinnamon Vine 3
Passion Flower RRR Gone

Blue Agave 1
Peace Plant 2

This message was edited Apr 30, 2010 8:04 AM

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Holly, I would appreciate a:

passion flower
cardinal climber
campanula pink octopus

Thank you.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Holly, I'd like an ornamental plum seedling please.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Got ya, they are very small.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Will keep them potted up then for awhile, not a problem, thanks.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Haves (plants):
Star of Yelta" Ipomoea purpurea purple morning glory
Purple Heart Tradescantia pallida grown as a houseplant but put outside for summer
Tiger lily Lilium lancifolium var. splendens
Austin Wildeve rose cuttings, possibly rooted fates permitting -first try died of black death, trying again shortly
3 Stonecrop Hylotelephium spectabile (pink flowers in fall)
1 Lamb's Ear -taken
Trumpet vine cuttings, possibly rooted, bringing only if requested
Black Walnut sapling planted by squirrels, bringing only if requested -google "black walnut" and "juglone" before planting - (Black walnut trees secrete juglone which is toxic to many kinds of plants, but some are immune.)

Hosta, especially any green variegated
Roses, especially antiques
Pretty sun loving perennials to keep the roses company
Veggies for containers

More to come when I figure out what to do about my winter sewn seedlings. I will have more plants than I can use. They are currently in the "chia pet" stage, need time to grow before splitting.

More Haves -Baby seedlings or hunks of seedlings from this winter's sowing adventure.

1 Clematis tangutica 'Radar Love'
3 Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon -lavender
6 Digitalis purpurea -Mixed white and pink varieties -onewish1, Carolyn22
3 Digitalis ferrugina - rusty foxglove, a variety grown at Jefferson's Monticello -onewish1, Carolyn22
3 Digitalis alba - white foxglove-onewish1, Carolyn22
cherry tomato seedlings for wind -checking

I'll try to keep track of the chat list, but please dmail me to be sure I catch your requests. I have some seeds from the last swap that I am holding for people. I will bring them along.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2010 12:04 PM

This message was edited May 15, 2010 11:27 PM

This message was edited May 26, 2010 10:34 PM

Athens, PA

Edited my list again - I broke down and bought Hydrangea Annabel. I also added a wee seedling that came back this year -

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This message was edited Apr 30, 2010 8:01 AM

Athens, PA


I would be interested in your 3 Mango Verbena from seed.


Athens, PA

R-R-R - thank you!

Added a Japanese painted fern to my have list

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, would love that painted fern, please.

Athens, PA

Flowerjen - it's yours!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This almost counts as a bump; it's been so long since the last post. I hope some of you will take a number of our tomato plants; we have so many. We sold some at a market, and I am putting them on Craigslist this week for our front lawn sale. Also we have pepper plants that are still in their original seedling tray. Let us know what you want so we can transplant them directly into separate pots just for you!


This is a cut and paste of the seeds we started:

A Series

1. Supersonic
2. Big Boy
3. Better Boy--Flowerjen
4. Big Beef--Garden Quilts
5. Black Cherry--Wind (unless I can find a chocolate cherry)
6. Cherokee Purple
7. Aurora Fire
8. Ramapo
9. Husky Red
10. Brandywine Pink Quisenberry--Garden Quilts
11. Stupice
12. Early Girl
13. Super Beefsteak
14. Steak Sandwich
15. Tumbling Tom Red
16. Genovese Basil
17. Big Mama
18. Little Mama
19. Super Marzano—Indeterminate
20. San Marzano--GardenQuilts
21. Casabell (The 21-40 flat is all peppers)
22. Chile Negro
23. Sweet Mini
24. Early Jalapeno
25. “
26. “
27. “”
28. “
29. “
30. “
31. “
32. California Chile
33. “
34. New Mexico
35. Giant Thai Hot
36. Jupiter
37. 64L
38. 64L/Tangerine Mama
39. Jalapeno M--Wind (2)
40. California Wonder--GardenQuilts
41. Roma
42. Sungold
43. Sungold
44. Big Zac
45. Super Beefsteak
46. Good N Early
47. Supersonic
48. Tamina
49. Better Boy
50. Juliette Marigold (didn’t germinate)
51. “
52. Brandywine OTV
53. Brandywine Red-Landis
54. Brandywine Yellow-Platfoot
55. Eva Purple Ball--Garden Quilts
56. Akers West Virginia
57. Dr. Lyle
58. Earl of Edgecombe
59. Wins All
60. Marion

