New bees chit chat Come on in!! 03/15/2010

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

We came from here

Come on in... We came from here

Direction for free seed here

Newbies that get lost and found here

Lasagna Bed for newbies here

Jan's Seed Auction here

The high priestess and her Loyal followers Brug sprout off contest

Thumbnail by arejay59
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

OH! OH! I'm first!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Marti!! Glad you found it...You are the first one here!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

And I'm second. Hi everyone. Cold and rainy here today so I'm staying indoors. Robin those grapevine cuttings you gave me last fall one or two seem to be rooting other two might decide to root later. Those two that are rooting will make DH 6 grapevines for his collection. Next collection will be strawberry plants.

Enid, OK

Well, guess I am third. Cool and windy here again today - depressing! I am ready for warmer, sunny weather. The gray sky and low light are really getting to me. I am starting to feel like a shut in - guess when that time comes I won't do well.

Everyone have a great day - waiting on better days to come!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sunny and warming up to about 80° here today! I sure hope it gradually warms up and not like last year where it went from the 70s to the 100s in two weeks time!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I just got my seed order in from Parks.

Strawberry spinach
Tricyrtis hirta miyazake
Poppy Peony Mix
Mimulus magic blotch mix
Digitalis grandifora (yellow foxglove)
Digitalis foxy (foxglove)
Easter eggplant (hybrid)
Columbine Clementine mix

Got to get my seed pots fixed up and get to growing.

Enid, OK

Well, I just found out I won't be doing much more gardening this year. Guess we are going to hit the road for awhile - we aren't making enough money here. So - guess this will be my grand goodbye for now.

You guys grow me something good - obviously I won't get to grow anything myself.

Hope to be back soon.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)


I will miss you. Try to keep in touch somehow.

You have dmail


Big hugs to you Enid. Be safe! We'll miss you. Come back as soon as you can!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Be safe candles and check in when you can!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Be safe Enid and check in every chance you get. Be sure to check out the plants you see during your travels and take notes to share with us. Oh and don't forget the photos either.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Get in touch when you can Enid. Take your camera!!

Hancock, ME(Zone 5a)

Enid - travel safely! Have fun! Take pictures to share.

Hi - I made it over here too, am I # 4? - My envelope for the newbie seeds went into the mail today. Cool and windy here, with the sun trying to come out in the afternoon. Only 0.02 inches of rain out of the storm that soaked the southern part of Maine. Heard some places go 8.0 inches of rain!

Any advice on the best way for a newbie here to get going and learn all the features in davesgarden? Garden watchdog, I have found and used.

Last summer I had a woodpecker that liked to drink from the hummingbird feeder.

Thumbnail by ledgegardener
Pearland, TX

Hello Everyone.
Thought I would give you an update on hubby. He was supposed to go in for the heart cath on Friday but had a panic attack instead so they sent him home. Sunday, he started feeling bad, so we went to the emergency room and they admitted him to the hospital. He had the cath done yesterday morning and it turned out that there was an artery fully blocked. By the grace of God, the doctor managed to unblock it using the wire(which is a miracle in and of itself) and placed the stint. Hubby is in ICU last night/today recovering, but doing very well and should be home this afternoon.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

That's wonderful news. I'm so glad things turned out OK. You and your husband remain in my prayers. Keep us informed.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Welcome Ledgegardner! Just dive in, you won't be a Newbie long. Takes hours to surf this place but there's a ton of information here. You can find advice on just about anything green.

Good luck on your road trip Enid.

Glad Hubby is okay Sapphire, he should be good as new a few days after the stent. Physical Therapy will probably be next after some rest, but will definately make him feel better.


This message was edited Mar 16, 2010 9:14 AM

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Sapphire so glad DH is doing well already. We'll keep praying for his full recovery.

Ledge welcome to Dave's. The best way to work your way through the garden here is to start with what interests you the most and work your way down the list one at a time until you've checked out everything. We are always here to help you find something on here just ask.

