What is happening in your Garden Today?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Holly, I was going to look up some of your old posts to get my bearings. My bearing anr't so good in the morning. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Ladyg, My memory isn't too good most days. LOL I was telling someone that I would be worried about Alzheimer but I have always been this way, so nothing has changed. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I have both been pretty sick this week so we didn't do much. Today it was so pretty outside that we did go out for a little while. Spent some time working in the Veggie Garden and the new bed that was put in last summer. Sure was nice to see all the plants coming up in the new bed. Just did a little weeding and them moved to the front wall bed just to clean it up alittle. The yard is really coming alive.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

We had 7 yards of amended soil brought in to cover the area that we cleaned up at the end of the tree line. Since it rained right after it was brought in, we are just taking off the top of the pile as it dries.

This was taken just before the truck came.

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I need to warn you about putting too much soil around existing trees. I assume the tree there is one you would not want to lose? Please do a bit of research on it....

Putting 6" of soil around a mature tree can, eventually, kill it. Even 2" will do a number on all the feeder roots, that are just below the surface of the soil, and affect the tree.

I cannot give you any more substantiated advice on this--as it is all acquired knowledge.
Perhaps you may want to check with all the "experts" on the Trees and Shrubs Forum?

Best to you---Gita

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Holly, sorry to hear you and Ric are sick :( It was pretty darn chilly to be working outside with the winds early this week - hopefully you'll feel better soon and can take advantage of the warmer weather that's finally here! I'm not getting anything done in the gardens - still walking around LOOKING at everything instead of getting down on my hands and knees and DOING! Maybe by this weekend I'll finally start to get something done, if I don't tackle it soon I'll have a mess on my hands because everything's starting to pop out of the ground!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ric & Holly, hope you both are feeling better. Spending time smooching grandkids again? LOL
I got quite a bit done in the garden yesterday. Raked up the area by the sidewalk and driveway and unwrapped my topiary tree. Unwrapped the patio set and hosed off the patio. It sure is good to do away with the signs of winter and spray away the dirt.
A walk around the yard is reveling more plants coming back to life. Still more raking to do, but a little bit at a time, it will get done.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Ladyg, Ric and I have been sick ever since a childs Birthday Party last week. That sweet little germ infested Lucas laid us low. We are just getting back on our feet but the Grandkids will be coming tomorrow to spend the day. We will have all three of them for most of the day and if they can't reinfect us then they will get a second chance on Easter. LOL You are so right about good it felt to get outside yesterday. Today we will be hauling materials, first a load of sand for the patio, then a load of mulch and last a load of stone for Josh's house.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I actually get to do some outside gardening today - DH offered to help me get the front cleaned up - wuhuuuuuuuu
He's my designated digger and since my back is rather bad he'll do the cleaning up/digging and I'll do the supervising!

We got the backyard cleaned up and gravelled, with Samson & the rain/mud we had the carpet was soooo muddy, so we decided to give up on grass and just covered it in gravel - looks cleaner and actually bigger - I might bring in some bigger planters - or just leave it for this year - Samson seems to like eating some plants...^_^

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, would you like me to "barrow" some gloves and masks from the office? You and Ric could play Dr. with the little darlings? LOL

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


We were already told by a local landscaper that the very old cherrywood trees would not be bothered by the extra soil. In any case, the soil is not being put down around the trees. It is being topped onto an area where we cut down and pulled out all the wild stuff at the end of the tree line.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Ladyg, It just wouldn't be the same, those germ laden kisses are worth the slight inconvenience of being laid low for most of a week. LOL
We we did get a load of sand and mulch today and priced a load of Mushroom soil for my Parents house. Ric went out to mow and I'm just taking a break before I start getting the house ready for Grandkids visit tomorrow.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Roses you can make that into such a lovely area. I can just see a woodland garden with maybe a bench to sit in the shade.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Didn't do much today---just so tempting to sit and take in all the birds and the greening of the World.....

Took a couple of my larger house-plants outside for some fresh air....
I did repair the brick edging on one bed---dig...dig...and put new bricks to replace the broken ones.....
I did dig up some more Forget-Me-Nots to share at work---they are EVERYWHERE!!!!
I mulched all my Roses and a few other plants.....
I put new oil in my mower, and also some gas "treatment" in my gas can . Started it up--NO problem!
One yank of the cord--and she was purring like a kitten. Could not mow today--everything is still so wet!
Hoping to do it tomorrow.