B Series

1. Fresh Salsa
2. Health Kick
3. Fourth of July/Red Marietta Marigold
4. Rutgers
5. Roma
6. Roma
7. Roma
8. Sungella
9. Burpee’s Red Lightning/Basil/Mule Team
10. Sungold--Gardadore
11. Jelly Bean Grape--Onewish
12. Riesentraube--Garden Quilts, Flowerjen (who requested "any cherry")
13. Isis Candy
14. Dr. Carolyn (ivory)--Gardadore
15. Tommy Toe
16. Marglobe
17. Heinz
18. Delicious
19. Burpee’s Steak Sandwich
20. Tami G (Agriset)
21. Jersey Devil--Onewish
22. Pasture Cherry
23. Holy Land/Basil/Lancaster Valley Paste (from eBay)
24. Break O’Day
25. Yellow Submarine
26. Magyar Piroska
27. Abe Lincoln
28. Amish Paste
29. Anna Russian--Garden Quilts
30. Basinga
31. Brandywine-Sudduth
32. Costoluto Genovese
33. Dr. Lyle
34. Dr. Wyche’s Yellow/Basil/Heidi
35. Jaune Flamme--Garden Quilts
36. Kellogg’s Breakfast
37. Manyel/Basil/Amish Salad
38. Opalka
39. Yellow Pear
40. Mr. Stripey

Added: Bought a sixpack of Black Krim tomatoes and I need only ONE!

Wintersown tomatoes--

Rowdy Red (Named for Clint Eastwood--remember "Rawhide?")
Dr. Carolyn Pink--Gardadore

Herbs: Genovese Basil, Tricolor Sage (Garden Quilts, One Wish)

There are also some more Wintersown tomato varieties. I'll go out tomorrow when it's daylight and edit this post to add them.

Added: I have some bareroot everbearing strawberry plants living in the fridge for awhile now. I can plant in pots and see if they "take."


Marigolds--Yellow, Orange, Aurora Fire
Petunias--Red and a mix of Blue shades
Impatiens--Red with a white "star" in the center

Seeds for Benary Giant Zinnia mix for you to direct sow (bought a BIG pack and can share)


Onewish--Variegated Vinca

RosesRRed--Dragon's blood Sedum, Centaurea Cyanus, Snapdragon Madame Butterfly, Petunia Frost Fire, Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy

Carolyn 22--Salvia Rose Rhapsody, Heuchera Can Can

Gardadore -- Lupine, Digitalis biannual

Holly Ann--Virginia Blue Bell, White Iris (if any left), Violets (Is each a color combo of white/yellow/purple, or are they individual colors?) If they are individual colors, then Yellow & Purple, please.


Onewish--Geraniums--any of the pinks or rose shades, Walking onion, Heliotrope--Dwarf Marine

Roses R Red--Nicotiana Perfume Deep Purple Dwarf, Ice Plant

Holly Ann - Cuban oregano

I'm sorry to split up Kat's and my request lists. Hope it's not too confusing.


This message was edited May 25, 2010 12:21 AM

This message was edited May 27, 2010 9:22 PM

Thumbnail by NisiNJ
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Roses R Red, I would love a lavender munsted, monarda, dwarf purple nicotainia and russian sage if they are still available.

NisiNJ _I would love a San Marzano or Super Marzano tomato. I would also be glad to have any mild pepper you have. I didn't get my veggies started inside this year. I have some starting outside, but they are tiny. You grow so many tomato varieties, I would love to know which are your favorites. I would also be interested in your success wintersowing tomatoes and veggies.

gardadore, I would love Euphorbia Fireglow, Japanese Anemone, Knautia macedonica and Barnsley purple leaved lunaria.

It is finally done raining, work is done for the day, and it isn't going to get any cooler, best to get back out to my seedlings. I will try to update my list tonight as I repot some more wintersown seedlings.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

NisiNJ: I would like one Sungold tomato if still available. Also is your Dr. Carolyn yellow or pink? In either case I will take one. I tried to save seed from my Dr. Carolyn pink last year but they failed.
I have reserved Lupines and Digitalis for Kat. To answer her questions: she requested no purple lupines but that is hard to guarantee. She won't know what she has until they bloom. But I will dig the seedlings near the pink ones and hope for the best! I may have a small white one I can give up! They are just starting to bloom (very early for us) so I'll do my best to avoid purple!)
None of my biannual digitalis is yellow. My yellow ones are strictly perennials and are about 1 ft tall. The biannual ones are 2 to 3 ft. tall.