Another cloudy day here but supposed to start warming up and the sun is supposed to shine later this week. I'm off to place an order for some seeds I haven't already got.

Everyone have a good day.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi All,
Not really been on for a few days but thought I had better check in today. it was really cloudy this morning when I got up but the sun is shining now and suppose to get up to 60 so that will be good for me. I can get out for a bit today.
Sapphire, Glad to hear hubby is doing ok now. hopefully that will take care of the problem.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone! Where you been flower?

Sapphire, good news! Excellent!

Welcome to the new Maine-ah, ledgegardener!! If you look at the top of the page where it has a tab called COMMUNITIES - click there and you'll see all the different forums DG has to offer. I think Al should have told you at least weeks, more like months, to see all the stuff here...

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

You're right, Kelly... I should have said hours a day, for months or so. I still haven't seen it all yet and it's been a year or so. I won't even get into watching all the forums. Okay, you could really get crazy doing this, some of the rest of us are already...just a warning.


Hi Everyone!

Glad to hear the good news about your DH Sapphire! I know both of you are relieved. We all were worrying with you.

Cedar we still have you in our prayers.

Welcome Ledge! These people are great gardeners and I found when I came here they pretty much can tell you what you want to know. DG is fun to explore though and it does take lots of time! Lycodad was just being kind! We are all crazy plantaholics! This makes us worse and we wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

Won't be long before these guys are back! Where's Mekos? She's kinda like Waldo have you noticed? LOL

Thumbnail by
Hancock, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi All -

Hmmm sounds like it will take a long time to go through the information here, and the gardening season will be starting soon! Today was beautiful - into the 50's - hard to believe it just mid March.

Sapphire - best wishes to you and your husband, hope he is home and doing well.

Lycodad in Hornell - I went to Alfred Ag Tech (has a different name now I think) and Alfred University. Used to live in Portageville. Did some clinicals at St James Mercy in Hornell.

Locakelly - I will check out the communities tab... thanks.

I saw the article about planting in straw bails - has me intrigued, since there is little if any soil here! In the picture, you can see the ledge sticking up out of the ground behind the big black beast, not a bear, just my newfoundland. The wild berry bushes grow pretty well - and hard to get rid of.

Thumbnail by ledgegardener
Cocoa, FL(Zone 9a)

Speaking of newbie seeds I need to get my envie in the mail myself. I went out and got the envelope needed just have had other things on my mind and so it totally slipped my mind to send the


Glad to hear a catastrophe was avoided and that your hubby is resting comfortably. Hope he has a speedy recovery and that he's back on his feet and up to his normal self in no time :)

This message was edited Mar 16, 2010 8:16 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

ledge - love the rocks and the bear - lol. One thing I miss about Maine is the rocks and that things are actually green.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Enid, don't be gone too long. I love knowing you.
Welcome everyone new. I bet you think I'm new too. NOT!! ☺ Love the big Bear dog, all I got is a big red mule but he sure is a winner.
Spring is not too far away Seray. Hang in there girl. Blessing for the husband, Sapphire.
Hugs and nuzzles to everyone from me and the Longear Tribe.

Booneville, AR

enid just where do you think you are going do you have a lap top puter i sure wish you did that way we could still talk to you i will think about you often, and wonder where you are take care of yourself and your family love and hugs be safe, little nett[e

