New bees chit chat Come on in!! 03/15/2010

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

candles - we go through a 50# bag of birdseed in about a week, maybe less - lol. The more you feed 'em the more they want. I'm hoping my investment pays off in some help from them with bug control!

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Enid, I would love to have those, if it is not any trouble....let me know about postage so I can send you the money.
It is my dream to have a rock from all 50 states some day. I think that would make the most interesting rock garden of all, don't you think?

Gonna go check the link for non-mass murderers lol


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Julie I have posted so many rocks in so many places trying to get you to admit you like rocks!! I don't even know where they all are anymore!! You better make room some where you have now verbally spoken your wish for rocks from all over the country. She knows not what she has easy on her.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'll get you a rock, mossy or no moss. From Ga.

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Bring it on...If I build it they will come!!! ROFL!!!

And I will send in the pictures as it progresses! (wonder if I can make flags for all the states) hehehehehehe

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I cant wait to see this one grow!!

Booneville, AR

enid did you send this snow mess over here to me i didn.t need this nasty stuff.the only thing it did was give us a reason to burn yhe rest of the wood that is on the front porch. dh would have had to move it back around to the back of the house.pire place is in the middle of the house keeps the hole house warm. now i like that.dh has never been good at starting a fire but he is getting better he has been watching me my grand father taught me how to build a fire and how to fire a gun. dfdnt wont me to go cold or hungry. smart man taught me to fish also. he could dry stack rock and it never fell over or shifted i tried but you have to have a goog eye to do that myne always fell over i still try but i think it is a lost cause.enid i syill love even if you did throw snow balls at me just had to whine a little bit.

Enid, OK

You guys are a mess!!!! I will see what I can come up with this spring Jar. If you perused the article, you know we never know with the crystals. I will have to check around for the rose rocks, haven't ever seen those where you could just go pick them up - guess I best get to checking on how to make that happen.

Send a semi mossy one RRM - best of both worlds. LOL

Jar, was it you that is the geo....rock person? Somebody on here has a degree in rocks, I am sure of it.

I have a degree but it ain't in English! Spelling and such are just a bore! Why don't they have spell check on here anyway? It would sure make me sound smarter!

Enid, OK

Sorry 'bout the snow nettie - it had to go somewhere, I chased that crap out of here!
I can't dry stack either - my dad could sorta, his always leaned a little, never moved kinda like the leaning tower - it was stable - just not completely erect. I can build a fire and shoot good too, cain't throw a ball though. I can throw it, you just never know where it is gonna end up! It could be at my feet, over my head..wherever just never anywhere close to where it should go.

Did you know Jar likes rocks? Why I think of barb wire at a time like this I have no idea, but...I had a collection once - it was stolen. My dad and I went through all of the wire piles he could find looking for pieces I didn't have. We came up with a bunch of different kinds - some of them were pretty wild looking. We used to go pick up arrow heads - long day of walking, very little picking up! I guess you could say I spent most of my life in fields and brush piles.

Booneville, AR

we will have good memories some people have nothing to remember. that would be very sad. i think.grandad was a one room school house teacher told some real good stories. played music by ear. i have gone to sleep many times to the sound of his pocket waech and his rocking chair. might have been a little spoiled he called me sister said i looked just like my mother.his youngest child. i still have that pocket watch. very special to me. littlenettie

Booneville, AR

i need to start some seed in the morning then need to visit the book store ive got a little cabin fever honest im just about crazy. have to get dh out or of the house or that will be two of us in yhe same house could be bad news if he had some black golf balls that might work. i try anything once nettie

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning!! Would my xone keepers meet me at my Dmail please??? Pretty Please and when you write will you tell me which zones you are sending welcome letters to? Thank You

Enid, OK

is a xone keeper anything like a gate keeper? LOL - I have learned you special typing technique - been here too long....LOL I am a crap keeper, does that count?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

LoL I wish I had a smart** Avatar!! I love your quick wit Lori!! I am always getting caught!! Zone that is Zone....I do it on purpose want to know who is awake and reading!!

Enid, OK

Just givin' ya a hard time this a.m. Arejay.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes and I have been giving you one over there!! Keeps the blood moving!!

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

You guys crack me up!!! Thought it was going to rain all day and be miserable but the sun came out and it is beautiful again. I seriously wonder if it's not too early to plant some things....Maybe I will try it and reserve some seed so it the frost does come I still have enough to plant later. ((((always manage to get myself in trouble with this thinking!))))

Enid, OK

Bad move Jar, I'm tellin' ya, don't do it......I already did, snowed all over my stuff! The only real damage I see is a couple of succulents and the tiny black eyed susan vine I had been trying to keep alive for 2 months. I don't think they were going to make it anyway.

DO IT JAR - plant something - then we can be in a club together. We will call it the Ot Oh Club, probably better not call it the Oh &*^% Club, which we all know it really is! And you can fill in your own four letter word!

Ah, to heck with it, it is officially Lori's OH &*^% Club. I get to be president because I have more OH's than anyone I know - except maybe RRM. I better get outside, I think I am getting off track a little here!! LOL

I will send you guys a pic later to make up for being such a smartie!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I cant even talk I am laughing to hard.

