ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #173 Countdown to Spring!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

So something good came out of it!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Chele, good heavens! Glad you found that out about the recall. Cool about meeting Ric and DH at the neighborhood pub..

For those of you thinking about making your own grow bags, here's a picture of Linda's growbag with potatoes and you can see where it is rolled down at the top. She's not using straw, though.

I'm headed back out. Trying to fill in my tire tracks from when I got stuck this winter. :(

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey look what I found today. They were almost all bloomed out in this bunch. These are the first bloomed for me this year. The old fashioned kind maybe the species???

Thumbnail by Indygardengal
Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Look what I found..Hopefully spring has sprung...
My daffs hasn't made blooms yet...


Thumbnail by lilyhostaky
Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by lilyhostaky
Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Beautiful! It's always a pleasant surprise to see the early spring flowers bloom.

i remember about 12 yrs ago ? i was watching the news and they were talking of a home with a bomb in it . Well as i was watching i noticed that house looks very familiar ? ! and it was my best friends next door neighbor who had the bomb in his house ! yikes ! that was crazy !
well my busy day just didn't go right today
the chicken coop and i are no longer friends. I stared it down today........... it won. I retreated.
but the good news for the day i finely got kids new lunch saks LOL and light bulbs. I just can't reach the lights in my kids room . i have to drag up a ladder *uhg* 2 flights of stairs . i think i m going to buy a ladder and keep it upstairs .

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Use the new style bulbs. The curly ones. They last forever & don't use much electricity.
I chicken coop needs a friend, so come on over!
Get that high chair replaced immediately! It was on news tonight to. Da**&% Chinese can't build anything well.
A person called me about a desk. They sent a picture from Office Max. I knew I didn't have a chance of meeting the price. The line that sold them was "It will last your lifetime."
He called me & asked if I could make the back so if they were to use it in a different location it would look finished. I said of course & didn't change the price. So he ordered a desk!
I finally got to work outside today. 60º & ground isn't as muddy. Trimmed a few trees & took down the winter wall on the frront of our pole shed. It came in handy this winter with all the snow.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Pretty..pretty...pretty flowers Indygardengal...and Pauletta!
Bernie...glad you finally managed to get to work outside! Finally..after the third day...I'm not so worn out tonight! We've been getting a lot accomplished...but plenty more to do too!
Chele...glad you heard about the recall on the high chair!
Well...if I can copy and paste...I will share an interesting email I received tonight. Haven't tried it yet...but probably will! Here you go!

A friend sent this to me….
Spring & summer are just around the corner. This experiment is inexpensive and worth a try.

ZIP LOCK BAG - Good tip!
We went with friends to Sweety Pies on Sunday for breakfast and sat in the
patio section beside the house. We happened to notice zip lock baggies
pinned to a post and a wall. The bags were half filled with water, each
contained 4 pennies, and they were zipped shut. Naturally we were curious! Ms.
Sweety told us that these baggies kept the flies away! So naturally we were
even more curious! We actually watched some flies come in the open window,
stand around on the window sill, and then fly out again. And there were no
flies in the eating area! This morning I checked this out on Google. Below
are comments on this fly control idea. I'm now a believer!

Zip-lock water bags

Ann Says:
I tried the ziplock bag and pennies this weekend.. I have a horsetrailer.
The flies were bad while I was camping. I put the baggie with pennies above
the door of the LQ. NOT ONE FLY came in the trailer. The horse trailer part
had many. Not sure why it works but it does!

Danielle Martin Says:
Fill a ziplock bag with water and 5 or 6 pennies and hang it in the problem
area. In my case it was a particular window in my home. It had a slight
passage way for insects. Every since I have done that, it has kept flies and
wasps away. Some say that wasps and flies mistake the bag for some other
insect nest and are threatened.

Maggie Says:
I swear by the plastic bag of water trick. I have them on porch and
basement. We saw these in Northeast Mo.at an Amish grocery store & have used them
since. They say it works because a fly sees a reflection & won't come around.