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

RRM - bet Charlie and the longears are so ready for spring!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Love the picture Ledge, I have a bit of ledge myself down here at the other end of the state...Good Morning everyone.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are always ready for the grass to sprout. Have to keep them in hay to keep them out of mischief. All my Fig bushes are in very sorry shape. I believe they think they are goats.
Look at this picture very closely. This is fig bush Stubs. Look back at that old trailer, those donkeys are chewing the wood and I can't stop them. They are always into something. There is Charley coming toward me, he is always ready for a pet or cookies.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone, took me forever to find you all again.
The crocus are blooming here. I did a drive by on my flower beds....oregano is coming back. Mint is on the rise, of course. Artemesia silver mound is coming up. Lilacs are budding. irises and lilies are sprouting too. But lucky me, the puppies decided to chew on them...guess they loved the tender shoots! yay! NOT!
My daughter ordered me Mike McGroarty's backyard growing system...and it came in today. I have wanted that system for 7 years but never had the money to order it. Did I mention she is my FAVORITE daughter right now! LOL
All the chicks are now I have 121 peeps in my brooders....They are just too cute and everyone wants to cuddle them. Wonder if they will feel the same when the chicks are older? Lots of peeping,pooping, and pecking going on right now but it will be worth it.
Ok, I am going back is too nice to be in the house!

love you all

ps(enid did you get my dmail?)


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Jar I got it too!! Well not the full version but the smaller one. I cant wait to see how you come along with your chickens too!! Flower bed drive by...I like that that is pretty much what I did this morning. I see some Hydrangea's tempting the cool air and some daffodils breaking through, my irises look like they did not even see the winter,Lilacs are budding, my herb bed is looking promising, I think most everything made it. I am a little apprehensive about the Peonies I got from the co-op last year. They are not doing anything yet, maybe I am rushing it. I love Mike McGroaty , I just pulled it back out see if the refereser would do something wonderful to my yard this year!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone. Jar good to see you pop in. Robin I think it's a bit too early for the peonies I'll check mine and see what they are doing and let you know for sure. Mine don't bloom until May so I think they will just be getting started here.

Booneville, AR

robin my tree peonie has buds but these are lear duds way to early to think about blooms, i can hardley control myself my oak leaf hydragnea also has leaf buds they aare native to arkansas pretty trees large white blooms and pretty fall folage it was a gift from a friend. we need all yhe friends we can make. i love people so never meat a strainger if you know what i mean. my mother said that came from being a army brat. she said that not me i think it is because i like people i paid for my daylilis i know that will make you prowd of me. thought i better be fore i forgot what i was doing. thats kinda how my mind works, littlenettie

Pearland, TX

Hi All. Dh is home and getting tired of being cooped up in the house, but getting stronger every day. Little guy is coming home from Grandma's tonight, so it is going to be crazy at my house soon. :) Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. We've been incredibly blessed.
Been sneaking out into the garden to see what has sprouted. Looks like it might be a pretty good year for the veggies. I think Saturday's big activity is going to be parking Dh in a comfy lawn chair so that he can supervise the corn planting. I promised him I'd do it after his surgery and the danger of frost was over. Guess I have to make good on it now. Never been so glad to do something.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Loca and Seray, Mekos wanted me to tell you Hello an she is going to come back when things get straightened out.
Her CP plant is booming. Ain't that great??
Don't let DH do too much. Prayers for him to be better.
Lots of things are budding up now Nettie.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone beautiful day here so I sowed some more seeds. Tomorrow another nice day so more seed sowing on schedule.
I have butterfly weed up the orange and Hellow Yellow ones. When would it be safe to put those outside in the butterfly bed? First time I've grown those though I have the orange ones growing wild in a field near the house

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know those are beautiful and very hard to transplant because of the taproot.
Love butterfly weeds.

Enid, OK

Hey guys, did you miss me? I was gone a whole what, three or four days? That wasn't even worth packing for! We are home and hopefully, won't be leaving again this year. We no more than got to the Kansas line (only an hour from the house) and the company we have been working for called - wanted us back. They raised the rates so maybe we won't starve to death after all. I am so glad to be back, I was really worried I was going to miss crappie season. You only get to catch crappie for a few weeks and it is over - shoo, I will have fish in the freezer after all!

I appreciate all of the well wishes and addresses! You are the best group of folks - I was going to write to each of you - but here I am, in "person". Look out all - I'm back!!

Enid, OK

Oh, and since I am back - can I beg?? Does anyone have rhubarb? I would sure like to start some but haven't found it locally.

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