Enid, OK

These grow on the neighbors side of the fence - almost looks like they are talking to the snow.

Thumbnail by enidcandles

That fence looks like you could lift it up over them and then they'd be growing on your side!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

They are on the neighbors side? R U sure they arent on your side, trying to get away so you wont put them in the brown picture? Fess up girl!!

Enid, OK

Seray, I knew there was a reason I loved you! Great thinking this is what I have on my side

Thumbnail by enidcandles

Alright! Your side will do just fine then! What else does she have growing next to the fence? LOL

Enid, OK

Oh, lets see, there is flowering quince, crepe myrtle, rose bushes, day lilies, creeping phlox, iris and a huge pecan tree. I think I will move that fence over 4 feet - it will look better over here then!!

Most of them will be on your side anyway. You won't have to move it. LOL Can't you get rid of that snow. Way too much of it this year! I'm waiting for the last freeze to do it's thing. It's a battle of the wills every year. I'm behind with things so I think it'll be a safe bet on me this year. Most of the time I'm replanting in the middle of April. I do have maters blooming in the green house.

How's Caleb Huneybunch! And we haven't heard from Cedar in awhile. Still have you both in our prayers.

Have a good night. Hugs

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Must ............Plant............Something............Must.............Sow...........Seeds......ARGH!!!!!

******not listening to the nay-sayers***** if it browns up I will Miracle Grow it back to green! I have faith

And if not....well, I will certainly be joining the Oh *#*! group....
Hi, My name is Julie and I have a brown thumb........


...... it'll be blistered digging up all those frozen babies you're planting. come down here and help me plant and get it out of your system. Green beer is gone by now but the pear trees are fantastic! The crocus are about done. The azaleas are starting to pop and I'm behind. My neighbors have cleaned up their yards and have mowed the first mow. Weed eated the first weed! I have 5 more hydrangeas to plant and 100 seeds. Haven't cleaned everything up, haven't pulled out the weed eater to find it needs tuning up and can't remember how to start the mower. My roses are breaking out and I haven't retied the trellis. The crape myrtles need pruning and I need to clean up the Monardia bed. did I mention I have 61 succulents coming in a month that need a special lasagna bed and that every daylily I have has a healthy case of aphids! And oh yeah there's that dang veggie garden.

Be careful what you wish for....... LOL

Enid, OK

I'll come help ya Seray - I'll do the work, you point and try to keep this baby from eating anything posionous. I figure I will be getting the best end of that deal!!

Jar, you poor, poor woman - no one should be forced to join the Lori OH's - HI my name is Lori and I have a brown thumb - my friend Jar likes rocks. LOL

You gals have a great day - I have candles to make.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone I'm going to be missing in action here for a bit as I try to finish up all the Easter stuff in time for everyone. One down, one almost down and one to start.

Cold and rainy here this morning. Jar what are you wanting to plant? you are in the same zone I am and I've been sowing seeds indoors and have lettuce and radish up. Would plant potatoes but too wet.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Morning everyone! It's raining here again... And I watered the veggies last night - grrrrrr. Didn't think it was going to rain today - kinda came out of nowhere.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I thought it didn't rain in Arizona.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You and me both, Al - lol. It does rain, just very very little. Last year 3" total for the year. The last storm we got we got over 7" in about 2 days. Been a crazy crazy winter...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
Spring is here!! Yeay!! That also means change and change is fun. Butterflies change, weather changes, seeds change. Time for a change of hands in the newbie keeper of the seed. Who is next in line? Dmail me if you are is the best job in the world.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Seray, if I could get to Georgia right now I would, just to help you in the garden. But then I would miss all the Lori Club Meetings where we trade dead plants and rocks! You can come up here with us!!! but then you wouldn't get the seeds and hydrangea planted.........***quit bragging about being able to plant***

Mindy, the only thing I can plant right now are onions and peas and cold weather plants. I want to plant flower seeds and cuttings and more seeds and .......well I just want to play in the dirt! lol

Enid, What kind of candles are you making this time? I heard you make awesome scented ones.

Ok all, I have to go write some articles if I expect to get paid this week....So I will talk to you all later

(((((((BIG HUGS TO ALL))))) ****Waving Wildly to Charleen and Robin****

Booneville, AR

rrm i have a planter full of cala lily plants from all those seed last fall. when would you put them outside in a bed.nettie

OK Jar and Enid! Hydrangeas planted and aphids in heaven. I'll bring all my dead plants that didn't make it through the winter, a big bag of rocks, fossils included and we'll miracle grow the whole bunch while we watch it snow for the very last time! I'll bring some dirt for the baby and he'll have the brown thumb..... LOL

Mekos says she misses us and sent some pictures of her plants that are coming up already way before anyone elses. Here's some of the pics she shared.

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This is her CP bloom: The one from RRM

This message was edited Mar 24, 2010 1:24 AM

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and this:

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Anyone know what this one is?

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