Wanted to dig up my Tomato bed--but, instead, came in and started cooking all the chicken I bought yesterday while watching Oprah. Did the Garlic Lime recipe running right now on the Recipe Forum in the "Boneless, Skinless Chicken recipes" Post. It was VERY good! I just used thighs--not breasts....

Now it is dark--and I am going to "veg".....


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

LOL Holly you can clearly tell who has grandkids and who doesn't. LOL

Gita, I give you a lot of credit, you are busy, independent. I am learning to give up some of my Independence, but I'm to bullheaded. The garlic lime chicken sounds wonderful I'll have to look it up, thanks for the recommendation.

Roses, I like that area. Are you planing a flower bed there?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Her is the link to that Forum....Many other great recipes on there.....


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Finaly getting back in 'bidniss' with pictures here. Crocus have come and gone but daffs are in full swing for me!

Thumbnail by sallyg
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Sallyg: All my daffodills are blooming , as you can see on this picture I have quite a few . The city decided after 70 years to put in sidewalks , this mean that I have to dig this flower bed out completly. Every daffodils, bee balms echinecceas, daysies and so on . My work in really cut out.
in the mean time I have free black eyed susans , tall purple asters, and tall red cannas that need a home. e-mail me if interested....

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My daffs are just starting, but the Crocus keep on coming. I planted early mid and late ones over the years. I am always working the beds digging and moving things and not being to carefully around the crocus, as a result some of the bulbs get shifted around, so I have clumps in places I did not intentionally place them. The plus is the clumps keep expanding and get prettier every year. They you get the stray single bloom out some where in no mans land but in a few years there will be a colony of them.
Still have a few left over snowdrops blooming too.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Oh Bummer! Orchid. What a lot of work for you, and the bed is so pretty. The plus side is the widewalk will give your yard a new look, a nice sharp edge to plant. After the dirt is settled and they are done messing with the sidewalk sprinkle sweet alyssum seeds near the edge.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh, orchidfancy, that could be pretty aggravating. IEven tho technically they have the rights to it, I personally think any plot of ground nobody else seems concerned with that's in my arms reach should be cultivated. So now that they want it back, all those goodeis shouldn't be trashed. Then there's the margin of the work area that will be abused too. Painful. I had just a touch of that with a home addition a few years ago. I was so glad I hadn' done much gardening in that area.
I have plenty of snowdrops now--somebody brought some to Hollys swap and I 'took care' of a pot destined for happymacomb. I divided it in the fall and it was chock full of snowdrops! I still have a full pot to pass taking extra good care of.
I think pretty much everything I have is showing some growth except Passiflora and Swamp Milkweed. I was really glad to see good growth from a clump of Hostas with a critter (vole) hole right next to them.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

My intention is to put a nice white picket fence and have a nice flower bed on the other side including some roses such as "New Dawn" I have one waiting for it and also a "Zephirine Drouhin" that also need a new home. I dont feel like having people walking into my yard . yesterday I planted 7 bushes along my back fence , it was completely nude since I lost my willow . I already had some shrubs in my yard that needed to be divided .I alternated the japonicas with viburnum, Keria's, bridal wreath , it should make a nice edge once it fills out. In the meantime I have to dig a huge space(25ft by12) and convert it into a flower bed. It is filled with years of periwinkle growth, day lillies and I dont know what else. it has to be turned into a flower bed for butterflies and hummers. an probably some fancy bulbs.
I have my work cut out....

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

When I built my sidewalk last year, I must have rescued every snow drops that were in the ground I planted them along the sidewalk and they bloomed very nicely , I am so pleased except that they reproduce ten times more than rabbits... I am overwhelmed LOL

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

We have most of the soil in place in the new 20x25 foot area

This is what it looks like so far.

We still need to rake it smooth. The contour is flat in the front but follows the slope up to the top of the tree line. I like the idea that this one is not all flat. We will take the rest of the weekend off and get it all finished with the bulbs that I just received going in.

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is a picture of my future project the flower bed for the butterflies and hummer . It looks pretty dreadfull right now.

Thumbnail by orchidfancy
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Roses -r -red that looks like a big project

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Nothing like a picket fence and flowers!

I live on the corner and had a path cut through the lawn by people cutting the corner short. We installed the fence just on the corner and that stopped the path.