DJ Says:
Regarding the science behind zip log bags of water? My research found that
the millions of molecules of water presents its own prism effect and given
that flies have a lot of eyes, to them it's like a zillion disco balls
reflecting light, colours and movement in a dizzying manner. When you figure that
flies are prey for many other bugs, animals, birds, etc., they simply won't
take the risk of being around that much perceived action. I moved to a rural
area and thought these "hillbillies" were just yanking my city boy chain but
I tried it and it worked immediately! We went from hundreds of flies to
seeing the occasional one, but he didn't hang around long.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Marcy, it does work. I put up about 50 of them at the KYRU around the area for the group meal the year I went. It's the prismatic effect. I've never seen them with pennies, though. Can't imagine what they do unless it's a miniscule electrical charge to the water that somehow changes its appearance to the flies.

hmm i may try that in the green house /cold frame . If i ever get a door on that stupid thing.
Chelle what is wrong with all this recall stuff on baby products ? i mean don't they test these things ? good grief. So glad you found it out. I never had a car seat when i was a child but today seems all car seats are being recalled ? isn't there a country song about that ? Buckey ? something
well i m off to bed.
i said this hrs ago but its official i m off to bed
good night sleep well

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Those blooms sure are pretty. I've been watching some daffs down by the creek. They are covered with buds but none are open yet. I did notice some small yellow wild flowers down by the creek also. Was meaning to take some pics today but I got too busy.

Glad you found out about the recall on the chair. You can't trust anything these days. Enough to make you want to scour thrift stores for one of the old, wooden ones.

What is the problem with the GH door? Do you have to make one? I went to TSC to price the cattle panels to make a hoop house like yours and the panels were $33 each. Sure went up. I'm still gonna do at least a chicken house from them. I wanted to do a goat house and a pony stall too.

Great day here today. Got lots done. Cut a clothesline pole. Hung 2 loads of laundry out. Got all the regular work done. I also sat on the hill for about 45 minutes and let the goats run in their lot. The fence is not charged so I couldn't just leave them out. They had a great time. I WS a tray of eggplants. I put the trays of tomato and broccoli seedlings out to enjoy the sun. Put them back when the afternoon sun was gone. Threw the chickens a few bucketfuls of leaf litter to scratch around in. Watered my raspberry canes I planted a few days ago. I also planted 2 new raspberry canes a friend sent to me by DH. Somebody gave them to my friend ( they had been dug up from the person's yard ) and my friend gave them to me. DH said they were plain domestic raspberries. LOL I'll have to see if I can get some more info on them tomorrow. I cleaned the brooder box for the five chicks. They are growing like weeds. And my best news, I picked up 12 eggs from my 14 hens!!!! Best egg day yet. I love my girls! Right now I have a chicken baking in my microwave chicken baker my Mom gave me. So, after supper and a shower I'm off to bed. Unless I decide to hang another load of clothes tonight. We'll see. Good night!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sooo Darius....you just used plain water in the bags or what? I wondered what the pennies did too?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

My daily check in. Felt miserable today, someone came to visit and brought me their cold, and it is a full blown one, sore throat, coughing and sniffling.

My nephrologist appointment is tomorrow, so hoping for some good news there.

Sorry about not speaking to anybody, just too worn out, and I am heading to bed.

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow the things you miss when you hang out in the garden!

Glad no one was hurt in the accident.
Chele, I agree, glad to know you prevented an accident with the high chair
Sue, it's nothing a hammer and some nails won't fix.. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! lol
Defoecat....you take care of yourself....we all understand

Night all

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Caj, I priced cattle panels 2 days ago at Southern States here in Marion. They have 400+ of them, on sale for $18.99 until they run out.

Marcy, yes just water. The cheapy sandwich bags are very clear and work just fine tied with string and suspended.

Gotta run... I have to pick up a Helper to do some garden work!

wow hard to believe that cattle panes went up that much ? are you sure they quoted you the right price for the right panel ? and what size ?
welp i m off and running but a quiet day today
renting the movie Precious and laying low.
busy weekend ahead.
yes i have to concoct a door for the chicken coop #2 to make a GH/ cold frame.
need to get it ready for plants and inspection.
hopeing to get the stinky chicken smell out.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)


Had a beautiful day yesterday (70* and sunny), so was able to spend the entire day out. I filled in my tire tracks from when I got the van stuck over the winter. I also moved 3 Forsythia bushes away from the side of the garden pond. Still have a Butterfly Bush to move today. I just didn't think about how big they would grow when I planted them 2 years ago. But now I'll have lots of space to plant some of these flowers that I'm wintersowing.

The water baggies also help deter wasps? We don't have much trouble with flies, but sure do with the wasps.

Cajun, you did have a wonderful day! Nice to have after the winter you had, eh?

Bonnie, so sorry to hear about the cold-sharing. That was the last thing you needed.

Hope everyone has a beautiful day to enjoy!

Waddy, KY

Those panels down here were listed at either Southern States or TSC for $20 just recently. That's a pretty big difference there.

Hopefully the potatoes will go in the ground here in just a bit. I managed to find some flats of cabbage and broccoli yesterday. Unfortunately they're a bit tender from not being out of the greenhouse but I'll just have to hope for the best because they need to go in the ground

Later folks. That is if I'm still standing by the end of the day.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I only have one hand at the moment so I'll come back later...

