MA Comfort Food

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Mother's Day is a good reason for the guys to cook! Josh is grilling NY strips and doing a cheese tray. I steamed 4# of shrimp and made 4-5#s of potato salad last night. I still have to put my veggie tray together, so I'm gone.
Happy Mother's Day! Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Haven't acheived that level yet. LOL
I'm supervising filet under the broiler, baked potatos and a veg


We made up about a hundred dippers out of Sunfish fillets. Each was just a big bite beer batter and all. We are permitted to catch fifty per trip out. We just skin them, fillet them and freeze them for a day when we all get together. Possession limit is three day's catch. Dip them and toss them on the grill. Yum Yum. Betty tossed up a salad and that was our weekend feed.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I went to a party last night and contributed two appetizers. One was a pound of spiced walnuts, great recipe that I found online. I'll look it up and try to post it later. The other was a new recipe that I tried for a walnut, parsley pesto. It was served with french bread slices and some cream cheese. It was delicious, but it took the harvest of my entire 5 Hugh parsley plants.

Making Cod tonight steamed with onions and tomatoes with some of the pesto in foil packets. Serving it with leftover Spelt and summer squash with peppers and onions and some broccoli. Chocolate dipped strawberries for a treat.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I went to my Daughter's and her Husband's place Saturday for a Cook--Out....

I brought a lovely Tomato/Shrimp Bisque soup and extra Jumbo shrimp that got wrapped in bacon and grilled.
The "SOUP" was amazing!!! I just cut out the recipe from the paper this week. Will post it for you all soon!
SOOOO easy! SOOO good!

Mark grilled chicken and steak bits and grilled veggies. it was all great!!!! Drank a lot of wine--of course!
It was so windy--we had to eat inside,,,,,Kind of ruined the idea of a "Cook Out".....:o((

I worked today at HD.....Spent (again) all 8 hours watering everything in Outside garden--as these crazy winds just sucked all and any moisture out of the fluffy mix all the smaller pots are filled with.
I watered and watered--instead of having my table set-up. Everything was so dry!!!!!
This sure does a number on my knees and back....standing up all those hours!
Would not have helped to set up my table-----The winds would have blown everything off of it in 5 minutes!

Off tomorrow--back to work (on the Phones) Tuesday and then back to watering the garden 7AM-11AM on Wednesday. UGH!

I still love gardening!!!!!!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, If it wasn't for you and your attention to details they would probably have lost a lot of plants. Someone else would have given them a quick spray and be done with it.
We thin sliced a beef roast and cooked it in the crockpot with sliced onion, and home made gravy. Served with mash potatoes and beets. The meat was very tender. I had seconds which is good, as I have been eating like a bird, little but often.
Doc, those sunfish are fun to catch, they kept my daughter interested fishing for a long time when she was little, but it was catch and release. My boss goes fishing for Lake Erie Perch and puts on a fish fry for all of us. We each bring a dish, it is a great feed. Lots of good food and friends.


Lake Erie Perch are huge compaired to our smaller lake Perch. Some feel they are the best eating fish that swim anywhere.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

we have a neighbor who is the executive chef at donald trump's golf course in central jersey. i love supplying his wife with plants and baby sit when sh has an emergency. since i broke my wrist last week, he has sent "meals on wheels" each night. so far we have received:

chateau briand (individually crusted)
squash flowers stuffed with crabmeat then sauteed
glazed pork chops
roasted lamb
grand marnier shrimp

and all the side dishes and desserts to go with the meals.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wow. great return on giving away plants!


You represent freedom to the lady. She would die for a bit of your lifestyle. Nice report.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Good for you, Teri!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Terri,You go girl, enjoy! Do you think he'd feed the swap if we all brought plant for them? LOL Tonight we''ll probably have home fries, sausage, and fresh asparagus. Ric

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

just got in from my eval at the orto/trauma doc's. i go in monday to get the arm pulled out again, mess pinned, dusted with cadaver bone, lifted here, lowered there, and a whole bunch of stuff that could go right...or maybe not. at least they give the positive scenario first. i have so much to do before i go in, that i will get right to it without the fear of screwing it up, since it whatever is messed up by monday, will be all patched up at that time.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wow. It sounds like you might be in need of some more comfort food after that Monday visit. Stock up on chocolate and a good novel. ( Water for Elephants, or Light on Snow, or The Pilot's Wife, Accidental Tourist....)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Teri, sounds like you did a bang-up job on that wrist, I bow to the queen. But seriously you take care, time for some babying, but then it looks like you are off to a good start. Gourmet dinning heals you fast.
Doc, it seems that the LE perch are getting bigger every year. Just one will fill up a nice size sandwich.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

thanks sally, i'll look for those books tomorrow!!


My brother in law and I looked into a major lake Erie fishing trip. Then I got the Pneumonia. Thank goodness we were not officially all set up. One of the local guides lives in our area. He runs back and forth but stays in or near Erie early spring to late fall. He gave our down money back looking to have us return when I get well.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, so sorry to hear you are not well. That Pnuemonia really got around this year, at least in PA. Teri sounds like you will need some TLC next week.

My uncles cooks the Zucchini flowers by stuffing them with a ricotta and spinach mixture. He dips them in a batter of beaten egg, parmesean cheese, chopped basil, garlic, salt & pepper with a squeeze of juice from one lemon wedge. Then he fries them in an olive oil blend. They are delicious.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Doc,I really hope you get a chance to Lake Erie Perch fish, They are Good Eats, get your limit and freeze them in bags of water after they are cleaned good. You can feast on they anytime you want. I think you are allowed 30 fish per day.


I have in years past spent several weeks a year in the Erie, Pa waters. My evenings were spent fishing sometimes with an evening charter service. We performed major boiler maintenance for the Erie Hospital and other area smoke stack businesses. I was the salesman and company service person part time on all large jobs. That was twenty five years ago. My how time flys.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Stormy, I've had squash flower pancakes, they were tasty. Freezing whole cleaned fish in water does protect them.

I made a ginger and curry lamb stir fry for supper over brown rice, Holly thought it was a little over the top, too spiced. I loved it. Oh well, more left overs for me! LOL Ric

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Doc! Thinking of your and hoping you are feeling better! Hope you still get to take your fishing trip!


Thank you................With a little luck all the illness issues are about all cleared up. I am simply using the medicine to the end of the prescription. Neither Pneumonia nor Gout needs to be given any chance to bounce back. This has been a series I vote to eliminate in the future if at all possible.

I am back in the gym working out very modestly. It will take awhile to rebuild the body condition I have lost over the past two months or so. We have been able to see the grandson's ballgames or parts there of when the weather cooperates.
Next we must get me changed into a prevent Gout eating habit including modest weight loss.

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