This message was edited Apr 2, 2010 8:49 AM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Lady gardener that is my point , fences look pretty and keep people and critters out LOL

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

Roses-are-red , yes it is a big project and I cant do anything for several days I have bronchitis This annoy's me so much just when I need to be in the garden I am out of commission . This is what i call bad timing . Yesterday I did too much outside and I am paying the consequences today . So today I will only bask in the sun..

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Or critters in. This is my garden area I share with my two little dogs.

This is the first year pictures. I have more flower bed areas going on now. It is the opposite side of the house and I can open up the door and let the girls run, Totally enclosed with 3 gated areas.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

rats orchid-- not the time to miss gardening. Well it IS super basking weather!!!!
layg- I can bet there are flowers lining both sides of that fence by now...or will be soon!

In my garden today? Well..! Spent several GLORIOUS hours on weeding, rearranging and amending the soil. Gawd I just LOOOOOVVVVVE playing in the dirt, moving plants! Found a few things I forgot all about, like several good tiger lily shoots. It was like getting a day with all my old friends, seeing how they are and what they are up to this year. I am strange...
and it's only april 2--Wonder what else I can plant in the veggie garden still. No sign of swischard seeds I put out early. Could do more lettuce if I have seed, or radishes ditto (tho I never had good luck with radishes)
OOOH my homegrown from-a-discarded-pit PEACH is blooming! all over!
Can you tell I had fun today? I sound like Gita, in CAPS!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, You know me so well. LOL Last fall I empty out my annual combo pots and my tomato containers in the area the other side of the fence. It will be enough to get annuals growing. Add a dressing of fert. and there off. On the street side I have Miss Kim Lilac and 2 other small nonflowering shrubs.
The back yard is all raked with the help of Paul, his shoulder has been giving him trouble and he has been taking it easy and saw the Dr. last week. I kept reminding him to take it easy.
He got a lesson in pruning from me, I think he was pretty happy with himself, after giving him the basics I let him make the decisions where to cut. He kept saying "Are you sure, it won't kill it?" Now this shrub has been there many years at the end of the property, the last few renters next door have driven into it, whacked it with the snow plow on a truck. Broken off limbs and even split it. I just laughed, with all it has gone through it would take dynamite to destroy it.
Last fall when the house went up for sale and was empty we put up a fence, we had had it. There was always deep ruts it our yard in the spring from them driving into our lawn and that made it very hard to mow till the ruts were filled in. The place has been on the market for a long time and it went to Sheriff's sale but I don't know if it was purchased.

One small bed it the front of the house next to the porch to rake and clean out and a quick rack on the corner garden (some leaves blew back in ) and I'll be done and can start doing the compost dressing, planing and planting. Yea!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


My sentiments exactly! It is ONLY April 2nd--but I have so many plants I just want to stick outside for the fresh air and some better light. I have already done so with:

My old Fiddle Leaf Ficus----going on 18yrs.
My HUGE (again) Ric-Rac Cactus
And my Hibiscus from last Summer--which has doubled in size from last year. Hes been, sporadically, blooming off and on by my kitchen door.

I also took out my 2 Hyacinth Bean seedlings out today and put them on my Patio table--snug against the house.
Geez! They are 6" tall already!!!! I seeded 2 more. One of them is coming up.

I am, once again, paying for my impatience.....Seeded a few things too soon!
My Tomatoes, since I just potted them up, have doubled in size,,,,,,NOW WHAT? I also need to pot up my Daturas and, soon, my Basil. NO problems this year with my seedlings! Just need a bigger light set-up!

IF I could believe that this weather, or close to it, would last a bit--I would put out some more plants here and there on trays, so i can grab them and bring them back inside if we have a cold snap.

Today---I mowed my lawn for the first time. Set the blades at 2" to get a close crop. I tjhink i was the first in my neighborhood to do so. It was still wet---the moisture just coming up from the soil.
I dug up some of the wayward rooting-stems on one of my Astilbes and potted up about 7 of them.
I opened up a bag of 2yr. old leaf mulch and it was solid "mush"......Put some of it around my Ferns and the Astilbes and my Columbines also a couple of Roses.

I dug up my Tomato bed--just one digging--when I incorporate some other goodies in it--I will turn it over again....

I think I got enough sun on me today----was out there for hours in a tank top.

