Purple Passion..Advice needed soon

(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

As some of you know, I live in zone 8b. Currently I am visiting family in Chicago. My aunt has a purple passion (the fuzzy one) and it is very wilted but not dry. She has been keeping it in the house and it only goes out on days when the temps are 65 plus...Its still in the pot it was purchased in. I think it needs a more well draining soil, but I'm also afraid it may not like the chilly breeze that comes thru the house when the doors are open.

Would someone please tell me general proper care for this plant? I'm not familiar with the zone and I need some help..


Blackshear, GA

I have two of these and they seem to grow best in a warm humid environment. The zone on them are 10-11. Mine does best in the greenhouse with bright light.

(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks GAgirl.. That makes perfect sense to me. The one I have at home in Alabama does beautifully with little effort and no special attention.

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

For what it's worth, I have several gynuras like that. Here in Delaware, in zone 7a, I wouldn't attempt to put them outdoors unless it were in a screened-in porch with lots of indirect sun. My purple passions love the hot, sunny windowsill indoors or to be under my fluorescent lighting. They do not like to get dry.

Maybe you can repot the purple passion for your aunt. I have lately been purchasing orchid soil, and I love it. Most of my plants take to it like a duck to water. You can find orchid soil at Walmart. Please tell her to be careful not to get water on the leaves of the plant. A watering can with a long, skinny spout would do the trick. If the plant is very dry, she might place it in a small bowl of water to "bottom water" it instead for an occasional soak.

Chicago is still cold. Guard the purple passion until summer, then relax a bit. Summer has a way of bringing out the best in houseplants. They know when it's time to spring up with life and new growth. And it's right around the corner now!

Mount Vernon, OH

I use professional growers mix potting soil and water from bottom. (doesn't like to be dry) I live in zone 5. I just set mine in a bright window, it's doing so well that I cut the tops off and rerooting them. :o)

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

Mine can look great one day, then look sad the next. The lower leaves can start to look and feel gummy and wither away ... must have gotten water on them or something ... tish is right, they REALLY don't do well if they get dry. But you shouldn't get water on their leaves, either. So when I mist my other plants, I have to remove the purple passion from the group.

It makes me wonder how this plant makes it in its natural habitat. Surely it rains in the rainforest or wherever purple passion is naturally from.

(Tracey) Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I really appreciate all your input. I did repot it, amazingly enough in orchid soil.. I love orchid soil. I just hope it survives. I offered her proper care info, suggested she keep inside in a sunny area, and keep it out of the draft of cool air that comes in when doors are opened.

I am back home now.. A week in Chicago was more than enough for this southern girl!! I did enjoy the visit there.. Mostly nice enough weather, with just one day of snow. It was nice to have seen the dose of snow, very pretty. We don't see snow here very often in South Alabama. Maybe once every 10-15 years. It snowed here a few weeks ago, but I was in New Orleans and missed it..lol.

Thanks again.... Now I'm off to care for my own plants.


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