What is happening in your Garden Today?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

That does it - Lowe's and HD it is tomorrow! I need annuals!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I felt like I was in caddy shack when I tried the smoke bombs for the groundhogs.. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I've tried that with mower exhaust, hooked up a pipe and ran the mower, LOL I'm not sure it worked, but it made me feel like I was taking action. The veggie garden is moving along and I want to get a bunch of planting done before it rains. Ric

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

AAh, two more plants in ground, four other small pots emptied, two big front door pots planted, a new large pot full of wing Begonia looks like it'll be very happy. ..more stuff coming together such a good feeling. And traps re-baited, and grass cut again

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK!!! Down my way....(Baltimore)....

--Both purchased Clematis were planted....(From Brushwood)..this was a priority today!
--All four of my Daturas planted---two of each variety--have several extras, but they will not last in 4" pots until
Memorial Day weekend....They need to be in the ground! Sad to say, but I will be giving them away at work
rather than saving them for the Plant Swap at Memorial Day....NO GO!...
--A couple of planters filled with a good soil mix--for future plants to live in---
OH! How amazing the "MG Organic Choice Garden Soil is!!!!!!!!!!"
Still on sale at Lowes for $4.97 a bag (reg. $6.97). Home Depot had the same sale (DAH!).
but it ended today (Saturday)....Lowes' sale is good through Monday. GO get it!!!! BUT--As you know--IF you
know---HD will meet any competitors prices + 10% off the difference in the price....In this case it would be THEIR
sales price + 20 cents extra.....That is how they compete with one another....

Lowes is 2 miles close to me than the HD I work in is....I have NO guilt trips! I LOVE shopping there for plants!
I am a consumer--and will save $$$ any way I can.....
I also like to support my local, neighborhood Plant/Veggie stands--even if it means paying 50 cents more for something...Small business has such a hard time nowadays!

I have my Garden Stint at HD tomorrow--so I will not get much done in the next few days....

Plugging away as I can---as most of you are--the same!



Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a very productive day. I was out with the Grands and my Daughters all day. Ric stayed home and worked. LOL
Not sure what all he did but the Veggie garden is looking beautiful. He had JR for help and he asked JR to plant some Nasturtiums with the Cabbage plants. Next thing you know the sunflower & carrot seeds were missing. It will be an interesting 4ft sq plot. LOL He said he should have realized that something wasn't right as it was taking JR a long time to plant 20 nasturtium seeds, but every time he looked up JR was contentedly planting seeds. Little did he know. ;+}
He also made some progress on the Gazebo floor. Cut out another section of sod and took it to Jamie's, he is using it to fill in ruts and level some of the ditches in his yard.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey, we want to see how Jamies yard cleans up this year. That is such a neat house he got. ( Is Jamie the one who got the old stone house in town last year? )

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally it was Josh that got the stone house. I didn't do as much last year as I expected over there with Ric's hand injury. But I did get some plants put in the shade beds and they are looking pretty good. I also put a few in the sunny bed that runs alongside the sidewalk on the outside of the fence. I have more plants to put in there this year and I have more plants to put in the shade beds, too. Josh has emptied the pond and is going to fix the liner and refill it. I know he would like to do something nicer with the pond but not this year. He has been working on an area near the kitchen door which everyone uses all the time. He as re-leveled the brick patio and straighten the edge, put down landscaping fabric and river rocks. Installed a fountain and has a couple of big pots for me to fill. It is coming along slowly the goal is to have something that looks really nice but is very easy to care for. With his work hours and having the place out on the island to care for he doesn't have much time.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Looking good!!! Love the red pot.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

He has two of them. The other one is going somewhere on the other side of the fountain. He will extend the stone just a bit farther, there is an old cistern and he has a hand pump that he wants to install. The stone will go that far then some kind of planting that will tie into whatever we come up for with the pond. I want to put in some kind of shrubs or evergreens to help provide a little privacy for the back pouch but he doesn't want anything too big that would hang over the sidewalk.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh yeah, great pot and looking very nice there. Did he take away and old six foot privacy fence on that side?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, No not a privacy fence, just 6ft privacy weeds. LOL Ric just delivered another load of stone today so he might have it finished this weekend. He keeps bugging me about filling those pots and I keep telling him not for another 2 weeks. He is also whining about what to do with the other beds and I keep saying wait I will get there I have plans and it is too early for what we are going to do. LOL He did say that the bed I worked on last year looks so nice.
I started a new thread as this one is getting long.

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

Spent all day digging 50 square foot, 18 inch deep asparagus bed. Hot, sweaty - but happy. Now I have to be patient, and wait a couple of years for harvest.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice! We are eating fresh just cut from our garden Asparagus a couple of times a week. I can tell you all your work will pay off nicely.

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

Great to hear, Holly!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Today my garden will 'grow' pretty pastel eggs.... Some with pieces of butt fur right alongside .... And a CANNED carrot! I forgot to get a nine big fresh one. BAD GRANDMA!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Enjoy your Easter. I am sorry to say that I have been sick for the last few days and will be staying home from our family diner. Thank goodness that my daughter is hosting and Ric will take the deviled eggs, candy and presents up and hopefully he will stay long enough to eat. Still running a fever off and on but I have spent so much time in bed sleeping I don't think I could get to sleep right now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aw Holly, so sorry!
sounds like fun for 'missingrosie' !

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hope you're feeling better Holly. My garden is just starting to wake up and I just received the camera that I left at my daughter's house. It's supposed to rain today, but I plan on going outside for a while anyway so that I can catch up with things. I just put in some Miss Lucy Oriental Lilies and plan on cleaning up one bed every other day. This year I will try to use coir for mulch and will experiment with making some "paver paths" with the molds that I bought where you pour colored cement into them then keep rotating them next to each other.

Gita, I'm hoping to find those Wave Petunia Plants at Lowe's today since I have so many hanging pots and stacked pots to fill and did not sow any petunia seeds indoors this year.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Better today. Went for a walk around the gardens. Like yours mine is really waking up, too. Then I dug out a few plants for the swap but I just set them in the shade will go pot them up properly later. Got so winded with just a little activity. Guess it might take a few more days. This is the best I have felt since Thursday night.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly---care to move this Thread on????

I don't have a problem--but it is now over 200.......

And--Spring has sprung--so a new Thread would have a lot more to post on.....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I was thinking the same thing Gita. A new thread for a new season. Let me find a nice pic to start it out.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

New thread. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1176046/
come and let us know what you are doing in your garden today.

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