There is ONLY so much I can do at this time! Kind of frustrating.....

Cook Out tomorrow at my daughters.......Whoopie!!!!

I am bringing the steaks and the wine.....They will do the grilling and the veggies and some Onion Rings....
I am also supposed to "advise" my "budding gardener" about her future plantings of Tomatoes and peppers and preparing her bed for all the above....
She really wants to plant some pretty flowers in the heavy, concrete urns on her front steps. It is an old house with columns and wide front steps--with a couple of planters (concrete) on either side....

Take it easy--and have a wonderful Easter Holiday! Try to chill a bit!
Go to the Easter Egg Post---I posted our (Latvian) method of doing Easter Eggs.....A great family activity--and ALL natural!

Love, Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Ladyg talk about having clumps of crocus in places you didn't intend. I have a large clump in the middle of my Veggie Garden must have moved some dirt and tossed it down there.
Orchidfancy, What a big job you have ahead. It is such a shame to have to

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Went by my old house yesterday and rescued some plants that did not get planted last year, I know my husband would end up throwing them away. Also dug up the azalea my sister gave me last year for my birthday and the Hydrangea I got at last years swap from LadyG. I hate that I have to leave the other plants, they are looking good, Holly your friends Hostas are coming up, as are some of the others from the swap.
Got back to the townhouse where I am living now, asked the owner if it was OK if I did some landscaping in the backyard. Of course she said yes, I'm not sure what I would have done with the plants if she said no.

Thumbnail by Catbird423
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, That is why I "Cottage Garden" things just so up here and there and still look good. LOL I tried to make theme gardens but that didn't work., not anything goes and if it reseeds and looks good there, I let it grow.

I am so excited 2 of my Delphinum Black Knights have returned and one looks like it will be big and full. I found another in my old winter sowing box from last year, it's little but I'll pot it up and give it a chance.

I got the raking done this morning so the tarp and rake a put away. Looks like my Sugar snap Peas are getting ready to grow, a few seeds worked there way to the top of the soil and they look like they will start growing.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Nice looking plants Catbird. Hope the Hydrangea does well for you.
I want to move mine it is to big for the area it is in and I can use the space for annuls that I can enjoy next to the patio.

Speaking of the swap, I have a strange leaf coming up next to a plant the Stormy gave me. I know it had to be an added bonus from her. I know she is busy with her job right now so I'll be patient to get an ID.

Holly I did a head count of my frogs yesterday, 7 looks like all have made it, and 2 of them seemed to be attracted to each other, and making noices. Will I have tads this year?


I have been watching crocus move three sixty from where I planted them for years. I also see some that I never planted. I suspect the chippies and possibly the squirrels do this. I have never caught them red handed doing this. Of the two I think it is the chippies.

I plant a couple hundred new ones every now and again. I view myself as a tennis player with the serve. The animals don't bat them back they grab one and run. LOL It's an amusing sport.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I got pulled away from my previous posting in the middle of it and Ric thinking I was done posted it. LOL
Lets see I was saying to Orchidfancy, What a big job you have ahead. It is such a shame to have to move all those plants but it will be beautiful when you get it all redone.
Ladyg that white fence does look nice. I know that you have it there for practical reasons but it sure looks good. My pond didn't do well this year it froze over more than once and stayed that way for quite a while. I am not happy with the energy efficient pond heater I bought when the old one gave out. I took 4 dead frogs and a couple of fish out of the pond when it finally thawed but the good new is that I have seen at least 4 live fish and plenty of snails. Maybe there is more that have survived.
Catbird, That must be so hard not to have a place of your own to garden in. I know your patio plants will be beautiful this year.
I was doing a walk around showing a friend everything and she was going on about how much we are doing. But really I'm not feeling like we are getting much done yet. I'm heading out to do a little weeding and cleaning pretty soon. We went to pick up our plants this morning and then down to Josh's house for a while if I just get some leaves and a little weeding done I will be happy to accomplished something. I will say that this is the best the yard has looked this early. Really has more to do with what got done last fall than what has gotten done this spring.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

LOL, Doc. I'm getting 2 pictures there.

Doc, as town sheriff, 10 gal hat, 6 shooters drawn "Ok you varmints! Hand over the crocus bulbs."

Sun visor racket in hand getting ready to serve.

You do make a good point about the chipmunks, never really thought about it. I guess I figured it was all my doing.

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