Just want to tell Sue to throw some lime on the chicken poo after cleaning up as much as possible. It will neutralize the smell.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Just a thought, Sue, could you maybe scrape with a hoe or back side of rake to pull some of the top soil/chicken manure mix out to add to a new compost pile, before using the lime?

thanks Chelle i will try that. i think i got some in the basement ?
msrobin i did rake up as much as i could with a rake
yes its going in the compost pile .
well i m taking a break wih some coffee
cleaned the house
got things organized
feels good
slow day and i m needing it .
2 hrs until kids come home ..... may take a nap ?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Well, the Butterfly Bush about got the best of me, but it's dug up, moved and replanted, and I'm done for!. Took almost 4 hours. Think that's enough hard labor for the day.

for wasp on the water bags . would i put them outside ? or inside ?
we get them all the time. sometimes as many as 8 a day ! i kill
find them all over the place in this home .

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue, while I'm still thinking about it, do you still want Jerusalem artichokes? I'm going to be ripping a bunch out.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I love hearing that there is something for flies..... OH MY wonderful, I'm going to do some bags for my collies. There are flies all the time and on my oldest collie (Sarah she will be 13 next month) sometimes they get on her but.... and man if I'm not checking her each day, then before you know it the magets are on her.....what a mess to clean up. too bad I can't tie one to her butt....what a sight that would be...LOL

I'm going to get my potato bags ready this weekend, but it will be a while before i can plant. Weather is calling for snow showers on Monday, not really suppose to have much accumulation to it.... thank goodness, I'm sick of snow...!

WOW what a car wreck..... glad no one was hurt.

Baby chair recall, guess I better check that out as well, we just gave a highchair to DIL for our new granddaughter, she is 6 weeks old now....


no thanks Chelle i m good on the arty's . Thanks anyway.
its a bummer on the snow , just be glad your not in N.Dakota ! yikes .

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey Chele, I want them!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Oh Lawdy Mercie... I won't be able to walk tomorrow, and in fact can barely do so now! But, I got spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage seedlings in the ground, and 2 rows of peas along the trellis. Man, the weeds and grass filled in fast! Didn't get the spinach seeds planted. My back gave out. Sigh.

Re-did the wire supports for one row of raspberries, and dug most of their runners from one pathway; helped Chris mix soil plus amendments (and sulfur) to fill in the holes he dug for 4 blueberry bushes. Should be able to plant them in about 2 months although 4 months would be better.

I have about one more half-day's money to pay Chris to help; need to get the sugar maple planted and the root cellar cleaned of mud and debris from the waterline break; do the other raspberry bed, and move the raspberries from the house walkway planting area, and half a day's work won't cut it.

We had frost this morning even though the forecast low was 39º, and it's 35º for tonight.

Off to rest my back and feet...

Columbus, OH

Meadowyck, you can use Pet Guard gel on the hair coat, it will help repel flies and is fairly safe for geriatric pets :) I use it on my sheltie/mutley dog's ear tips, used to use it on my father's grumpy old mare, too.

darius you get some rest. you had a busy day ! my gosh.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have worked oiutside every day this week..trying to beat the rain...and the snow... and the weeds! My ornamental grasses are all taken care of as are some of the weeds, uprighting heaved tags, mapping beds, etc. Man! I've missed playing outside!

Darius, how many rhizomes can you use? I can mail them to you when the markers get here. Do you need any of the old fashioned grape scented iris?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Chele, pass on the iris, no space or time this year, but Thanks! Don't know how many JA rhizomes... no one will eat them but me. So whatever you think. I planted maybe 7-9 when I first moved here, but they didn't do squat.

Yes, it felt good to play outside here, too.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Can't believe the JA's didn't do well the Darius.
We planted about a pound years ago. Harvest 15 pounds or more each year since.
I wish they kept longer!
Thanks again for the advice this morning!!!!

Got a new valve cover gasket put on this evening.
Our friend dropped in and did the deed in about 20 minutes.

Off to Dayton tomorrow for Dad's 91st Birthday Party.

Here's where we are so far on the Shed.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I went to TSC and rechecked the price on those panels. The tag said Panel Comb. It was 52" x 16' and the price was $32.99. There was one called a Goat Panel that was $45. I went to their website and all they say is to check at my local store. GRRR There was nothing else that looked like cattle panels at the TSC I went to.

But the trip was not a total loss. DH bought me 2 blueberry bushes. I'll plant them tomorrow. Do any of you have blueberries? What kind of conditions do they like best?