Gardenquilts - I have notated your requests but wasn't sure whether you wanted both kinds of Japanese Anemones. I have reserved them both in case!

I will be adding some more things to my list once I see what I can pot them up. I am adding a few African digitalis which is lavender blue if anyone is interested.
I planted only heirloom tomatoes this year. I have extra of a most unusual one: Wapsinicon Peach. It is a yellow tomato with a fuzzy skin. See my "Haves". Here is a link to view it:

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

good thing I scrolled back up.. I didn't see the requests Nisi... too blinded by the tomato choices.. LOL... I will add yours now

if I can request Jelly Bean Grape, Jersey Devil, and Tricolor Sage

Athens, PA


I am definitely interested in the African Digitalis.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just wanted to give you all a heads up. Ric and I had to go down to Fl. his father had surgery last week. We were expecting to be here about the time he would be released from the Hosp. Instead he needed a second surgery. Not sure how long we will be here and what shape our plants will be in when we get home. I have someone taking care of the house and plants and we sure hope to be back in Pa. for the swap but at this point I have no idea if we will. Holly

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)



Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, thoughts and prayers for a good recovery for him. Take care of yourselves, too.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Speedy recovery to your Dad.

Denise, Would like Better Boy and just pick out a good cherry tomato

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Carolyn22 - added the African digitalis

Holly and Ric - Will be thinking of you and hope all goes well!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

best wishes Ric & Holly!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm finally going to get our plant list posted today!!! Sorry it took me so long. I wasn't sure if we could commit, but I'm hoping now that we will be able to make the visit ^_^

Holly & Ric ~ best wishes that Ric's dad has a speedy recovery; it's nice that you are able to go down to see him. BTW, I just finally got the black pussy willow planted. I'm hoping it makes a comeback. It got quite straggly waiting for me to get to it.

please dmail me for your wants - thanks!

most recent additions:
3 Butterfly bushes Buddleia davidii not sure of bloom color, probably lavender
Cleome pink
2 Fiber Optic Grass, Salt Marsh Bulrush, Scirpus cernus (aka isolepsis cernus)

Variegated Aucuba cuttings (OneWish, GardenQuilts, ...)
4 Callicarpa Bodinieri, Purple Beautyberry shrub

2 sedum live forever
2 ferns (GardenQuilts,...)
1 solid green hosta

1 blue eyed grass (GardenQuilts?)
2 Northern sea oats grass Chasmanthium latifolium

2 apple mint (GardenQuilts,...)

4 sea holly
3 dusty rose nicotiana (GardenQuilts,...)
2 nicotiana, rose, white, lavender mix (NisiNJ,...)
2 Browalia amethyst (Garadore,...)

3 Atkinson tomato (2 NisiNJ,...)
2 Brandywine tomato
6 cherry tomato
3 Purple flash ornamental pepper- dark leaves, round purple peppers that ripen to red

2 Pineapple sage (GardenQuilts, NisiNJ)
4 red shiso perilla (OneWish, GardenQuilts, NisiNJ & Kat)
6 Lady in Red salvia (3 Roses, 3 OneWish - you need 3ea, one would be lonely!)

jalapeno pepper (NisiNJ - thanks!)
black cherry tomato (GardenQuilts - thanks!)
jelly bean grape tomato (GardenQuilts - thanks!)
yellow pear tomato (GardenQuilts - thanks!)

Barnsley lunaria?? maybe seeds (Gardadore - thanks!)
Wapsinicon Peach tomato (Gardadore - thanks!)

Nicotiana Alata Lime (Roses - thanks!)

This message was edited May 30, 2010 8:51 AM

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

wonderful that you're joining us wind!!

you've got a lime if i can revive it.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Allison, Can I get 1 tradescantia please? to replace the one I have that came up a daylily(LOL)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

do you want me to watch for a certain color Jen?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Nah, doesn't matter

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you got it

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)


May I have a browalia and a pineapple sage?


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

NisiNJ, may I have a few more tomatoes? I am not sure if my seedlings will get big enough to make tomatoes before the frost. I got my grow bags ready and my neighbor doesn't mind my veggies against his wall....I would like Big Beef, Russian Anna, Brandywine Pink Quisenberry, Eva Purple Ball, Riesentraube, Jaune Flamme, Olpaka. I would also like a tricolor sage.

I hope that our tomatoes are enjoying this hot, humid weather. I am wilting.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


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