They had chicks and ducks too. They were sold out of ducks. But they had a small box inside the duck tub that had a few little chicks that didn't seem to be doing well. A lady picked one up and told her husband, "You need to buy me one of these ducks". LOL Poor thing. My DH told her they were chicks. She said, "I thought ducks had webbed feet." I guess the whole bill thing was beyond her. We did come home with 6 chicks. Didn't really need them. I already had 5 chicks in the brooder and 2 dozen eggs in the bator but they had black sexlinks. I have wanted them for ages. That's what my Mom has. They had straight run but luckily with sexlinks you can tell the roos from the pullets when they hatch. They only had 4 pullets left and you had to buy six chicks so we got 2 Red Comets too. I hope they are pullets. I set up a second brooder and will have to have a third one in a week or so. My living room will be chick central. LOL

Robin, do you think the butterflies will like the relocation of their bush? :) Sounds like a job. Amazing how well established some bushes get in a short time.

I'm gonna try those water bags. That will be great for camping. Wonder if it would work in the barn? We spend a small fortune on fly spray.

Sue, glad you finally had an easy day. You were due.

Darius, Sounds like you had a very productive day. Good you had help. Don't wear yourself out too soon. Lot's of Spring left. LOL

Badseed, I know exactly how you feel. I cannot believe how much I have enjoyed being in the yard the last couple of days. Last night I was out until after dark. Just didn't want it to end. I knew the winter had taken a toll on me but I didn't realize how bad it was. So glad it is almost over. But I know I have to resist the urge to get my garden out too soon. There is still a bit of cold coming I'm sure.

Jan, I am seriously considering putting my potatoes in those empty feed bags too. What kind of conditions do they need?

Janet, Does Southern States have a web site? I don't recall seeing a store of that type over this way. Maybe they have a locator on their website. I need to find another source for those panels.

Have a good night everybody.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, Enjoy the party. 91 Wow!!! I bet he could tell some stories.

What are JAs used for? I've seen them in the grocery.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening, I am living vicariously through all of you who are able to get out and work in your yards and gardens. DH planted some broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower today. So they join the peas and onions. Oh, he did sow some beet seeds, I sure hope that it is not too early for them. When he gets started in the garden, he just throws caution to the wind and plants!!

Chele, I noticed in a garden walk the other day that most of my daylily tags have heaved and fallen over. Must get them re situated before some dogs finds them and treats them like toys and carries them off!! Chele, do I need to send you money, and if so, how much?

Ric, gosh, enjoy your day with your DD. 91 is not a record, but I am sure that it is above average.

I am going to pass the fly info along to my DBIL. He has a huge horse barn, and is constantly fighting flies. He will probably laugh at me, but hope he gives it a try.

Celene, is Pet Guard gel a vet product? DH has an older dog that is bothered by the flies and gnats, and he might want to look at using it for that one dog.

I had my nephrologist appointment today, and all the physical signs look good, BP is back to normal, but had to go to the hospital and have blood drawn, so won't know about the results from that until the first of the week. I have another follow up appointment in 3 weeks, so if everything continues to be good, I am sure that I will be released. Now, if I could get to feeling better from this dang cold that I have picked up, I think I could be well on my way to recovery!! I am thinking about getting some of those masks that cover your nose and mouth, and wearing them when I am around anybody else. Sure don't need to catch anything else.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sue, I can't tell you about the wasps? I was just sent that email...and have never tried it for either flies or wasps? Darius said it works for flies though!
Do you know where the wasps get in? If so...I would put the bag outside to see if it would prevent them from entering. They have wasp traps at Wally..just saw them today...but didn't really pay attention to them.
Me too Chele! Been working outside every day this past week. I was on my knees all afternoon today...and yes..I can tell it! I did have my knee pads on..and my padded kneeling bench. They are still sore...lol. But I got a lot done! Sure glad Dave cut those grasses last fall...LOL!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Jerusalem Artichokes are also called Indian Potatos, Sunchokes, etc
The 'native' plant you see growing wild all over the country.
Helianthus tuberosus http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1859/
Basically you eat them like you would a potato. But you can put them raw, sliced thin, in salads.
If you do plant them in your garden contain them!
Just get a pound of chokes in the produce section. Plant them about 6" deep and stand back.
We grow ours in 30 gallon pots. More for the flowers than the chokes.
But they do indeed taste great!
Let the first frost get them and then just pull them out of the ground as needed.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

The Butterfly Bush is now residing happily (hopefully) in it's new location. I just moved it back about 10 feet, so no problem with the butterflies and hummingbirds finding it. Only took me 4 hours and I didn't hurt myself, so all is well.

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